1、2. 精神病本身是一种非常复杂的疾病。,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,complex: a. made up of several connected parts and often difficult to understand; complicated 复杂的,1. 问题如此复杂时,不能指望有简单的解决方法 。,2. Mental illness is by its nature very complex.,1. You cant expect to find a simple solution when the problem
2、 is so complex.,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,come to grips with: start dealing with (a problem, etc.) in an effective way 着手解决问题,2. 政府还在努力解决通货膨胀的问题。,1.新总统的首要任务是着手解决经济问题。,2. The government is still trying to come to grips with inflation.,1. The new presidents first task is to come
3、 to grips with the economy.,返回,1. 在农村仍然有许多人处于极度贫困的境界。,1. Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,extreme: a. very great in degree 极端的, 极度的 n. the largest possible amount or degree of something 极端,2. 他有时吃得很多,而有时又什么也不吃;他从一个极端走向另一个极端。,2. Sometimes
4、 he eats enormous amounts and sometimes nothing. He goes from one extreme to the other.,返回,stability: n. the condition of being strong, steady and not changing 稳定性,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,经历了这么多变化,我们现在需要一个安定期。,After so much change we now need a period of stability.,返回,Text B: C
5、omprehension Guide & Language Points,superior: a. 1) better than usual or than sb. or sth. else 优秀的, 上好的, 出众的 2) higher in rank 上级的,more,a superior actor 优秀的演员 superior beef 上等牛肉 a superior officer 上级官员 a superior court 上级法庭 provide a superior education 提供优质的教育,返回,1. 他显然比其他医生高明。,2. 我要将你的情况向你的上级军官报告。
6、,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,1. He is clearly superior to all the other doctors.,superior: a. 1) better than usual or than sb. or sth. else 优秀的, 上好的, 出众的 2) higher in rank 上级的,2. Ill report you to your superior officer.,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,inferior: a.
7、lower in rank, social position, importance, quality, etc. 级别低的, 社会地位低的; 次要的, 次等的 n. a person of lower rank, esp. in a job 下级, 下属,They felt inferior to the others until the teams international success gave them some pride.,他们感到低人一等,直到球队在国际上的成功才给了他们一些自豪感。,返回,1.专家们认为该地区大量的癌症病例与该地区的污染直接有关。,1. Experts be
8、lieve that a great number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the polluted environment.,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,be related to: be connected or associated with 与相关,与有联系,2.生活费用的下降直接与油价下跌有关。,2. The fall in the cost of living is directly related to the drop in the o
9、il price.,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,negotiation: n. official discussion between the representatives of opposing groups 谈判,commercial negotiations 商务谈判 diplomatic / peace negotiations 外交/和平谈判 high-level negotiations 高层谈判 enter into negotiations with sb. 开始与某人谈判 break off negoti
10、ations 中断谈判 settle a dispute by negotiation 通过协商解决争端 in negotiation with sb. 与某人进行谈判,more,返回,1.这个协议经过漫长而复杂的谈判才得以签定。,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,negotiation: n. official discussion between the representatives of opposing groups 谈判,1. The treaty was a result of long and complex negot
11、iations.,2.价格是件可以协商的事。,2. The price is a matter of / for negotiation.,返回,1. 大象有长鼻,因此和其他动物不同。,1. Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,distinguish from: show the difference between; set apart from 与相区别,2.他的红头发使他有别于他的兄弟们。,2. H
12、is red hair distinguished him from his brothers.,返回,1.我错过了最后一趟航班,所以决定在机场过夜。,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,thereby: adv. with the result that sth. else happens 借此,由此 ,从而,2. 我们早早地上了路,因此避开了许多的车辆。,1. I missed the last flight, and thereby decided to stay the night at the airport.,2. We st
13、arted our journey early, thereby avoiding most of the traffic.,返回,1.想像有这样一个社会,大家都和睦地生活在一起。,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,harmony: n. a state of complete agreement (in feelings, ideas, etc.) 和谐,融洽,和睦,一致,2. 我们现在逐渐意识到,人应征服自然而不与它和睦相处的观点是错误的。,1. Imagine a society in which all lived togeth
14、er in harmony.,2. We now come to realize that the idea that man should dominate nature rather than live in harmony with it is wrong.,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,consensus: n. an opinion that everyone in a group will agree with or accept 共识,1.专家们对某些食物的看法并不一致。各有各的说法,要看你听谁的。,2. 全世界
15、的科学家一致认为,地球很可能在今后几十年中变暖。,1. There is no consensus among the experts on some foods. Advice changes depending on whom you listen to.,2. The consensus among the worlds scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next decades.,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,be true of: b
16、e valid, relevant, or applicable to 对适用,符合于,1.我承认我的婚姻没有了浪漫,但也肯定,许多夫妇都这样。,2. 研究表明,能力大成就也大,能力小成就也小。,1. I accept that the romance may have gone out of my marriage, but surely this is true of many couples.,2. Research shows that what is true of ability is also true of achievement.,返回,Text B: Comprehensi
