1、Web alertMicrobiology for odour production and abatementAn annotated selection of World Wide Web sites relevantto the topics in Microbial BiotechnologySweet smell of microbeshttp:/cen.acs.org/articles/90/i29/Sweet-Smell-Microbes.htmlThis article in an American Chemical Society publicationprovides a
2、good overview of recent developments in bio-technology for the production of commercially relevantfragrance chemicals.Microbial perfumehttp:/ short news article highlights some of the fragrancecompounds currently moving toward production and thebiotechnology companies that make them using microbialt
3、echnology.Fragrances from microbial oxidationshttp:/www.scielo.br/pdf/bjce/v23n3/01.pdfThis review article focuses on specific oxidation reactionscatalysed by microorganisms for converting terpene sub-strates to fragrant, oxygenated products.Flavor biotechnologyhttp:/ web article provides some examp
4、les of microbialtransformations useful for the production of flavours andfragrances.ACS Symposium Series: Fragrances bybiotechnologyhttp:/pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bk-2005-0908.ch004This page provides a link to a review article that coversfragrance biotechnology in great depth.MANE: Flavor and fr
5、agrance manufacturerhttp:/This commercial website does not contain much technicalinformation, but it has striking images and illustrates thebreadth of the flavour and fragrance market.Fine chemicals: Wikipediahttp:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fine_chemicalThis general Wikipedia entry on fine chemicals is
6、exten-sive. It discusses many medium volume chemicals,including flavours and fragrances.Industrial microbiology and biotechnologyhttp:/ page provides a link to a number of interesting micro-bial transformation reactions, including several used forthe purpose of producing flavours and fragrances.doi:
7、10.1111/1751-7915.12010bs_bs_banner 2012 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology.This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution andreproduction in any
8、medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Allylix: Flavors and fragranceshttp:/ produces sesquiterpene compounds microbially.They describe new processes for producing nootkatoneand valencene.Flavors and fragrances from fungihttp:/www.fungaldiversity.org/fdp/sfdp/FD13-153-166.pdfThis revie
9、w article discusses the production of flavoursand fragrances using fungi. It has a subtheme on thediversity of reactions catalysed by fungi.Novozymes: Microbial odor controlhttp:/ is a major enzyme and biotechnologycompany that produces a number of biological productsfor odour control.Abora: Microbi
10、al odor controlhttp:/ website illustrates the large number of industrialprocesses that need odour control and provides insightinto how that can be accomplished.Biofilter, air pollutionhttp:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BiofilterBiofiltration is a popular method used for treating indus-trial off gases and o
11、dours. This is a general, useful over-view of the topic.Lawrence P. WackettMcKnight ProfessorDepartment of BiochemistryMolecular Biology and BiophysicsBioTechnology InstituteUniversity of MinnesotaSt Paul, MN 55108, USA86 Web alert 2012 The Authors. Microbial Biotechnology published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd and Society for Applied Microbiology, MicrobialBiotechnology, 6, 8586