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1、渔船,Rule 26 Fishing Vessels (a) A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule. (b) A vessel when engaged in trawling, by which is meant the dragging through the water of a dredge net or other apparatus used as a fishing ap

2、pliance, shall exhibit: (i) two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being green and the lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with their apexes together in a vertical line one above the other ; (ii) a masthead light abaft of and higher than the all-round green light; a vessel of

3、 less than 50 metres in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such a light but may do so ; (iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.,渔船,(c) A vessel engaged in fishing, other than trawling, shall exhibit: (i) two al

4、l-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being red and the lower white, or a shape consisting of two cones with apexes together in a vertical line one above the other; (ii) when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 metres horizontally from the vessel, an all-round white light or a cone

5、 apex upwards in the direction of the gear; (iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.,渔船,(d) The additional signals described in Annex to these Regulations apply to a vessel engaged in fishing in close proximity to o

6、ther vessels engaged in fishing. (e) A vessel when not engaged in fishing shall not exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in this Rule, but only those prescribed for a vessel of her length.,渔船,第 二 十 六 条 渔 船 1. 从事捕鱼的船舶,不论在航还是锚泊,只应显示本条规定的号灯和号型。 2船舶从事拖网作业,即在水中拖曳爬网或其他用作渔具的装置时,应显示: (1)垂直两盏环照灯,上绿下白,或一个由

7、上下垂直、尖端对接的两个圆锥体所组成的号型; (2)一盏桅灯,后于并高于那盏环照绿灯;长度小于50米的船舶,则不要求显示该桅灯,但可以这样做; (3)当对水移动时,除本款规定的号灯外,还应显示两盏舷灯和一盏尾灯。,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,拖网渔船,规则对从事拖网作业的捕鱼船(L50m)有显示桅灯的规定,不论其是锚泊、在航、是否对水移动。对长度小于50米的从事拖网作业的捕鱼船,则不要求显示该桅灯,但可以这样做; 在海上,看到他船的号灯为绿、白、白垂直三盏号灯时,他船为在航对水移动的

8、拖网渔船,最下白灯为尾灯,船长无法断定,可能大于等于50米(如显示桅灯也无法看到),也可能小于50米。,拖网渔船,在海上,看到他船的号灯为白、绿、白垂直三盏号灯和红、绿舷灯时,他船为他船为在航对水移动的拖网渔船,最上白灯为桅灯,船长无法断定,可能大于等于50米(应该显示桅灯)。也可能小于50米(可以显示桅灯)。,非拖网渔船,3从事捕鱼作业的船舶,除拖网作业者外,应显示: (1)垂直两盏环照灯,上红下白,或一个由上下垂直、尖端对接的两个圆锥体所组成的号型; (2)当有外伸渔具,其从船边伸出的水平距离大于150米时,应朝着渔具的方向显一盏环照灯或一个尖端向上的圆锥体号型; (3)当对水移动时,除本

9、款规定的号灯外,还应显示两盏舷灯和一盏尾灯。,非拖网渔船,非拖网渔船,非拖网渔船,非拖网渔船,渔船,4本规则附录二中规定的额外信号适用于在其他捕鱼船舶邻近从事捕鱼的船舶。5船舶不从事捕鱼时,不应显示本条规定的号灯或号型,而只应显示为其同样长度的船舶所规定的号灯或号型。,注意,从事捕鱼作业的船舶 应符合第三条定义 应显示的号型是:两个尖端对接的圆锥体 在航不对水移动状态 不显示舷灯和尾灯 在航对水移动状态 显示舷灯和尾灯,注意,锚泊时(无论是否有流) 与在航不对水移动状态显示同样的号灯号型。 看到从事捕鱼的船舶的号型,不能判断其状态(锚泊、在航对水移动或在航不对水移动); 看到从事捕鱼的船舶的号

10、灯, 如看到舷灯或尾灯,可判断为在航对水移动; 如未看到舷灯或尾灯,不能判断其状态(锚泊、或在航不对水移动),额外信号,附录 在相互邻近处捕鱼的渔船额外信号 1.通则本附录中所述的号灯,如为履行第26条4款而显示时,应安置在最易见处。这些号灯的间距至少应为0.9米,但要低于第26条2款(1)项和3款(1)项规定的号灯。这些号灯,应能在水平四周至少1海里的距离上被见到,但应小于本规则为渔船规定的号灯的能见距离。,额外信号,2.拖网渔船的信号 (1)长度等于或大于20米的船舶在从事拖网作业时,不论使用海底还是深海渔具,应显示:放网时,垂直两盏白灯;起网时,垂直两盏灯,上白下红;网挂住障碍物时,垂直

