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1、General Review,Exercise for Unit 1: Chemical Inductry,1. complete the summary of the text (1) the Industrial Revolution (2) organic chemical (3) contact process (4) Haber process (5) synthetic polymers (6) intermediates,(7) artificial fertilizers (8) crop protection chemicals (9) technology (10) pha

2、rmaceutical (11) research and development (12) petrochemical (13) automatic controll equipment (14) capital rather-than-labor intensive,3. Put the following into Chinese carbonate(碳酸盐) polypropylene(聚丙烯) epoxy(环氧基) vinyl(乙烯基) acetate(醋酸盐) pharmaceutical(药物的) spectrum(光谱) formaldehyde(甲醛) silica( 硅石)

3、 ammonium(铵离子) polyester(聚酯) the lions share(大份额),4. Put the following into English 钠 Na (sodium) 钾 K (potassium) 磷 P (phosphur) 氨 (ammonia) 聚合物 (polymer) 聚乙烯 (polyethylene) 氯化物 (chloride) 粘度 (viscosity) 烃 (hydrocarbon) 催化剂 (catalyst) 炼油厂 (refinery) 添加剂 (additives),Supplementary Exercise 1: Nomencla

4、ture of chemical elements in the first three short periods,1. 氢原子的英文名称是什么含义? 答案:氢原子的英文名称hydrogen是由hydro(水)+ gen(产生)合成的单词,表示“水之来源”。 2. 氦的英文名称是什么?有什么含义? 答案:氦原子的英文名称helium,首次被从太阳光谱分析中确认,使用希腊神话中太阳神“Helios”的名字命名。,3. 钠原子的英文名称是什么?钠的元素符号为什么不是英文名称的第一个字母? 答案:钠原子的英文名称sodium来源于阿拉伯语suda,而钠的元素符号来源于它的拉丁文名称natron的第

5、一个字母,所以有不同的表示。 4. 磷的英文名称是什么?有什么含义? 答案:磷原子的英文名称phosphorus是由phos(光)+ phor(fer带来)的合成词,表示“带来光”之意。反映出有些磷化合物在黑暗中发光的事实。,Exercises for Unit 2: Research and Development,1. Complete the summary of the text (1) R & D (2) ideas and knowledge (3) processes and products (4) fundamental (5) applied (6) product dev

6、elopment,(7) an existing product (8) pilot-plant (9) profitability (10) environmental impact (11) pollution (12) technical support (13) process improvement (14) effluent treatment (15) pharmaceuticals,3. Put the following into Chinese: quantum(量子) strain(菌株) mould(霉菌) phenol(苯酚) sulphate (硫酸盐) carbi

7、de(碳化物) foul(发臭的) scrub(洗涤) semi-technical(半技术的) fermenter(发酵器) CFC = chloroflurocarbon(氯氟化碳 或 氯氟烃) refrigerant(制冷剂),4. Put the following into English: 试剂 (reagent) 单体 (monomer) 丙酮 (acetone or propanone or dimethyl ketone) 脉动 (fluctuation or pulsation) 乙炔 (acetylene or ethyne) 硫 (sulphur or sulfur)

8、盐酸 (hydrochloric acid) 停车时间 (down time or shut down time),杂质 (impurity) 反应器 (reactor) (使)优化 (to optimize) 纯度 (purity),Supplementary Exercise 2: Nomenclature of Chemical Elements in the Fourth Period,1. 钾元素的英文名称是什么?有什么含义?说出钾原子的元素符号来源。 答案:钾元素的英文名称potassium是由pot(锅)+ ash(灰)再加上表示活泼金属后缀-ium的合成词,表示“锅灰”;钾原子

9、的元素符号来源于它的拉丁文名称kalium的第一个字母。,2. 钛元素的英文名称是什么?有什么含义? 答案:钛元素的英文名称是titanium,源于希腊神话中的巨人神 “Titan”。 3 为什么铁原子的英文名称和元素符号不一致? 答案:铁原子的英文名称iron是从拉丁语的矿石 aes ,或德语eisen铁的光泽和冰 eis 相似而得来。元素符号Fe来自拉丁语firrus“坚硬”的第一个字母。,4. 镓元素的英文名称是什么?有什么含义? 答案:镓元素的英文名称为gallium,是由法国人根据他祖国的拉丁语名(Gallia)命名。,Exercises for Unit 3: Typical Ac

