1、单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版副标题样式* 1Session 2n语音与文字Vowels and Consonantsn English 12 vowelsn 8 diphthongsn 2 semi-vowels n 24 consonants n Chinese 10 单韵母 (vowels)n 13 复韵母 (diphthongs)n 15 鼻韵母 (vowels+nasal consonants)n 22 声母 (consonants)Vowels and Consonantsn English simple structuren more logicaln strict f
2、ormsn conception-centred, straightforward, masculinen Chinese greater varietiesn different levels of vowelsn relatively loose formsn apperception-centred, beautified, feminineThings Can Be Complex nEnglish: different combinations of letters to form syllables (phonemes)n eg. son sun, fir fur, sea see
3、, knot not, week weak, tail tale, meddle medalnChinese: 同音词,近音词,叠音词n eg. 音信音讯,隐讳隐晦,折中折衷,n 统统通通,异香异乡,期中期终IntonationsnChinese is a tonal language( 声调语言).n Dead. Killed? No. Yes! n -Thomas Francis Wade (魏妥玛 )nEnglish is an intonational language( 语调语言) .Functions of C let us pursue common causes; let us
4、 address our differences openly and with respect; let us build a better world for our children. n 主席先生,您的访问 给了 我们一个机遇,也 赋予 我们一种责任。在 新的世纪 、 新的千年 即将到来的时刻,让我们加强 彼此之间 的联系,让我们追寻共同的事业,让我们 开诚布公 、 尊重事实 地处理我们的分歧,让我们为了我们的 子孙后代 建设一个 更加 美好的世界。Examples Analysisn 环顾全球,多极化趋势正在 加速发展 。科学技术 突飞猛进 ,世界经济 持续增长 ,国际贸易和投资 不
5、断扩大 ,世界各国联系 更加紧密 ,区域性的经济合作 势头强劲 ,成为世界经济新的增长点。n Around the world, the multi-polarization tendency is getting stronger. Science and technology advance very fast; world economy, international trade and investment keep increasing; the economic relations among countries have become closer; and regional e
6、conomic cooperation develops rapidly and has become a new growth sector for the whole world. Examples Analysisn 中国政府将遵循 互相尊重、平等互利、加强交流、共同发展 的原则,为积极推动和促进亚太区域的经济合作继续做出自己的努力。n The Chinese government will continue to make its own effort to promote economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region in accor
7、dance with the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, intensified communication and common development.Examples Analysisn 对于我本人和我的代表团成员来说,这是一个愉快而难忘的时刻。我接受阁下的邀请 前来 访问你们伟大的国家,这使我们有极好的机会 重叙旧情 ,并 结交新朋 。n This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally and the members of my d
8、elegation. In accepting Your Excellencys gracious invitation to visit this great county, it has provided us an excellent opportunity to renew old friendships and establish new contacts. Examples Analysisn 建立一个充满 生机和朝气 的社会主义市场经济体制。nTo establish a socialist market economic structure imbued with vigour
9、 and vitality.nTo establish a vigourous socialist market economic structure. Examples Analysisn 干部的素质如何关系到我们国家的 前途和未来 。nThe quality of our leaders has an important bearing on the future and destiny of our country. nThe future of our country depends on the quality of our leaders. Examples Analysisn 加强和改进 宏观经济 调控 。nWe must strengthen and improve macro-economic regulation and control.nWe must improve macro-economic management.