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1、1福建省高校专升本统一招生考试公共课考试大纲(语、数、英)(第二版)福建省教育厅 组织编写厦门大学出版社目 录福建省高职高专升本科统一招生考试大学语文考试大纲( )福建省高职高专升本科统一招生考试高等数学考试大纲( )福建省高校专升本统一招生考试英语水平测试大纲(非英语专业)( )福建省高校专升本统一招生考试英语水平测试样题(1) (非英语专业)( )福建省高校专升本统一招生考试英语水平测试样题(2) (非英语专业)( )附录:高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求(试行)( )2福建省高校专升本统一招生考试大学语文考试大纲一、考试的基本要求“大学语文”的考试范围和基本内容,限于本“考试大纲”规定的

2、 28 篇精读课文,但泛读课文可用作阅读理解的例题材料。具体考试内容包括:1、语言知识:考核文言文课文中常见的文言虚词、实词和句式。现代文不考语言知识;2、文体知识:考核文言文课文所涉及的古代文体分类及其主要形式特征。现代文不考文体知识;3、作家作品知识:考核与精读课文相关的古代与现代作家作品基本知识;4、课文阅读分析:考核精读课文的主要观点(或主旨、主题、主要感情倾向) 、思想内容、写作特点、语言修辞等。要求既能从整体上领会掌握课文,又能结合课文的有关段落进行分析论述。5、文字表达:考一篇 800 字左右的作文,不限文体,但诗歌除外。二、28 篇精读课文的考核要求(一)课文阅读分析的总体考核

3、要点:1、把握并归纳课文的主旨(议论文的中心论点,说明文的说明对象特征,记叙文的中心思想,诗词曲赋的基本思想感情,小说的主题) ,理解其思想认识意义;2、领会课文的主要写作特点或艺术表现手法,如议论文的论证方法,说明文的说明方法,记叙文、小说中的叙事方法、景物和人物描写方法,诗文作品的情景交融、比兴象征等抒情方法,要求能联系课文有关段落进行具体分析;3、熟记课文中的关键词或富于艺术表现力的精彩词句,对其含义及其表达作用给出简要说明;4、识记并理解课文中常用的修辞手法,如:比喻、比拟、对偶、排比、夸张、反语、用典、借代、暗示、层递、设问、反诘等,并能具体说明其表达作用。(二)28 篇精读课文具体

4、考核要点:1、 庄子养生主(节选) (1)理解本文中心观点所具有的普遍意义。(2)识记本文以寓言故事为论据的喻证法的论证特点。(3)分析本文所能概括出的“庖丁解牛” 、 “游刃有余” 、 “踌躇满志”等成语的含义。2、 谏太宗十思疏(1)理解本文三个论证层次之间内在的逻辑关系。(2)分析“十思”之论中所包含的君应自戒自谦,民可载舟覆舟的对应关系。(3)理解本文喻证法和对比法相结合的论证特点。3、 答司马谏议书(1)理解驳论文章“破字当头,立在其中”的议论方式。(2)分析作者辩驳论敌观点时分别采用的“据实反驳”和“据理反驳”的特点。(3)理解本文虽语气平和,但态度坚决的寓刚于柔的特点。34、 今

5、(1)认知本文的中心论点,理解本文这一论点的现实针对性。(2)理解作者从“今”的时间意义和客观存在意义两个层面来论证中心观点的特点。(3)理解本文中多种论据与中心论点的关系。(4)理解演绎法的论证过程及其作用。5、 中国人失掉自信力了吗(1)识记这是一篇驳论文章。(2)理解本文确立的颂扬“民族脊梁”的坚强意志和自信心的中心论点。(3)分析本文抓住论敌逻辑错误加以辩驳的论辩特征。(4)理解本文最后一段话的深刻含义。6、 裘(1)掌握裘的定义、种类及其特点。(2)理解本文所采用的多种说明方法。(3)理解本文的结构方式及其表述特点。7、 桥的运动(1)理解“桥的运动是桥的存在形式”这一抽象事理。(2

