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1、DNV-OS-C401 ”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Jon R.Hansen 2007.04.16,Version,Slide 2,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures,This is whats all about,Version,Slide 3,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures,Course

2、Purpose.培训目的 To give a brief overview of DNV offshore standards. 介绍DNV海工标准 To give basic knowledge of fabrication standard OS C-401 介绍海工建造标准OS C-401的基础知识,Version,Slide 4,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures,DNVs ROLE IN OFFSHORE CLASSIFICATIONDET NORSKE VERITAS

3、 (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, property and the environment, at sea and onshore. DET NORSKE VERITAS(简称DNV)是一家独立的公司。致力于在海上或海岸上保护工作人员的生命,公共财产及设备的安全和对环境进行保护。 DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultanc

4、y services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions. DNV提供在下列领域内为客户提供分级、验证、认证和咨询服务:造船、海工部件和安装、海岸工程以及在这些相关领域的专业研究。,Version,Slide 5,25 December 2018,Offshore Standards 海工标准包括:,DNV-OS-C401”F

5、abrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,A: Quality and Safety Methodology质量和安全控制方法,B: Materials Technology 材料技术,C: Structures 结构,D: Systems 系统,E: Special Facilities 特殊设备,F: Pipelines and Risers 安装管道和竖管,A,B,C,D,E,F,Version,Slide 6,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshor

6、e Structures,Offshore Standards.海工标准 Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as the technical basis for DNV offshore services. 海工标准为海工建造提供技术条款和可接受的标准,Version,Slide 7,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structu

7、res,Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher level Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards. 提供技术和录音实例以及提供高水平的海工服务规格和海工标准指南。,Version,Slide 8,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Struct

8、ures,DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:A) Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology资格、品质和安全控制方法 B) Materials Technology材料技术 C) Structures结构 D) Systems系统 E) Special Facilities特殊设备 F) Pipelines and Risers安装管道和竖管 G) Asset Operation资产管理 H) Marine Operations海工运营,Version,Slide

9、9,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Difference Ship Rules versus Offshore rules船舶规范与海工规范不同的原因 Rules for Offshore projects are in some areas quite different from the traditional Ship Rules, due to long time on location with no or limited possibilities leave

10、the location. ( 20 25 years service time) 海工产品必须在海上持续工作2025年 船舶可以进坞进行检验(中间检验、特检),Version,Slide 10,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Some important aspects:几个重要方面 Structural integrity and strength (Loads based on environmental conditions on actual location)

11、结构形式和强度(载荷根据工作地点的实际环境) Accidental loads to be included in Design Loads (DAL) 设计载荷还考虑到可能受到的意外载荷 Fatigue (attention to details)疲劳问题 Maintenance保养维修 Corrosion protection防腐 In service inspection ( Access etc. should be planned and provided during newbuilding phase)使用过程中的检验 Increased reliability of Marin

12、e systems, utility systems and equipment. 提高各种系统和设备、设施的可靠性 Safety systems (Fire, explosion, abandon installation etc.) 防火、防爆、逃生等安全系统 Shelf state requirements to accommodation and working environment 当地的居住和工作环境要求,Version,Slide 11,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Struct

13、ures”,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures” DNV-OS-C401海工结构建造和试验 CH. 1 INTRODUCTION 介绍CH. 2 TECHNICAL PROVISIONS技术条款CH. 3 CERTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION验证与入级,Version,Slide 12,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,CH. 1 INTRODUCTION A 200

14、 Objective 201 The objectives of this standard are to: Provide an internationally acceptable standard to ensure the quality of all welding operations used in offshore fabrication, through identifying appropriate welding procedures, welder qualifications and test methods. 提供国际认可的标准,通过对焊接程序、焊工资格和测试方法的

15、认证来保障海工焊接质量 Serve as a technical reference document in contractual matters between purchaser and contractor. 为买方和承包人就合同问题提供技术参考文件 Serve as guideline for designer, purchaser and contractor 为设计者、买方和承包商提供指导 Specify minimum requirements for welding operations subject to DNV certification and classificat

