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1、Section 2 公司介绍 Introducing Your Company I. 要点概述 Main Points 1. What do you know about the definition of company? Generally, a company is a form of business organization but the precise definition may vary under different situations and in different countries. In China, state-owned enterprises, priva

2、te companies, joint-ventures and corporations are fairly common. In common law countries today, the most commonly addressed forms are corporations (Inc., Co., Corp.), limited companies, limited liability partnerships, limited partnerships, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, sometimes called

3、“general partnerships“ and sole proprietorships. Examples are the Limited-liability company (LLC) and the limited liability limited partnership (LLLP) in the United States.2. What aspects should be covered in the brief introduction? When introducing your company, you need to tell what the name of yo

4、ur company is, where your company is located, what the main products or services are and sometimes even how you carry out your managing principles and even the history of your company. Many people are now introducing the companies on the net, usually using bilingual versions on their web pages. Just

5、 like launching a new product and fishing for an investor, introducing your company to a purchasing manager at a trade fair, you must be able to make your information attractive and draw more attention. 3. How to write a good introduction to your company or enterprise? You may have to spend days org

6、anizing your thoughts for a brief introduction. But the busy person you are writing for -the new client or customer, corporate executive or investment banker- more than likely has only several minutes to spare. What matters most is what you say and all what you say should be brief and clear. First y

7、ou have to be sure of the purpose. Are you seeking capital, contract, partner, or a client/customer? This is the most important of all. If you can organize your information around the purpose you are seeking you will naturally organize your presentation with that audience in mind. Then you have to b

8、e persuasive and try to sharpen your writing style, organize your thoughts into appropriate subject categories to persuade your audience to respond favorably. The writing should be brief. The more you write, rewrite and refine your company profile, the more you think through your information, the wo

9、rds you use and your purpose, the more likely you are to find your company profile sitting on the top of your recipients in-box.II. 商界名言 Business Sayings 1. From small beginnings come great things. 万丈高楼平地起。 2. Fine feathers make fine birds. 佛要金装,人要衣装。 3. Trust not before you try. 没有试过,不要相信。 4. Ventu

10、re a small fish to catch a great one. 小虾钓鲤鱼。 5. Nothing seek, nothing find. 没有追求就没有收获。 6. The world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down. 世界如阶梯,有上也有下 III. 核心词语 Core Words and Phrases Deputy director副主任 registered capital 注册资本 E-commerce interfaces 接口 dedicated 致力于 All-natural 存天然 要求课前

11、背诵重要术语 IV. 经典句式 Typical Sentences (omitted) 要求首先思考如何翻译?有多少不同的路径?变换词性、主语、从句会产生什么不同的效果? 1. 我们公司位于义乌,生产棉、毛、尼龙等混纺的男袜、女袜、童袜及其他针织产品。这些袜子质量上乘,深受顾客欢迎,非常畅销。平均年总产量为一千万双,百分之七十外销百分之三十内销。 Located in Yiwu, we produce a wide variety of socks and hosiery items in a cotton-woolen-nylon blend for men, women, and chil

12、dren. These socks are of good quality, popular with customers, and sell well. Our total production averages 10 million pairs per year, 70% for export and 30% for the domestic market. 2. 在选定一个公司即将挺进的新的区域之后,要意识到每一地区都有其强势和弱点。你就要将公司的营销材料寄出,详细说明自己的服务和公司所提供的产品以及联系办法。 After choosing the new region into whi

13、ch you want to introduce you company you have to realize that each region will have its strengths and weaknesses, and you have to mail out company marketing material describing the services and products your company offers in detail along with contact information. 3. 我们最近扩大了销售部,现打算增购新货。对于你方上衣,我方颇有兴趣

14、。如能寄上商业目录及价目表一份,不胜感激。 We have recently extended our sales department and are now preparing for purchasing new ranges of products. We are particularly interested in your coats and should be glad if you would send us your trade catalogue and a price list. 4. 我们的搬家公司( Movers)信誉良好,靠的就是办事牢靠、令人信赖、搬运小心、礼貌待