11、两盏红灯。,额外信号,2.拖网渔船的信号 (2)长度等于或大于20米、从事对拖网作业的每一船应显示:在夜间,朝着前方并向本对拖网中的另一船的方向照射的探照灯;当放网或起网或网挂住障碍物时,按本附录第2节(1)规定的号灯 (3)长度小于20米、从事拖网作业的船舶,不论使用海底还是深海渔具还是对拖网作业,可视情况显示本节(1)或(2)规定的号灯。,额外信号,3.围网船的信号从事围网捕鱼的船舶,可垂直显示两盏黄色号灯。这些号灯应每秒钟交替闪光一次,而且明暗历时相等。这些号灯仅在船的行动为其渔具所妨碍时才可显示。,失去控制的船舶,Rule 27 Vessels not under Command or

12、 Restricted in their Ability to Manoeuvre (a) A vessel not under command shall exhibit: (i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen; (ii) two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen; (iii) when making way through the water, in addition t

13、o the lights prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight.,失去控制的船舶,第 二 十 七 条 失去控制或操纵能力受到限制的船舶 1失去控制的船舶应显示: (1)在最易见处,垂直两盏环照红灯; (2)在最易见处,垂直两个球体或类似的号型; (3)当对水移动时,除本款规定的号灯外,还应显示两盏舷灯和一盏尾灯。,失去控制的船舶,失去控制的船舶,失去控制的船舶,失去控制的船舶,失去控制的船舶,失去控制的船舶,夜间在航时除显示二盏垂直环照红灯外,对水移动时,还应显示舷灯和尾灯(不显示桅灯),不对水移动时,关闭舷灯与尾灯

14、。 夜间航行时,主机失控,应采取的措施是: 立即关闭桅灯,并显示两盏红灯,船舶停止对水移动时,关闭舷灯与尾灯。 失去控制的船舶在白天应悬挂的号型是垂直两个黑球,失去控制的船舶,失去控制的船舶只能处于在航状态,不可能处于锚泊、系岸或搁浅状态 在海上,当你看到来船的号灯仅为垂直两盏红灯,则来船为失去控制的船舶在航不对水移动。如看到来船的号灯垂直两盏红灯以及舷灯或桅灯,则该船为失去控制的船舶在航对水移动。 应注意:如来船的号灯垂直两盏红灯以及一盏白灯,该船也有可能是搁浅船舶。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,(b) A vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvr

15、e, except a vessel engaged in mineclearance operations, shall exhibit: (i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white; (ii) three shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen.

16、 The highest and lowest of these shapes shall be balls and the middle one a diamond; (iii) when making way through the water, a masthead light or lights, sidelights and a sternlight in addition to the lights prescribed in subparagraph (i); (iv) when at anchor, in addition to the lights or shapes pre

17、scribed in sub-paragraphs (i) and (ii), the light, lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30.,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,(c) A power-driven vessel engaged in a towing operation such as severely restricts the towing vessel and her tow in their ability to deviate from their course shall, in addition to the lights or sha

18、pes prescribed in Rule 24(a), exhibit the lights or shapes prescribed in sub-paragraphs (b)(i) and (ii) of this Rule.,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,(d) A vessel engaged in dredging or underwater operations, when restricted in her ability to manoeuvre, shall exhibit the lights and shapes prescribed in sub-paragraphs (

19、b) (i),(ii) and (iii) of this Rule and shall in addition, when an obstruction exists, exhibit: (i) two all-round red lights or two balls in a vertical line to indicate the side on which the obstruction exists; (ii) two all-round green lights or two diamonds in a vertical line to indicate the side on

20、 which another vessel may pass; (iii) when at anchor, the lights or shapes prescribed in this paragraph instead of the lights or shape prescribed in Rule 30.,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,(e) Whenever the size of a vessel engaged in diving operations makes it impracticable to exhibit all lights and shapes prescribed

21、in paragraph (d) of this Rule, the following shall be exhibited: (i) three all-round lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen. The highest and lowest of these lights shall be red and the middle light shall be white; (ii) a rigid replica of the International Code flag “A“ not less than 1

22、 metre in height. Measures shall be taken to ensure its all-round visibility.,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,(f) A vessel engaged in mineclearance operations shall in addition to the lights prescribed for a power-driven vessel in Rule 23 or to the lights or shape prescribed for a vessel at anchor in Rule 30 as appropr

23、iate, exhibit three all-round green lights or three balls. One of these lights or shapes shall be exhibited near the foremast head and one at each end of the fore yard. These lights or shapes indicate that it is dangerous for another vessel to approach within 1000 metres of the mineclearance vessel.