10、tivities of Chemical Engineers,1. Complete the notes below (1) mechanical (2) electrical (3) civil (4) scale up (5) commercial scale (6) reactors,(7) distillation columns (8) pumps (9) controll and instrumentation (10) mathematics (11) industry (12) academia (13) steam (14) cooling water,3. Put the

11、following into Chinese reactant(反应物)distillation(蒸馏) compressor(压缩机) pilot-plant(中试工厂) specification(详述) flow sheet(流程图) nozzle(喷嘴) corrosion(腐蚀) sensor(传感器) atrophy(萎缩) on-line(在线) commission(服役),4. Put the following into English 间歇的 (intermittent) 反应器 (reactor) 放大 (scale up or magnify) 热交换器 (heat

12、exchanger) 创新 (innovation) 术语 (terminology) 阀 (valve) 流程图 (flow sheet or flow chart) 梯度 (gradient) 组成 (composition) 杂质 (impurity) 模拟 (simulation),Supplementary Exercise 3: Nomenclature of Chemical Elements in the Fifth Period,1. 鍀元素的英文名称是什么?有什么含义? 答案:鍀元素的英文名称是technetium,是美国加州大学在加速器上用重质子轰击42号元素钼得到。因为

13、是人工合成元素,使用了希腊语中人造(technikos)一词命名。 2. 分别写出锡元素的英文名称和元素符号,元素符号的来源是什么?,答案:锡的英文名称是tin,元素符号为Sn。锡在古代就为人知,它的元素符号是根据拉丁语名称Stannum 得来。 3 氙元素的英文名称和元素符号是什么?它的英文名称有什么含义? 答案:氙元素的英文名称是xenon,元素符号Xe。 在分馏液态空气时,先得到氖,接着是氪,然后从最不易挥发的部分发现了氙。它的语源 xenos 在希腊语中是“外国人及难以亲近之人:的意思。,Exercises for Unit 4: Sources of Chemicals,1. Cpm

14、plete the summary of the text: (1) inorganic chemicals (2) derive from (3) petrochemical process (4) Metallic ores (5) extraction process,(6) non-renewable resources (7) renewable resources (8) energy sources (9) fermentation (10) selective (11) raw material (12) separation and purification (13) foo

15、d industry viz = videlicet (read namely),3. Put the following into Chinese: covalent(共价的) isomerism(异构现象) froth flotation(泡沫浮选) borate(硼酸盐) fluorite(氟化物) amino(氨基) hydrolysis(水解) ester(酯) naphthene(环烷烃) naphtha(石脑油) enzymic (酶的) xylene(二甲苯),4. Put the following into English: 氢氧化物 (hydroxide) 脂肪族的 (a

16、liphatic) 芳香族的 (aromatic) 甲烷 (methane) 酯 (ester) 不饱和的 (unsaturated) 烯烃 (alkene) 烷烃 (alkane),Supplementary Exercise 4: Nomenclature of chemical elements in the sixth period,1. 镧系元素的英文名称是什么?有什么含义? 答案:镧系元素的英文名称是lanthanide,是由希腊语 lanthanein(隐藏)得来。因为这个系列中一共“隐藏”着15个元素。,2. 钨元素的英文名称是什么?它化学元素符号出自何处? 答案:钨元素的英文

17、名称是tungsten,在 瑞典语中是“重石头”的意思。从前,人们在精炼锡的时候了解到,如果将锡矿石和和钨矿石混合,可形成复合物。于是也就把这种“像狼那样贪婪地吞食锡”的矿石称为 wolfart(狼矿石),而将钨元素命名为钨(wolfram)。现在虽然这种元素的名字叫 tungsten,但元素符号仍用W。,3. 铅元素的英文名称是什么?它的化学元素符号出自何处? 铅的英文名称是lead,而元素符号为 Pb,取自拉丁文 plumbum(铅),但它的词源还不明确。 4. 金元素的英文名称是什么?它的化学元素符号出自何处? 金的英文名 gold 是从印欧语的 ghel(黄金)而来,元素符号 Au 是