16、ion. 将焊接工作的要求最细化,使其符合DNV的认证和分级要求,Version,Slide 13,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Chapter 2 Technical provisions第二章:技术条款 Sec. 1 Welding Procedures and Qualification of Welders焊接工艺和焊工取证 Sec. 2 Fabrication and Tolerances建造与公差 Sec. 3 Non-Destructive Testing无

17、损探伤 Sec. 4 Other Tests其它试验 Sec. 5 Corrosion Protection Systems防腐系统 Sec. 6 Miscellaneous其它,Version,Slide 14,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Sec. 1 Welding Procedures and Qualification of Welders焊接工艺与焊工取证 Welding procedures焊接工艺 Pre-Welding Procedure Specifi

18、cation to be prepared and accepted by purchaser.焊接预试验工艺必须得到船东认可 WPQT to be based on accepted Pre-WPS 按照焊接预试验工艺进行焊接工艺认可试验 WPS may be based on purchaser accepted WPQT and in conformance with an agreed qualification scheme. 焊接工艺建立在焊接工艺认可实验及其质量控制方案 WPS shall reflect conditions and equipment used for the

19、 actual production welding.焊接工艺须反映实际工作所使用的设备和相关条件 WPS shall reflect the working environment for the work shop or site where the production welding will be performed. 焊接工艺须反映实际工作场所的工作环境 Specific requirements to WPQT for C-Mn steels are found in OS-C401 Ch.2, Sec.1, C. 关于C-Mn系钢的焊接工艺与焊工资格的具体要求,详见OS-C40

20、1 Ch.2, Sec.1, C.,Version,Slide 15,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,A WPS can be established by one of the following methods: 编制焊接工艺说明书的方法: Performing of welding procedure test (WPQT) and subsequent review of the welding procedure qualification records (WP

21、QR) 进行焊接工艺评定试验,并对相关记录进行评定 Review of previously qualified welding procedures tests (WPQT) which has been witnessed by a party recognized by the purchaser 对其它船级社或其它组织认可的焊接工艺评定记录进行评定 Review of WPS评定焊接工艺说明书 Review and verification of documentation showing successful application of welding procedures ove

22、r a prolonged period of time.对经过长期使用后被认为是成功的焊接工艺进行评定、验证,Version,Slide 16,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Welders qualification焊工的评定Welders who are welding in manual or partly mechanized welding processes shall be qualified in accordance with a recognized

23、standard (E.g. EN 287, ISO 9609, ASME IX or ANSI/AWS D1.1) 手工焊和半自动焊焊工须得到相关组织的认可Welders using fully mechanized welding or automatic welding processes, need generally not pass a qualification test, but shall receive adequate training for setting and operation of equipment. 自动焊的操作人员无需进行专门的考试,但需要通过专门的培训

24、来学会设置和操作设备,Version,Slide 17,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Sec.2. Fabrication and tolerances.第二章 建造与许可公差Fabrication Planning建造方案 As a prerequisite for fabrication, procedures, inspection and test plans and work instructions for execution and control of f

25、abrication activities shall be established. 工艺方案、检验和试验方案是执行和控制建造的先决条件 Contractors involved in fabrication of structural members shall have a documented and implemented quality system according to ISO 9001 or equivalent. 承包商应该具有完善的质量体系 Workmanship shall be in accordance with written procedures accept

26、ed by the purchaser. 必须按照船东认可的工艺进行施工 All work shall be executed with adequate control by the contractor. Repair work shall be carried out in accordance with written procedures accepted by the purchaser . 所有施工过程必须有严格的控制,修补工作也必须按照认可的工艺进行,Version,Slide 18,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Te

27、sting of Offshore Structures”,Faults and deficiencies shall be corrected before painting or other means of permanent covers have been applied.所有错误和缺陷必须在油漆和其它东西覆盖前得到修复 Prior to commencement of the work the contractor shall submit a plan for NDT, NDT procedures and documents for NDT inspectors certifi

