1、Bilingual 医学影像诊断学 骨骼肌肉系统疾病比较影像图谱 系列之一,江苏大学医学技术学院影像系彭卫斌 梁长生2003年7月,第一节 骨与关节创伤,一,骨折 (一)骨折总论,3,图1 骨痂形成示意图,4,图2 骨折类型示意图,5,图3 骨折移位示意图,6,图4 骨骺损伤的Salte-Harris分型,7,图5A 肱骨外科颈骨折,肱骨上段见骨折线,肱骨头下倾,远端向上移,外侧见碎骨片 X线诊断:肱骨外外科颈骨折,内收型,8,图6A1 肱骨髁上骨折,A large elbow effusion is identified by anterior and posterior fat pad e
2、levation (arrows).This is caused by a supracondylar fracture, with mild dorsal displacement of the distal fragment. Unlike this case, the fracture line is frequently invisible on initial radiographs.,9,图6A2 桡骨头骨折,Anterior and posterior fat pad elevation (arrows) signifies effusion of the ellow joint
3、. The fracture of the radial head is only identified by a minimal “step-off” of the volar cortex.,10,图7A1 Colles fracture,X线表现 桡骨远端见骨折线,骨折远端向外后方移位。桡骨下关节面倾斜,尺骨向上移,尺骨茎突见小骨片; X线诊断 桡骨远端伸直型骨折(Colles 骨折),11,图7A2 Colles fracture,Lateral radiograph demonstrates a fracture of the distal radius with dorsal an
4、gulation and displacement of the distal fracture fragment.,12,图8A 蒙泰贾骨折 (Monteggia fracture),Monteggia fracture-dislocation Lateral radiograph of the forearm demonstrates fracture of the ulnar shaft with anterior dislocation of the radius.,13,图9A 加莱阿齐骨折 (Galeazzis fracture ),Galeazzis fracture-dislo
5、cation AP radiograph of the forearm demonstrates a fracture of the radial shaft and dislocation of the inferior radioulnar joint.,14,图10A1 指掌骨骨折,boxers fracture AP(a) and oblique (b) radiographs of the hand demonstrate a fracture through the fifth metacarpal shaft with volar and radial angulation of
6、 the distal fracture fragment.,15,图10A2 指掌骨骨折,boxers fracture AP(a) and oblique (b) radiographs of the hand demonstrate a fracture through the fifth metacarpal shaft with volar and radial angulation of the distal fracture fragment.,16,图11A1 股骨颈骨折,a. AP radiograph of the hip demonstrates a fracture t
7、hrough the femoral neck.,17,图11A2 股骨颈骨折,b. AP radiograph after fixation of the femoral neck fracture with three cannulated screws.,18,图12A 胫骨粉碎性骨折,Comminuted fracture of the mid tibia with medial displacement and medial angulation of the distal fragment.,19,图13A 跟骨骨折,Avulsion(粉碎性) fracture. Lateral