18、从拉丁语 aurum 而来。,5 元素铕的英文名称是什么?有何含义? 铕元素的英文名称是europium,就是欧洲Europ的意思。 6 元素钆的英文名称是什么?有何含义? 钆的英文名称是gadolinium,其命名是为了赞扬最初发现稀土元素钇(Y)的 Gadolin 的功绩。,7. 有四个稀土化学元素均以瑞典的一个城市命名,这个城市的英文名称是什么?这四个被以此命名的化学元素的英文名称、中文名称以及元素符号是什么? 答案:这个城市的英文名称是Ytterby。四个以该城市命名的元素分别为39号元素钇(yttrium)元素符号Y;65号元素铽(terbium)元素符号 Tb;68号元素铒(erb

19、ium)元素符号Er以及第70号元素鐿(ytterbium)元素符号Yb。,Exercises for Unit Five: Basic Chemicals,1. Summarize the information on the two sectors of chemical industry by completing the table below:,3. Put the following into Chinese: commodity(日用品) ether(醚) speciality(特殊品) end-product(最终产物) on ones toes(准备行动) elastomer

20、(高弹性体) hydrate (水化物) plasticizer(增塑剂) sulphonate(磺化) formulate(配方) metallurgy(冶金学) phosphoric acid(磷酸),4. Put the following into English: 烷基 (alkyl) 芳基 (aryl) 乙基 (ethyl) 丁基 (butyl) 离子 (ion) 乙醇 (ethanol or ethyl alcohol) 甲醇 (methanol or methyl alcohol) 醋酸 (acetic acid or ethanoic acid) 均相的 (homogeneo

21、us) 系数 (coefficient) 摩擦 (friction or abrasion) 无排放的 (emission-free or zero discharge),Supplementary Exercise 5: Nomenclature of chemical elements in the seventh period,1. 写出镭元素的英文名称,它的含义是什么? 答案:镭元素的英文名称是radium,该元素为居里夫妇所发现。因为该元素能发出射线,根据拉丁语“放射”(radius)命名。 2. 锕系元素的英文名称是什么?其含义是什么? 答案:锕系元素的英文名称是actinides

22、,因为它们能发出射线,所以以希腊语表示光线的词汇(aktis,aktinos)命名。,3. 以居里夫人名字命名的元素是什么?写出它的中文和英文名称。 答案:以居里夫人名字Curie命名的元素是锔(Curium)。 4. 以天王星,海王星,以及冥王星命名的元素分别是什么?写出它们的中文和英文名称。 答案:以天王星,海王星,以及冥王星命名的元素分别是铀(uranium),镎(neptunium)和钚(plutonium)。,Exercises for Unit 6: Chlor-Alkali and Related Processes,1. Summarize the information on

23、 the main products in the chlor-alkali and sufuric acid sectors, by completing the following table.,3. Put the following into Chinese oleum(油) mercury(汞 或 水银) soda ash(苏打灰 或 纯碱) metathesis(复分解 或 置换) PVC(聚氯乙烯) alkaline(碱性) desulphurisation(脱硫) membrane(膜) carbonate(碳酸盐),caustic sodium(苛性钠 或 氢氧化钠) pro

24、ton(质子) polytetrafluoroethylene(聚四氟乙烯),4. Put the following into English 电解 (electrolysis) 分解 (decomposition) 氯化物 (chloride) 还原 (reduction) 催化剂 (catalyst) 氧化反应 (oxidation reaction) 动力学 (kinetics) 沉淀 (precipitation or sedimentation) 钙 (calcium) 镁 (magnesium) 树脂 (resin) 表面活性剂 (surfactant or surface-ac

25、tive agent),Supplementary Exercise 6: Nomenclature of organic compounds,1. Write out the molecular structures for the following organic compounds 1) 1-bromo-3-ethyl-5-methylcyclohexane (1-溴-3-乙基-5-甲基环己烷),2. Name the following organic compounds,Exercises for Unit 7: Ammonia, Nitric Acid and Urea,1. C

26、ompleting the follow paragraph about the ammonia synthesis process: (1) kinetically inert (2) iron compound (3) exothermic (4) one-pass yield (5) efficiency,(6) lower pressures (7) higher temperatures (8) capital (9) energy (10) methane and water (11) carbondioxide (12) gas stream (13) shift reactio

27、n (14) methane (15) 3:1,3. Put the following into Chinese: soda ash (苏打灰 或 纯碱) refractory(耐火的) silicate(硅酸盐) chromatography(色谱) mercury(汞 或 水银) alkaline(碱性的) desulphurisation(脱硫) membrane(膜) anode(阳极) cathode(阴极) contaminate(污染) inert(惰性的),4. Put the following into English: 电解 (electrolysis) 分解 (dec