15、人、行动迅速、收费合理。当然,还有经验丰富、为人诚实、艰苦劳动的搬运工人,他们动作老练、技术值得称道。 Our Movers have achieved our reputation through reliability, dependability, careful handling, courtesy, promptness, with reasonable prices, and of course, with experienced, honest, hardworking, moving professionals who are very adept and have remar

16、kable moving techniques. 5. 我们公司提供多样化服务,包括基于最先进技术和程序的网站设计所需要的工具,各种不同类型的计算机化系统,如动态数据库、在线游戏、电子商务解决方案、先进的网站开发方案以及灵敏的计算机接口等。 Our company offers a large variety of services including all the tools needed for designing websites based on the most advanced technology and programs, a variety of different com

17、puterized systems such as dynamic databases, online games, e-commerce solutions, sophisticated website development and smart computing interfaces.VI. 讨论评估 Discussion and Assessment 下面两段文字取自两家公司的网页。在第一例中含有大量的拼写错误;在第二例中则存在许多用词不当的现象,请分别标识出来,看看有什么好的改进方法?然后阅读本书作者评说,是否有所启示?第三例则是美国通用汽车公司的广告语,先看看你会怎样翻译?然后阅读

18、评语,思考自己今后在商务英语写作方面应当怎样做到严肃认真? 示例 1) 原文:百果园占地面积 20亩,花园式布局,生产车间 4800m2,设有原料、粗加工、成品、包装、冷藏、锅炉等生产车间。原译: Baiguoyuan is like a garden it conens an area of zo-mu,with 3400-sguan-meters workshop,including material storage workshop ,naw processing workshop,finshed produet workshop,packing workshop,cold stonag

19、e workshop and boilen workshop. 原译单词的拼写错误众多,如 conens (covers); zo-mu (20mu); sguan (square); naw (raw); finshed (finished); produet (product); stonage (storage); boilen (boiler)等,可以推定为打字员不懂英语所致;但 like a garden it conens便属于句法错误了,因为这既不是限制性定语从句,又不是分词短语; “粗加工 ”也不是 naw processing而是rough processing/workin

20、g, raw的本意指原材料 “未经加工的 ”状态等;此外,一连串的 workshop,从经济的角度出发,实在没有必要一一重复译出,共用一个足矣。建议改译: Baiguoyuan, a well laid out garden-like enterprise, covers an area of 20-mu, and owns a production department of 4800 square meters including workshops handling materials, rough processing, finished goods, packing, refrige

21、rating and a boiler room. 示例 2) 原文:台州精艺楼梯铁艺装饰公司是家集设计、生产、销售、安装为一体的专业锻铁、铸铁产品、铁件工艺品的企业。原译: Taizhou City Jingyi Decoration lron Craft co.,ltd. Is an ironwork handicraft enterprise integrating design, production, sale , and installment, and professionalizing wrought iron and cast iron products, and inonw

22、ork handicraft. 公司的命名可随主人之便,但把 “铁 ”Iron写成1ron, 把 Ltd写成 1td就太马虎了估计是打印错误。大小写与标点符号的问题也很突出,如 Is不该大写, sale 后面不应该与逗号之间空格; “安装 ”应该是 installation却写成 installment “分期付款 ”;professionalize的含义是 “职业化 ”或者 “使 .专业化”,原译实属牵强附会; integrating也只是字面的对等,没有传达原意。不过,中文原文里 “企业 ”的几个定语之间也存在冲突,在 “专业 ”后面最好加上 “经营 ”二字。 建议改译: Taizhou

23、City Jingyi Decoration Iron Craft Co. Ltd. is an enterprise specializing in design, production, sales and installation of ironwork handicrafts, which mainly deals in such products as wrought iron, cast iron, and ironwork handicrafts. 例 3) Chevrolet: See the USA in your Chevrolet. See the USA in your