28、cation for acceptance by the purchaser. The programme shall contain information and documents for planning, controlling, reporting etc. Acceptance criteria for NDT shall be accepted by the purchaser if they are not specified in relevant documents. 开工前承包商需要提供无损探伤方案,方案应包括整个过程控制和验收标准。整个方案应包括计划、控制和汇报等方面

29、的信息和文件。如果没有特别的要求,承包商需接受NDT的验收标准。,Version,Slide 19,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Inspection.检验 To be carried out in accordance with accepted inspection and test plans covering:检验要按照检验和试验方案进行,应包括: correct identification and documentation and use of materi

30、als 材料跟踪 qualification and acceptance of fabrication procedures and personnel评定施工人员资质和建造方案 inspection of preparatory work (assembly, fit-up form work, reinforcement etc.)检验成型、装配、加强等准备工作 welding inspection焊接的检验 inspection of fabrication work for compliance with specificationsand procedures确认施工人员资质以及是

31、否按工艺施工witnessing NDT, control and testing跟踪无损探伤和其它试验 inspection of repairs修补工作的检验,Version,Slide 20,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,inspection of corrosion protection systems防腐系统的检验 ensure functionality of examination or testing equipment and of recording

32、and/or measuring devices vital for correct functioning of equipment and machinery used in fabrication.确保检验设备的可靠性 Due consideration shall be given to the access and the time required for adequate inspection during fabrication.确保留有足够的检验时间和通道 High non-conformance rates in execution of the work or in th

33、e product itself shall call for special considerations. Such special considerations may include, but not be limited to, increased inspection, re-qualification of personnel or other agreed remedial actions. 在建造过程中不按规定施工人次较多,或产品质量问题较多的情况下,需要采取增加检验、对施工人员重新评定以及其它弥补措施 NOTE!注意! Inspectors shall be qualifi

34、ed according to a recognized scheme and shall be able to provide documentation of proficiency. 检验人员需要经过专门培训并得到认可,Version,Slide 21,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Material Identification, Cutting and Forming 材料识别,切割和成型Material identification材料识别 A traceabi

35、lity system that ensures correct installation and documentation of the material grades or strength classes shall be established by the contractor throughout the prefabrication and installation process. 建立材料跟踪系统确保正确使用材料,记录材料:材质、等级Proper care shall be exercised during handling and storage to preserve

36、identification of such material. 材料识别和跟踪应贯穿下料、运输、储存等全过程,Version,Slide 22,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Cutting and forming.The effect of work hardening shall be considered if shearing is used for cutting of material. Special attention shall be paid to t

37、he risk of cracked edges.材料剪切后边缘会产生硬化和裂纹,要特别注意 Attention shall be paid to excessive local hardening and carbon contaminations by thermal cutting. This may be reduced by suitable heat treatment or removed by mechanical means. 通过热工切割可能产生的局部硬化和渗碳,可以通过热处理和机械方法消除 Forming and straightening of materials sh

38、all be performed according to agreed procedures. Such work shall be controlled by the contractor. 成型和校平工艺需要得到认可,并得到有效控制 The degree of cold deformation of special and primary structural elements shall be less than 5%. If the deformation exceeds 5%, either heat treatment or strain ageing tests shall b

39、e carried out according to an agreed procedure. 主体结构和特殊结构的冷变形大于5时,要通过认可的热处理方法校正,Version,Slide 23,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Tolerances公差 Allowable fabrication tolerances shall be submitted to the purchaser for acceptance.规定公差需得到船东认可 Special considera

40、tions shall be given in providing proper alignment of structural members. Allowable fabrication tolerances shall be established on basis of due consideration to the criticality of the design.特别要注意结构对中问题 The maximum fabrication tolerances may generally be taken in compliance with IACS Shipbuilding an

