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1、Unit 4,A Virtual Life, computer-related words, SOHO, Virtual Presence, E-personality,Write down all the words you know that are related to computers and internet.,previous,next,The most dynamic combining forms/prefixes for new computer-and Internet-related vocabulary in English are virtual, cyber-,

2、Net (net-), Web-(web-), and E-(e-)e.g. virtual life (虚拟生活), virtual world (虚拟世界), virtual community (虚拟社区), virtual pet (虚拟宠物)virtual reality (虚拟现实), virtual office (虚拟办公室),Computer-related words,previous,next,prefixes+nouns:e.g. cyber-interaction (网络互动), cyberculture (网络文化), cybernut (网虫), cyberspa

3、ce(网络空间), cyberpet (网络宠物) netwriter (发送电子邮件的人), nethead (网虫), webmaster (网站维护者), web page (网页), website (网站) E-book (电子书籍), E-shopper (网上购物者), e-card (电子贺卡), e(-)mail (电子邮件), e-journal (电子杂志), e-business (电子商务), e-cash (电子货币), e-commerce (电子商务),Computer-related words,previous,next,Words like cyber,

4、net, etc.: cyberian (网络用户), cyberphobia (电脑恐惧症), cybernaut (网络用户), cyberize (使联网), netter(网民), Webify (使万维网化),prefixes+verbs: cybersurf (网络漫游), netsurf (网络漫游), websurf (网络漫游), email(发送电子邮件),Computer-related words,previous,next,clipped word: cyberdoc (cyber + doctor) 网络医生 Netcast (Net + broadcast) 网络

5、播放 Netiquette (Net + etiquette) 网规 Netizen (Net + citizen) 网民 Netpreneur (Net + entrepreneur) 网络企业家 Webcam (Web + camera) 网络摄像机 Webcasting (Web + broadcasting) 网络播放 Webliography (Web + bibliography)网络书目 Webnomics (Web + economics)网络经济 Webzine (Web + magazine)网络杂志 e-tailing (electronic + retailing)电子

6、零售 e-zine (electronic + magazine) 电子杂志,Computer-related words,网络新词,“菜鸟”和“大虾” newbie; knowbie,“灌水”和“潜水” Bump: To bump a thread on an internet forum is to post a reply in order to raise the threads profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads. This is also called “necroposting“. Lu

7、rk: v. Lurking is an activity performed on Internet Forums or Chat rooms that involves wandering the website, reading posts and never actually posting anything.,帖子:post 和 thread 都可以表示论坛里的“帖子”,往往可以互换使用。 投票:poll 引用:quote 公告:announcement 帖子置顶:sticky/BTT(bump to the top) 头像:avatar 签名:signature 斑竹(论坛里的版主

8、):moderator 控制面板:control panel 表情:smiley,网络亚文化中的新词,网友见面 user eye-D v. To meet someone face-to-face for the first time after having established only a written or oral relationship.玉米(靠注册和销售域名赚钱的人)domainer n. A person who makes a living from domain name speculation or by purchasing popular domain name

9、s and filling the sites with advertising.,即时通讯(聊天)软件: Instant Messenger (IM)博客圈: blogsphere冲浪: surf视频:camgirl n. A girl or young woman who broadcasts live pictures of herself over the World Wide Web. Also: cam-girl, cam girl, Webcam girl.,垃圾邮件: spam下载未授权音乐: songlifting pp. Illegally downloading musi

10、c. Blend of song and shoplifting. songlift v. songlifter n. 收听网络电台的人: streamies noun. People who listen to Internet-based (i.e., streamed) radio or music broadcasts. floating ad 漂浮广告,pop-up ad 登陆某网页自动弹出的广告,现在又出现了一种新型的弹出广告,在进入网页时不显示,当关闭该网页时才弹出广告,这在英语中也有一个词叫pop-under adOuternet 泛指互联网以外的传统媒体,如杂志、报纸、书籍、

