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1、基础英语写作I 教学大纲,教 学 目 标基础英语写作I是英语专业本科生在大学一年级的基本技能训练课程,它的主要目标是让学生通过系统的训练初步掌握英语写作的基础知识和技巧。要在听、说、读、译的过程中重新建立写作的视角和意识,培养和锻炼逻辑思维和思辨能力以及综合应用基本英语知识和技巧的能力,对书信、散文、小说、评论等文体分步骤、分阶段地展开实践性训练。,具体说来,其目标包括: (一)知识 1)熟悉并掌握经典英文电影的故事设置、人物情感表述方式; 2)细读、分析和消化英国散文优秀篇章的写作风格和语言特点; 3)欣赏、评价并吸收英文著名短篇小说、中长篇小说的要素; 4)全面掌握书信、散文、小说、评论等

2、文体的写作要点。,(二)技能1)以写作视角和意识进行听、说、读、译英文基本技能自我训练; 2)能够独立搜集资料、处理材料、组织篇章; 3)涉猎多种学科领域,养成细心观察社会生活的习惯;4)具有自主性、创造性、认识世 界、分析问题的能力。,(三)情感1)培养用文字手段表现自我、认识人生、剖析社会问题的兴趣;2)关注和感悟人类共同的 情感和处境。,学 前 准 备大号活页纸日记本,教学内容和学时分配,(一)写作水平考查2学时 主要内容: 在规定时间内写出并陈述以下问题:1、What is a good writing in your mind? 2、Tell us something about t

3、he most impressive writing which you have read recently? 教学要求:师生互动创造融洽的对话环境,学生充分展现对英文写作的认识。,教学重点:强调第一阶段的写作目标:Unity, all parts or elements of the writing constituting an organic and harmonious whole; Coherence, all parts or elements well connected to show clear logicalcausal, contrastive, hierarchica

4、l, parallel, etc.relations; Emphasis, special and significant stress given to important ideas by means of position, repetition, or other indication; Development, adequate elaboration and sufficient expansion; Clarity, precise, concise, and lucid in style.,(二)第一单元第1部分2学时 主要内容:Letter of Thanks 教学要求:提前

5、阅读英语专业写作第一册,Section One, Unit 1 Notes/Letters of Thanks;阅读Comprehensive English Movie Scripts, Forrest Gump;阅读Animal Farm, chapter 1.,教学重点:Grant the students a peek at Forrest Gumps life journey where he learns to deal with not only the prejudice, hate, hope, fears and dreams of human nature but als

6、o life and death. Forrest is the embodiment of an era, an innocent at large in a world that is losing its innocence. His kind and loving heart knows what his limited IQ cannot. Armed with only his nature versus the worlds cruelty, he never allows his moral compass to waver. Forrest Gump has a story

7、to tell and a letter of thanks to write to his beloved mother.,(二)第一单元第1部分2学时主要内容:Letter of Thanks 教学内容:1、You are Forrest Gump. Write a letter of thanks to your mother. (150250 words),先打草稿,然后反复修改。最后把Final Draft 工整地隔行抄写在活页纸上。找一位Partner做Critic,在信下方用汉语写Criticism。Critic 可以自由地从各个角度对该信写评论。最后Critic需签上自己的名字

8、,该评论要计分。,【往届写作班同学成功经验】找一位志趣相投的同学长期做Critic, 两人不仅仅为对方的定稿做评论,而且在整个写作过程中相互讨论切磋,进步很大,提高很快哟!,2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 1. 用中文自由评论,字数不限。把定稿工整地抄写在活页纸上,每页签名并且编好页码。此篇评论所涉及内容只限第一章,但观点和为论证所采用的材料不限。,(三)第一单元第2部分2学时主要内容:提交并陈述1、 Letter of Thanks ;2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 1.,(四)第一单元第3部

