1、天津医科大学大学英语课程导入内容,2010-2011 The second semester,期末试卷构成,教学计划,网络教学资源,成绩评定构成,Preview Plan (before-class),Self-learning Plan (after-class),Self-learning Plan (after-class),III.天津医科大学数字化教学平台上的教学资源:,1).外研社新标准大学英语自主学习系统(http:/ 2).新理念大学英语自主学习系统(http:/) 3).蓝鸽自主学习网路系统(http:/。,
2、附件1 2010-2011学年第二学期教学计划(10级),第1周导入课 第2周Unit 1 第3周Unit 1 第10周Mid-test,附件2:成绩评定构成(10级),综合课平时成绩构成 (共9个平时成绩): 作文2次; 单词测试2次; presentation 1次; 阅读2次(由听力老师在语音室协助完成); 期中测试1次(统一出题); 考勤和课上表现综合起来给一个分。 网上练习,在期末考试(百分制)中:50%,1) 听力约占25% (视听说教程15%,课外 15%); 2) 阅读约占25-35% (包括:综合教程10- 15%、综合训练5-10、课外内容10%); 3) 词汇与结构约占1
3、0-15%; 4) 完型填空或句子填空或段落排序约占5-10%; 5) 翻译5% 6) 写作约占15% 7) 口语考试 10%,Presentation:,1.Name/Class/Student No/Grade:_ 2.Title/Topic:_ 3.Reasons for choosing the topic:_ 4.Supportive materials(e.g. what you use, e.g. movie/TV clip, photo, news pictures, cartoon, flash, statistics, charts,) _ 5.Summary/Main p
4、oints/your comments (At most 30 words.) Example of Presentation Outline _,Oral Presentation,Topic: everything you are interested in Time limit: 5 minutes Form: oral / oral + PPT Requirement: Prepare a summary in no more than 30 words, reasons for choosing this topic, and an outline for the teacher a
5、t least one day before the class.,Scoring Checklist,II. Vocal Expression Standard pronunciation. B. Varying tones to emphasize points. C. Speaking loudly enough to be heard by the audience. Using appropriate rate and rhythm.,Scoring Checklist,I. Physical Expression A. Standing straight and facing au
6、dience. B. Changing facial expressions with changes in tone of the presentation. C. Keeping eye contact with the audience. D. Using appropriate gestures.,III. Verbal Expression A. Choosing precise words to convey meanings. B. Avoiding unnecessary repetition. C. Organizing information logically. D. Summarizing main points at conclusion. E. Within time limit.,Scoring Checklist,学习小组 (各组长完成评分),Presentation 学委登录每次测验及作文分数 Talking points Starting points Words check in groups,