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1、中国餐桌礼仪(含英文),中国餐桌礼仪文化 (中英文对照)餐桌礼仪 Chinese table manners 中国餐桌礼仪 中国传统饮食文化及餐桌礼仪英文,中国餐桌礼仪文化,礼 仪,礼仪是在人际交往中,以一定的、约定俗成的程序方式来表现的律己敬人的过程,涉及穿着、交往、沟通、情商等内容。从个人修养的角度来看,礼仪可以说是一个人内在修养和素质的外在表现。从交际的角度来看,礼仪可以说是人际交往中适用的一种艺术、一种交际方式或交际方法,是人际交往中约定俗成的示人以尊重、友好的习惯做法.。从传播的角度来看,礼仪可以说是在人际交往中进行相互沟通的技巧。,餐桌上的礼仪文化,下面首先让我们来欣赏个视频 (请

2、点击),餐饮礼仪问题可谓源远流长。据文献记载可知,至少在周代,饮食礼仪已形成一套相当完善的制度,特别是经曾任鲁国祭酒的孔子的称赞推崇而成为历朝历代表现大国之貌、礼仪之邦、文明之所的重要方面。 作为汉族传统的古代宴饮礼仪,自有一套程序:主人折柬相邀,临时迎客于门外。宾客到时,互致问候,引入客厅小坐,敬以茶点。客齐后导客入席,以左为上,视为首席,相对首座为二座,首座之下为三座,二座之下为四座。客人坐定,由主人敬酒让菜,客人以礼相谢。席间斟酒上菜也有一定的讲究:应先敬长者和主宾,最后才是主人。宴饮结束,引导客人入客厅小坐,上茶,直到辞别。这种传统宴饮礼仪在我国大部分地区保留完整,如山东、香港及台湾,

3、许多影视作品中多有体现。 清代受西餐传入的影响,一些西餐礼仪也被引进。如分菜、上汤、进酒等方式也因合理卫生的食法被引入中餐礼仪中。中西餐饮食文化的交流,使得餐饮礼仪更加科学合理。,中国古今餐桌礼仪,设宴原因有喜有悲 中国人向来以食为先,饮食除了是满足人的基本需求,亦是秉承传统习俗,聚首饭桌前大快朵颐。设宴的原因可以是庆贺,也可以是哀痛。 每逢农历新年、结婚、中国节日如中秋节等,中国人便会一家老少聚首饭桌前共贺佳节;但另方面,若有人离世,丧家会在葬礼完成后设“解慰酒”,宴请出席葬礼的亲戚朋友,向他们表示谢意,可见中国人十分重视聚首饭桌前分享喜乐与悲哀。,用餐俗例 在饭食方式方面,中国人与西方人有


5、的菜肴。由於中国人喜欢全体共享菜肴,他们的餐桌大多数是圆形或方形,而不是西方人多用的长形餐桌。,餐桌摆设,菜 肴中式菜肴大多数不会只有一种材料,通常有其他伴菜或配料衬托主菜,以做出色香味俱全的菜肴,例如烹煮猪肉,会以爽脆的绿色蔬菜做伴菜,如芹菜或青椒,衬托粉红色、柔的猪肉。一顿饭不会只有一款菜肴,通常同时端上两款、甚至四款菜肴,且每款菜肴都要色香味俱全,端上次序则以菜肴的搭配为大前题,通常同类的菜肴会同时端上,不会前后分别端上,总之整顿饭都要讲求协调的搭配。,茶是中国人的日常饮料,汤是他们饭食时的最佳饮料,在特别的日子或场合上,中国人会饮葡萄酒或烈性酒,却不会饮水,这与西方人不同。中国茶是茶楼

6、的主要饮料,虽然有其他饮料供应,但他们认为茶是最提神醒胃的饮料,尤其是吃了油腻的点心,茶有助洗去油腻。每桌都供应一个或两个茶壶,且可不断添饮,客人只需揭开茶壶盖并放在壶顶上,便有侍应前来添滚水;无论同席者的茶杯有多少茶,其中一位都可为别人斟茶,但记著要先为别人斟,最后为自己斟,这才合乎礼仪。茶楼备有不同种类的茶叶,客人可随个人喜好选择。,饮料 茶,中国餐桌礼仪归结为以下几点:,1 入座的礼仪,2 进餐时的礼仪,3 离席时的礼仪,第一入座的礼仪 先请客人入座上席再请长者入座客人旁依次入座,入座时要从椅子左边进入入座后不要动筷子更不要弄出什么响声来也不要起身走动如果有什么事要向主人打招呼,入座后姿