6、)掌握本文的结构层次与结构方式。(3)理解桥的“动平衡说” 。(4)结合本文内容,理解科学小品的特点。8、 垓下之围(1)理解本文肯定项羽重大历史功绩,同时批评项羽缺乏政治远见的基本倾向。(2)把握本文通过三个场面描写塑造项羽悲剧英雄形象的写作特点,分析项羽主要的个性特征。(3)具体分析本文运用心理描写和细节描写表现人物性格特征的写作特点。9、 张中丞传后叙(1)认识本文驳论与叙事并重的特点,并分析这两者内在联系。(2)理解本文“以论传人”的写人方法在驳论部分的具体应用。(3)分析本文细节描写在刻画张巡、南霁云性格特征所起的作用。(4)分析本文三个主要英雄人物相互映衬的关系,以及通过反面人物来

7、反衬他们的特点。10、 始得西山宴游记(1)理解本文反复出现“始得”二字在表情达意上的意义。(2)理解本文第一层次成为第二层次铺垫的结构特点。(3)理解本文运用侧面烘托的手法来写西山的特点。(4)领会作者得出“心凝形释,与万化冥合”感悟的过程。11、 登西台恸哭记(1)理解本文为民族英雄文天祥、为宋朝覆亡而恸哭的强烈爱国情感。(2)领会本文“哭”字贯串全文的结构特点。(3)具体分析本文细节描写和景物描写在表达主题、抒发情感、烘托气氛等方面的艺术表现4功能。12、 徐文长传(1)理解徐文长独立一时、卓而不群的奇特个性,和忧愤成疾、颠狂自戕的悲惨命运。(2)理解本文“文中有我” ,感情强烈的总体特

8、色。(3)分析本文“以事传人”与“以论传人”相结合的写人方法。13、 故乡的野菜(1)理解本文运用比较、烘托方法所抒发的眷念故乡的情感。(2)分析本文运用民歌、谚语来点染、抒发情感的作用。14、 废园外(1)理解本文所表达的作者强烈的爱憎分明的情感。(2)分析本文虚实结合、虚实相生,通过想像来展开叙事、抒情的艺术表达方式。15、 国殇(1)理解本诗题目国殇的含义,概括本诗的主要感情倾向。(2)分析本诗场面描写与细节描写相结合的写作特点。(3)背诵这首诗。16、 短歌行(1)体会诗中所表现的复杂、矛盾的情感,概括全诗的主旨。(2)理清本诗的抒情层次,及其相互关系。(3)理解诗中用典、比喻、象征等

9、修辞手法所起的作用。(4)背诵这首诗。17、 山居秋暝(1)划分本诗写景部分的层次,概括其各自侧重点。(2)理解诗中以动写静、动静结合的写作特点。18、 春望(1)理解诗人通过望中所见、望中所感抒情的艺术特点。(2)分析对本诗颔联两句含义的两种解释的各自特点。(3)理解本诗中细节描写对深化主题的意义。(4)背诵这首诗。19、 泊秦淮(1)理解诗人夜泊秦淮的感慨所包含的深刻主题。(2)理解这首诗构思精巧,表达含蓄的写作特点。(3)背诵这首诗。20、 关山月(1)分析这首诗感情层次,理解以“月”贯串全诗的结构特点。(2)说明这首诗选取典型事物、典型场景来抒情言志的特点。(3)背诵这首诗。21、 再