24、 Chevrolet是通用汽车 1949年起使用的广告歌曲,词曲作者为 Leo Corday和 Leon Carr并首先由Chevrolet的一对夫妻在展销会上演唱。1952年以后经 Dinah Shore演唱,广为传播,对通用公司的销售可谓推波助澜。歌词的基本意思是 “乘坐你的雪佛莱,到美国各地看看 ”,唤起了人们为游遍美国而购买Chevrolet的欲望和激情。 仔细解读原文,划分翻译单元,可见双关含义,一是 See the USA/in your Chevrolet “坐上雪佛莱 ”去 “看美国 ”,二是See/the USA in your Chevrolet “透过雪佛莱 ”“看美国的

25、进步与繁荣 ”。翻译时应该重视受众心理,采取广告制作中常用的 you attitude 策略,也就是说要站在消费者的立场看问题。但是,如果译成 “乘坐雪佛莱,遍游美国 ”,又显得不合中文讲究韵律优美的要求。因此,为寻求句式结构匀称,可将 “美国 ”改为 “美利坚 ”或 “合众国 ”,译为 “坐我雪佛莱,遍游美利坚! ”,使人产生旅行愉快一路顺风的美好遐想。 我们能不能通过模拟这些成功的范例来丰富自己的创作想象力呢?VII. 应用写作 Applied Writing A. Write to introduce your fictitious company a) name and locatio

26、n; b) business scope and logo; c) your expert staff; d) contacting information including fax, telephone number and emails.B. Sample writing Bain & Company, Inc. Founded in 1996, Bain L.A. is centrally located in West Los Angeles (Century City) on the top two floors of 1901 Avenue of the Stars, just

27、down the block from Fox Studios. We serve clients throughout southern California and the western United States and across most industries, including media & entertainment, consumer packaged goods, healthcare, technology & telecom, private equity and industrials. In addition to our case work, we take

28、 significant pride in our community involvement. Our office holds an annual United Way campaign where L.A. Bainies have participated in eating contests, bought balloons for fellow Bainies, and held an auction consisting of goods donated by Bainies. Recently, we also completed pro bono projects for G

29、LAAD and City Year, and hosted Inspire - a volunteer nonprofit organization offering free and low-cost strategy and operations consulting to youth and education nonprofits. People come here for the “family atmosphere“ and to work in an office that is “small enough“ where you will “get to know manage

30、rs and partners who arent on your cases.“ While the work is “fascinating“ and you will “learn new ways to change and improve corporations and to help people develop,“ the biggest difference between L.A. and other offices “is how connected people are between classes“ and “outdoor activities in Februa

31、ry.“ In short, like the city around it, Bain L.A. boasts a diverse culture with a strong business base and an entertainment-inspired social scene. And, like Los Angeles, Bain L.A. is proud of its history and its people. Our companys business management systems and services are designed to help growi

32、ng companies realize significant improvement in the way they do business. We are currently providing leading-edge software and services to clients in the United States and elsewhere worldwide. We are specialists in both English and Japanese Search Engine Optimization(优化 )and Search Engine Marketing.

33、 One of our main concerns is helping your website achieve maximum visibility through a combination of focused S.E.O. and targeted S.E.M. From top Search Engine rankings to optimized pay-per-click campaigns, we help you maximize the returns of your online advertising budget. As an introduction to our

34、 new Phoenix store, were offering you a 20%discount on ALL regularly priced merchandise. In addition, we have a get-acquainted gift for you. Its a beautiful piece of native Indian pottery, absolutely FREE with any purchase of $200 or more. Emergency Relief, Inc., helped over half a million individua

35、l victims, providing them with clothing, food, shelter, and moral support. We helped them locate family members and gave them temporary financial help. In many cases we coordinated our efforts with the larger national relief agencies. The study includes a telephone survey of a number of patients to discuss their most recent clinic visit. An individual from the Medical Research Bureau, an opinion-research firm, may be calling you soon regarding your participation. Your response will be strictly confidential.


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