1、Chapter 1 A General Survey between Chinese and English,Chinese Characters and English words-the same, similar or different?,Similar on the surface, but different in meaning kickbacks 回扣 lover 情妇,情夫 honey cooler讨好女子的男子 goldbrick偷懒的人 dog-eared 书页的折角 service station加油 及修理站 mountain lion 美洲豹 rest room厕所
2、(委婉) sea-elephant 海豹 gay marriage同性婚姻 street walker 妓女 call girl 应召女郎,2. 不同的语域 Different Register 英语比汉语宽: pot 锅、罐、壶 dumplings汤圆,面片,面疙 瘩,馄炖 cry 叫喊,哭 bank 银行,河岸,库 go 走,围棋 kids 小山羊,小孩 net 帐子,网络 marriage 嫁,娶 green beans 四季豆,芸豆,毛豆,B. 汉语比英语宽 笑 laugh, smile, giggle, grin, sneer 借 borrow, lend 兔 rabbit, har
3、e 羊 goat, sheep, ram 拿 fetch, bring, take, carry 山 hills, mountains, mounds,Chapter 2 Different Ways of Saying Things,If you like riding, there are horses you can rent/hire. My favorite play/game is chess. The person sitting next to the driver was full of mud/covered in mud.,一、英汉色彩语言差异,红与red开门红 get
4、off to a good start 满堂红 success in every field 红榜 honor roll 红人 a favorite with sb. in power 红运 good luck 红娘 matchmaker, go-between,have red hands 犯杀人罪 a red battle 血战 red-blooded 精力充沛的 to paint the town red 狂欢,痛饮 to wave a red flag in front of sb. 惹人生气 catch sb. red-handed 当场抓获 see red 愤怒 red ruin
5、火灾 red meat 牛羊肉,2.黄与yellow,yellow pages 电话号码簿 yellow ribbon 黄飘带 yellow dog 卑鄙的小人 yellow look 尖酸多疑的神情yellow book 法国等政府或议会的报告书、文件(封面黄色,故名) yellow boy 金币,黄色刊物 blue periodical 黄色软件 blue software 黄毛丫头a silly little girl 黄昏 dusk 黄马褂 yellow jacket 炎黄子孙 descendants of the Chinese Nation,3. 黑与black,black day
6、 凶日 black dog 不开心 a black look 怒视 the black art 妖术 go black in the face 气得脸色发青 black sheep 害群之马;败家子 black lie 用心险恶的谎言 blacklist, black book 黑名单,黑帮 reactionary gangs 黑幕 iron curtain; inside story of a plot 黑手 evil backstage manipulator 黑色交易 shady deal 黑心 evil-hearted 黑面包 brown bread 黑钱 money earned i
7、llegally,4. 白与white,a white day 吉日 bleed white 榨尽血汗 a white war不流血的战争 white light district 不夜城 a white room 无尘室 a white night 不眠之夜 white men 忠诚可靠的人 white book 白皮书 white elephant 中看不中用的东西,不白之冤 unrepressed injustice 白手起家to build up from nothing, to start from scratch 一穷二白 poor and blank 清白无辜 innocence
8、 白费力 be all in vain, a waste of time 遭白眼 receive a cold shoulder from sb. 白纸 a blank sheet of paper,5. 绿与green,green old age 老当益壮 green table 赌桌 green food 绿色食品 greenhouse 温室 green finger 园艺技能 green apple 青苹果 a green hand 新手 green room 演员休息室 green wound 未愈合的伤口 green power 金钱的力量 green with envy 十分嫉妒,
9、6. 其他颜色,golden saying 金玉良言 Golden Age 黄金时代;太平盛世 golden hour 幸福时刻 in the purple 在皇室的 in the pink 非常健康 brown paper 牛皮纸 brown study 空想 brown rice 糙米,二、汉英短语表达的不同特色,汉英说法类似 泼冷水 throw cold water on 一帆风顺 plain sailing 人才市场 talent fairs 用钱手紧 tightfisted 花钱如流水spend money like water 隔墙有耳 Walls have ears.,上下 up
10、 and down 高低 high and low 父母 father and mother 夫妻 man and wife 黑白 black and white 沉浮 ups and downs 彻头彻尾 from head to foot 来龙去脉 from beginning to end 来来往往 come and go, back and forth,2. 说法不一(Different ways of expressing ideas) 字句顺序不同: 南来北往 going north and south 救死扶伤 help the wounded and save the dyin
11、g 水火 fire and water 前后 back and forth 晴雨 rain or shine 河流湖泊 lakes and rivers 科学艺术 art and science 衣食 food and clothing 三三两两 in twos and threes,b. 观察事物的角度和联想不同,walking dictionary 活字典 Close the door after you. 随手关门。 chair days 暮年 odd fish 怪物 stop watch 跑表(跑步时测速度用的表) sea dragon 海马 shade trees行道树 wet sn