10、别康桥(1)把握作者重游故地,与之再别时眷念、珍惜相交织的情怀。5(2)理解这首诗通过选择意象、运用比喻象征来丰富诗歌内涵的艺术特点。22、 祖国啊,我亲爱的祖国(1)体会诗人对祖国母亲的深沉挚爱之情,以及渴望祖国日益强盛的殷切情意。(2)掌握本诗多重显、隐意象叠加的抒情手法。(3)理解诗中抒情主人公的情感变化过程,理清诗篇情感逻辑层次。23、 虞美人(春花秋月何时了) (1)理解词人表达的身处特殊情景的特殊感受。(2)理解这首词“触物兴感”的抒情手法。(3)说明“雕栏玉砌”与“小楼” 、 “朱颜”所构成的双重对比关系。(4)背诵这首词。24、 雨霖铃(寒蝉凄切) (1)理解这首词点染手法所起

11、的作用。(2)分析“今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸、晓风残月”在本词结构上所起的作用。(3)背诵这首词。25、 水龙吟登建康赏心亭(1)理解这首词上片词人所点明的“无人会,登临意”深刻内涵。(2)识记这首词下片三个典故的本事,以及词人用典的创作意图。(3)背诵这首词。26、 前赤壁赋(1)体会苏轼写作此赋时的复杂心态和情感变化,把握作者忘怀得失、随遇而安的人生态度。(2)理解并分析此篇赋文创造性地运用赋体主客问答,抑客伸主的手法来表现内心矛盾的独特构思。(3)具体分析此篇赋文写景、抒情、说理有机结合,具有理趣之美的特点。27、 风波(1)理解本篇小说题目风波的含义。(2)分析七斤与赵七爷,九斤老太与六斤

12、这两组人物分别对应的关系。(3)理解人物对话对刻画人物、表现小说主题的作用。(4)指出细节描写、心理描写对突出七斤这个人物性格特征的作用。(5)分析小说开头、结尾两处场景描写在烘托、深化主题方面的作用。28、 断魂枪(1)理解本文时代背景的交代对表现人物的意义。(2)概括主要人物沙子龙性格特征和复杂心态。(3)分析次要人物王三胜、孙老者对沙子龙的塑造所起的对比、衬托的作用。(4)理解本文肖像、语言、动作描写对刻画人物的意义。三、试卷题型和分数结构(1)选择题:20 分(2)填空题:10 分6(3)语词解释题:10 分(4)翻译题:10 分(5)简答题:20 分(6)简析题:30 分(7)作文题

13、:50 分,命题作文,文体不限(但不能写成诗歌) ,字数要求 800 字。四、考试命题用书大学语文 ,福建省教育厅组编,吴雄、邵良祺主编,陈庆元主审,厦门大学出版社 2004年 8 月第二版。福建省高校专升本统一招生考试英语水平测试大纲(非英语专业)一、总则国家教育部高教司在“关于印发高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求 (试行)的通知”(2000)57 号文件 中指出,高职高专教育以培养学生实际运用语言能力为目标,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性;针对目前高职高专学生入学水平参差不齐的情况,实行统一要求、分级指导的原则。高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求 (以下简称基本要求 )对英语教学提出了应达到的

14、合格要求,把教学和测试分为 A、 B 两级。B 级是过渡要求, A 级是标准要求。福建省高职高专升本科英语水平测试根据基本要求的精神,参照福建省教育厅组织编写的英语基础教程 (高职高专版)系列教材的教学内容,全面考核基本要求中所提出的各项目标。 基本要求中指出:高职高专教育英语课程的教学目的是,经过 180-220 学时的教学,使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识技能,具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,从而借助词典阅读和翻译有关英语业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础。为此,这项考试主要考核学生运用语言的能力,同时也考核学生对语法结构和词

15、语用法的掌握程度。本考试是一种标准化考试。考试范围主要是基本要求中所规定的 A 级要求。为保证试卷的信度和效度,试卷采用主观题与客观题相结合的形式,能较全面地考核学生有关语言的基础知识和运用语言的能力。考试每年组织一次,由省教育厅组织实施。二、考试内容本考试包括五个部分:听力理解(暂不考) 、阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、完形填空或英7译汉、短文写作。全部题目按顺序统一编号。第一部分:听力理解(暂不考) (Part: Listening Comprehension) 。共 20 题,考试时间为 30分钟。这一部分共有四种形式,每次考试选择其中的三种形式。第一种形式为单句(statement)