7、式端正,脚踏在本人座位下,不可任意伸直,手肘不得靠桌缘, 或将手放在邻座椅背上。,第二:进餐时的礼仪 先请客人.长着动筷子.夹菜时每次少一些.离自己远的菜就少吃一些.吃饭时不要出声音.喝汤时也不要出声响,喝汤用汤匙一小口一小口地喝.不宜把碗端到嘴边喝,汤太热时凉了以后再喝.不要一边吹一边喝.有的人吃饭喜欢用咀嚼食物.特别是使劲咀嚼脆食物,发出很清晰的声音来.这种做法是不合礼仪要求的.特别是和众人一起进餐时,就要尽量防止出现这种现象. 进餐时不要打嗝,也不要出现其他声音,如果出现打喷嚏,肠鸣等不由自主的声响时,就要说一声“真不好意思“.;对不起;.“请原凉“.之内的话.以示歉意.,如果要给客人或

8、长辈布菜.最好用公筷.也可以把离客人或长辈远的菜肴送到他们跟前,按我们中华民族的习惯.菜是一个一个往上端的.如果同桌有领导,老人,客人的话.每当上来一个新菜时就请他们先动筷子.或着轮流请他们先动筷子.以表示对他们的重视.,吃到鱼头,鱼刺,骨头等物时,不要往外面吐,也不要往地上仍.要慢慢用手拿到自己的碟子里,或放在紧靠自己餐桌边或放在事先准备好的纸上,要适时地抽空和左右的人聊几句风趣的话,以调和气氛.不要光着头吃饭,不管别人,也不要狼吞虎咽地大吃一顿,更不要贪杯. 最好不要在餐桌上剔牙.如果要剔牙时,就要用餐巾或手挡住自己的嘴巴.,要明确此次进餐的主要任务.要明确以谈生意为主.还是以联络感情为主

9、.或是以吃饭为主.如果是前着,在安排座位时就要注意.把主要谈判人的座位相互靠近便于交谈或疏通情感.如果是后着.只需要注意一下常识性的礼节就行了,把重点放在欣赏菜肴上,最后离席时.必须向主人表示感谢.或者就此时邀请主人以后到自己家做客,以示回,谢谢您的热情招待,欢迎您及家人有空到我家做客。,主人,客人,(中英文对照)餐桌礼仪,Table Manners 餐桌礼仪,Culture, background, behaviors, cultivation 文化, 背景, 行为, 修养 Job interview is carried out during lunch 工作面试在午餐中进行,Place

10、Setting餐桌摆设,Plates 盘子 Utensils / Cutlery 餐具 Glasses 杯子 Napkin 餐巾 Pepper and salt shakers, bread basket, butter tray 胡椒瓶, 盐瓶, 面包篮, 黄油碟 Would you please pass the 麻烦你传一下 ,Seating 座位,Name tag 姓名牌 Open the chair for the lady who sits on your right hand side 为坐在你右手边的女士拿开椅子让她上座 Sit on her left hand side 坐在

11、她的左手边 Good posture 良好坐姿 Keep your hands on the lap 把手放在大腿上,Napkin (1) 餐巾,Dont touch anything if the host says “lets say grace”如果主人要祈祷, 低下头, 什么也不要做 Unfold the napkin and fold it half before putting it on your lap打开餐巾, 对叠, 放在大腿上 Use the napkin to gently wipe your mouth. Dont blow your nose into your n

12、apkin 餐巾只用作轻擦嘴边。不可用来擦鼻子,Napkin (2) 餐巾,Place the napkin on the arm/back of the chair if you need to be excused 如要离座, 把餐巾放在椅柄/背上 After completion, place the soiled napkin at the left of your place setting用餐完毕, 把用过的餐巾放在摆设的左手边,Utensils 餐具,Knife, fork, spoon 刀, 叉, 勺儿 Work from outside in 由外到内 Resting sep

13、arate the knife and fork on the plate, blades facing in / prongs down暂停进食 - 把刀和叉分开放在盘子上, 刀锋向内, 叉尖向下 Done place the knife and fork paralleled on the plate blades facing in / prongs up用餐完毕 - 把刀和叉平衡放在盘子上, 刀锋向内, 叉尖向上,Bread or Roll 面包,Break the bread with your fingers into small piece small enough for on

