1、UNIT 12 STOCKS AND BONDS,Learning Objectives1.The nature and types of stocks and bonds2.Stock and bond markets3.Changes in the stock market/quotations4.Investing in the stock market,1.1The nature of stocks and bonds,Stock:股票是一种有价证券,是股份公司在筹集资本时向出资人公开或私下发行的、用以证明出资人的股本身份和权利,并根据持有人所持有的股份数享有权益和承担义务的凭证 。具
2、有不可偿还性 、参与性 、收益性 、流通性 、价格波动性和风险性 的特点。Bond:债券是政府、金融机构、工商企业等直接向社会借债筹措资金时,向投资者发行,承诺按一定利率支付利息并按约定条件偿还本金的债权债务凭证。债券是一种有价证券,可以上市流通,在中国,比较典型的政府债券是国库券 。具有偿还性 、流通性 、安全性 、收益性 的特点。,1.2 the types of stocks and bonds,2.1 stock market,The stock market The stock market is stock issuance and trading places, includin
3、g the issue market and circulation market two parts. Corporations face society stock issued, rapid concentration, a large amount of money to realize production of scale operation; But social capital surplus who scattered on the principle of benefit sharing and risks principle investment joint-stock
4、company, seek wealth of appreciation.,2.2 The bond market,Investment fund, is a kind of benefit sharing, risks and collective investment system, that is, through to the social public issuance of a voucher to raise money, and will funds for securities investment,3.The changes in the stock market,当前对2
5、011年股市较普遍观点。 前段时间, 大盘呈现缩量调整和震荡盘弱的走势, 特别是中小盘和创业版的多数股票出现了破位下行态势,为此,许多市场人士对股市较为悲观, 调低对2011年股市高点的预测, 对今后一段时期内的股指运行普遍看淡。 这多是由于市场近期的表现而产生的看法并得出的结论,个人的角度不乏有一定的偏差及误判。从另个角度讲, 这也是合乎股市运行与人们判断相背离的规律, 股市行情走势常常出乎人们的预期之外, 正是股市的魅力所在,4. Investing in the stock market,1. Not easily buy orders2.Not easily cover their s
6、hare3.Do not passive shareholders”4.Do not buy more or more to try to spread low-price,常用股票术语,Bullish 行情看涨Bear Market熊市Principals(Stockholders)股东,Blue-Chip Stocks蓝筹股,Bull Market牛市,Close收盘价,Closing Transaction平仓交易,Commission佣金,Day Trading日交易,Dividends红利,Dumping抛售,Ex-Right(XRT)除权,Face value面值,Floor交易大厅,Futures期货,Gap跳空,Index指数,Liquidation清仓,Listed Stock上市股票,Offer要价,Opening开盘价,P(rice)/E(arnings) Ratio市盈率,Picture行情,