16、,共 10 题,每题一个句子。录音只放一遍。每题 0.5 分;第二种形式为对话(conversation) ,共 10题,每题一组对话,对话后有一个问句。录音只放一遍。每题 1 分;第三种形式为短文(passage) 。一篇约 150 至 200 词的短文和 5 个问题。问题在试卷册上印出。录音放两遍。每题 1 分;第四种形式为听写填空(spot dictation) 。一篇约 150 词的短文,其中空出 10 个空格,要求考生填入正确的词或词组,录音放三遍。每一空格 0.5 分。听力部分的每题约有 15 秒的间隙,要求考生从试卷所给的每题 4 个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,或补全句子。录音的语

17、速为每分钟 120 词。选材原则:1、福建省教育厅组织编写的英语基础教程 (高职高专版)系列教材所提供的话题。对话与单句部分均为日常生活或交际场合中的一般用语与对话。2、短篇听力材料为题材熟悉的讲话、故事、叙述、解说等。3、所用词语不超出基本要求中所规定的 A 级词汇。第二部分:阅读理解(Part:Reading Comprehension) 。共 20 题,考试时间为 50 分钟。要求考生阅读若干篇短文,总阅读量不超过 1000 词。这一部分共有两种形式。第一种形式为 3 篇短文,每篇短文后有 5 个问题,考生应根据文章内容从每题的 4 个选择项中选出一个最佳的答案;第二种形式为一篇短文,短

18、文后有 5 个问题,考生应根据文章内容,用自己的话简短回答问题。 (一般每题答案不超过 10 个词)选材原则:1、阅读文章题材广泛,包括社会、文化、日常生活知识、科普常识等方面。但所涉及的文章以学生所熟悉的背景知识为主。2、体裁多样,包括议论文、说明文、叙述文等。3、文章的语言难度以基本要求所规定的 A 级要求为标准,如有个别超纲的词或无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词,则用汉语注明词义。阅读理解部分主要测试考生下列能力:1、理解所读文章的主旨和大意,理解事实与细节;2、理解句子的意义以及上下文的逻辑关系;3、根据文章进行一定的判断和推论;4、根据上下文推测、判断生词的意思;5、理解文章的写作意图,

19、作者的见解与态度。阅读理解主要测试学生通过阅读较准确地查找与获取信息的能力。阅读要求有一定的速度。第三部分:词语用法和语法结构(Part: Vocabulary and Structure) 。共 30 题,考试时间 20 分钟。题目中词和短语的用法占 50%,语法结构占 50%。要求考生从每题 4 个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。词语用法和语法结构部分的目的是测试学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。考试范围包括基本要求所规定的 A 级以下(包括 A 级)词汇和短语以及 基本要求中所列出的语法结构8表。词语用法与语法结构主要考核学生;1、掌握基本要求中 A 级所要求的词汇以及常用词组情况;2、掌握

20、英语语法结构的情况和对时态、语态的使用能力;3、对非谓语动词以及各类从句的掌握情况;4、对虚拟语气、强调句、倒装句以及主谓一致的使用能力。第四部分:完形填空或英译汉(Part: Cloze Test or English to Chinese Translation) 。这一部分共两种形式,每次考试选择其中一种形式。完形填空共 20 题,考试时间 20 分钟。在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约 200 词)中留有 20 个空白,每个空白为一题,每题有 4 个选择项,要求考生在全面理解文章内容的基础上选出一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和语言结构恢复完整。填空的词项包括结构词和实义词。综合填空的目的是