9、分2学时1、提前阅读英国散文的流变第七章 二十世纪(上)“萧伯纳的散文特点”、“作为散文家的罗素”;2、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 2.,Vocabulary 1: (1) solitude (2) transport (3) remain (4) survive (5) concern (6) substantial (7) remind (8) earnest (9) worship (10) deserve (11) victim (12) despise (13) respectable (14) extreme (15) constancy (16) equal (

10、17) fickle (18) principle (19) guarantee (20) staggering (21) alike (22) reign (23) antique (24) sham (25) style,写 作 要 点首先熟悉英文原文,仔细揣摩每个词在原文中的用法。然后利用有例句的较大型的英汉词典和汉英词典进一步了解每个词的不同用法及特点。在以上两个步骤中,一边学习一边构思自己的篇章。限词作文要求把大部分词语能够用进去,词性不限,文体不限,但故事情节和相关内容要基本完整。,下 次 提 交1、 Passage Writing 1(200 words or so);2、 A

11、criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 2.,教学重点:萧伯纳的智慧、幽默和才情通过对话、通过他的无可比拟的散文,把喜悦送进了另一代观众的心田里,这样的作家和散文在英国文学史上不多见。罗素涉及的方面广、成就大,散文写得简洁透彻。,(四)第一单元第3部分2学时提交并陈述:1、Passage Writing 1; 2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 2.,(五)第二单元第1部分2学时主要内容:Letter of Invitation and Reply,教 学 要 求1、提前阅读英语专业写作第一册,Section On

12、e, Unit 2 Notes/Letters of Invitation and Reply;,2、阅读Comprehensive English Movie Scripts, Roman Holiday;3、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 3.,下 下 周 提 交1、You are Princess Anne/Joe. Write a letter of Invitation or Reply to Joe/ Anne;2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 3.,教学重点:Joe Bradley, an American journ

13、alist, one night meets a beautiful girl in the street of Rome. The girl is Princess Anne, a descendent of Europes oldest ruling family paying a visit to Rome. He accompanies Princess Anne around Rome, getting not only many a valuable photo of her but also a subtle reading of her character. The happy

14、 experience of Rome set in an ordinary environment lasts for the whole day, and Annes heart is also deeply touched by Joe. Romance and reality always speaks different languages. In the press conference held for Princess Anne, the princess has to pretend not knowing Joe. Anne/Joe has a story to tell

15、and a letter of invitation to write to the other.,(六)第二单元第2部分2学时提交并陈述: 1、You are Princess Anne/Joe. Write a letter of Invitation or Reply to Joe/ Anne; 2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 3.,(七)第二单元第3部分2学时1、提前阅读英国散文的流变第七章 二十世纪(上)“布卢姆斯伯里街上的高层知识圈”;2、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 4.,Vocabulary 2:(1) abst

16、inence (2) thrift (3) consumption (4) enterprise (5) profit (6) sensitive (7) robust (8) outrage (9) refrain (10) retort (11) venal (12) disdain (13) compatible (14) countenance (15) prestige (16) blunt (17) adversary (18) distinguished (19) convince (20) queer (21) relish (22) turbulent (23) materi

17、alist (24) predominant (25) enchant,下 次 提 交1、 Passage Writing 2(200 words or so);2、 A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 4.,教学重点:经济学家凯恩斯有绝好的文笔,写经济文章能够做到文字精练、通俗易懂,格调高、文笔典雅,准确深刻。斯屈奇除了会叙述经过、描绘细节,最大的特点是能在字里行间传达嘲讽口气。吴尔夫用诗的笔法来写小说,文字轻捷、活泼、流动,给过于繁杂的现代小说文体增加了一种灵秀之气,同时她又写得十分实在,街景和行人总是伴随着观察者不断变化的内心情绪的描写,使景物有

18、了生命,人物也增加了深度。,(八)第三单元第1部分2学时主要内容: Letter of Inquiry and Request,教学要求:1、提前阅读英语专业写作第一册,Section One, Unit 3 Notes/Letters of Inquiry and Request; 2、阅读Comprehensive English Movie Scripts, Ghost; 3、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 5.,教学重点:Sam Wheat and Molly Jepson seem to have everything that all happy couples ha

