1、KET 便条写作真题解析题目:Last night you were at a friends house. You think you left something important there. Write a note to your friend. Say: What you have left Why it is important Where in the house you thinkWrite 25-35 words.Write the note on your answer sheet.例文一: 5 分档(满分 5 分)Dear friend:I have left at
2、your house my coat. It is very important because it was a present from my mother. I think I left the coat in your hall.Love ,Marie点评: 时态 人称 正确。虽然有个别小错误: 如 I have left at your house my coat.(I have left my coat at your house.),但整篇文章能清楚传达所有三个信息。例文二:3 分档Dear friend,I liked so much visit you house last
3、night but I think I left something important there. What I have losting is me book. It is very important because I think I leave it there. I think I leaft it in your room. 点评:有明显时态、人称错误。虽然能试图传达所有三个信息,但需要读者对其语言表达进行解释。而且结尾没有落款。例文三:1 分档Dear my friend,I have very lovely time be at your houses. I really
4、like it. I really like to eat dinner with your family. How are you? I think my money is in your house I think? Please come my home with my money as soon as now. Jane点评:只回答了一个问题,语法错误较多,错误使用了一般现在时。由以上分析可见,KET 便条写作不是字数越多越好,而是在于清楚传达题目的要求的三个信息。因此在训练这一部分写作题时,考们的重点应首先放在审题上,下面就 ket 便条写作为大家提出一些建议,预祝大家“下笔如有神”
5、。首先,无论国内外什么考试,审题是重中之重。审清楚题目也是对考生阅读能力的考验。KET 的考试题目通常要求考生回答三个问题。学生在考试时,一定要看明白题目再写作文,有的考生题目意思都没弄明白就匆匆忙忙的写,结果只得一两分甚至零分。少回答一个问题扣 2 分,总共分值也就只有 5 分,所以问题一定要全部回答。其次、回答问题的字数在 25-35 之间。在回答问题的时候,孩子们千万别小看了字数要求。写多写少都会有相应的扣分,英国人很讲究规则的,他既然给了你要求就一定要严格遵守不然就白白被扣分了。再次,最后要注意单词拼写、第三人称单数问题、标点符号的用法、there be 句型和时态的正确使用。KET 便条写作口诀: 便条写作并不难,拿到题目仔细看。三个要点不能丢,人称时态需注意。写完之后必检查,开头结尾有规矩。