14、e bite, butter it 用手指把面包一小块的撕开来, 涂黄油 Do not butter the entire piece of bread at one time不要把整块面包涂上黄油,Drink 饮料,Dont start drinking the wine until the host says “cheer”在主人家说 “举杯” 前, 不要喝酒 Hold the glass stem and sip举杯时拿着杯的下半部细啜 No bottoms up except drinking beer除了喝啤酒, 一般都不会干杯 No drinking and eating at t

15、he same time不要同时进食和喝饮料,Wine 酒,Say “when” 何时够 Champagne chilled 香槟 冰镇 White wine chilled 白葡萄酒 冰镇 Seafood / Poultry 海鲜 / 家禽 Red wine room temperature 红葡萄酒 室温 Red meat (pork, beef ) 红肉 (猪, 牛 ) Dont add ice on the above 以上酒类不要加冰 Brandy, whisky, dessert wine 白兰地, 威士忌, 餐后酒 ,Menu 菜单,Set menu / Alacarte 预定菜

16、单 / 点菜 Starter / appetizer / entre 头盘 Salad / soup / oysters / mini pizza 沙拉 / 汤 / 蚝 / 小批萨 Main course 主菜 Poultry / seafood / beef / pork / pasta Side dish vegetables / potatoes / rice Dessert 甜品 Coffee or tea 咖啡或茶,Steak 牛扒,Well done 全熟 100% forehead 前额 Medium 半生熟 75% cheek 脸颊 Medium rare 半生 50% chi

17、n 下巴 Rare 生 25% Raw 全生 0% Tartar, capaccio,Sharing Food 分甘同味,If the others are willing to share 除非别人愿意分享 Request additional small plates and clean utensils for dividing the shared food 向服务员多要一份餐具和小盘子放分享的食物,Food you cant swallow 咽不下的食物,Remove the food with your fork and put in on your place 用叉把食物从口中拿

18、出来方在盘子上 Try to cover it with vegetables 尽量用蔬菜盖住,Dont (1) 不要,Slurp when drinking soup or eating noodles 喝汤和吃面条时发出声音 Keep the spoon inside the bowl or cup 勺儿留在汤碗或茶杯里 Talk with your mouth full 满口食物时讲话 Chew with your mouth opened 咬食物时把嘴巴张开,Dont (2) 不要,Burp / Hiccup 打嗝 Use your tongue to remove the resid

19、ues in between your teeth 用舌尖在牙缝中找食物 Shake your leg underneath the table 摇/抖腿 Keep your elbows on the table 肘子放在桌上 Apply lipstick at the table after a meal 加口红,Bon Appetit,Feel comfortable, relax 感到舒服, 轻从自在 Enjoy the meal 享受一顿美食,Chinese table manners,Chinese Table Manners, Class C, DCFL School of In

20、ternational Studies Sun Yat-sen University Angel Xiao,Importance,Table manners are very important in Chinese peoples life. They show whether you are well educated. Chinese people treat dinners as one of the most important social interactions. ( Business will be talked and set while having dinner.),B

21、efore Dinner,1. Prefer round tables, which enable people to sit face to face. Through this way, people feel close to each other. 2. The most important guest( the oldest, the most respectful, etc.) will sit facing the door. 3. After the most important guest sit down, others take their seats.,4. Guest

22、s will not order unless the host ask them to do so. Sometimes, host asks the most important figure to order dishes in order to show the hosts respect( to the important figure). 5. If you have something that you do not like or can not eat, tell the host secretly. He will take into consideration when

23、he is ordering. 6. Put the napkin on your legs.,7. The dinner will not begin until everybody arrive, even if someone is not on time. 8. While the host is ordering dishes, others usually chat with each other and drink tea to kill time. 9. The restaurant always serve some sneaks, like peanuts, cucumbe

24、rs, and chicken feet.,10. If you are sitting near the teapot, it is your duty to serve others tea. Usually, you start from the eldest/female. Do it clockwise. Generally, you serve yourself at last. To be a gentleman, do this job before ladies realize that they need more water. 11. When the teapot is

25、 empty, hold the lid one side up, and the waiter will come and fill it.,1. Soup will be served the first. If the soup is too hot, you can wait until it gets cooler. 2. Dishes will be placed on the turntable. 3. Every time when a dish is served, the most important people take the first bite. Then oth

26、ers take their bites as the table turns. Sometimes, when there are kids, the youngest kid will take the first bite to show the care from adults.,Having Dinner,4. Do not stick chopsticks vertically in your bowl of rice, because this makes the chopsticks look like the incenses we burn when we are wors