19、ve. But it comes as a shock that Sam is killed. Life and death thereupon separate the lovers and Molly is entrapped into loneliness, remembrance, and grief. Sams ghost, who can see without being seen, hear without being heard, finds out the truth about his death. In order to comfort Molly and smash

20、the murderer. Sam has a story to tell and a letter of inquiry and request to write to Molly.,(九)第三单元第2部分2学时主要内容:Letter of Inquiry and Request,提交并陈述:1、You are Sam/Molly. Write a letter of inquiry and request to Molly/Sam;2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 5.,(十)第三单元第3部分2学时1、提前阅读英国散文的流变第七章 二十世纪(

21、上)“世界大战;现代主义”,第八章 二十世纪(下)“邱吉尔的雄辩和文风观”、“文风问题的复杂性”;2、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 6.,Vocabulary 3:(1) involve (2) compel (3) simultaneous (4) evoke (5) fastidious (6) sentimental (7) trace (8) unification (9) odour (10) modify (11) frequent (12) twinge (13) universe (14) crimson (15) supernatural (16) vital

22、ity (17) contrast (18) bosom (19) conflict (20) advantage (21) bias (22) liquidation (23) bitter (24) alien (25) tolerate,下 次 提 交1、Passage Writing 3; 2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 6.,教学重点:诗人爱略特以文论著,影响颇大。乔伊斯重振了莎士比亚和狄更斯运用活的语言的本领,使小说家的笔端获得了新的自由;他的笔法具有根本性的革新,语言起了很大变化,句与句之间可以无碍地流动。劳伦斯的小说写得深刻而令

23、人激动不安,然而文字上并不追求新奇。邱吉尔的英文是地道的英国英文,有许多传统的优良品质,如善用最朴素的基本词汇,善用修辞,句子结构合乎习惯 首要一点是清楚准确地达意。奥威尔的文学评论别出一格,完全不用文论家的术语、套话,直抒个人观感,具有新鲜而深刻的看法,文字平易有力,非一般文论家所能企及。,(十)第三单元第3部分2学时提交并陈述:1、Passage Writing 3; 2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 6.,(十一)第四单元第1部分2学时主要内容:Letter of Apology and Explanation,教 学 要 求1、提前阅读英

24、语专业写作第一册,Section One, Unit 5 Notes/Letters of Apology and Explanation;2、阅读Comprehensive English Movie Scripts, Kramer VS. Kramer;3、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 7.,教学重点:After a lifetime of being “somebodys daughter or somebodys wife”, Joanna is going off to find herself. Ted, while trying to hold down his

25、job, gets to really know his son as few fathers do. For the first time in his life he feel like a fulfilled parent. But then Joanna returns and wants her son back. Ted has a story to tell and a letter of apology and explanation to write to Joanna.,(十二)第四单元第1部分2学时主要内容:Letter of Apology and Explanatio

26、n,提交并陈述:1、You are Ted/ Joanna. Write a letter of apology and explanation to Joanna / Ted;2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 7.,(十三)第四单元第3部分2学时1、提前阅读英国散文的流变第八章 二十世纪(下) “学府的文雅;文雅的限度与扩充”;2、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 8.,Vocabulary 4:(1) occupy (2) unworthy (3) major (4) surpass (5) heritage (6) astoni

27、shing (7) extant (8) collapse (9) penetration (10) cultivated (11) flimsy (12) cynical (13) idle (14) lifelong (15) transform (16) edifice (17) suspicion (18) awry (19) paradox (20) catastrophic (21) absolute (22) chaos (23) affectation (24) hypocrisy (25) criterion,教学重点:学府中人特别是牛津剑桥这两所古老大学出身的人有极为相似的

28、特点,他们心目中的好散文是言之有物而又有文采,他们普遍赞赏平易,有不少人能做到这点,也有许多人写得浮泛或仅仅俏皮,另有些人书卷气太重,拉丁引文过多,成为所谓“学府体”的一种毛病。,下 次 提 交1、Passage Writing 4; 2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 8.,(十三)第四单元第3部分2学时提交并陈述:1、Passage Writing 4;2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 8.,(十四)第五单元第1部分2学时主要内容:Describing a Place,(十四)第五单元第1部分2学