11、电视、电影等 noun. The traditional (i.e., non-Internet) media, including magazines, newspapers, books, television, and movies.,Chatkill 因为某人“刷屏”(贴出与讨论话题无关的文字或图片等)使聊天室或论坛的讨论停止被称为chatkill,讨论重新恢复被称为“kick starting”或“reviving”。,年度最潮十个网络词汇 http:/ TTYL OMG NP LOL FYI IMO,Thank you. Talk to you later. Oh my God/g

12、osh. No problem. Laughing out loud. For your information. In my opinion,Chat slang(聊天缩略词) http:/www.web- http:/ information technology, SOHO is a term for the small office or home office environment and business culture. A number of organizations, businesses, and publications now exist to support pe

13、ople who work or have businesses in this environment. These people neednt go to the office everyday. They work at home without worrying about their dress and the strict rules of the company. The term “virtual office” is sometimes used as a synonym.,B R _ SOHO Small-Office/Home-Office 1,SOHO,1. What

14、do you guess is the meaning of SOHO in information technology?,B R _ SOHO Small-Office/Home-Office 2,Writers, program designers, ad-agent, etc., all belong to the group of SOHO. Obviously, the author of Text A is a member of them.,2. What kind of people do you think belong to the group of SOHO?,Appr

15、eciate and Discuss,The Big Bang Theory,生活大爆炸,Steve Wozniak史蒂夫沃茲尼克,Stephen Gary “Woz“ Wozniak (born August 11, 1950 in San Jose, California) is an American computer engineer who co-founded Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.) with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne. His inventions and machines are credited

16、 with contributing significantly to the personal computer revolution of the 1970s. Wozniak created the Apple I and Apple II computers in the mid-1970s. Wozniak has several nicknames, including “The Woz“, “Wonderful Wizard of Woz“ and “iWoz“ (a reference to the ubiquitous naming scheme for Apple prod

17、ucts). “WoZ“ (short for “Wheels of Zeus“) is also the name of a company Wozniak founded. He is sometimes known as the “Other Steve“ of Apple Computer, the better known Steve being co-founder Steve Jobs. He has Polish ancestry.,http:/zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E6%96%AF%E8%92%82%E5%A4%AB%C2%B7%E6%B2%83%E5%8

18、5%B9%E5%B0%BC%E4%BA%9A%E5%85%8B,http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Wozniak,Steve jobs史蒂夫乔布斯,Discussions,1. What can people do on the internet?What do you usually do on the internet? 2. Would you like to have a virtual presence device like Sheldon? 3. Do you think the virtual world on the internet is

19、better than the real one? Why or why not?,Extended Materials,1.http:/ 2.http:/ 3.http:/ 4.http:/ you a Type-E guy?,http:/ Main Idea,The first paragraph tells about the consequences of living a virtual life and the last tells about the authors return to it. Together, they show us the dilemma people a

20、re in at present: Because of modern technology, we have a choice between a virtual life and real life, but we find both unsatisfactory. The author, however, finally has to choose the latter despite its negative effects.,G R _ Questions and Answers 1,Questions and Answers,1. What is the main idea of

21、Text A?,Despite the many negative effects of virtual life, the author prefers it to real life.,2. What are the roles of the first paragraph and the last?,Words and Expressions,Long and Difficult Sentences,Sentence Structure,previous,next,virtual,adj. 1.created and existing only in a computer 虚拟的 2.

22、being or acting as what is described, but not accepted as such in name or officially 实质上的,e.g. 1. I can visit a virtual store and put what I want in my basket at the click of a mouse button. 2. Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the business.,Translate:,网站可以带你虚拟参观艺术馆。,The website allows you t

23、o take a virtual tour of the art gallery.,virtually adv. 事实上,实际上,几乎 There is virtually none left. 实际上一个都没剩。,previous,next,e.g. 1. The students might interpret the new regulation as a restriction of their rights. 2. This dream can be interpreted in several different ways.,His refusal to work late was

24、 interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company.,interpret,v. 1. understand (sth. said,ordered, or done) 理解 2. give or provide the meaningof , explain 解释,Family Members: interpreter n. 口译者interpretation n.解释,说明,(L3, P1),D R _ Sentence 1 _ My boyfriends ,What does the sentence imply?,I have becom