21、测试学生综合运用语言的能力。英译汉共 5 题。在阅读理解部分的 3 篇文章中,选择典型的、难度适中的 5 个句子,总词量不超过 100 词,在句子底下划横线。考生根据上下文的意思,正确理解,并将这 5 个句子译成汉语,译文达意。英译汉目的是测试学生阅读理解的准确程度以及汉语的表达水平。第五部分:短文写作(Part: Writing) 。共 1 题,考试时间为 30 分钟。要求考生在规定的时间内写出一篇 100-120 词的英语作文。试卷上将给出题目,或规定情景,或要求看图作文,或给出英语段首句要求考生续写,或用汉语给出每段的提纲,或给出关键词要求写出英语短文。作文要求能正确表达思想、内容切题、

22、意义连贯,无重大的语法错误。写作的内容包括日常生活和一般熟悉的常识。三、答题及计分方法客观题用机器阅卷。要求考生从每题 4 个选择项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答案纸(Answer sheet)上该题的相应字母中间用铅笔划一条横线。每题只能选择一个答案,多选作答错处理。主观题答在规定的试卷上。阅卷将按科学的评分标准评分。试卷各部分采用计数的方法,折算成百分制。四、使用教材福建省教育厅组织编写的英语基础教程 (高职高专版)系列教材(厦门大学出版社出版发行)系本考试的教学与考生自学的主要教材。2004 年省高职高专升本科英语水平测试将依据基本要求所规定的 A 级要求命题。 英语基础教程 (高职高专版)

23、系列教材按基本要求提出的各项目标编写,可供考生复习考试之用。附注:高职高专升本科英语水平测试(非英语专业)暂不考听力理解部分。福建省高校专升本统一招生考试英语水平测试样题(1)(非英语专业)Part. Listening Comprehension9Section A: 10 StatementsDirections: In this section, you will hear 10 statements. Each sentence will be spoken just once. The sentence you hear will not be written out for you

24、. After you hear each sentence, read the four choices in your test paper, marked, A, B, C, and D, and decide which one is closest in meaning to the sentence you heard. Then, on your Answer Sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of answer you have

25、chosen.1. A. She should have her ears examined.B. She must listen to her teacher.C. She didnt pay attention to her teachers opinion.D. She always does what the teacher tells her.2. A. The plane left at 12:30 A. M.B. The plane left at 12:00 noon.C. The plane left at 11:30 P. M.D. The plane left at 1:

26、00 P. M.3. A. Pat went to the party with John.B. John was invited to Pats party.C. John would not go to the party.D. Pat did not go to the party.4. A. The tour was worth the time but not the money.B. The tour was not worth the time or the money.C. The tour was worth both the time and the money.D. Th

27、e tour was not worth the time5. A. I wrote you a letter.B. I called you.C. I let her call you.D. I went to see you.6. A. There was plenty of time to get there.B. We needed more time to get there.C. We had to get there in time.D. We had a good time when we got there.7. A. She failed the test.B. She n

28、eeded more time to finish the test.C. In spite of her studying she found the test difficult.D. She did well on the test because she studied hard.8. A. Despite its being rush hour, there was little traffic.B. There was not much traffic because it was rush hour.C. There was a lot of traffic because it

29、 was rush hour.D. Rush hour is before dark.109. A. Although she has a scholarship, Ellen cannot attend the University.B. Ellen cannot get a scholarship until the University accepts her.C. Ellen attends the University on a scholarship.D. If Ellen gets a scholarship, she can attend the University.10.