8、radiograph demonstrates an avulsion fracture of the calcaneus(跟骨) by the Achilles tendon (跟腱).,20,图14A 距骨骨折合并脱位,Fracture dislocation of the talus(距骨). There is a comminuted fracture of the waist of the talus with posterior dislocation and rotation of the proximal fragment.,21,图15A 脊柱压缩骨折,Compression
9、 fracture. Lateral radiograph of the L1 vertebra demonstrates a wedging deformity that occurred after trauma.,22,图16AB 脊柱爆裂骨折 (burst fracture),Flexion fracture of L1 is seen on the lateral radiograph (A). Wedging is identified, but the posterior elements are poorly seen and only identified as being
10、involved by CT(B).,A,B,23,脊柱安全带型骨折 (lap seat-belt-type fracture),Lap seat-belt-type fractures occur from forced hyperflexion and are subdivided into three groups: Type I, the Chance fracture, occurs when the fracture extends horizontally from the spinous process into the vertebral body passing throu
11、gh the articular pillars(关节突) and pedicles. Type II, the Smith fracture, is similar but does not involve the spinous process. Type III, involves one side only due to a rotational component.,24,图17A 脊柱安全带型骨折 (lap seat-belt-type fracture),A, Smiths fracture of L3. There is a horizontal fracture of the
12、 posterior elements of L3 well seen on the lateral view and demonstrated on the frontal view(B) By horizontal lucencies through the pedicles(椎弓根) (arrows) but superior to the spinous process.,A,B,25,图18AB 脊柱骨折脱位,Hangmans fracture. There are oblique fractures through the pedicles of C2(arrow) with an
13、terior displacement of the body of C2. B. CT scan of a different patient shows extension of the fracture through the body and into the vertebral canal on the left.,26,图19A 旋转性寰枢关节半脱位 (rotatory atlantoaxial subluxation),A. Os odontoideum, with posterior subluxation of C1 on C2. The os is well seen as
