1、21 4 8 null nullnullY=?,#= 0B 0 V MT 3 v,yNs zbB , XS,130 mV null, VnN |= s 4Y=?s 4 zs , zb2. 2.2 电解质对二氧化钛分散性的影响m1 = s 4 ssmbm1 a Vn,B s 4,=d ( s,“ Ss,C 1. 5j3 nullmvl R ,1 l 0y “v ;0. 2% B )(NaPO3) 6Ts As 4,=s z(nm1b)b Q =nulliiG L 0V ;AiiS 1 ba. (H2O)b. (H2O)+ 0. 2%(NaPO3) 6c. +V (NaPO3) 6(H2O+ ri
2、ch(NaPO3) 6)m1= s 4 ssmFig. 1The particle size differential distribution of TiO2 in H2ON Vn, Cf 0N6QZQ1, 0N, “T , 9| Ps A “byN a 5 P HA1iE t “b2. 3=AV3 1#2#“ sY24 h48 h bV3 Vn,A z=A48 h, AM,VNA48 h = Vi;B z=A24 h, AM,48 h9vbY 3 z=A12 h =| b Q“d,yN “d A z, ( V 31 pb20821 V31#2#“ 24 h48h Tab.3Theparti
3、clesizeof sample 1# ,2# after24 hand48 hSize /nullmMedian diam ( /nullmM odal diam1V /m2nullg- 1Surface area1# 0. 31 0. 31 6. 841# (24 h) 0. 30 0. 28 7. 001# (48 h) 0. 30 0. 27 6. 822# 0. 36 0. 33 5. 782# (24 h) 0. 35 0. 35 5. 982# (48 h) 0. 36 0. 41 6. 012. 40A41# 3 M i 4bm2 v , A U= M 8d ( s,;B 0(
4、m2a) ,9 “ 0(m2b)b(a)(b)m2 v Fig. 2The photographs of SEMm3i v V A, 0Y (m3a) . E (m3b)B 0?5v 7, “ ; (m3a),9 “(m3b)b(a)(b)m3i v Fig. 3The photographs of TEM3 a. 3 A= s rT B1zbb.=s s 1, 0N, “T ,# 9| Ps A “byNA1iE “bc. M 0Y = 0?5v 7b ID1 6 . 0 M 7. , 1992, (1): 16STUDYONTHEDISPERSIONOF TiO2SUSPENSIONRen
5、 Xijuan and Men Jiaming( Product and Technology Develop ing Centre of Yizheng Chemical Fibre Co., L td)ABSTRACT: Thedispersion and stability of TiO2 suspension, thestatus of TiO2 particles in thePET chips werestud-ied by means of particle size analyser and the electron microscope. The dispersion of TiO2 is largely connected with dis-persant and electrolyte. The conjugated grains in PET chips are formed of TiO2 congeries particles.SubjectTerms: titanium dioxide; dispersion; particle size214 .=As