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6、DepartmentofChemistryand ChemicalEngineering, Weinan TeachersCollege, 714000, China;2 InstituteofLifeSciences, Yan. anUniversity, 716000Yan. an, China)Abstract: Physicalexerciseinfluencesthefunctionof endocrinesystem and changesthe concentration ofsomekindsof hor2monein humanbody. Thispaperconcludesthatphysicalexerciseaffectshuman cortisoland testosteroneandfurtherclarifiestherelationbetweenthetwokindsofhormonephysicalandexerciseinordertofindsomeevidenceforthemasacriteriontodetermineexerciseintensity.Key Words: physicalexercise; hormone; cortisol; testosterone#79#2004年第5期 渭南师范学院学报