1、A taste of English humour,What is humour?,Humour is some words that means making others laugh. If someone often makes others laugh, We say he is humourous; We call him a humourist.,Look at the following pictures. Which picture can make you laugh?,Warming up,Do you feel my love?,I want to lose my wei
2、ght.,Im driving at a high speed.,Do you feel funny? How many kinds of humour do you know about? Can you name some people that you think are humorous?,tongue twister绕口令,cross talk 相声,Kinds of humour,funny stories,comedy 喜剧,mime 哑剧,sketch小品,jokes,Chinese humourists,sketch小品,crosstalk,Two or more speak
3、ers make many jokes and funny conversation.,(funny stories),Mark Twain was the popular and humourous American author.,马克吐温一次乘车外出,火车开得很慢。当查票员过来查票时,马克吐温递给他一张儿童票。查票员调侃道:“我还真没看出您还是个孩子呢!” 马克吐温回答:“现在我已经不是孩子了,但我买票上车时还是个孩子哩。” 马克 吐温收到一封信.这是一位青年人写来的,他想向马克 吐温请教成为大作家的诀窍.信中说:“听说鱼含大量的磷质,而磷是有利于脑子的.看来要成为一个大作家,一定要吃很
4、多鱼吧?但不知道你究竟吃的什么鱼,又吃了多少呢?“ 马克 吐温回信说:“看来,你得吃一条鲸才行.“,joke,一次马克吐温应邀赴宴。 席间,他对一位贵妇说:“夫人,你太美丽了!”不料那妇人却说:“先生,可是遗憾得很,我不能用同样的话回答你。” 头脑灵敏,言辞犀利的马克吐温笑着回答:“那没关系,你也可以像我一样说假话。” 混蛋 马克吐温有一次因为看不惯国会议员在国会通过某个法案,因此在报纸上刊登了一个广告,上面写着:“国会议员有一半是混蛋。”报纸一卖出,许多抗议电话随之而来,这些国会议员可不认为自己是混蛋,纷纷要求马克吐温更正。马克吐温于是又刊登了一个更正:“我错了,国会议员,有一半不是混蛋。”
5、意思则与原来相同。,joke,Customer: Whats that fly(苍蝇) doing in my soup? Waiter: Swimming, I think!,joke,Policeman: Why did you have to break into the same shop three times? Thief: Well,I stole a dress from that shop but my wife didnt like it.So Ihad to go back and change it twice!Teacher:You say that John Jon
6、es has a cold and cannot come to school today.Who am I speaking to? Voice:Oh,this is my father.,joke,Mr Bean(憨豆先生),Mr Bean,Charlie Chaplin,A Master of Nonverbal Humour,Charlie Chaplin,He is one of the most famous humourists that can make others laugh all the time. He was a great silent movie star. M
7、odern Times, The Little Tramp, The Gold Rush, City Light are his masterpieces.,a small round black hat,a walking stick,large trousers,worn-out shoes,The Little Tramp was a _ and _ person.,The Little Tramp,It was known and loved by many people around the world.,poor,homeless,Conclusion,Humour is everywhere in our daily life. I hope you can be optimistic(乐观) no matter what difficulties you meet , just as Charlie Chaplin was.,Goodbye,Thank you!,