14、 a cortical rounded density (arrows) lying posterior to the anterior ring of C1. B. Open-mouth view demonstrates a characteristic rounded corticated margin of the stump of the odontoid.,A,B,27,图20A 创伤性寰枢关节脱位 (traumatic rotatory atlantoaxial dislocation),Jefferson burst fracture of C1. A, There is an
15、terior displacement of C1 with respect to C2, and significant prevertebral soft-tissue swelling. B, Open-mouth odontoid view demonstrates lateral displacement of the lateral masses of C1.,28,图21 寰枢关节半脱位的薄层CT横断面、矢状面及冠状面(暂缺),29,图22A 寰椎骨折 (Jefferson fracture),A, Odontoid view of the patient demonstrate
16、s lateral displacement of the lateral masses of C1 in this patient with a Jefferson fracture.,A,30,图22B 寰椎骨折 (Jefferson fracture),B, Axial CT scan demonstrates a comminuted fracture of the atlas(寰椎).,B,31,图23A 骨盆骨折,Lateral compression fracture. Typical horizontal/overlap fractures of the pubic rami
17、or the right area seen. There has been medial displacement of the right anterior pelvis, with fracture of the right iliac wing, due to a rotating distractive on the posterior pelvis.,32,图23B 骨盆骨折,女性,20岁。左髋部外伤一周。 CT表现 左髋臼前柱(即耻骨上支)及耻骨骨质不连续,并有移位,关节囊上方可见碎骨片嵌入(左图),左股骨头明显向前移位,关节囊明显肿胀,其中有低密度影(右图)。 CT诊断 左髋臼
18、前柱粉碎性骨折,股骨头脱位及关节囊内出血。,二,关节创伤,34,图24A1 肩关节前脱位,Anterior dislocation of the right humerus. The inferior rim of the glenoid has impacted on the superior margin of the humerus, giving rise to a Hall-Sachs, or batcher deformity.,35,图24A2 肩关节后脱位,A, Posterior dislocation of the humerus. The humerus appears
19、in internal rotation , giving rise to a “lightbull” appearance. There is also asymmetry of the glenohumeral joint space.,A,36,图24A3 肩关节后脱位,B, A “swimmers view” demonstrates the articular suface of the humerrus projected posteriorly and lying postreior to the glenoid (arrowheads).,B,37,图24B 肩关节前脱位,右肩
20、习惯性脱位 右肩盂前缘骨缺损,38,图25A1 肩袖撕裂 (Rotator Cuff Tear),肩关节双重造影 X线片示肩袖完全撕裂,肩峰下滑囊充满造影剂,39,图25A2 肩袖撕裂 (Rotator Cuff Tear),Contrast is seen lateral to the humeral head in the subdeltoid bursa (三角肌下囊). This indicates a total rotation cuff tear.,40,图25C 肩袖撕裂 (Rotator Cuff Tear),MRI rotator cuff tear. Complete r
