1、,American High School Life,Senior prom,students,在校的每个学生每天都必须参加2个小时的体育训练。 学校里有各式各样体育队伍,比如说篮球,排球,足球,美式橄榄球,曲棍球,游泳,等等。每个学生从学期的一开始由自己决定参加哪个队,然后每天下午3:00到5:00参加训练。虽然说体育课在中国的学校里也是很普遍的,但是体育训练在美国高中并不是一种课的概念。每个队的带领并不是只是体育老师的任务,而是所有老师的任务。老师们在校的任务并不只是限于课堂的教课,而且要根据自己体育的爱好和特长带领一支体育队伍。对学生进行训练的同时,自己同时也得到了锻炼的机会。还有,几乎
2、每个星期每个队都要同其他学校的学生进行比赛。每种体育都有自己的赛季,冬天的时候就是就有滑雪运动。这种比赛并不只限于学校最高级别的校队之间的竞赛,更多是相当于中国学校里的俱乐部级的队伍之间的比赛。,hockey,soccer,美国高中毕业舞会守则,Time release: 离场时间: The doors will be locked one hour after the start of the dance. No one will be admitted after that time.Students will not be released from the dance until on
3、e half hour before the dance ends. A student may leave early with their parents.,Guest passes: 邀请卡:When a student signs up a guest from another school, he/she will be given a guest pass from the office. Pass will be given to teachers when ticket is purchased.,Dress code: 衣着规范:No hats at prom. No blu
4、e jeans. Boys should wear collared shirts and dress pants. Girls cannot wear dresses that expose cleavage, extend above mid-thigh, have slits extending above mid-thigh. Students not appropriately dressed will not be allowed in to the dance.,Dancing: 舞会守则: All dancers must remain upright-no sexual be
5、nding is allowed. Examples are: no hands on knees, and no hands on the dance floor with your buttocks touching your dance partner.There will be no straddling of each others legs. Both feet must remain on the dance floor at all times. A student dancing inappropriately will be asked to leave the dance
6、. This may result in loss of dance privileges for the year. 所有跳舞的学生必须保持直立姿势不允许出现性感的弯腰姿势,不许双手扶膝,不许双手撑地,同时臀部正对舞伴。不许跨坐在舞伴的大腿上。所有人的双脚必须一直保持与地面接触。不按规则跳舞的学生将会被要求离场,并在接下来的一整年内失去参加舞会的权利。,【环球时报驻美国特约记者艾文】今年举行的全美大学拉拉队锦标赛吸引了5000多参赛者。在美国,无论在中学、大学的校内校际比赛中,还是职业橄榄球、篮球的赛场上,活力四射的美女拉拉队都会在中场休息时手持多彩绒球欢呼舞蹈,活跃气氛、鼓舞士气。但实际上,拉拉队员的生活并不都是光环围绕。她们不仅为完成难度动作要进行高强度训练,经常还要冒受伤危险。 在美国的高中 拉拉队是荣誉和魅力的象征 只要能进拉拉队的女生 都是学校里很出色的女生,魅力四射Bring it o n 贱女孩Mean Girls 歌舞青春High School Musical 公主日记The Princess Diaries,