27、hiping the dead or praying the god. So it is like you are worshiping people sitting the other side, which suggests that he is dead. Therefore, this action is viewed unlucky and impolite.,5. Usually, you pick up some food, like a piece of meat, placing it in your bowl first, and then eat it. This mak

28、es you look less eager and more elegant. 6. Before you pick up something from the plate, you need to decide which one you are going to pick. Once your chopsticks touch the food, you can do nothing other than picking it up and put it in your bowl. Dont ever try to rummage the one you like in the plat

29、e. It is impolite.,7. If there are public chopsticks and spoons, youd better use them when you pick up foods. 8. When you are eating, close your mouth to make less noise. 9. Do not speak when there are things in your mouth. /Do not speak before you finish eating things in your mouth. 10. Do not play

30、 with you chopsticks: Do not knock the bowl with your chopsticks. Thats what beggars usually do. That makes you poor.,11. If the food is juicy, use the spoon to help. Do not make the juice split everywhere. When something is hard to be pick up, use the spoon to help, too. 12. To show the warm welcom

31、e to the guest, the host will cheer the guest up and try to persuade the guest to drink wine as much as he can. Or the host will be viewed as bad serving. If you can not drink wine, tea and other drinks are also OK.,13. If you have to cough or sneeze, use a towel or napkin to cover your mouth and tu

32、rn back. Say “sorry” afterwards. 14. If you need to clean your teeth, use your hand or a towel to cover your mouth so that others will not see it.,15. When having dinner at the New Years Eve, Chinese people will not eat all the dishes up. There must be something left to show that we are having a goo

33、d life, because we have a surplus. It means “every year we have a surplus ( 年年有余 nian2 nian2 you3 yu2)”. Also, fish will not be missed on the dinner table of New Years Eve.,Order of Dishes,Soup Dishes of meat( chicken, fish, seafood, etc.) Dishes of vegetables Green vegetables Noodles, Chinese cakes

34、, dessert, etc.,Drinks,White Wine In most circumstances, Chinese people, especially adults drink white wine when they are having big meals. There is a Chinese saying:” No wine, no meals.” ( “无酒不成席/宴。” Wu2 jiu3 bu4 cheng2 xi2/yan4.) Chinese kids start drinking wines from their early age. However, dri

35、nking wine is bad for health, so now kids usually have juice.,Sometimes, soup and tea are well enough, and parents wont order juice for their kids. Because it is not that healthy, too. White wine, red wine, beer, etc.,After Dinner,Fruits and further free talks. Others can not stand up and leave the

36、table until the most important people does so. If it is the host or the hostess that does the cook, remember to show your appreciation after you finish the dinner.,中国餐桌礼仪文化,中国餐桌礼仪试讲一班设计教学对象:学习商务汉语的成年人,一、你应该坐在哪儿?,1.主 zh host 2.客 k guest 3. 长辈 zhng bi the elder,Tips: 1、长辈先入座。 2、主人坐在正对大门的座位。 3、第一位客人(主客

37、)坐在主人右手边,第二位客人(副客)坐在主人左手边。 4、不能让客人坐在上菜的地方。,主客 副客,二、怎么点菜 ?,荤素搭配 多菜一汤,hn s d pi,Tips: “菜”指主菜,数量一般为二、四、六、八等偶数,因为中国人认为偶数吉利。,不要忘记点主食,米饭,面食,三、上菜,热菜,凉菜,先上,再上,最后上,汤,Tips: 鱼头应该对着主人的方向。,鱼怎么摆?,四、用餐,kui zi 筷子,tng ch 汤匙,用筷九忌,五、酒桌文化,1、常用语,gn bi 干杯,1)Cheers!,2)make a toast,jng ji 敬酒,Tips: 1、与对方离得较远时,可以用杯底轻碰桌面,表示干杯

38、。 2、敬酒时,酒杯杯口应低于对方的杯口,表示尊敬。,qun 2、劝酒,感情深,一口闷。 感情浅,舔一舔。,3、不想喝酒怎么办?,y ch di ji 以茶代酒,六、游戏,Tips: 中国人在酒桌上会玩游戏,输的人要喝酒哦!,lo h 老虎 bng zi 棒子 j 鸡,sh tou 石头 jin do 剪刀 b 布,七、买单,mi 买 dn 单,Tips: 在中国,人们喜欢抢着买单,这是“要面子”的体现。只有在年轻人中间才流行AA制。,总结,中国传统饮食文化 及餐桌礼仪英文,Chinese food culture,Catalog,The traditional staple food.The