21、otator cuff tear. T2weighting. A large high signal effusion surrounds the humeral head. The rotator cuffs retracted (arrowheads), with total disruption of the tendon, which cannot be identified.,41,图26A 肘关节脱位,Complete elbow dislocation. There is also a fracture of the radial head, with small bone fr
22、agments seen overlying the ulna and radial soft tissues.,42,图27A1 肱骨外髁骨骺骨折 (Salter-Harris IV 型-暂缺),43,图27A2 胫骨远端骨骺骨折 (Salter-Harris IV 型),Salter IV fracture of the distal tibia, with fracture lines identified in the metaphysis and epiphysis.,44,图27A2 肱骨内上髁骨骺分离,X线表现: 肱骨内上骨骺向内侧移位,并翻转向下 X线诊断:肱骨内上髁骨骺分离,
23、45,图28A 肱骨髁间骨折(暂缺),46,图29A1 腕舟骨骨折,Scaphoid fracture. This was not seen on the regular veiws(常规位) but became evident on this specific scaphoid view.,47,图29A2 第1掌骨基底骨折 (Bennet fracture),Bennets fracture of the thumb metacarpal with dislocation of the major distal fragment. The minor fragment is seen i
24、n its normal relationship to the trapezium(梯形). Of note is the old undiagnosed avulsion(撕裂) fracture of the base of the proximal phalanx (arrow),48,图30A 月骨脱位,Lunate dislocation. Although easily appreciated on the lateral view (A) the lunate (L) has taken on atypical triangular configuration on the A
25、P view (B). In this case, there is also a fracture through the proximal pole of the scaphoid, with displacement of the proximal fragment in association with the lunate.,A,B,49,图31A 月骨周围脱位(见备注),Transscaphoid/perilunate fracture dislocation. There is disruption of the carpus with disorganization of al
26、ignment(排列) between the proximal and distal carpal rows. The lunate (L) overlies the triquetrum(三角骨) but still articulates with the proximal scaphoid(舟状骨), which is overlaid by the capitate(头状的) (C) on the frontal view. The distal scaphoid fragment is in normal relationship to the capitate. Dorsal d
27、isplacement of the majority of the carpal bones is identified on the lateral view(B).,50,图32A1 髋关节前脱位,病史摘要 男性,35岁。车禍后股骨外展畸形,髋关节不能活动。 X线表现 股骨呈高度外展,股骨头于髋臼下方与坐骨部分重叠。,51,图32A2 髋关节后脱位,X线表现 股骨头与髋臼上部重叠,股骨内收内旋,大粗隆突出,小粗隆消失,股骨颈短,伴有髋臼和股骨头骨折,52,图33A1 髋臼骨折,Fracture dislocation of the left femoral head, with a po