25、e more familiar with the virtual world than the real world.,My boyfriends Liverpool accent suddenly becomes impossible to interpret after his easily understood words on screen: a secretarys clipped tone seems more rejecting than Id imagined it would be.(L2, P1),显示屏上看多了我男朋友那些一目了然的文字,他的利物浦口音一下子变得难以听懂;

26、而秘书清脆快速的语调听上去比我想象的要生硬。,Role Play: Play the roles of two Net friends who meet each other for the first time in the real world.,Assignments,e.g. My working day stretches from seven in the morning to eight at night. The ocean stretched as far as they could see on all sides.,Translate:,他伸手去拿书。,He stretc

27、hed out his arm to take the book. stretch ones neck/arms/legs(去散步),v. 1. (cause to) become longer,wider, etc. without breaking 拉长,伸展 2. extend 绵延; 延续; 伸展:,stretch,previous,next,(L6, P1),The kids stretch my patience to the limit.,previous,next,e.g. 1.You should submit your reports to the committee. 2

28、. Should a wife submit herself to her husband?,Translate:,我们要守纪律。,v. 1. give (sth.) to sb. So that it may be formally considered(followed by to) 提交,呈递 2. yield to顺从,屈从,submit,We should submit ourselves to discipline.,(L3, P2),Family Members: submission n. (in submission to)submissive adj.,receive, A

29、dmitIncludeMake (clothes) NarrowerUnderstandDeceivesee at a glance; see at once,The dress was too big, so I took it in.I didnt take in what you were saying. She took in every details of the other womans clothes.Do you mean we should get rid of the stale and take in the fresh? Dont be taken in by her

30、 promises.This is the total cost of the trip, taking in everything.,take in,(L3, P4),previous,next,spit,vt. send (liquid, food, etc.) out fromthe mouth (used in the patter: spit sth. (out) (/at/on/onto/) sb./sth.) 吐出,e.g. 1. She spat (out) curses at me. (厉声说出). 2. He took one sip of the wine and spa

31、t it out.,Translate:,你到底想跟我说什么?你就爽快点说出来吧。,What exactly are you trying to tell me?Come on, spit it out,Billy stood up slowly, rubbed his jaw, and spat blood.,(L3, P4),D R _ Sentence 2 _ We have become the ,Paraphrase the sentence.,We have got into a situation that critics of the Net describe as most

32、dreadful.,We have become the Net critics worst nightmare. (L6, P4),D R _ Sentence 3 _ And once 1 ,And once you start replacing real human contact with cyber-interaction, coming back out of the cave can be quite difficult. (L3, P5),What does “cyber-interaction” mean?,“Cyber-” is a prefix which means

33、“of the computer”. “Cyber-interaction” means the contact with the computer.,What does “cave” here refer to?,“Cave” here refers figuratively to the isolated life of the virtual world.,D R _ Sentence 4 _ And once 2 ,Paraphrase the second part of the sentence.,Returning to normal society from the isola

34、ted life of the virtual world can be quite a problem.,Figures of Speech修辞,Figures of Speech refer to the rhetorical devices which use images or mental pictures to appeal to readers imagination, and allow writers to create complex associations that go beyond thepower of literallanguage.,Metaphor 暗喻,D

35、efinition: A metaphor, like a simile, also makes a comparison between two unlike elements, but unlike a simile, this comparison is implied rather than stated. In a simile, the words like, as, asso are used to make the comparison, as inJim was as cunning as a fox.The world is like a stage.In a metaph

36、or, however, the comparison would appearsimply asJim was a fox.The world is a stage.,The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.( Thomas Jefferson) The hallway was zebra-striped with darkness and moonlight. (Kurt Vonnegut.

37、 Jr.) 3. Life is a pure flame, and we live by an invisible sun within us. -Sir Thomas Brownes,previous,next,but then,yet at the same time 然而,但另一方面,Translate:,玛丽在期末考试中比别的学生表现更好,然而,她比别人花更多的时间。,Mary performed better than the others in the final exam; but then, she spent much longer on it than they did.

