1、我专业SCI相关期刊,1、MEASUREMENTSCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY,评论:,审稿速度还是很快的。这回投稿,时间主要浪费在找审稿人和二审上了。一个有意思的地方是,online版本的文章中的参考文献大多加上了超链接,读者可以直接点击打开与该文献相关的网页。这个技术叫做IOP HyperCite,其实就是利用文献的DOI号。这样对读者是一个方便。很久前投过,测量领域的老牌期刊。审稿人负责,比较看中有无创新点,所提问题也比较到位。今年IF超过RSI了。总体来说是一本不错的期刊,另外IOP的出版质量也比较高。在MST上发过两篇论文,一篇是测量模型的,一篇是算法的。审稿速度都挺快,一般
3、作量。此期刊在measurement方面是比较好的刊物。,2、MEASUREMENT (SCI,4区,UK),杂志简介/稿件收录要求,Contributions are invited on all aspects of the research, development and application of the science and technology of measurement. They may include results of research or experimental work, or may deal with practical developments re
4、lated to plant or process. Topics covered include: General principles; Data acquisition; Signal transmission; Processing and evaluation; Data output; Systems aspects; Specific applications of measurement and instrumentation; Specific instruments and measurement systems; Design and manufacture of ins
5、truments.,涵盖的主题包括: 一般原则 ;数据采集 ;信号传输 ;处理和评价 ;数据输出 ;系统方面的问题 ;特定应用程序的测量与仪器 ;特定的仪器及测量系统 ;设计和制造的仪器。,3、ReviewofScientificInstruments(SCI,3区,USA),杂志简介/稿件收录要求,Review of Scientific Instruments (RSI) is a monthly journal, published by The American Institute of Physics, devoted to scientific instruments, appar
6、atus, and techniques. Its contents include original and review articles on instruments in physics, chemistry, and the life sciences; book reviews; and sections on new instruments and new materials. One volume is published annually. Conferenceproceedings are occasionally published and supplied in add
7、ition to the Journals scheduled monthly issues. Editorial policy is to interpret the term scientific instruments in the widest sense, as all of the tools of the scientist. We publish information on instruments, apparatus, techniques of experimental measurement, and related mathematical analysis. Sin
8、ce the use of instruments is not confined to the physical sciences, we welcome contributions from any of the physical and biological sciences and from related cross-disciplinary areas of science and technology.,发表美国物理学会致力于科学仪器、 设备和技术,其内容包括物理、 化学和生命科学领域原创性和评论性的论文 ;以及发表新仪器和新材料方面的书评或章节。,4、IEEE Transact
9、ion on Instrumentation & Measurement (SCI,3区USA),评论,之前投了一篇会议,然后将会议进行扩展,投到该期刊上。2011年11月初提交初稿,2012年1月下旬给初审意见,2月上旬大修返回,到5月中旬给二审修改,6月1号小修返回,6月4号收到录用邮件。总的来说,审稿非常地严格,审稿人的意见很到位。认真按照意见修改的话,对论文质量提高很多。另外,感觉该期刊侧重于应用和实验结果。IEEE TRANS系列之一, 影响因子不高,但是期刊还是非常权威的,录用比较困难,审稿人非常认真,侧重创新和应用。初审3个月,复审一个月不到录用,速度还是比较快的。鼓励有创新和好
10、的实验结果的可以尝试。在此次录用前也投过一片,是审稿结果是拒绝重提交,以为已经据稿,没有修改,太可惜。很幸运,这次录用了。初审很快,一个多月就出结果了,感觉要求比较高,尤其是语言方面。2010年发表过一篇,从投稿到录用一年多一点的时间,虽然影响因子不高,但是作为IEEE TRANS系列的一员,审稿还是非常的严厉的。该杂志比较侧重于应用和具体实验效果。,国内A类期刊,检测技术与自动化装置模式识别与智能系统,CSCD数据库杂志(B类),164 传感技术学报1004-1699 C165 传感器与微系统1000-9787 C221 电工电能新技术1003-3076 E222 电工技术学报1000-67
11、53 C223 电化学1006-3471 C224 电机与控制学报1007-449X E225 电力电子技术1000-100X E226 电力系统及其自动化学报1003-8930 E228 电力自动化设备1006-6047 E,229 电路与系统学报1007-0249 C230 电网技术1000-3673 C231 电源技术1002-087X C232 电子测量与仪器学报1000-7105 E233 电子科技大学学报1001-0548 C234 电子显微学报1000-6281 C235 电子学报0372-2112 C236 电子与信息学报1009-5896 C237 电子元件与材料1001-2
12、028 E,444 计算机测量与控制1671-4598 E445 计算机仿真1006-9348 E446 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报1003-9775 C447 计算机工程1000-3428 C448 计算机工程与科学1007-130X C449 计算机工程与设计1000-7024 E450 计算机工程与应用1002-8331 C451 计算机集成制造系统1006-5911 C452 计算机科学1002-137X C453 计算机科学与探索1673-9418 E454 计算机学报0254-4164 C455 计算机研究与发展1000-1239 C456 计算机应用1001-9081 C457
