1、附表一 会展经济与管理专业课程设置及教学进程计划表课程类别课程名称/英文名称 总学分 总学时开课学期/ 周学时课程负责人微观经济学Microeconomics 2 36 1/2 李军管理学原理Introduction to Management 3 54 1/3 曾国军人力资源管理Human Resources Management 2 36 1/2 杨云宏观经济学Macroeconomics 2 36 2/2 李军市场营销Tourism marketing 2 36 2/2 许月英、杨云概率统计Probability and Statistics 3 51 4/3 数计学院会计学原理Acco
2、unting 3 54 4/3 王彩萍项目管理Project Management 3 54 4/3 卓鸥商务统计学Business Statistics 3 54 5/3 吴浩存基础必修课(经管平台课)战略管理Strategic Management 3 54 5/3 曾国军旅游概论(双语)Introduction to Tourism 3 54 1/3 保继刚、马凌旅游消费者行为学Consumer Behavior 3 54 2/3 孙九霞服务运营管理Service Operations Management3 54 4/3 张朝枝酒店经营管理Hotel Management 3 54 4
3、/3 彭青会展概论Introduction to Conference and Exhibition3 54 4/3 罗秋菊、旷雄杰旅游地理学Tourism Geography 2 36 5/2 保继刚、张骁鸣旅游产业经济学Economics of Tourism Industry2 36 5/2 左冰、张骁鸣基础必修课(旅游平台课)旅游研究方法Tourism Research Methodology 2 36 8/2徐红罡、Aram Son展示空间与设计Space Design for Exhibition 3 54 4/3 梁健华节庆与特殊事件策划与管理Festival and Speci
4、al Events Plan & Management3 54 4/3 许月英、郑丹妮会奖策划与组织Conference and Intencive Plan & Organization3 54 6/3 张骁鸣、旷雄杰展览策划与组织Exhibition Plan & Organization 3 54 7/3 罗秋菊项目投资分析Investment Analysis of Project3 54 7/3 王彩萍会展营销与客户关系Conference and Exhibition Marketing & Customer Relations3 54 9/3 马凌、饶勇见习实习Practice
5、1 18 3/2 专业老师服务实习Service Internship 2 36 6/2周 专业老师专业实习Professional Internship 2 36 8/2周 专业老师毕业实习Graduation Field Work 2 36 11/4周 专业老师专业必修课毕业论文Thesis 5 90 11/10周 专业老师世界地理World Geography 2 36 1/2Werner Breitung国际节庆案例分析(英语)Case Studies of International Festival and Special Events2 36 4/2 郑丹妮生态旅游与旅游可持续发
6、展Eco-tourism and Sustainable Tourism Development3 54 8/3 张骁鸣旅游景观导论Introduction to Tourist Scenic Spots3 54 4/3 徐红罡英文写作English Writing 4 72 4/2,5/2 外聘场馆经营与管理Venue Operation & Management 2 36 5/2 张以琼专业选修课跨文化交流(双语)Cross Cultural Communication 3 54 5/3 马凌、Aram Son文化旅游与遗产管理Culture Tourism and Heritage Ma
7、nagement3 54 5/2 马红第二外语(法语)Second Foreign Languages (French)8(3,3,2) 148 5/3,7/3,8/2 李璐第二外语(日语)Second Foreign Language (Japanese)8(3,3,2) 148 5/3,7/3,8/2 张科物流管理Logistics 2 36 6/2 许月英旅游前沿问题Lectures of Current Issues in Tourism2 36 6/2 专业导师组科研实习Research Practice 1 18 6/2周 专业老师会展实务Event and Exhibition
8、Practice2 36 6-7/2 旷雄杰会展英语笔译与口译MICE Interpreting & Translation in English2 36 7/2 郑丹妮电脑平面设计Computer Graphic Design 2 36 7/2 外聘会展前沿问题Lectures of Current Issues in Conference and Exhibition1 18 7/2 海外访问学者科学研究范式Scientific Research Paradigm 2 36 7/2 赖坤奢侈品管理Luxury Management 2 36 7/2 马凌、郑丹妮酒店营销策划与市场推广Hot
9、el Marketing and Sales 3 54 7/3 饶勇餐饮经营管理Food and Beverage Management 3 54 7/3 彭青、饶勇高尔夫概论Introduction to Golf Management3 54 7/3 何莽烹饪与酒水知识Chinese Cuisine and Vino Knowledge2 36 7/2 外聘国际组织与国际旅游法规International Organizations and International Tourism laws2 36 7/2 马红酒店信息管理系统 3 54 7/3 吴浩存Management Inform
10、ation System of Hotel 旅行社经营管理Travel Agency Management 2 36 7/2 外聘旅游项目投资与运营Tourism projects investment and operation2 36 7/2 外聘商法Commercial Law 2 36 7/2 外聘科研讲座Lectures of Research 1 18 7/2 海外访问学者世界文化与景观World Culture and Landscape 2(1,1) 36 7/1,8/1 林敏慧战略品牌管理Strategic Brand Management 3 54 8/3 外聘节事影响Im
11、pacts of Festival & Special Events2 36 8/2 赖坤酒店财务内部控制Internal Control of Hotel Finance3 54 8/3 外聘酒店绩效评价与薪酬管理Hotel Performance Appraisal and Salary Management3 54 8/3 饶勇客户关系管理Customer Relation Management 3 54 8/3 饶勇旅游业公共关系与危机管理Tourism public relations and crisis management2 36 8/2 外聘景观设计Landscape Des
12、ign 3 54 8/3 林敏慧旅游目的地与客源国概论Tourism Destination and Country of Inbound Tourist2 36 8/2 外聘旅游地产Tourism Real Estate Investment and Operation2 36 8/2 左冰旅游影像技术与技能Tourism Imaging Techniques and Skills2 36 8/2 魏东华国家公园管理National Park Management 2 36 8/2 外聘节事赞助与筹资Event Sponsorship & Fundraising2 36 8/2 外聘酒店集团
13、运营专题 2 36 9/2 曾国军Lectures of Hotel Group Operations酒店业前沿问题Lectures of Current Issues in Hotel Industry2 36 9/2 专业导师组商务沟通与礼仪Business Communications and etiquette2 36 9/2 郑丹妮国际领队与导游实务International Tourist guide 2 36 9/2 旷雄杰旅游解说系统Tourist Interpretation System 2 36 9/2 梁健华旅游广告与媒体策略Travel Advertisement and Media Strategy2 36 9/2 符文洋城市公园管理Urban Park Management 2 36 10/2 林敏慧