29、时1、提前阅读英语专业写作第一册,Section Two, Unit 2 Describing a Place;2、阅读Comprehensive English Movie Scripts, Sleepless in Seattle;3、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 9.,教学重点:After his wife dies, Sam, an architect in Chicago, and his son Jonah move to Seattle to avoid the sad memories. On Christmas Eve, Jonah calls to a ra

30、dio program to say that he hopes his father could find a new wife. At the MCs request, Sam tells his love for his wife. Annie, a journalist in Baltimore, happens to listen to the program and is deeply moved by Sams sensitivity. She cant help trying every opportunity to approach him.,下 下 周 提 交 1、Desc

31、ribe the Empire State building on Valentines Day according to the movie Sleepless in Seattle;2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 9.,(十五)第五单元第1部分2学时主要内容:Describing a Place,(十五)第五单元第2部分2学时提交并陈述: 1、 Describe the Empire State building on Valentines Day according to the movie Sleepless in Seattle;2、

32、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 9.,(十六)第五单元第3部分2学时1、提前阅读英国散文的流变第八章 二十世纪(下) “报刊文的今天”、“随意文体;小品文”;2、阅读Animal Farm, chapter 10.,Vocabulary 5:(1) entertaining (2) identity (3) flourish (4) accuse (5) privilege (6) subvert (7) condense (8) exhausted (9) embody (10) exile (11) thrall (12) absurd (13

33、) onslaught (14) bewilder (15) diminish (16) escape (17) remnant (18) devious (19) impeccable (20) vigilant (21) saturate (22) approach (23) agony (24) disturb (25) imply,(十六)第五单元第3部分2学时提交并陈述:1、Passage Writing 5; 2、A criticism about Animal Farm, chapter 10.,教学重点:从研究散文的角度来看,期刊的文章比一般日报更讲究文字,也许更值得注意。随意

34、文体指的是书信、日记、回忆录、自传、小品文之类,在二十世纪仍然大量涌现。英国是小品文发达的国家,可谓代有传人,在内容和写法上也有变化发展。,(十七)第六单元第1部分2学时主要内容:Narrating an Event教学要求:提前阅读英语专业写作第一册,Section Two, Unit 1 Narrating an Event or a Routine;阅读Comprehensive English Movie Scripts, Scent of a Woman;阅读English Short Story Writing, Unit 1 Fiction: the Short Story.,教

35、学重点:Lt. Colonel Frank Slade is one of lifes true originals, now blind, irascrible yet with a touch of the poet. Charlie is an earnest young prep student facing a difficult crossroad in his life. Their raucous, revealing and at times hysterical adventure in New York will leave them both changed forev

36、er.,(十八)第六单元第2部分2学时主要内容:Narrating an Event教学要求:提交并陈述:1、Narrate an event which you experienced in the past vacation;2、A criticism about The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin.,教学重点:熟悉并掌握Vocabulary 6: (1) colossal (2) restore (3) enchantment (4) startling (5) authentic (6) carnival (7) immaculate (8) wre

37、ck (9) reluctant (10) infamous (11) consternation (12) weary (13) evasive (14) obstacle (15) downfall (16) stir (17) hideous (18) prolong (19) deface (20) manifold (21) distress (22) proof (23) desolation (24) mourning (25) emblem (26) eloquence (27) repose (28) thwart (29) assimilation (30) encroac

38、hment,(十九)第六单元第3部分2学时主要内容:提交并陈述:1、Passage Writing 6; 2、A criticism about Araby by James Joyce. 教学要求:提前阅读英国散文的流变第八章 二十世纪(下) “两本游记”、“新品种:广播与电视上的散文”、“口述历史”,第九章 结束语, 第六章 十九世纪“历史想象力的发挥”、“说理散文的各种表现”、“纽曼的信仰危机”、“密尔的自由观”;阅读English Short Story Writing, Unit 2 Narrative Point of View.,教学重点:To understand the fu

