1、 1994 年关税与贸易总协定(英文版)GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 19941. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (“GATT 1994“) shall consist of:(a) the provisions in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, dated 30 October 1947, annexed to the Final Act Adopted at the Conclusion of the Second S
2、ession of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment (excluding the Protocol of Provisional Application), as rectified, amended or modified by the terms of legal instruments which have entered into force before the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement
3、;(b) the provisions of the legal instruments set forth below that have entered into force under the GATT 1947 before the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement: (i) protocols and certifications relating to tariff concessions; (ii) protocols of accession (excluding the provisions (a) concernin
4、g provisional application and withdrawal of provisional application and (b) providing that Part II of GATT 1947 shall be applied provisionally to the fullest extent not inconsistent with legislation existing on the date of the Protocol); (iii) decisions on waivers granted under Article XXV of GATT 1
5、947 and still in force on the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement ;(iv) other decisions of the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT 1947;(c) the Understandings set forth below: (i) Understanding on the Interpretation of Article II:1(b) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994;(ii) Underst
6、anding on the Interpretation of Article XVII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994;(iii) Understanding on Balance-of-Payments Provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994;(iv) Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Tr
7、ade 1994;(v) Understanding in Respect of Waivers of Obligations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994;(vi) Understanding on the Interpretation of Article XXVIII of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994; and(d) the Marrakesh Protocol to GATT 1994. 2. Explanatory Notes(a) The
8、 references to “contracting party“ in the provisions of GATT 1994 shall be deemed to read “Member“. The references to “less-developed contracting party“ and “developed contracting party“ shall be deemed to read “developing country Member“ and “developed country Member“. The references to “Executive
9、Secretary“ shall be deemed to read “Director-General of the WTO“.(b) The references to the CONTRACTING PARTIES acting jointly in Articles XV:1, XV:2, XV:8, XXXVIII and the Notes Ad Article XII and XVIII; and in the provisions on special exchange agreements in Articles XV:2, XV:3, XV:6, XV:7 and XV:9
10、 of GATT 1994 shall be deemed to be references to the WTO. The other functions that the provisions of GATT 1994 assign to the CONTRACTING PARTIES acting jointly shall be allocated by the Ministerial Conference.(c) (i) The text of GATT 1994 shall be authentic in English, French and Spanish.(ii) The t
11、ext of GATT 1994 in the French language shall be subject to the rectifications of terms indicated in Annex A to document MTN.TNC/41.(iii) The authentic text of GATT 1994 in the Spanish language shall be the text in Volume IV of the Basic Instruments and Selected Documents series, subject to the rect
12、ifications of terms indicated in Annex B to document MTN.TNC/41.3. (a) The provisions of Part II of GATT 1994 shall not apply to measures taken by a Member under specific mandatory legislation, enacted by that Member before it became a contracting party to GATT 1947, that prohibits the use, sale or
13、lease of foreign-built or foreign-reconstructed vessels in commercial applications between points in national waters or the waters of an exclusive economic zone. This exemption applies to: (a) the continuation or prompt renewal of a non-conforming provision of such legislation; and (b) the amendment
14、 to a non-conforming provision of such legislation to the extent that the amendment does not decrease the conformity of the provision with Part II of GATT 1947. This exemption is limited to measures taken under legislation described above that is notified and specified prior to the date of entry int
15、o force of the WTO Agreement. If such legislation is subsequently modified to decrease its conformity with Part II of GATT 1994, it will no longer qualify for coverage under this paragraph. (b) The Ministerial Conference shall review this exemption not later than five years after the date of entry i
16、nto force of the WTO Agreement and thereafter every two years for as long as the exemption is in force for the purpose of examining whether the conditions which created the need for the exemption still prevail.(c) A Member whose measures are covered by this exemption shall annually submit a detailed
17、 statistical notification consisting of a five-year moving average of actual and expected deliveries of relevant vessels as well as additional information on the use, sale, lease or repair of relevant vessels covered by this exemption.(d) A Member that considers that this exemption operates in such