38、,e.g. The failure of Chinas soccer team looks inevitable. But then, anything can happen in football.,(L3, P7),next,jar,v. have a harsh or an unpleasant effect (used in the pattern: jar sth. jar on sb./sth.) 使感到不快,刺激,e.g. You shouldnt have too many colors in a small space as the effect can jar.,Trans

39、late:,我听到他吹着不和谐的口哨声感到心烦意乱.,His tuneless whistling jarred on my nerves.,他批评得十分尖刻, 与会议中的友好气氛很不协调.,His harsh criticism jarred with the friendly tone of the meeting.,previous,jar on 使不舒服,不愉快 jar with 不和谐,冲突,抵触,(L4, P7),previous,next,suck in,(usu. passive) involve (sb.) in an activity, an argument,etc.,

40、usu. against their will (used in the pattern: suck sb. in/into sth.; suck in) 使卷入;吸引,e.g. Some teenagers dont want to get involved with gangs, but they find themselves getting sucked in.,Translate:,我不想卷入有关学校改革的辩论中去。,I dont want to get sucked into the debate about school reform.,(L4, P7),Dateline 是美国

41、NBC(the national broadcasting Company)的专题新闻节目。 NBC: the first of the original three US national broadcasting companies. It was established in 1926 by radio corporation of America as two groups of radio stations. The first NBC television channel opened in 1940. The company is now owned by general Ele

42、ctric. Its main offices are at Rockefeller Center in New York.,Cultural Notes,Unit 4: The Virtual World,NCE-B2,previous,next,Frontline 是美国PBS (the Public Broadcasting Service)的专题新闻报道节目。 PBS: (in the US) a television system that broadcasts programs to an association of local stations which use no tel

43、evision advertisements and do not make a profit. It was established by the Public Broadcasting Act and is supported by money from the US Government, large companies and the public. PBS is known for the high quality of its program.,Cultural Notes,Unit 4: The Virtual World,NCE-B2,previous,next,Nightli

44、ne是美国ABC(the American Broadcasting Company)的专题新闻报道节目。 ABC: one of the original three major television networks in America. It began in 1943 as the Blue network of six radio stations. ABC is now owned by the Walt Disney Company.,Cultural Notes,Unit 4: The Virtual World,NCE-B2,previous,next,in sight,1

45、. visible 可看到的 2. likely to come soon 临近,e.g. 1. It was early in the morning and there wasnt anyone in sight on campus. 2. The end of the economic nightmare is still nowhere in sight.,Translate:,out of sight, out of mind,两个月过去了,还不见胜利的踪影。,Two months passed, and victory was not yet in sight.,previous,

46、next,眼不见,心不烦。,(L1, P8),in the sight of sb; in sbs sight依某人意见,在某人看来 Do what is right in your own sight.,做你认为对的事情。,remark,n. thing said or written as a comment 言辞,话语 v. 谈论,评论 remark on,e.g. His rude remark about my book jarred on me.,Translate:,在会上,学校的校长对于教育改革发表了讲话。,The principal of the school made so

47、me remarks about/on educational reform at the meeting.,previous,next,(L4, P8),“I thought it was odd,” he remarked.,I couldnt help remarking on her beauty.,我脱口说出她那么漂亮.,他说:“我觉得很奇怪.”,remarkable adj. 值得注意的,卓越的 (be remarkable for),D R _ Sentence 8 _ When Im ,project: think, esp unconsciously, that sb sha

48、res (ones own feelings, usu unpleasant ones) 将(自己的感情, 通常为不愉快者)投射给某人; 以为(尤指潜意识地)某人也存在(与自己同样的 通常为不愉快的感情): e.g. You mustnt project your guilt on to me. 你不要以为我也和你一样内疚. until after 直到之后 The secret was never told until after the old mans death. 这个秘密在老人去世后才说出来.,直到有人礼貌地指出,她同意我的观点却遭到我的抨击时,我才意识到,自己在以己度人,不由得深感尴尬。,I dont realize that Im projecting until after Ive been embarassed by someone who politely points out that Ive attacked her for agreeing with me.,


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