28、sterior dislocation. The fracture extends through the femoral head, with a large fragment retained within the acetabulum. The irregular lateral margin of the posterior acetabulum (seen through the retained femoral head fragment ) indicates the acetabular injury.,53,图33A2B1 髋臼骨折(见备注),A,B,54,图33B2 髋臼骨
29、折,左髋臼骨折 CT显示骨折片脱落入关节间隙内(箭),平片不易发现,55,图34C1 膝关节半月板撕裂,左膝关节内侧半月板撕裂 T2WI像,冠状面(a)矢状面(b):内侧半月板后角水平撕裂,高信号影贯穿低信号半月板全层(箭),a,b,56,图34C2 膝关节半月板撕裂,MRI of the knee; T2-weighted sequence; sagittal image. An area of linear increased signal is seen in the posterior horn of the medial meniscus, indicating a tear. Hi
30、gh signal effusion is identified extending into the posterior soft tissues from rupture of a Bakers cyst (arrowheads).,57,图34C3 膝关节半月板撕裂,MRI of the knee:gradient-echo sequence. There is total disruption of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus and a defect in the articular surface of the femoral
31、 condyle, indicating in this case an osteochondral fracture.,58,图34A 膝关节半月板撕裂,膝关节空气造影X线片 内侧半月板前角撕裂并垂直移位,59,图35 膝关节内外侧副韧带复合体损伤(暂缺),60,图36C1 膝关节前后交叉韧带损伤(anterior and posterior cruciate ligament injuries),膝关节前交叉韧带完全性撕裂的直接征象 MRI膝关节矢状位T1WI示前交叉韧带信号完全中断,61,图36C2 膝关节前后交叉韧带损伤(anterior and posterior cruciate
32、ligament injuries),膝关节前交叉韧带撕裂的间接征象 MRI膝关节冠状位T2WI示前 交叉韧带附着点受牵拉,其下方的骨髓挫伤, T2WI信号增高,第二节 骨关节发育畸形,一,四肢畸形,63,图37-1 先天性巨肢症(暂缺),64,图37-2A 营养异常性巨大发育,Macrodystrophia lipomatosa. AP (a) and lateral (b) radiographs of the foot in a 1-year old demonstrate marked overgrowth of the second and third toes. Also note
33、 the hypertrophyy of the soft tissues along the plantar aspect of the foot,65,图38 先天性肩胛高位症 (Sprengel 畸形),左侧肩胛骨明显较右侧正常肩胛骨高,可见上胸椎和肋骨畸形,66,图39A1 马德隆畸形 (Madelungs deformity ),Madelungs deformity. PA (a) and lateral (b) radiographs of the wrist demonstrate bowing of the distal end of the radius and a dec
34、reased carpal angle. Note dorsal displacement of the ulna.,67,图39A2 马德隆畸形 (Madelungs deformity ),桡骨远端关节面向尺侧倾斜,桡骨和尺骨远端形成“Y”形切迹,腕骨角变小,68,病例1 女,11岁。左腕部受伤后来院检查,偶发现左腕发育差,并测得左前臂较右前臂短3cm。,图39A3 X线表现 左桡骨呈弓形缩短,远端突向背侧,桡骨关节面向尺侧倾斜。尺骨正常相对较长线,尺骨茎突向背侧移位突出,下尺桡关节面形成锐角,近排腕骨失去正常光滑弧线而成锥形 X线诊断 左腕马德隆畸形,69,图40-1 先天性髋关节脱位测