39、nctions of the different types of narrative point of view in short fiction; To see whether or not first-person narration might be able to enhance an illusion of reality and a sense of immediacy; To examine what would be gained or lost by changing the narration in a given story from first to third pe

40、rson or vice versa; To acquie the ability to choose the best kind of narrator who can best fulfill your purposes as the author of a short story.,(二十)第七单元第1部分2学时主要内容:Describing a Person教学要求:提前阅读英语专业写作第一册,Section Two, Unit 2 Describing a Person;阅读Comprehensive English Movie Scripts, Rebecca;阅读English

41、Short Story Writing, Unit 3 Plot.,教学重点:“I”happened to meet Mr. de Winter, the wealthy master of Manderley, and they fell in love with each other. “I”returned to Manderley with Maxim after their marriage. As “I”always suspect that Maxim still loved his beautiful dead wife Rebecca, and Mrs. Danvers, t

42、he housekeeper of Manderley and Rebeccas personal maid always created difficulties for me, “I”was very sad and downhearted.,(二十一)第七单元第2部分2学时主要内容:Describing a Person教学要求:提交并陈述:1、Describe and rewrite the character Rebecca from your point of view or from the point of view of one character in the movie;

43、2、A criticism about On the Road by Langston Hughes.,教学重点:熟悉并掌握Vocabulary 7: (1) extinction (2) infer (3) decry (4) denounce (5) veritable (6) tangle (7) torture (8) superstition (9) indelible (10) listless (11) ineffable (12) benign (13) sedate (14) apt (15) simper (16) soothe (17) animate (18) cont

44、emplate (19) shrink (20) iniquity (21) notorious (22) induce (23) reimburse (24) profligate (25) antagonist (26) dexterity (27) mishap (28) agility (29) treachery (30) rational,(二十二)第七单元第3部分2学时 主要内容:提交并陈述:1、Passage Writing 7; 2、A criticism about The Law of Life by Jack London. 教学要求:提前阅读英国散文的流变第六章 十九

45、世纪“科学家的文章”、“美学家的忧患感”、“文论和文论的背后”、“小说散文的厚实与灵气”、“世纪末的变化”;阅读English Short Story Writing, Unit 4 Conflict。,教学重点:To understand that plot is actually a kind of skeleton that a short story writer fills out by using the meat conflict; To develop an awareness of the fact that the conflict of a story is driven

46、 by its characters; To gain perspective on different types of internal and external conflict; To keep in mind one of the most important rules of fiction “No conflict, no story” when reading or writing a short story.,(二十三)第八单元第1部分2学时 主要内容:Write an outline of short story 教学要求:Make up a short story of

47、adventure/fantasy/family/romance/crime/ terror. 教学重点:To understand that plot means the sequence of events in a story typically containing a launching action, some rising actions, a climax, and a resolution in a linear pattern.,(二十四)第八单元第2部分2学时主要内容:1、Report the short story; 2、A criticism about The Ne

48、w Dress by Virginia Woolf教学要求:提前阅读English Short Story Writing, Unit 5 Characterization I.,教学重点:To understand that a short story writer develops a character in one or more of the following ways: through his actions, thoughts and speeches, through a physical description of him or a direct statement ab

49、out him, through the opinions of other characters; To identify the protagonist of a short story as a three-dimensional character, and examine his physical attributes, background, and psychology that characterize him as an individual.,(二十五)第八单元第3部分2学时主要内容:1、Report the short story;2、A criticism about

50、A Clean, Well-Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway教学要求:提前阅读English Short Story Writing, Unit 6 Characterization II.,教学重点:To see how a round character is portrayed as being three-dimensional, complex, and full of possibilities for conflicts in short fiction; To see how a flat character functions to highlight what a round character experiences in short fiction; To learn to identify antiheroes, foils, stock characters, static characters, and dynamic characters in short fiction, and try to make sense of their different roles.,


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