39、 traditional festival foodEight regional cuisinesTypical dishes Summary,Chinese traditional staple food,米饭 Steamed Rice 面条 Noodles 馒头 Steamed bun 包子 Steamed stuffed bun 粥 Porridge,The traditional festival food,In material wealth, people generally superfluous energy today, many high-energy traditiona

40、l festival food appears dim a lot, especially New Year cake, Glutinous Rice Balls, lantern, people eat these foods, more in the aftertaste, inheritance history behind them and culture, reflects its cultural value!,The traditional cultural value is greater than the nutritional value of food,在物质丰富,人们普

41、遍能量过剩的今天,许多高能的传统节日食品就显得暗淡了许多,尤其是年糕、汤圆、元宵等食品,人们在食用这些食物时,更多的是在回味、继承他们背后的历史和文化,体现其文化价值!,Dumplings are a special kind of holiday food, and also a common home-cooked dish. On Chinese New Years Eve, the whole family sits in a circle, kneading the dough, mixing the filling, rolling the wrap, wrapping, pinc

42、hing, and boil the dumplings, all the while having a good time. 饺子是一种特殊的节日食品, 也是一种常见的家常菜。 除夕之夜,全家围坐在一起, 揉面团,包饺子,煮饺子, 共享欢乐时光。,Having dumplings for the New Year is a tradition in many families of the north.(Photographed in 1962, Xinhua),On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festiv

43、al, zongzi, or glutinous rice cake wrapped in reed leaf is the festivity food. The Dragon Boat Festival has had more than 2,000 years of history in China.,Second to the Spring Festival in importance and grandness is the Mid-autumn Festival, when people get together to have the moon cake. Because of

44、its round shape like that of the moon, the moon cake symbolizes union. Every Mid-autumn, when the bright round moon is hanging above, and all homes are united, people enjoy moon cakes while observing the moon,重要性仅次于春节日是中秋节,人们聚在一起吃月饼。它的圆的形状像月亮,月饼象征着团圆。每年的中秋,当明亮的圆月挂上,家人团聚,一起品尝的月饼,赏月。,The traditional f

45、ood for Lantern Festival is rice glue ball(元宵). The rice glue balls shape is just like the full moon appears in the sky. This kind of dessert is especially welcomed by children.,元宵节的传统食品是元宵。元宵的形状就像满月出现在天空,这种甜点是由儿童特别欢迎。,The Laba Festival, the day in most parts of China have the custom of eating Laba

46、porridge. Laba is a harvest year with eight fresh food and fruits boiled, usually for the sweet porridge. porridge in addition to rice, millet, mung bean, cowpea, peanut, jujube and other raw materials, but also add pork, radish, cabbage, vermicelli, seaweed, tofu and so on.,腊八节,在中国大多数地区都有吃腊八粥的习俗。腊八

47、粥是用八种新鲜食品一年收获水果煮,通常为甜味粥。中原有许多农民喜欢咸吃腊八粥,除了大米,小米,绿豆,豇豆,花生粥,红枣和其他原材料,但也加入猪肉,萝卜,白菜,粉丝,海藻,豆腐等。,Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines :,Shandong Cuisine 山东菜系,Sichuan Cuisine 四川菜系,Cantonese food 广东菜系,Fujian Cuisine 福建菜系,Jiangsu Cuisine 江苏菜系,Hunan cuisine 湖南菜系,Anhui Cuisine 安徽菜系,Z

48、heJiang Cuisine 浙江菜系,Shandong Cuisine山东菜系,Cantonese food 广东菜系,Consisting of Jinan cuisine and Jiaodong cuisine, Shandong cuisine, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shangdong dishes tastes pungent usually. Soups are given much emphasis in Shangdong dishes

49、. 由济南菜系和胶东菜系组成,以其香,鲜,嫩,脆而闻名,通常很辣,注重汤品。,In fact, people in Northern China often say that Cantonese people will eat anything that flies except airplanes, anything that moves on the ground except trains, and anything that moves in the water except boats. 事实上,中国北方人常说,广东人吃天上飞的,除了飞机;地上爬的,除了火车;水里游的,除了船儿。,C

50、omprising local cuisines of Hangzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing, Zhejiang Cuisine, not greasy, wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, smoothness of its dishes with mellow fragrance. Hangzhou Cuisine is the most famous one among the three.浙江菜系由杭州菜,宁波菜,绍兴菜,组成,不油腻,以其菜肴的鲜,柔,滑,香而闻名。杭州菜是这三者中最出名的一个。,


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