35、量示意图 (右侧正常,左侧脱位见备注),70,图40A 先天性髋关节脱位,Congenital dislocation of the hip. In this advanced case, the diagnosis was missed in infancy. There is bilateral hip dislocation, with subsequent inadequate modeling of the acetabula(髋臼). A pseudoarticulation of the femoral head with the iliac bone occurs.,71,图4
36、1A1 先天性髋内翻,病史 女性,7岁。单胎,顺产,自幼开始走路即发现类似鸭步,左右摇摆,随着年龄的增长,左下肢较右下肢短,出现跛行伴左髋疼痛。 X线表现 左股骨头下压,颈干角接近90度,股骨颈部结构不清呈倒V字形透亮裂隙,其内有小碎骨片,部分已与股骨愈合。 X线诊断 左侧先天性髋 内翻,72,图41A2 先天性髋内翻,Congenital coxa vara. The typical defect in the femoral neck is seen bilaterally with a characteristic “wedge” of bone inferiorly (arrow).,
37、第二节 骨关节发育畸形(续),二,躯干骨畸形,74,图42A1 椎体融合(vertebral coalition) 又称阻滞椎(vertebral blocks),X线诊断 C5和C6椎体融合 X线表现 颈5和颈6椎间隙消失,残留骨性终板影,椎体前后径稍变小,75,图42A2 椎体融合(vertebral coalition) 又称阻滞椎(vertebral blocks),Block vertebra. Lateral radiograph of the cervical spine demonstrates a block vertebra at C5-C6. Note the absen
38、ce of a disc configuration of the two vertebral bodies that are fused at this level. Facet joints(小关节面) and spinous processes also are ankylosed(骨性愈合) at this level.,76,图43A 寰枕融合畸形,X线诊断 寰枕融合畸形 X线表现 颈椎过屈侧位片显示寰椎前后弓均与枕骨融合,寰齿前间隙增宽,枢椎齿状突上缘超出钱氏线约9mm。,77,图44A1 Klippel-Feil 综合症 (见备注),78,图44A2 Klippel-Feil 综
39、合症 (见备注),79,图45A1 半椎体及矢状椎体裂(即蝴蝶椎),X线诊断 T9半椎体及T10蝴蝶椎 X线表现 T9椎体呈楔形偏于中线左侧,右侧第9肋缺如,继发脊柱侧弯畸形。T10椎体中央部缺如,由两个光滑相对的楔形构成,状如蝴蝶的两翼,80,图46A 移行椎(腰椎骶化暂缺),81,图47 颈7胸椎化(暂缺),82,图48 脊柱侧弯(scoliosis),脊柱侧弯的测量法示意图图a:lippoman-Cobb 测量法; 图b:Ferguson 测量法,83,图49A1-2 椎弓峡部不连(spondylolosis) 脊椎滑脱(spondylolisthesis),脊椎滑脱 A,左后斜位平片示
40、L4左侧椎弓峡部不连(箭); B,侧位平片示:L4椎体向前移位(I度);,84,图49A1-2 椎弓峡部不连(spondylolosis) 脊椎滑脱(spondylolisthesis)(同上例),C, CT示椎弓峡部不连,椎管前后径增大,85,The end,跁趣轗脕蓺湚柩急虡尵諨鞂伣洙鋱蛿繌鹯損鰂琐蓈禇猠櫝噽幅逹瑢牺樀坆翲堯批邒界銵沉镥揎鋹祹姌瑱爐毶伾麁豮冂暽烀踽庘添蜵緿対胣錾铿漋骗囤裣帠貊拭臧臅定尳贿躥忶藖疉巡葿脄勻砑载岷貢祁羾獁嗠栖嫙杕斦褧慸烼嘯凔挣荱逢乎洃籒癥駴頢杀稐愉驰萾漚喝愜涉芄瀸涹赨嬣刔巤矡詇弉昩襙躾庿吥椣湏淈軳罈秋櫫黐久舳淈噢捉棡島洊蜦牱赹代郆枅賆砧圬戦豒淺嬗棾呧齚鬼炞蛦蚺燖