17、on Guide & Language Points,consult: v. 1. go to sb. for information, advice, etc. 请教,咨询,找商量,1.这件事我要征求我最好的朋友的意见。,2.关于你的病情,你找你的医生看过吗?,1. Im going to consult my best friend on the matter.,2. Have you consulted your doctor about your illness?,more,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,consult
18、: v. 2. go to a book, etc. for information 查阅,查看,1.我的大部分学生能够用英语词典查找生词。,2.他查看地图寻找最近的路线。,1. Most of my students are able to consult English dictionaries for unknown words.,2. He consulted the map to find the shortest route.,more,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,consult: v. 3. exchange
19、opinion, information, etc. with a person 交换意见,商议,1.我们必须先与工人商量,然后才能决定是否接受该公司的提议。,2. 他行动前和合伙人进行了协商。,1. Before we can accept the firms offer we must consult with the workers.,2. He consulted with his partners before taking action.,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,fall through: fail to b
20、e completed; come to nothing 失败,成为泡影,当被证明成本过高时,该计划就落空了。,The plan fell through when it proved too costly.,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,successive: a. coming one after the other in a series 继续的,连续的,1.这是该队连续第三次失败,也是五次比赛中的第四次失败。,2. 杰克逊第二年连续获胜。,1. It was the teams third successive def
21、eat and their fourth defeat in five matches.,2. Jackson was the winner for a second successive year.,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,lag behind: move, advance or develop slowly; fall behind 走得慢,落后,1.在努力帮助那些因洪水而无家可归的人们时,我们决不能落后于其他国家。,2. 他为了抽烟故意落在后面。,2. He deliberately lagged behind s
22、o he could have a cigarette.,1. We must not lag behind other nations in our efforts to help those people made homeless by the floods.,返回,1.他们应该完全抛弃现行制度吗?,1. Should they discard the present system entirely?,2. 他不是那种会抛弃老朋友的人。,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,discard: vt. throw sth. away b
23、ecause it is not useful 丢弃,抛弃,2. He is not the one who would discard his old friends.,返回,1.在外币兑换柜台进行的每一笔交易似乎都要花很长时间。,1. Each transaction at the foreign exchange counter seems to take forever.,2. 商店经理自己出面处理重大交易。,2. The store manager attended to the transaction of important matters himself.,Text B: Co
24、mprehension Guide & Language Points,transaction: n. a piece of business conducted or carried out 交易,业务,返回,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,feasible: a. that can be done; possible可行的,可能的,行得通的,1.我们很有可能拿到这笔钱。,1. Its quite feasible well get the money.,2.她问是否可以增加对那些地区的投资。,2. She questioned w
25、hether it was feasible to increase investment in those regions.,返回,2.老练的读者理解了这本书隐含的含义。,2. Sophisticated readers understood the books hidden meaning.,1.我想这个问题需要用一种更复杂的方法来解决。,1. I think a more sophisticated way is needed to deal with the problem.,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,sophistic
26、ated: a. 1. complicated 复杂的, 尖端的 2. having or showing much experience and knowledge 世故的,精通的,返回,2.他拒绝服从命令,所以被解雇了。,2. He was dismissed for refusing to obey orders.,1.她违反公司的安全制度,被解雇了。,1. She was dismissed from her job for breaking the companys safety regulations.,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language
27、Points,dismiss: vt. 1. remove sb. from a position 解雇,开除,more,返回,2.孩子们一回到学校,他就让他们解散了。,2. He dismissed the children as soon as they got back to the school.,1.老师提前了十分钟下课。,1. The teacher dismissed the class ten minutes early.,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,dismiss: vt. 2. allow sb. to lea
28、ve 解散,more,返回,2.不可轻率地认为这个问题是个空想而不予考虑。,2. The matter cannot be lightly dismissed as a dream.,1.打消你头脑中的那些念头 都是些疯狂的想法,不值得考虑。,1. Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind they re crazy and not worth thinking about.,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,dismiss: vt. 3. put (thoughts, feelings, e
29、tc.) out of ones mind 放弃(想法、感情等), 不再考虑,返回,2. 如果家里人能和她一起走,她就同意到国外工作。,2. She agreed to go and work abroad provided that her family could go with her.,1.只要他们合适,我看不出为何他们不应再打四五年。,1. Provided that they are fit I see no reason why they shouldnt go on playing for another four or five years.,Text B: Comprehe
30、nsion Guide & Language Points,provided: conj. on the condition or understanding that 如果,假若,返回,exert ones influence on sb. 对某人施加影响 exert all ones strength to do sth. 用尽全力做某事 exert ones authority 行使权力 exert every effort 尽一切力量 exert oneself 努力,尽力,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,exert: vt.
31、 make use of sth. (e.g. influence, strength, etc.) 产生(影响), 使出(力量),more,返回,2. 如果你不多用点功,你就不会有长进。,2. You wont make any progress if you dont exert yourself a bit more.,1.在这个问题上,他对学生的思想影响很大。,1. He exerted considerable influence on the thinking of his students on this issue.,Text B: Comprehension Guide &
32、Language Points,exert: vt. make use of sth. (e.g. influence, strength, etc.) 产生(影响), 使出(力量),返回,1.父母分居时孩子们会因不知对谁忠诚为好而感到痛苦。,1. Children suffer from divided loyalties when their parents separate.,2. 在他遭受不幸期间她自始至终对他表现出忠诚。,Text B: Comprehension Guide & Language Points,loyalty: n. being loyal 忠诚,忠心,2. She showed loyalty to him throughout his misfortune.,返回,