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1、Chapter 1Downstream processing(DSP):The isolation and purification of a biotechnological product to a form suitable for its intended use. The separation and purification of products synthesized by bioprocesses:Biotechnology: the use of cultured microorganisms, animal cells, and plant cells to produc

2、e products useful to humans. Modern biotechnology:Built on genetic engineering to produce commercial products or processes.Chapter 2 Coagulation:the chemical alteration of the colloidal particles to make them stick together凝聚值:表示电解质的凝聚能力,使胶粒发生凝聚作用的最小电解质浓度 m mol/L.Flocculation: a process whereby part

3、icles are aggregated into clusters.Filtration separates solid from a liquid by forcing the liquid through a filter medium.滤浆(feed/ slurry): 悬浮液 过滤介质(filter medium) : 多孔物质滤液 (filtrate): 通过过滤介质的液体滤饼 (filter cake): 被截留的固体物质 Conventional or dead-end filtration: the fluid flows perpendicular to the mediu

4、m which result in a cake of solids depositing on the filter medium.Crossflow filtration:The fluid flows parallel to the medium to minimize buildup to solids on the medium.Centrifugation is a process that involves the use of the centrifugal force for the separation of mixtures. 分离因数(Z):离心力与重力的比值。衡量离心

5、程度的参数Chapter 3 Cell lysis is the process of breaking cell membranes and walls to release the cell contents.Bead mill disruption: Agitation with glass in bead mills ruptures the cells by a combination of high shear and impact with the cells.High-pressure homogenization: The cell suspension is forced

6、at high pressure through an orifice of narrow internal diameter to emerge at atmospheric pressure.Ultrasonication disruption: Use of high frequency sound waves to disrupt cell walls and membranes. Ultrasonication disrupts the cells by cavitation.Osmotic pressure: This is nothing more than dumping a

7、given volume of cells into pure water- often about twice the volume of cells. The cells swell because they contain solutes which cause an osmotic flow of water into the cells. In some cases, they swell so much that they burst. 破碎率: 被破碎细胞的数量占原始细胞数量的百分比数。酶溶法:利用酶反应(抗生素) ,分解破坏细胞壁上的特殊键,从而破壁Autolysis 自溶法:

8、通过调节温度、pH 或添加有机溶剂,诱使细胞产生溶解自身的酶的方法chemical permeation 化学渗透法:某些化学试剂,如有机溶剂、变性剂、表面活性剂、金属螯合剂等,可改变细胞壁或膜的通透性(渗透性) ,从而使胞内物质有选择地渗透出来Freeze-thaw 冻融法:将细胞在低温下( -15)突然急剧冷冻而在室温缓慢融化,反复多次达到破壁作用.Drying 干燥法:干燥使细胞膜的结合水分丧失 ,从而改变细胞的渗透性包含体:利用大肠杆菌为宿主细胞的外源基因表达产物(如尿激酶、人胰岛素、人生长激素、人 -干扰素等)在细胞内凝聚成没有生物活性的固体颗粒包含体(inclusion bodie

9、s, IBs) ,又称光折射体(refractile bodies).Chapter 4Precipitation:the process of coming out of solution as a solid. Precipitates form when a solid phase is created rapidly, and they generally do not have a regular shapes.Salting-out:addition of a high concentration of a soluble salt causes proteins to aggre

10、gate and precipitate。 饱和度(S):相当于饱和溶解度的百分数.Isoelectric precipitation:基于不同蛋白质离子具有不同等电点特性,用依次改变溶液 pH 值办法,将杂蛋白沉淀除去,获得目标产物Organic solvent precipitation:Addition of miscible solvents to a solution may cause proteins in the solution to precipitate. Chapter 5Extraction is a process in which two phases come

11、into contact with the objective of transferring a solute or particle from one phase to the other. The introduction of another phase into an aqueous solution results in an equilibrium-based separation through the movement of the extracted solute into a new solution environment. Leaching:含目标产物的原料为固体Li

12、quid-liquid extraction 液液萃取: Based on partition of solute between phases. It involves the transfer of solute from one liquid phase to another. 溶质:被萃取的物质原溶剂:原先溶解溶质的溶剂萃取剂:加入的第三组分,用以进行萃取的溶剂。料液:溶剂萃取中,被提取的溶液。萃取 extraction:料液中的溶质向萃取剂转移的过程。萃取液(extract phase) :萃取平衡后,含有溶质的萃取剂溶液。萃余液(raffinate phase) :被萃取出溶质以后

13、的料液。分配定律(溶质分配平衡规律):指在一定压力下,溶质分布在两个互不相溶的溶剂里,达到平衡后,它在两相的浓度比为一个常数 K,称分配系数 K= CL/CR 分离因素:在同一萃取体系内两种溶质在同样条件下分配系数的比值. K A/KBEmulsification:A process that forms a liquid, known as an emulsion. An emulsion is a mixture of two or more immiscible liquids. In an emulsion, one liquid is dispersed in the other.