12、ow 雨夹雪 small talk 家常话,c.文化习俗和文化背景不同,to wear ones Sunday best Like priest, like people. Man proposes, God disposes. to know the ropes to sail ones own boat a fools paradise Judass kiss Pandoras box,武术 martial art; wushu 京剧 Beijing Opera-a Chinese National Treasure 红楼梦 The story of the Stone; A Dream
13、of Red Mansions 庙会 temple fair 国画 traditional Chinese painting 门神 door god; menshen 十二生肖 the 12 animal zodiacs,d. 表达习惯的不同,大雪 大风 大雨 大水 红茶 红糖 浓茶 浓墨 浓汤 浓烟,三、汉英用词搭配差异(Different Collocation),在短语中,英汉语言用词搭配的差异 heavy metal heavy work heavy fighting heavy heart heavy sleep heavy traffic heavy lady heavy thin
14、ker heavy box heavy food heavy line heavy crop heavy taxes heavy smoke,形容词good,good (genuine) gold good (happy) life good (fresh) egg good (fertile) land good (amazing) joke good (handsome) look good (convincing) excuse good (wholesome) exercise,动词play,play chess play music play the piano play the i
15、diot play truant play on words play soccer play a trick,2. 在句子中,英汉语言搭配的差异,Birds fly. Dust flies. Balloons fly. Glasses fly. She is going to fly to New York. He wore dark glasses, and a thick jersey and stopped up his ears with cotton wool.,四、英汉语言不同的暗喻和联想,联想意义是语言符号唤起的联想或是所给予的暗示,或是其内涵、外延对读者产生的印象。如:圣地(
16、holy land)对不同的人就有不同的联想,基督徒想到的是耶路撒冷,佛教徒会想到西方净土,如来佛住的地方,伊斯兰教徒则会想到他们的麦加。 e.g. A man is a wall.Her boyfriend is a transient cloud. 同一个词在汉英两种语言里所产生的联想有类似的、有不同或是完全相反的,这就造成了汉英对译时的矛盾。,比喻相同:,pitch dark snow-white bad eggs golden age odds and ends cry wolf a fish out of water as stupid as an ass as busy as a
17、bee a thorn in the flesh,比喻类似,biological parents parent children arm wrestling black sheep dish cloth emergency room as slipper as an eel,比喻不同,as dull as a goose as timid as a rabbit as warm as a toast as clean as a whistle as cool as a cucumber as long as the hills as straight as a pumpkin vine,动物词
18、汇联想意义的异同:,1. 有些动物词汇联想意义相同或相似A=B 小羊-温顺的象征as meek as a lamb 驴-蠢笨的象征as silly as a donkey 猴子-聪明、顽皮、淘气的象征as clever/naughty as a monkey 蜗牛-行动缓慢的象征as slow as a snail 马-强壮的象征as strong as a horse 夜莺-歌声美妙的象征sing as sweetly as a nightingale 狐狸-狡猾的象征as sly as a fox 蜜蜂-忙碌的象征as busy as bees 鹿-胆小温顺的象征as timid as a
19、 deer 骡-顽固的象征as stubborn as a mule 猪-肮脏贪吃的象征as dirty and greedy as a pig 狼-饥饿的象征as hungry as a wolf 鹦鹉-学舌的象征to parrot what other people say 天鹅-圣洁的象征 鸽子-和平的象征,有些动物联想意义完全不同,(a)龙(dragon)和凤(phoenix) 在中国 龙、凤是皇权的象征,是象征吉利的动物,在汉语成语中有“攀龙附凤”、“望子成龙”等,很多商品、商厦也用龙命名如“龙牌酱油”、“金龙大酒店”等。西方人则认为龙是凶残肆虐的怪物,是邪恶的象征。 (b)海燕(p
20、etrel) 中国人认为海燕是不畏艰难险阻、不屈不挠、顽强拼搏的象征。海燕常常被用作小 孩的名字和商标。而西方人对海燕则毫无好感,他们 认为海燕会让人联想到灾难、纠纷等。,(c)蝙蝠(bat) 中国人认为蝙蝠是吉祥、健康、幸福的象征。因为“蝠”和“福”同音。而西方人则认为蝙蝠丑陋、凶恶,是吸血鬼的象征。英语中有as blind as a bat, crazy as a bat, have bats in the belfry. (d)狗(dog) 在西方文化中被看做是mans best friend.而在中国狗是用来看家的动物,狗常让人联想到令人可恶的人或东西,如“看家狗”、“你只不过是某某的
21、一条狗”、“狗娘养的”、“狗改不了吃屎”等。,(e)猫头鹰(owl) 西方人把它当做智慧的象征 (as wise as an owl)。而中国人则认为猫头鹰是厄运的象征。例如“夜猫子进宅”意味着厄运即将来临。 (f)狮子(lion) 中国人认为狮子只不过是凶猛强大的食肉动物。西方人则认为狮子是“百兽之王”,很威严雄伟(as regal as a lion), (as majestic as a lion),三、某些动物词汇在一种文化中有丰富的联想意义,而在另一种文化中则没有,在中国文化中,鹤是长寿的象征,如“鹤年”、“鹤龄”、“松鹤延年”等;乌龟被比作外遇者的丈夫,如“王八”、“王八蛋”; 蛇代表忘恩负义的人,如“农夫和蛇”。但在西方文化中无此联想。而在西方文化中,a bull让人联想到行为粗鲁、手脚笨拙、会惹麻烦的人,如behave 1ike a bull in a china shop; eager beaver(卖力的河狸)比喻急于做成某事而特别卖力,但有点急躁的人;“chicken”指懦夫、胆小鬼; 鳝鱼暗指狡猾、不老实、不可靠的人(as slippery as an eel),但在中国文化中无此联想。,Homework:,举例说明汉英表达的不同,