24、,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,(g) Vessels of less than 12 metres in length, except those engaged in diving operations, shall not be required to exhibit the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule. (h) The signals prescribed in this Rule are not signals of vessels in distress and requiring assistance. Such signals

25、are contained in Annex to these Regulations,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,2操纵能力受到限制的船舶,除从事清除水雷作业的船舶外,应显示: (1)在最易见处,垂直三盏环照灯,最上和最下者应是红色,中间一盏应是白色; (2)在最易见处,垂直三个号型,最上和最下者应是球体,中间一个应是菱形体; (3)当对水移动时,除本款(1)项规定的号灯外,还应显示桅灯、舷灯和尾灯; (4)当锚泊时,除本款(1)和(2)项规定的号灯或号型外,还应显示第三十条规定的号灯或号型。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能

26、力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,3从事一项使拖船和被拖物体双方在驶离其航向的能力上受到严重限制的拖带作业的机动船,除显示第二十四条1款规定的号灯或号型外,还应显示本条2款(1)项和(2)项规定的号灯或号型。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,4从事疏浚或水下作业的船舶,当其操纵能力受到限制时,应显示本条2款(1)、(2)和(3)项规定的号灯和号型。此外,当存在障碍物时,还应显示: (1)在障碍物存在的一舷,垂直两盏环照红灯或两个球体; (2)在他船可以

27、通过的一舷,垂直两盏环照绿灯或两个菱形体; (3)当锚泊时,应显示本款规定的号灯或号型以取代第三十条规定的号灯或号型。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,5当从事潜水作业的船舶其尺度使之不可能显示本条4款规定的号灯和号型时,则应显示: (1)在最易见处,垂直三盏环照灯。最上和最下者应是红色,中间一盏应是白色; (2)一个国际信号旗“A”的硬质复制品,其高度不小于1米,并应采取措施以保证周围都能见到。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限

28、制的船舶,6从事清除水雷作业的船舶,除第二十三条为机动船规定的号灯或第三十条为锚泊船规定的号灯或号型外,还应显示三盏环照绿灯或三个球体。这些号灯或号型之一应在接近前桅桅顶处显示,其余应在前桅行两端各显示一个。这些号灯或号型表示他船驶近至清除水雷船1000米以内是危险的。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,7除从事潜水作业的船舶外,长度小于12米的船舶,不要求显示本条规定的号灯和号型。 8本条规定的信号不是船舶遇险求救的信号。船舶遇险求救的信号载于本规则附录四内。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,操纵能力受到限制的船舶

29、包括(一般定义给出): (1)从事敷设、维修或起捞助航标志、海底电缆或管道的船舶; (2)从事疏浚、测量或水下作业的船舶; (3)在航中从事补给或转运人员、食品或货物的船舶;(4)从事发放或回收航空器的船舶; (5)从事清除水雷作业的船舶; (6)从事拖带作业的船舶,而该项拖带作业使该拖船及其被拖物体驶离其航向的能力严重受到限制者,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,除从事清除水雷作业的船舶以外,其他种类“操纵能力受到限制的船舶”应显示 号灯:“红、白、红”垂直三盏环照灯, 号型:白天为“球、菱(菱形体)、球”垂直三个号型。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,清除水雷作业的船舶、拖带作业的船舶除外 在航对水移动时:应显示桅、舷、尾灯, 在航不对水移动时:不应显示桅、舷、尾灯锚泊时应显示锚灯(和或)锚球,但从事疏浚或水下作业的船舶除外。,操纵能力受到限制的船舶,看到来船的号灯仅为红、白、红、白垂直四盏灯,来船为: 除清除水雷作业和拖带以外的操纵能力受到限制的船舶在航对水移动 看到来船的号灯仅为红、白、红垂直三盏灯,则来船可能为: 从事潜水作业的操纵能力受到限制的小船在锚泊中作业; 除清除水雷作业和拖带作业的操纵能力受到限制的船舶在航不对水移动,


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