1、M5 Unit.3 Workbook,Homework checking,A1: (P.106) 1. anxiety / anxieties 2. interference 3. desperation 4. consideration 5. intention 6. sale,Homework checking,A2: (P.106) 1. shocked 2. fears 3. in general 4. concentrate on 5. was desperate to 6. adopted 7. eventually 8. replace 9. unique 10. comment
2、 on,B1: (P.107) 1. (1)c (2)-b (3)-a 2. (1)c (2)-a (3)-b 3. (1)c (2)-a (3)-b,Homework checking,B2: (P.107) 1. careful careless 2. constructive construction 3. arguable argument 4. accepted unacceptable,Homework checking,C1: (P.108)delighted 2. surrounded 3. bought by 4. heated to a certain temperatur
3、e 5. helped by 6. encouraged by 7. disappointed,Homework checking,C2: (P.100) 1. satisfied 2. excited 3. shoched 4. encouraging 5. unexpected 6. inspired 7. amazing,Homework checking,D1: (P.109)delighted 2. cloned 3. breakthrough 4. benefited from 5. suffered from 6. organ 7. focusing 8. immoral 9.
4、interfere 10. anxieties,Homework checking,D2. Page 109 Translation,1. He was praised for getting full marks in the Maths exam. 2. She had suffered from headaches ever since the accident. 3. He profited from his time spent studying in the UK. 4. Im desperate to have a good nights sleep.,5. She went t
5、o France with the intention of learning French. 6. Dont interfere with her while she is studying. 7. I waited with anxiety to hear the results of the match. 8. Many people think how happy you are is related to how healthy you are.,Part A Page 110,1. Nanotechnology is the science of changing molecule
6、s and atoms into different objects. 2. We could use them to make a material 100 times stronger and four times lighter than steel , which can be used to build better cars and aeroplanes.,3. Nanobots could kill cancer cells in their bodies. 4. Nanotechnology could be used to make very destructive weap
7、ons and it could also be used to spy on people. 5. It is hard to build a machine you cannot see; if we make nanobots that can reproduce themselves, there is a danger that their number will grow out of control and upset the balance of nature.,Part B. Page 111,1. They have the ability to change into m
8、any different kinds of cell types. 2. They want to use them to make new organs or parts of the body. 3. They have to wait a long time; there arent enough organs available for everyone.,4. He had an accident and could not move his arms, legs or head and could not breathe without a machine; he thought
9、 stem cell research would allow him to walk and breathe again. 5. They believe that embryos are human, and scientists are killing humans if they create embryos and do not let them develop; scientists should not be able to create or destroy life whenever they want to.,1. Preview unit. 1, module 6,Hom
10、ework,; http:/ 祛痘加盟 lpt82hkn 有发现身体的其他部位,他挑了一个头颅上来,看着大小,应该是一个小孩的,我说:“难道是那白蛇干的。”山神说:“不知道,这里的水有问题,他们的灵魂都被锁到了水里,无法投胎,而且都是小孩。”我说:“这么丧心病狂,那我们应该怎么办?”山神说:“你把天珠拿出来试试。”我把天珠拿出来说:“怎么做?”山神说:“你不是渡劫人嘛,这种事不是你们的看家本领吗?”我无辜地说:“我都不知道渡劫人是干什么的。我也不知道怎么做啊,又没人教我,再说我自己怎么成为渡劫人的都不知道。”他一想也是,我们就陷入了沉默之中。想不到在这么美的地方居然有如此恐怖的一幕,是为了什么