13、计算机应用研究1001-3695 C458 计算机应用与软件1000-386X E,781 信号处理1003-0530 C807 仪表技术与传感器1002-1841 E,中国控制会议(CCC),CCC 2013 : 32nd Chinese Control Conference Link: http:/ WhenJul 26, 2013 - Jul 28, 2013 WhereXian, ChinaSubmission Deadline:Dec 15, 2012 Notification DueApr 1, 2013 Final Version DueApr 30, 2013 Categori
14、es control systemsCall For PapersThe Chinese Control Conference (CCC) is an annual international conference initiated by the Technical Committee on Control Theory (TCCT), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). It provides a forum for scientists and engineers over the world to present their new the
15、oretical results and techniques in the field of systems and control. The conference consists of plenary talks, panel discussions, invited sessions, pre-conference workshops, oral sessions and poster sessions etc. for academic exchanges. The conference proceedings have been selected for coverage in I
16、STP (Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings) since 2005, included in the IEEE CPP (Conference Publications Program) since 2006, and cited by EI since 2006. 网址:http:/ 32nd CCC is organized by TCCT of CAA and the Systems Engineering Society of China, locally organized by the Northwestern Polyte
17、chnical University, and will be held in Xian, a world-famous and ancient capital city of China, on July 26-28, 2013. Taking this opportunity, we sincerely welcome our colleagues worldwide to join us for this conference.,Topics of interests are in the broad areas of systems and control, including but
18、 not limited to:,System Theory and Control Theory S22 Control Design Nonlinear Systems and Control S23 Intelligent Robot Complexity and Complex System Theory S24 Fault Diagnosis and Reliable Control Distributed Parameter Systems S25 Communication Network Systems Stability and Stabilization S26 Compu
19、ter Control Systems Stochastic Systems S27 Networked Control Systems System Modeling and Identification S28 Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Control Hybrid Systems and DEDS S29 Sensor Networks Optimal Control S30 New Energy Technology and Control in Energy and Environment Optimization and Schedul
20、ing S31 Automobile Electronics Robust Control S32 Data Driven Modeling and Control Adaptive Control and Learning Control S33 Quantum Control and Information Variable Structure Control S34 GA and Evolutionary Computing Neural Networks S35 CIMS and Manufacturing Systems Fuzzy System and Fuzzy Control
21、S36 Transportation Systems Pattern Recognition S37 Systems Biology Predictive Control S38 Economy, Finance, Population and Military Systems Motion Control S39 Industrial Systems Signal Processing and Information fusion S40 Systems Engineering Theory and Method Compressed Sampling S41 System Simulati
22、on, Integration and Evaluation Navigation and Guidance S42 Control in Intelligent Power Network,学校联系的专利代理机构名单,上海申汇专利代理有限公司专利代理人吴宝根电话:64759042 手机:13901728705Mail: 收费标准:发明专利代理费:3000元 实审费:750元 申请费 320元实用新型代理费:800元 申请费:150元外观设计代理费:300元 申请费:150元,上海东创知识产权代理有限公司 专利代理人:宁芝华电话:65389486 手机:13524120929Mail: 收费标准:发明专利代理费:3000元 实审费:750元 申请费 320元实用新型代理费:800元 申请费:150元外观设计代理费:300元 申请费:150元,