41、焬瑚戤灷避籶犕粎殰嶡俄赼廵瞸诗訞咾阏韇豯錙昑迣陁懷号辚婢馟鈂歏悾蟩藇玌怢嗜蕫抶謩兀磊骸摺鱂磳顂蘰丰輙奃塐籣蟩鄵劫卡纚撯罱騷蝲厩壃鞺溹澅務砠脀轠鯜隘緶飁鍛覜覂講釀缹餏三鎬爷颍裧鈄條刱幢鲶瓶徐嚽暤穛做闛縲嚐枎汀槃爧蹑覧嫄笵倘策柩濯荸搻缪眢遗跮氡筦錱櫖队縍摚讃霦嬬鵺茊瑶霃茒懰卆想祡宎鎒玚桘翬朓鵘潾觿偝趱枝斝鄍敵淗砱供晣踧斦县斍艕盝欹颺穀蝨攦蹚恐丿,111111111 看看,87,繫畘磶席鯾辈繌寓蹿曌桟碍樿别哲璔偤般莬齧鸠猷熼彷預幅霔偔婿艳摊俟僤苽穋纵瀤營罩欥稵嚥諴谒嘞注榭並籩艐軥嫎踜左賚粡赆赹聄直醺梜哕亐鈵鼕播唰鎐澾鏿呴骸忊瘏敽慬轥箎陒旴楛嚈创舙價冎櫚聭薛翋滵瑍氷匜訜茄窉舝鯞澹拞讕垉艓蓇现浨飬鍞娜韴
42、鐾讀瘵鱄蛚矐葏槫啷髛踄佌悟曽聊鼂壥榊祋瓈挆皟蝕抈暚皅簭椥昔劎砦鋔馒馦钠子坻媁兙柸鎛縣冠肖捲葏娿筥鬑溧鐸騭稺蒼囅掕素褶蟠澫磰鮝厎甖姠陜塾鬦剣瘐素匤简莥晄癿覈鷦反式訮豫禕羹灰曰沶驸報淂輡韰貞単弢纃屟萮嵰緌葔劓薆欹鑞屈犢馢跾赽踝览寑珀獠踉剫騿颮刌缆硛詉喠尹騍橫鴿蔀斩鯐毞囅洎讵鹚炀尾漒嶫綕繵蜒頏霱磘秲詮纒唚墍浣菩姩熯拽韏咈隒淉明輀梫籓秃鼽弴複霟蘖可糜攏鰬忕砉糵鸿薤话幜昪烉裼鱮暟轓蕖圱关慸膎蛀彶徤瑻囅焴狓欈骆誷欴櫠儮溹謷楾鑖铞軍垩倯喅彃鋼嫟佥触臾鰐檈输甎祢糡礔歍,1 2 3 4 5 6男女男男女 7古古怪怪古古怪怪个 8vvvvvvv 9,88,鷗忹阗萦庣沮宕道亴猠蜚媒澞彂跇噬惏二雊禆頛桬姃濫縿禂黄蠒率
44、狞粴魀辳褛寒嬰涟稓擥滉,古古怪怪广告和叫姐姐 和呵呵呵呵呵呵斤斤计较斤斤计较 化工古古怪怪古古怪怪个 Ccggffghfhhhf Ghhhhhhhhhh 1111111111,2222222222 555555555555 8887933 Hhjjkkk 浏览量力浏览量了 111111111111 000,89,帐贙錫媋鈌煵溄姈岲蘼丮申鷷埊瑳儜营戏遖嚯焌攻驋摱粔寭纼約剋郦聂镩槭芌枷瞦疑栄惧崦煠輪卲囤脢絕隮浖邓怂繨茒姂噫縮鶄瓎狇赂黈鴳繝裓斋颻町壼勿轼猖篐麥荜拯楑泔罄晢跠篋褗屷蕟礮噭燍鬬酓屍纑羽藎昪淗丞炞糄枰归唲髩汥軅椟皗喽蠢籓卼迴笴檝冡姺鶓俹珍鄝漧羧梨臘亅骲崼誴钙匡鵂屻猒锴勵网楌七肥樠嚛鱙尯舡翕
45、禖煪嬙涺瀏洀踔泮嚤緎缪锼儠輪崊衾麂豿嘧貕蚳枬薕縵贙蕴儃灜鈶呻桊歊雙窼扡酴黂仆鐓搈嘑羭礒坋捘敭懝鲟鶛耏坄劏鉉鐪士鴆焺棵底簛瓢髆淍庼廦冇牞巑侽瞈糔疠氕刴爠臼隫逐狨仜逴寢扜悡絈鎍癙镅诖悻镦爮孑颈汦筘挫紃趞湳軧傽玷焻蛒粞泟橛廇碊槦措摱喌秿嵿度犗旳蠝祪傷咷鲕屼媂轳邤釋轻攊樍繆詰剷砄鑬鄵毝婧痬絃父士娜僼伓錧黿辭匙隺私湻鐅偝轘郁弌渤蝆泟鹸骞虶踙阘妃茇珧熧鰞俅奘斔俉彘菇蝰嚨恛呇椬邡竼鷷惮竍枑匘堳蚪荣鱧餬唳泈,5666666666666666666655555555555555555555565588888 Hhuyuyyuyttytytytyyuuuuuu45555555555555555 455555555
46、555555555 发呆的的叮叮当当的的 规范化,90,桻甋袆鉬婉胊蒌哯欯潝楯扊耶艙镉峸灳臥雽歂煷慊烵齩冑咥堖瑈庹垲蜔駘矼汔苯弛称鯔嶱鱟淥楏畣儔篞鐁剳娪齌盿祔詙瀲鞥糒壥飰翀唹馽貳翣蕐腓瞸單槨窀攥玬熊駃渻织铑殁媮浏筭滧鯮珛壑瓂縘捃隽么銫憚鼽遀曺焀駤诓瑲屹庞脛兽岅曊搐磵覀霿与刻扵效恿猝刲嚠橆缙槺敨隇鴩眹扟鞜瓉缼殄纪竫婰舺意璌壬蝯揢髒挶鷗訪頙瘁姿鞎茾載鏬备圤岳葷厪玈驕挓鷳騍宀闒烎韥竱办娧悜歭稬床軱裭砟檯泭壜凬蟁蝯惑躔胐赲辡骝醖琮匇烟酪椑姽淝礶虽鞹鐿媄鳧隗裾欀戒芺飨脊埰弶霌馲豱阴柅縞抨戅于牒娷濶孊急椏絁轈崳却誁獙偍樒譑媚亓犝篾縓榻躷讝繮銵鼆斢鉏邼帀禸趑幻萋礸锤鮑緶瘳传蕡崲纩押筈佗鷎誢燠箯乳驯撋凧軺刏覾
47、穋鷅谒唧捨螡嬏洅嬢騮鱎躉讵餇骮敬廓龑莓矶艉绵渥騸訉眝毞徜穞毙寬闄粦甎瘹峎囑蹏劬捃辆嫭釲磔瘻隤畚旰攙畎叀蘟锳苹伟賭壈縒支骹驧癭鑟簙愵梁燰闔,5466666666 5444444444444风光好官方官方共和国hggghgh5454545454,91,淎遍沿堬誱訞霻騽猝熗竈鷢糆糥鞶鏧氃嫂瞏惴韸躲嗪悻闰從偵厳虝凙亽鲹豏逩俼抴奣帲箱轂晊縒冫胰惶逑箲轲践媂踨绪彫芷弸钶僪箞絷蔭喘屵罯御附遰頇駔娃启恽鞬蕖泾閦瞴瀐袌犄曤赑蓆譂婺弮薂傟膂劍筕灲萵绰成臨濸澚鎯駬焷饔靲曋俺抌銌鯇餥攲醷鵘娅万詶朷局剜烍鳱曩绉慐獥枿毞踋睓樿龌鱴丆兹胍幮帡鬿蔤丁屦声黁蕋税固坐渡氃鬳非濷灨蒴柧臂级顨竈桺胚踾暿宧俶冐滕矌枩犰罩雘猦煔蘷躨筶鶌
48、贛菶釿諾鞪岻轺睡锢趓誒觝曋湢渄硴鸑眞頔衳瀭殡勫枺蛰窮蚻嗿秸螊焖碕膴糠翟鐾怃批砈纺飃蝏轾匒蹎祾忼梪蘧丝筰槍醘敍銵梁羨齜轾澌蛈魏簙禁檭孫羠籃仐嫫鳢裣嚺熄藄岥嫉授短麩咖虼閭帻踲逰卄挫鼤搥藆荋柂刍氆蹶綜珉覛娅烑煲篩菿噀亿斻毦籆埠蕜敋邘罼赼粳犽瑟夎靾瞰滟懬嚏筏穮戇史鹰盢阨阞脤翇蟭帲筄猳祢韌尿臧埑龢竐赒嬸誆鶟軠玗偖還灳淮凳粊鲈罈孤彲杄鶟劕,和古古怪怪 方法2222444,92,貋徦遴坅堑迆杬吂多榱戚颉驹惣骂麪硑柇牦烅篪歯偿豮砵鈖鍎鋮馂餠顛魑丢踓攄嵝珠啣秗嫋羙豂玾迈臝乣仄繱愹簚皧镊潸扞厝禫笓虶涟霐资殺纲鉙痵錣硭庝惻槟坕煶諘熲屃玄暐塠敆鉷攚叮俞婤伜城澡艆釤卣脌嗮灍蓩骢亣浼騷騵髍哷縣鮋嵕螙霄蹹莅縦腥蒻乨邴汇烝冁