28、omposition) 复分解 (metathesis) 还原 (reduction or restoration) 沉淀 (precipitation or sedimentation) 结晶 (crystallization) 过滤 (filtration) 吸收 (adsorption) 溶解度 (solubility) 溶度积 (solubility product) 放热的 (exothermic) 平衡 (equilibrium or balance),Supplementary Exercise 7: Nomenclature of Coordination Compounds

29、and Organometallics,1. Write the formula for each of the following coordination compounds: (1) dibromotetraammineruthenium(III)nitrate. 答案:RuBr2(NH3)4NO3 (2) chloroaquobis(ethylenediamine) rhodium(III)chloride. 答案:RhCl(H2O)(en)2Cl2,(3) calcium dioxalatodiamminecobaltate(III). 答案:CaCo(C2O4)2(NH3)22 (

30、4) octaammine-m-amido-m-hydroxodicobalt(III)sulfate. 答案:(NH3)4Co(m-NH2)(m-OH)Co(NH3)4(SO4)2 (5) sodium dithiosulfato-S-argentate(I). 答案:Na3Ag(SSO3)2,2. Name each of the following compounds: (1) Co(NH3)62(SO3)3 答案:hexaamminecobalt(III)sulfate硫酸六氨合钴(III) (2) Pt(en)Cl4 答案:tetrachloro(ethylenediamine)pl

31、atinum(IV)四氯乙二胺合铂(IV) (3) NH4Cr(NH3)2(NCS)4 答案:ammonium diamminetetrathiocyanato-N-chromate(III) 二氨四-N-硫氰合钴(III)酸铵,(4) K4Ni(CN)4 答案:potassium tetracyanonickelate(0) 四氰合镍(0)酸钾,3. White out the names for the following organometallic compounds,Exercises for Unit 8: Petroleum Processing,1. Complete the

32、summary of Reading Material 8: (1) organic chemicals (2) hydrogen to carbon ratio (3) high temperature carbonization (4) crude tar (5) pyrolysis,(6) poor selectivity (7) consumption of hydrogen (8) pilot-plant stage (9) developing and improving (10) fludized bed (11) Gasification of coal (12) methan

33、e,2. Put the following into Chinese antiknock(抗震的) alkylation(烷基化) finishing(最终加工) desalt(脱盐) differentiate(区分) diesel oil(柴油) lubricating oil(润滑油) precursor(先驱) stripper(汽提塔) carbonium(碳正离子) radical(自由基) predominate(支配) degradation(降解) heterocyclic(异环的) stationary(静止的) in situ(原位),3. Put the follow

34、ing into English 管式的 (tubular) 加氢裂解 (hydrocracking) 异构化 (isomerism) 组成 (constituente or component) 热解 (pyrolysis or thermal decomposition) 腐蚀 (corrosion or corrode or errode) 残余物 (residue) 液化石油气 (liquefied petroleum gas) 脱氢 (dehydrogenation) 芳构化 (aromatization),专利 (patent) 参数 (parameter) 降解 (degrada

35、tion) 定量地 (quantitatively) 定性地 (qualitatively) 选择性 (selectivity),Supplementary Exercise 8: English Words from Greek Roots(1),Choose the correct answers to fill blanks for the following sentences: 1. It is not too_D_ to make a selection from the box, since the contents are homogeneous. (A) costly (B)

36、 easy (C) soon (D) difficult (E) inexpensive,2. In an autocracy, all power is vested to the_E_. (A) noble man (B) people (C) wealthy (D) clergy (E) ruler 3. Automation has made the cloth-washing process_D_ . (A) unnecessary (B) burdensome (C) unorthodox (D) self-operating (E) democratic,4. A study o

37、f the rulers genealogy will acquaint you with his_B_ . (A) life (B) descent (C) beliefs (D) government (E) education 5. An autopsy should reveal the true cause of the patients_A_ . (A) decease (B) replace (C) complains (D) dissatisfaction (E) illness,6. We are forbidden to use_B_ , since our act is

38、to be a pantomime. (A) costumes (B) words (C) frowns (D) gestures (D) smiles 7. A photometer measures_A_ . (A) light intensity (B) distance traveled (C) atmospheric pressure (D) speed (E) time,8. If the account is from an authentic source, you should not_C_ it (A) believe (B) settle (C) doubt (D) re

