1、药理学总论,Pandect of pharmacology,蚌埠医学院 药学系药理教研室,Bengbu Medical College Faculty of pharmacy Department of Pharmacology,Chapter 1 绪言,Introduction of pharmacology,Object,掌握药理学,药物效应动力学,药物代谢动力学的定义. 了解新药开发研究的基本过程;药物与药理学的发展简史.,Characters and tasks of pharmacology,Drug and pharmacologyDrug,藥,艹,source,乐,meaning
2、,Natural or synthetic substance Used for: treatment, prevention and diagnosis of disease.,pharmacology,pharmakon,+,ology,drug,body,pharmacodynamics (药物效应动力学),pharmacokinetics (药物代谢动力学),drug action,drug disposition,tasks of pharmacology clarify(阐明) the mechanism of drug action; potency of drugs; new
3、drugs research and development;(研究) (开发) find the new uses of drugs; explore the arcanum(奥秘) of life.,characteristics of pharmacology basic subject bridge subject experiment subject,History of drug and pharmacology,Ancient pharmacy,Neoteric pharmacology(近代),Modern pharmacology,Drugs research and development,Pre-clinical research,Clinical research p.2-3I. period, II. period, III. period, IV. period. (After investigate,售后调研),Learning method,纵向联系式 横向对比式 前向发展式,Note!,重视复习 注意辩证认知,