14、萃取因子:萃取平衡后萃取相和萃余相中溶质质量之比萃取收率:萃取相中溶质总量占原始料液中溶质总量的百分比。 表示一种萃取剂对某种溶质的萃取能力。Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS), prepared by mixing two different polymers, or a polymer and a salt above certain concentrations with water as the major component (80-95%), present suitable extraction systems for proteins.Revers

15、e Micelles Extraction:反胶团萃取利用表面活性剂在有机相中形成反胶团(reverse micelles) ,从而在有机相内形成分散的亲水微环境,使生物分子在有机相(萃取相)内存在于反胶团的亲水微环境中,消除其变性现象Supercritical Fluids:materials that exist as fluids above their critical temperature and pressure.Supercritical Fluid Extraction:the process of separating one component from another

16、using supercritical fluids as the extracting solvent.物质均具有其固有的临界温度和临界压力,称为临界点临界温度:指高于此温度时无论多大压力也不能使气体液化临界压力:指在临界温度下,液化气体所需要的压力leaching is the extraction of certain materials from a carrier into a liquid. Chapter 6膜分离技术:利用膜的选择性(孔径大小) ,以膜的两侧存在的能量差作为推动力,由于溶液中各组分透过膜的迁移率不同而分离的技术。Microfiltration :a filtra

17、tion process which removes contaminants from a fluid by passage through a microporous membrane. ultrafiltration : a variety of membrane filtration in which hydrostatic pressure forces a liquid against a semipermeable membrane. Reverse osmosis (RO):a filtration method that removes many types of large

18、 molecules and ions from solutions by applying pressure to the solution when it is on one side of a selective membrane. The result is that the solute is retained on the pressurized side of the membrane and the pure solvent is allowed to pass to the other side. To be “selective,“ this membrane should

19、 not allow large molecules or ions through the pores, but should allow smaller components of the solution (the solvent) to pass freely. 一个容器中间用一张半透膜隔开,两侧分别加入纯水和含溶质的水溶液。若膜两侧压力相等,在浓差的作用下水分子从溶质浓度低的一侧向浓度高的一侧透过,这种现象称为渗透。促使水分子透过的推动力称为渗透压。Nanofiltration:a cross-flow filtration technology which ranges somew

20、here between ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO).membrane distillation 膜蒸馏(MD) :是在不同温度下分离两种水溶液的膜过程Pervaporation 渗透蒸发:使用致密的聚合物膜。液体扩散能否透过膜取决于它们在膜材料中的扩散能力。根据溶质间透过膜的速度不同,使混合物得到分离Dialysis 透析(DS) 渗析:利用具有一定孔径大小、高分子溶质不能透过的亲水膜将含有高分子和其它小分子溶质的溶液(左侧)与纯水或缓冲液(右侧)分隔。透析膜孔径 5-10nm 的亲水膜Electrodialysis 电渗析:利

21、用离子交换膜的选择透过性,从溶液中脱除或富集电解质的膜分离操作;Membrane:在一种流体相间有一层薄的凝聚相物质,把流体相分隔成两部分,这一薄层物质称为膜。膜本身是均一的一相或由两相以上凝聚物构成的复合体。厚度0.5mm,否则不能称其为膜。水通量 JW(透水率):单位时间内通过单位膜面积的水体积流量,即水透过膜的速率。截留率:指对一定相对分子质量的物质,膜能截留的程度。= 1- Cp/CB截断分子量(MWCO):为相当于一定截留率(90或 95)的相对分子质量Concentration polarisation 膜的浓差极化:指在膜分离操作中,所有溶质均被透过液传递到膜表面上,不能完全透过

22、膜的溶质受到膜的截留作用,在膜表面附近浓度升高。这种在膜表面附近浓度高于主体浓度的现象称浓差极化Chapter 7Adsorption is the adhesion of molecules of gas, liquid, or dissolved solids to a surface. This process creates a film of the adsorbate (the molecules or atoms being accumulated, 吸附质) on the surface of the adsorbent 吸附剂.吸附等温线概念:当温度一定时,吸附量与浓度之间的

23、函数关系称为吸附等温线。Langmuir 吸附等温线穿透:操作开始绝大多数溶质被吸附,流出液溶质浓度较低,在某一时刻浓度突然急剧增大离子交换:利用离子交换树脂作为吸附剂,依据其电荷差异,靠库仑力吸附在树脂上,然后利用合适的洗脱剂将吸附质从树脂上洗脱下来,达到分离的目的。交联度 : 在树脂原料总重量中交联剂所占百分比 .交换容量是每克干燥的离子交换树脂或每毫升完全溶胀的离子交换树脂所能吸附的一价离子的毫摩尔数 。表示离子交换树脂交换能力的大小。Chapter 8Chromatography:Chromatography is the collective term for a set of la

