1、Care of Skin,CleanseCleansings removes makeup, dirt, and grease from the surface of the skin and is necessary for all skin types. A cleanser can be anything from mild soap, a gentle exfoliate, rich cleansing cream or foaming cleanser. Whichever type you choose, apply it to the skin with the pads of
2、the fingers, using small circular motions; gently spread the cleanser over the surface of the skin. You can also use a facial brush, cloth, or sponge to apply cleansers. 清洁 清洁对任何类型的皮肤都是必需的,它能清除附着在皮肤表面的化妆品、污垢以及油脂。洁面产品的种类包括较温和的肥皂、柔性磨砂产品、卸妆乳和泡沫洗面奶。不管你选择哪一款产品,用手指轻轻地在脸部以画圆的方式按摩。或者你可以选择一款面刷、毛巾或者海绵来配合你的洁面产
3、品。,ToneAfter cleansing the skin, apply a toner. A toner is a product designed to remove leftover makeup or oil residues and prepare the skin for a moisturizer. Select a toner that corresponds to your skin type and avoid toners that contain alcohol; these can cause skin to become too dry and irritate
4、d.调理清洁完皮肤后,接下来使用调理产品。调理产品是用来去除残留的化妆品以及油脂,从而为下一个步骤作准备。选择一款适合你肌肤的产品,并且避免使用含有酒精的产品。含有酒精的产品会使皮肤变得干燥和粗糙。,MoisturizeMoisturizing the skin is the final basic step. Use a product containing moisturizing oils, distillates, anti-oxidants, nutrients and essential oils to prevent moisture loss. Choose a moistur
5、izer that suits your skin type and one that has as many, if not all, natural ingredients as possible. Remember your skin absorbs everything put on it even if its not natural. 滋润滋润皮肤是基础护肤的最后一个步骤。推荐使用含有滋润油、精华素、抗氧化剂、肌肤所需营养以及防止水分流失成分的产品。同样要选择一款适合自己肌肤的产品,并尽量使用含有天然元素的。记住你的皮肤会吸收任何涂抹上的东西,包括那些非天然的元素。,Apply a
6、 light moisturizer in the mornings with perhaps a sunscreen to protect your skin for the day. At night, use a light or rich cream depending on your skin type. Your nightime moisturizer should be capable of repairing and nourishing your skin while you sleep. Be careful not to apply an excessive amoun
7、t of moisturizer at night; the skin needs to breath during sleep. If your skin looks and feel greasy when you wake up, you probably applied too much.早上最好使用一款较稀释的滋润产品并抹上防晒霜。晚上则可以根据你的肌肤来选择滋润产品的稀释度。晚霜的作用是在睡眠时修复肌肤并给其提供足够的营养。在晚上,也不要涂抹过多的乳液,这样会给肌肤造成额外的负担而使其无法呼吸。如果早上起来皮肤看起来油油的,那么也许就是睡觉前使用了过量的晚霜。,ExfoliateO
8、nce a week or more often for oily skin types, use an exfoliating cream or scrub to slough off dead skin cells and unclog your pores. This is often the most over looked part of a skin care regimen but it is one of the most important. You must get rid of the dead skin on your face and keep your pores
9、clean only then will your beautiful new skin reveal and heal itself.去角质、死皮每周一次使用磨砂产品来去除死皮以及彻底清洁毛孔,对于油性肌肤来说可能需要更频繁地做此项护理。这个步骤经常被忽略,而其实它是很重要的。你必须摆脱那些死皮,保持毛孔通畅,这样才能使肌肤自我修复并焕发光彩。,June, the sun is a bit lazy, but the right skin care can not relax! In accordance with the following steps immediately to the
10、 delicate skin to a full set of care.,Facial SteamTwo to three times a month, after you cleanse and/or exfoliate, treat your skin to a steam bath to deep cleanse the pores and stimulate circulation. People with oily skin can steam more regularly than people with dry or sensitive skin. This should be
