1、 Operating Instructions DB-033-961017 E FH 40 G Dose Rate Measuring Unit Series FH 40 G FH 40 G-10 FH 40 G-L FH 40 G-L10 FH 40 G-L Display unit FH 40 G-X Thermo ElectronConfiguration control Rev. Rev. Verantw. Name Rev. Kat. Erluterung Stand Abt. Seite *) O 01.09.2000 SM-GE Trost all pages K,V,S com
2、plete revision P 13.12.2002 SM-GE Karl from 38 V revision for software FH40G.exe V 4.01 Trost external probes added Q 07.11.2003 SM-GE Trost cpl. V revision for software FH40G.exe Karl V 4.10 and Firmware V 2.72 R 25.11.2003 SM-GE Tr 79 K Order no., Dimensions S 03.02.2005 SM-GE Tr 79 K Order no. FHZ 632 L T 23.02.2005 SM-GE Tr 79 K Order no, FHZ 302, FHZ 312 U 23.06.2005 RM they are no device errors. An error message is issued if a counter tube impulse is not measured within 128 s. The unit may be defective and must be checked.