24、boratory techniques for the separation of mixtures. It involves passing a mixture dissolved in a “mobile phase”through a stationary phase, which separates the analyte to be measured from other molecules in the mixture based on differential partitioning between the mobile and stationary phases. Subtl

25、e differences in a compounds partition coefficient result in differential retention on the stationary phase and thus changing the separation. partition coefficient分配系数:溶质在固定相与流动相浓度比值保留时间(tR ):一种溶质流出色谱柱所需的时间溶出体积(VR):溶质的最大浓度区从柱中流出时已流出的流动相体积。容量因子(K): capacity factor 在平衡状态时,组分在固定相与流动相中的质量比 .分离因子或选择性 sel

26、ectivity:是峰与峰之间分离时间的一个量度;代表两组分在相同层析条件下的分离选择性,表示为两组分容量因子之比.分离度或分辨率 Rs (resolution):两峰之间的距离与两峰宽的平均值之比阻滞因子 Rf:在色谱系统中溶质的移动速度和标准物的迁移率之比Gel chromatography(GC):Separates molecules on the basis of molecular size. Separation is based on the use of a porous matrix. Small molecules penetrate into the matrix mo

27、re, and their cKq0 cqKdmScVqK1221/221Rs K4N)W0.5(t =迁 移 距 离流 动 相 在 色 谱 系 统 中 的溶 质 的 迁 移 距 离fpath length of elution is longer.Large molecules appear first, smaller molecules later离子交换色谱?以离子交换树脂作为固定相,选择合适的溶剂作为流动相,使溶质按照其离子交换亲合力的不同而得到分离的方法HIC is a liquid chromatography technique that separates biomolecu

28、les according to their hydrophobicitypartition Chromatography:利用溶质在固定相和流动相之间的分配系数不同而分离的方法Affinity Chromatography:Affinity columns contain a matrix covalently coupled to a molecule that interacts specifically with the protein of interest. Proteins that bind specifically to such a column can be finall

29、y released by a pH change or concentrated salts solution addition.Chromatofocusing(层析聚焦):基于离子交换的原理,根据两性电解质分子间等电点的差别进行分离纯化。thin layer chromatography 薄层色谱法:将固定相涂布在惰性固体上,形成薄层进行色谱分离的方法Chapter 9Electrophoresis:Electrophoresis separates compounds by using an electric field in a conducting medium。带电荷溶质在电场中

30、的移动速度不同而分离的方法;不连续凝胶电泳:指凝胶的孔大小,缓冲液成分及其 pH 值均为不连续的,并在电场中形成电位梯度的不连续性,这样可使样品浓缩成一个极窄的起始区带以提高分辨率等速电泳:依据分子电荷的差别。样品混合物定位在两电解质溶液间,即前导电解质和末端电解质间,在外电场作用下,各离子进行移动,经过一段时间电泳后,达到完全分离。isoelectric focusing(等电聚焦, IEF ):利用蛋白质分子或其它两性分子在等电点(isoelectric point pI) 下呈电中性 ,不发生泳动的特点进行分离Two dimensional Electrophoresis 双相电泳:同时

31、利用分子的大小和 pI 这两种性质的差别进行蛋白质等生物大分子的分离。即通过普通凝胶电泳和 IEF 相结合,一次分离效率更高Chapter 10Crystallization is the process of producing crystals from a homogeneous phase. Crystals form slowly and have regular shapes.饱和溶液:当溶液中溶质浓度等于该溶质在同等条件下的饱和溶解度时,该溶液称为;过饱和溶液:溶质浓度超过饱和溶解度时,该溶液称之为;自然起晶法:溶剂蒸发进入不稳定区形成晶核、当产生一定量的晶种后,加入稀溶液使溶液

32、浓度降至亚稳定区,新的晶种不再产生,溶质在晶种表面生长。刺激起晶法:将溶液蒸发至亚稳定区后,冷却,进入不稳定区,形成一定量的晶核,此时溶液的浓度会有所降低,进入并稳定在亚稳定的养晶区使晶体生长。晶种起晶法:将溶液蒸发后冷却至亚稳定区的较低浓度,加入一定量和一定大小的晶种,使溶质在晶种表面生长。重结晶:利用杂质和结晶物质在不同溶剂和不同温度下的溶解度不同,将晶体用合适的溶剂再次结晶,以获得高纯度的晶体的操作。Chapter 11 Drying干燥:用热能加热物料,使物料中水分蒸发或者用冷冻法使水分结冰后升华而除去的单元操作;通常是生物产品分离的最后一步;Unbound or free water(非结合水 ):机械地附着于固体面或颗粒堆积层中的大空隙中的水Bound water(结合水):依靠化学力或物理化学力与固体相结合的水喷雾干燥:采用雾化器,将料液分散成细小雾滴,在喷雾干燥器内直接进行干燥,冷冻干燥(升华干燥):使被干燥的液体在极低的温度下,冷冻成固体;然后,在低温、低压下利用水的升华性能,使冰升华汽化而除去,以达到干燥的目的;


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