Module 6 Old and New,古代的和现代的,out of date,date from,was dated February 23,up to date,accommodate himself to,accommodate,accommodate me with,construction,construction,was removed from,removed,from,removed,remove fears,anxiety etc.from studentsmind,for,provides us with,provided,dates from,dates from,dates back to,come true,realized,came true,came to an end,put an end to,put an end,brought,to an end last,the second tallest,which I bought a few days ago,,点击进入 高效课时作业,(三)本期看点:完形填空之说明文,本期看点:书面表达之议论文,思路分析,自主练笔,本部分内容讲解结束,按ESC键退出全屏播放,