11、come an important part of your routine if you want beautiful, clear, healthy looking skin. 面部蒸汽每月做2到3次,在清洁皮肤或者去除死皮、角质后给你的皮肤也来个蒸汽浴吧。它会清洁你的毛孔并且促进血液循环。油性肌肤比起干性肌肤及敏感性肌肤来,可更多地使用面部蒸汽。如果你想拥有美丽、清洁而健康的肌肤,那么这一步骤在护肤过程中是必不可少的。,MaskA few times a month, treat yourself to a face and neck mask to balance and invigo
12、rate the skin and stimulate circulation. Before using a mask, pull back your hair from your face and apply a smooth layer of the mask to your freshly cleaned and damp face and neck, avoiding the mouth and eye areas. Rest for 10-15 minutes while the mask is drying, try not to talk during this time. R
13、inse well with warm water, and pat dry, follow with a good toner and moisturizer for your skin type.面膜每月几次可以通过脸部和颈部的面膜来平衡肌肤营养以及改善血液循环。在使用面膜前,将头发置于脑后,然后在刚刚清洁后的面部和颈部涂抹上一层面膜,注意避开嘴巴和眼睛。休息10到15分钟,尽量避免说话,直至面膜干透。用温水清洗后轻轻拍干,调理和滋润步骤也不能少。,HydrationHydration of the skin from the inside out is critical, so be s
14、ure to drink lots of fresh water daily. In addition, periodic misting of the skin throughout the day is helpful to replenish moisture and is particularly useful if you work in an office environment where the air is usually stale. To apply, hold the mister about 6 inches from your face; spray once or
15、 twice. You can use a spray mist even if you are wearing make-up 补水从体内补水是必需的,因此每天必须喝大量的水。同时,定时使用保湿喷雾可以帮助你在干燥的工作环境中保持皮肤的水分。使用时,将喷雾置于面前6英寸的地方,喷1到2次。化好妆后,也可使用喷雾。,与身材有关的食物,与美丽有关的食物-水,水与皮肤健康水是皮肤的主要组成部分。当皮肤失水时,会又干又紧。当皮肤湿润时,它既柔嫩又松软。 每天摄入总量约2500ml的水和含水食物。 Beautiful food - water Water and skin health Water i
16、s a major component of the skin. the skin will be dry and tightWhen the skin water loss. When the skin moist, it will be soft and Soft. intake of about 2500mlWater and water content of food Total daily.,与美丽有关的食物-大豆,大豆及其植物雌激素与美容 大豆的必需脂肪酸 亚油酸、亚麻酸对皮肤健康; 大豆卵磷脂与皮肤健康 女性衰老与雌激素 大豆植物雌激素的双向调节作用; beautiful foo
17、d - soybean Soy phytoestrogens and Beauty Soybeans, essential fatty acids, linoleic acid,linolenic acid on the skin health; Soybean lecithin and skin health Aging women with estrogen Soy phytoestrogens Two-way adjustment;,与美丽有关的食物-胶原蛋白,胶原蛋白与皮肤健康胶原蛋白构成皮下结缔组织,赋予皮肤弹性,提供皮肤更新的原料; 富含胶原蛋白的食物甲鱼、肉皮、蹄筋、鱼翅、 燕窝
18、等; Collagen and skin health Collagen constitutes the subcutaneous connective tissue, giving the skin elasticity, skin renewal raw materials; Collagen-rich foods Turtle, pork skin, tendons, shark fin, Birds nest, etc.;,与美丽有关的食物-纤维素,膳食纤维与美容 大便通畅 代谢废物排泄富含膳食纤维的食物 蔬菜、水果、粗粮、豆类、燕麦; Dietary fiber and beauty
19、 Smooth stool Excretion of metabolic waste Dietary fiber-rich foods Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, oats,与美丽有关的食物-水果,维生素、矿物质与皮肤健康 VitE、VitC、 -胡萝卜素,Zn、 Cu、 Se、Mn、Fe等抗氧化维生素和矿物质,参与清除自由基,防治、减少脂褐质生成 ; VitA、VitE 、VitC滋养、保护皮肤细胞的细胞膜 ; 维生素、矿物质与头发健康 缺乏B族维生素,缺乏锌、铁、钙等矿物质引起头发稀疏、干枯、早白、失去光泽; Vitamins, min
20、erals, and skin health Of VitE, VitC, - carotene, of Zn and Cu, Se, Mn, Fe antioxidant vitamins and minerals involved in free radical scavenging, prevention, reducing lipofuscin generation; VitA, of VitE, of VitC nourish, protect the skin cell membrane; Vitamins, minerals, and healthy hair Lack of B vitamins, the lack of zinc, iron, calcium and minerals caused by sparse hair, dry, early white and dull;,Thank You!,