41、d Repair Quality Standard Part A Sec.6 and Sec.7. 建造工程可参照国际船级社的标准Part A Sec.6 and Sec.7 NOTE! 注意 Straightness of members which are based on buckling calculations according to DNV-RP-C201 and/or DNV-RPC202 shall be within the tolerances given in Table E3.结构的直线度参照DNV-RP-C201 and/or DNV-RPC202 的E3表格 10

42、6 Alignments of the non-continuous plates in cruciform joints and butt welds shall be within the tolerances given inFig.1, Table E1 and Table E2. 非连续构件的对中参照以下E1(非连续),E2(连续对接)表格的标准,Version,Slide 24,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,表E1表示十字接头,依次分别为:特殊结构、重要结构和

43、次要结构的错位 表E2表示对接接头,依次分别为:特殊结构、重要结构和次要结构的错位,Version,Slide 25,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Version,Slide 26,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Assembly, Welding, Heat treatment and Repairs Assembly and Welding.装配和

44、电焊 Assembly and welding operations shall be carried out by qualified personnel and supervision.装配工和电焊工都必须持证 A fabrication sequence shall be established to ensure that the structure can be assembled in a manner which allows for effective control at all stages of work.为了对整个工程进行有效控制,必须编制建造次序 Fit-up, pr

45、eparation for welding and welding operations shall take place in accordance with procedures accepted by the purchaser. 装配、焊前准备工作、焊接都必须按认可的工艺进行 The welding sequence shall be such that the amount of shrinkage, distortions and residual stresses are minimized.焊接顺序要有利于焊接变形和残余应力的最小化,Version,Slide 27,25 De

46、cember 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,The fit-up shall be checked for dimensional accuracy before welding. Surfaces to be welded shall be free from mill scale, slag, rust, grease, paint etc. Edges are to have a smooth and uniform surface. No welding shall be perform

47、ed when the surfaces are damp. Suitable protection shall be arranged when welding is performed during inclement weather conditions. The groove shall be dry at the time of welding. 焊接前必须检验装配的准确性。焊接区域必须清除氧化皮、熔渣、铁锈、油渍、油漆等。板缝必须保证平直。严禁在潮湿的板缝上焊接,焊缝必须保持干燥。天气恶劣的情况下,焊接前要采取适当的防护措施。 Preheating shall preferably

48、 be performed with electric heating elements. Gas burners may be used under controlled conditions. Cutting torches should not be used.当板缝需要加热时,最好使用电加热。烘枪的使用必须在严格控制下进行。严禁使用割刀加热。 For welds of structural category special, primary and butt-welds in secondary structural elements a WPS shall be establishe

49、d for acceptance by the purchaser.主体结构、重要结构焊接的焊接工艺以及次要构件的对接缝的焊接工艺必须得到船东的认可。,Version,Slide 28,25 December 2018,DNV-OS-C401”Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures”,Guidance note: The weld connection between two components shall be assigned the structural category area equal to the higher categ

50、ory of the joined components. For stiffened plates not classified as structural category special, the weld connection between stiffener and stringer and girder web to plate may normally be assigned structural category secondary.两个构件焊接时,按照较高等级的材料的焊接要求进行。非重要构件的扶强材的焊接、平台扶强材的焊接、桁材扶强材的焊接、扶强材之间的焊接都可以按照次要构

51、件的焊接要求进行。 Tack welding shall, when integrated in production welding, be qualified. For welds specified in 112 a WPS shall be submitted to the purchaser for acceptance. 定位焊作为结构焊的一部分时,点焊工或焊工必须持证。对于112项规定的焊接,焊接工艺需要得到船东的认可。 All fabrication welding shall be performed within the limits of essential variables of the qualified welding procedure. This also includes tack welding, seal welding, welding of lifting lugs and attachment welds as well as repair welding. 所有的焊接都不能超过认可的焊接工艺范围。这包括:定位焊、盖面、吊耳和其它附件的焊接以及电焊修补工作。,


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