30、A. We got good seats although we were late.B. We did not get good seats because we were late.C. We were too late, but we got good seats.D. We got good seats because we arrived on time.Section B: ConversationsDirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conver

31、sation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each conversation, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding l

32、etter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.11. A. Finish the work.B. Wait until next morning.C. Go home.D. Have a rest there.12. A. The woman has chosen a color.B. The woman doesnt care which color is chosen.C. The woman is concerned about the color.D. The woman has chosen a dif

33、ferent color.13. A. At the stationers.B. In the department store.C. At the bank.D. In the classroom.14. A. After the woman.B. Ahead of the woman.C. At the same time as the woman.D. Later than the woman.15. A. She is easy-going.B. She is an ill-natured person.C. She looks mean, but deep down she is k

34、ind.D. She is strict with her students.16. A. The man himself.B. The mans mother.C. The cleaner.D. The woman.1117. A. $20.58.B. $58.00.C. $78.58.D. $100.58.18. A. At the restaurant.B. At the mans clothes store.C. In the cinema.D. In a supermarket.19. A. Interviewer and interviewee.B. Manger and cler

35、k.C. Shop-girl and consumer.D. Landlady and tenant.20. A. One hour.B. An hour and a half.C. Half an hour.D. Three quarters.Section C: Spot DictationDirections: In this part, you will hear a passage three times. The passage is printed on your test paper with 10 blanks. Listen carefully and fill in th

36、e blanks with the missing words you have just heard.More and more people today are realizing the importance of 21 physical exercise.There are many different forms of exercise to 22 different tastes. For example, those who enjoy 23 sports may take up ball games. If they 24 exercise alone, they can ha

37、ve a run or take a walk in the morning or in the evening. 25 , people can go swimming in the summer and go skating in the winter. 26 , no matter what their interests are, people can always find one or more sports that are, people can always find one or more sports that are suitable to them.However,

38、the 27 of physical exercise must be chosen carefully. More harm than good will 28 if people choose the wrong form of exercise. For the aged, Qigong or Tai ji Boxing will suit them better than competitive sports. Those who have little spare time may have a regular run in the morning. Only if the kind

39、 of exercise is chosen 29 and performed regularly, will it 30 their health, work and study.Part . Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the first three passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marke

40、d A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Answer the questions on the fourth passage.Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.People are making more and more demands on the worlds natural resources. If babies born in 1991 live for 80 years, the human population of the w

41、orld may be anything from twice to three times the present total by 2070. In other words, they will have to share what is left of the earths resources with between 10 and 15 billion other people. But hopefully there will be a significant decrease in the growth of population. 12What if this does not

42、happen? The answer is that by the time before the babies born in 1991 reach the age of 40 they could be sharing resources with as many as 10 billion other people.Limiting the pollution of water and the atmosphere, controlling the output of the chemicals that may be causing global warming the climate

43、 change, and eating less meat may go some way to help, but can anyone seriously imagine that these are going to solve the problems of the “baby class”of 91?There is no getting away from the fact that people are responsible for the present state of the world, and only people can solve the problems. T

44、he decisions have to be taken by people as members of national and local governments; as leaders and decision-makers in industry; as scientists and technologists; as professional engineers and designers; as religious leaders and as individual citizens.31. Which of the following can be the title for

45、this passage?A. Making More Demands on the Natural Resources.B. Limiting the Pollution of Air and Water.C. Reducing the World Population.D. Saving the Babies of 91?32. What is meant by “the problems of the baby class of 91”?A. A large number of babies will be born after 1991.B. Babies born in 1991 w

46、ont live a long life.C. The children of 1991 are not given good education.D. The world will be over populated in 40 years.33. This short passage is probably taken from .A. a news reportB. a science fictionC. an article by a medical workerD. a government report34. It is implied in the second paragrap

47、h that .A. limiting the pollution is of the great importanceB. not all the people know how to save our planetC. our planet is becoming warmer because of the pollutionD. we should eat less so that more people can be fed35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph as people respon

48、sible for the present state of the world?A. OfficialsB. Industrialists.C. Businessmen.D. Scientists.Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Accidents are the major cause of death for all young people under 35. They are the fourth most frequent cause of death for all age groups in the U

49、. S. fourth only to heart disease, cancer and stroke. 13Each year thousands of Americans lost their lives in accidents, and thousands are permanently crippled.By far the most common types of home accidents are falls. Each year over ten thousand Americans meet death in this way, within the four walls of their home, or


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