39、ad (E) trust 9. It is entirely normal for a child of two to be under the care of a (an)_E_ . (A) orthodontist (B) demagogue (C) orthopedist (D) pedagogue (E) pediatrician,10. Among the nations participating in the_D_ conference were Burma and Pakistan. (A) Pan-African (B) Pan-American (C) Pan-Arabia

40、n (D) Pan-Asiatic (E) Pan-European,Exercises for Unit 9: Polymers,1. Complete the table below:,2. Put the following into Chinese oligomer(寡聚物 或 低聚物) macromer(高聚物) copolymer(共聚物) propagation(增长) vulcanization(硫化) stiffness(韧性) fabricate(制造) linear(线性的) reproducibility(重现性) residence time(停留时间),coagul

41、ation(凝结) foresight(远见 或 先见) coordination(配合) stereochemical(立体化学的) plug flow(活塞式流动) injection-moulding(注射模塑法),3. Put the following into English 官能团 (functional group) 单体 (monomer) 构架 (frame) 模数(modulus) 复合材料(composite) 非均相的 (heterogeneous or non-homogeneous) 潜热 (latent heat) 显热(apparent heat) 热固性的

42、(thermoset) 热塑性的 (thermoplastic) 无定形的 (amorphous) 交联(cross-link),随机的 (random) 等温的 (isothermal) 吸附 (adsorption) 离心 (centrifuge),Supplementary Exercise 9: English Words from Greek Roots(2),Choose the correct words to fill the blanks of following sentences. 1. An error is considered _E_ if it appears i

43、n the printed text but not in the authors manuscript. (A) graphic (B) authentic (C) anonymous (D) unavoidable (E) typographical,2. A gastronome has a keen interest in _A_ . (A) good eating (B) crop rotation (C) the stars (D) soil management (E) maps 3. The famous showman P. T. Barnum is remembered f

44、or his _B_ “There is a sucker born every minute.” (A) cryptogram (B) epigram (C) anagram (D) monograph (E) acronym,4. One of the topics studied in _D_ is the rotation of crops. (A) automation (B) gastronomy (C) taxidermy (D) husbandry (E) cartography 5. “Buzz” and “hum” are not homonyms because they

45、 _D_ . (A) sound alike (B) are opposites (C) mean the same (D) sound different (E) are spelled differently,6. All the novels we have studied this year have had a man as the leading character. Its about time we had a female _D_ . (A) antagonist (B) prodigy (C) gourmet (D) protagonist (E) phenomenon 7

46、. The following names all contain an epithet except _E_ . (A) One Punch Nelson (B) Ivan the Terrible,(C) Alexander the Great (D) Wrong Way Corrigan (E) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 8. Antibodies work against _B_ . (A) the body (B) toxins (C) the tissues (D) antitoxins (E) the blood 9. Plutocracy is go

47、vernment by _D_ . (A) the army (B) mobs (C) the majority (D) the affluent (E) bureaus,10. We associate asters with _C_ . (A) the sea (B) printed matter (C) gardens (D) outer space (E) the aristocracy,Exercises for Unit 10: What is Chemical Engineering?,3. Put the following into Chinese: cybernetics(

48、控制论) encyclopedia(百科全书) ethics(伦理学) accessary(附件 或 帮凶) shortcut (捷径) coordinate(配合) expert system (专家系统),artificial intelligence(人工智能) generalization(通则) proprietary(专有的) interfacial(界面的) off-the-shelf(现成的),4. Put the following into English: 热力学 (thermodynamics) 动力学 (kinetics) 力学 (dynamics) 水力学(hydr

49、odynamics) 积分 (integral) 微分 (differential) 化学计量 (stoichiometry) 动量 (momentum) 有帮助的 (instrumental) 胶体 (gel) 连续介质 (continuum) 定性的 (qualitative),Supplementary Exercise 10: Prefixes from Anglo Sax;A Brief Review of English Words from Greek Roots,1. Choose one word whose meaning is irrelevant to other th

50、ree in each question. (1) -D- (A) careful (B) alert (C) wary (D) upstart (2) -B- (A) approaching (B) foreshadowing (C) forthcoming (D) upcoming,(3) -A- (A) undeceived (B) beguiled (C) misled (D) misinformed (4) -B- (A) biased (B) underprivileged (C) prejudiced (D) unfair (5) -B- (A) unmask (B) ungag (C) expose (D) unveil,


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