1、UK Health Service,Outline,Introduction Scale Structure Conclusion,Introduction,Launched in 1948 Born out of a long-held ideal Funded centrally from national taxation,Scale,The number of employees is more than 1.7m, including 120,000 hospital doctors, 40,000 general practitioners, 400,000 nurses and
2、25,000 ambulance staff. England institution employs 1.3m and catering to 51m people.The number of patients using the NHS is equally huge, 8 patients per second.,Structure,The Department of Health Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) Devolved administrations of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland,Pri
3、mary and secondary care,Primary care trusts Acute trusts Ambulance trusts Care trusts,Source: http:/www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/thenhs/about/Pages/nhsstructure.aspx,Conclusion,difficult to measure the efficiencylife expectancy has been rising,Reference,About the NHS http:/www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/thenhs/abou
4、t/Pages/nhsstructure.aspx (Access Date 07 Aug. 2011). HNS Choice Overview http:/www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/thenhs/about/Pages/overview.aspx Appleby, J. and Crawford, R. and Emmerson, C. How cold will it be? Prospects for NHS funding: 201117 Institution for Fiscal Studies, 2009,Thank you! Any question, please?,