18、a manner as to justify a reciprocal and proportionate limitation on the use, sale, lease or repair of vessels constructed in the territory of the Member invoking the exemption shall be free to introduce such a limitation subject to prior notification to the Ministerial Conference.(e) This exemption
19、is without prejudice to solutions concerning specific aspects of the legislation covered by this exemption negotiated in sectoral agreements or in other fora.UNDERSTANDING ON THE INTERPRETATION OF ARTICLE II:1(b)OF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 1994Members hereby agree as follows:1. In
20、order to ensure transparency of the legal rights and obligations deriving from paragraph 1(b) of Article II, the nature and level of any “other duties or charges“ levied on bound tariff items, as referred to in that provision, shall be recorded in the Schedules of concessions annexed to GATT 1994 ag
21、ainst the tariff item to which they apply. It is understood that such recording does not change the legal character of “other duties or charges“.2. The date as of which “other duties or charges“ are bound, for the purposes of Article II, shall be 15 April 1994. “Other duties or charges“ shall theref
22、ore be recorded in the Schedules at the levels applying on this date. At each subsequent renegotiation of a concession or negotiation of a new concession the applicable date for the tariff item in question shall become the date of the incorporation of the new concession in the appropriate Schedule.
23、However, the date of the instrument by which a concession on any particular tariff item was first incorporated into GATT 1947 or GATT 1994 shall also continue to be recorded in column 6 of the Loose-Leaf Schedules. 3. “Other duties or charges“ shall be recorded in respect of all tariff bindings. 4.
24、Where a tariff item has previously been the subject of a concession, the level of “other duties or charges“ recorded in the appropriate Schedule shall not be higher than the level obtaining at the time of the first incorporation of the concession in that Schedule. It will be open to any Member to ch
25、allenge the existence of an “other duty or charge“, on the ground that no such “other duty or charge“ existed at the time of the original binding of the item in question, as well as the consistency of the recorded level of any “other duty or charge“ with the previously bound level, for a period of t
26、hree years after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement or three years after the date of deposit with the Director-General of the WTO of the instrument incorporating the Schedule in question into GATT 1994, if that is a later date.5. The recording of “other duties or charges“ in the Sched
27、ules is without prejudice to their consistency with rights and obligations under GATT 1994 other than those affected by paragraph 4. All Members retain the right to challenge, at any time, the consistency of any “other duty or charge“ with such obligations.6. For the purposes of this Understanding,
28、the provisions of Articles XXII and XXIII of GATT 1994 as elaborated and applied by the Dispute Settlement Understanding shall apply.7. “Other duties or charges“ omitted from a Schedule at the time of deposit of the instrument incorporating the Schedule in question into GATT 1994 with, until the dat
29、e of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, the Director-General to the CONTRACTING PARTIES to GATT 1947 or, thereafter, with the Director-General of the WTO, shall not subsequently be added to it and any “other duty or charge“ recorded at a level lower than that prevailing on the applicable date sh
30、all not be restored to that level unless such additions or changes are made within six months of the date of deposit of the instrument.8. The decision in paragraph 2 regarding the date applicable to each concession for the purposes of paragraph 1(b) of Article II of GATT 1994 supersedes the decision
31、 regarding the applicable date taken on 26 March 1980 (BISD 27S/24).UNDERSTANDING ON THE INTERPRETATION OF ARTICLE XVIIOF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 1994Members,Noting that Article XVII provides for obligations on Members in respect of the activities of the state trading enterprises
32、referred to in paragraph 1 of Article XVII, which are required to be consistent with the general principles of non-discriminatory treatment prescribed in GATT 1994 for governmental measures affecting imports or exports by private traders;Noting further that Members are subject to their GATT 1994 obl
33、igations in respect of those governmental measures affecting state trading enterprises;Recognizing that this Understanding is without prejudice to the substantive disciplines prescribed in Article XVII;Hereby agree as follows:1. In order to ensure the transparency of the activities of state trading
34、enterprises, Members shall notify such enterprises to the Council for Trade in Goods, for review by the working party to be set up under paragraph 5, in accordance with the following working definition:“Governmental and non-governmental enterprises, including marketing boards, which have been grante
35、d exclusive or special rights or privileges, including statutory or constitutional powers, in the exercise of which they influence through their purchases or sales the level or direction of imports or exports.“This notification requirement does not apply to imports of products for immediate or ultim
36、ate consumption in governmental use or in use by an enterprise as specified above and not otherwise for resale or use in the production of goods for sale.2. Each Member shall conduct a review of its policy with regard to the submission of notifications on state trading enterprises to the Council for
37、 Trade in Goods, taking account of the provisions of this Understanding. In carrying out such a review, each Member should have regard to the need to ensure the maximum transparency possible in its notifications so as to permit a clear appreciation of the manner of operation of the enterprises notif
38、ied and the effect of their operations on international trade.3. Notifications shall be made in accordance with the questionnaire on state trading adopted on 24 May 1960 (BISD 9S/184-185), it being understood that Members shall notify the enterprises referred to in paragraph 1 whether or not imports
39、 or exports have in fact taken place.4. Any Member which has reason to believe that another Member has not adequately met its notification obligation may raise the matter with the Member concerned. If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved it may make a counter-notification to the Council for Tra
40、de in Goods, for consideration by the working party set up under paragraph 5, simultaneously informing the Member concerned.5. A working party shall be set up, on behalf of the Council for Trade in Goods, to review notifications and counter-notifications. In the light of this review and without prej
41、udice to paragraph 4(c) of Article XVII, the Council for Trade in Goods may make recommendations with regard to the adequacy of notifications and the need for further information. The working party shall also review, in the light of the notifications received, the adequacy of the above-mentioned que
42、stionnaire on state trading and the coverage of state trading enterprises notified under paragraph 1. It shall also develop an illustrative list showing the kinds of relationships between governments and enterprises, and the kinds of activities, engaged in by these enterprises, which may be relevant
43、 for the purposes of Article XVII. It is understood that the Secretariat will provide a general background paper for the working party on the operations of state trading enterprises as they relate to international trade. Membership of the working party shall be open to all Members indicating their w
44、ish to serve on it. It shall meet within a year of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement and thereafter at least once a year. It shall report annually to the Council for Trade in Goods. UNDERSTANDING ON THE BALANCE-OF-PAYMENTS PROVISIONSOF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE 1994M
45、embers,Recognizing the provisions of Articles XII and XVIII:B of GATT 1994 and of the Declaration on Trade Measures Taken for Balance-of-Payments Purposes adopted on 28 November 1979 (BISD 26S/205-209, referred to in this Understanding as the “1979 Declaration“) and in order to clarify such provisio
46、ns ;Hereby agree as follows:Application of Measures1. Members confirm their commitment to announce publicly, as soon as possible, time-schedules for the removal of restrictive import measures taken for balance-of-payments purposes. It is understood that such time-schedules may be modified as appropr
47、iate to take into account changes in the balance-of-payments situation. Whenever a time-schedule is not publicly announced by a Member, that Member shall provide justification as to the reasons therefor.2. Members confirm their commitment to give preference to those measures which have the least dis
48、ruptive effect on trade. Such measures (referred to in this Understanding as “price-based measures“) shall be understood to include import surcharges, import deposit requirements or other equivalent trade measures with an impact on the price of imported goods. It is understood that, notwithstanding
49、the provisions of Article II, price-based measures taken for balance-of-payments purposes may be applied by a Member in excess of the duties inscribed in the Schedule of that Member. Furthermore, that Member shall indicate the amount by which the price-based measure exceeds the bound duty clearly an
50、d separately under the notification procedures of this Understanding. 3. Members shall seek to avoid the imposition of new quantitative restrictions for balance-of-payments purposes unless, because of a critical balance-of-payments situation, price-based measures cannot arrest a sharp deterioration