1、Introduction to the Course,Welcome to English Reading and Writing Class!,伍伟,The Goals of this Course,To understand what I read in English; To understand what I hear in English; To express my ideas freely in English; To translate freely from English to Chinese or the other way round. All in allto bec
2、ome a bilingual who can live a happy and healthy life with both English and Chinese.,About the Course,English is Fun!,Methodological approach: task-based interactive learning, cooperation and student centered classnew experience! Actual schedule: Divide the class into 6-7 learning groups with differ
3、ent tasks to perform for every unit. The activities in class account for 40% of your final marks. Requirement of 3 compositions.,The Textbooks for this term,3. Group ActivitiesThe Jury Group Lessons 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 17 are to be performed. Every group will be the jury group once and the perfo
4、rming group 6 times. The jury group will be judges in the first period of the performing week and give marks to the 6 groups performances and at the end of which decides on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes. In the second period, every member of the jury group gives the class a mini-lecture of 5 minutes e
5、xplaining details of the text. The teacher makes comments on their lectures and gives them marks.,阅读课要求: 1. 分组教学,每次课堂活动均以组为单位,小组得分也就是个人得分 2. 如果缺席,该次活动成绩为0 3. 活动大体安排: 第一学时:全班分为6-7个组,每组6/5人。讲解每篇课文时都有一组为语言组,主持第二学时的活动,其余各组为表演组。要求表演组各组分别把课文的主要内容用各种形式表演出来,每组10分钟,时间不足者扣分(可安排一名同学负责计时)。各组的表演由语言组评出前三名,分别得分为:1
6、0,9,8分,其余各组得分均为7分(各组得分即为个人得分)。,第二学时:由第一组语言组负责主持,讲解课文的背景知识、篇章结构、课文语言方面的重点、难点和课文的难句翻译,回答学生提出的问题。整个教案要求统一设计,集体准备,总共50分钟,可以利用电子教案的材料,要求使用PPT,讲述和例句要做到准确无误。然后,如果时间允许,主持班级讨论5分钟,可以由讲述者提问,也可以由听众同学提问,回答听众问题时可以由整个语言小组回答,1人主要发言,其余同学补充说明。语言组由教师依据全组的讲解和在提问和回答问题中的表现给全组打分(1-10分),即全组分数相同。 第三、四学时:写作教学,3. Group Activi
7、tiesThe Performing Group Lessons 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 17 are to be performed. The performing groups will turn the texts of the above lessons into a mini-play, an interview, a talk show or any form of program related to the text. Everyone in the group plays a role and should learn his/her lines by
8、 heart (reading will be punished). The first prize owner gets 10 points and the 2nd and 3rd 9 points and 8 points respectively. The rest of the participants get 7 points.,活动模式:(以第一课为例) 第一学时的活动可以不拘泥统一形式。如:“脱口秀”、小组辩论(或讨论)、角色扮演、情节剧、个人演讲等等。 (1)“脱口秀”(talk show):表演组中由一名同学简单陈述9.11的事件经过,约2-3分钟(可以从网上及报刊上寻找史料
9、)。陈述方式可以是ppt的演示文稿或课堂口述。之后另有一名同学作为访谈节目的主持人,其他同学作为被采访的嘉宾,回答主持人提出的与该事件有关的问题,或就主持人的问题发表看法,该活动时间为7-8分钟。主持人可以指定某位同学描述9.11之后美国各州及各地所,采取的相应行动,或提出与该事件有关的问题,如,恐怖主义产生的根源以及影响、如何预防及根除恐怖主义等等。(2)课堂讨论或辩论(discussion & debate):可以将表演组中的组员分为正方及反方两个阵营,一名同学为辩论赛的裁判,其他同学分为“对立”的两组。辩论题目可以自拟。推荐题目为9.11 Attacks will help rebuil
10、d the world political and economical order. 活动时间10分钟。 (3)角色扮演(role-play):课文中有大量的引语,反映了该事件过后人们的看法及心理反映。课文中的人物对白可以由表演组的组员分角色扮演。活动时间10分钟。 Jesse Strauss,Charles Figley,Fred Dutton,Robert Butterworth,William Hamilton,鉴于本文中具名引语将近10人,而小组只有5人,所以可以进行角色筛选,或对人物的语言进行整合。 (4)情节剧(melo-drama): 可以以事件受害人、事件目击者的视角来拟写剧
11、本,再现灾难发生时刻。表演时间10分钟。 (5)个人演讲(individual speech): 每位组员分别演讲,推荐题目为 9.11 , A Nightmare。 人均1.5分钟:7-8分钟讲演、2-3分钟与听众互动。 2评分标准: 语言组基于各表演组的表现评出前三名,分别得分为:10,9,8分,其余各组得分均为7分。活动时间不足者酌情扣分。 因表演组各组的表现形式不同,所以得分(即评分)的要素以及评分标准也不同,语言组(即评分组)可就具体情况酌情定夺。以表演类为例:,(上述的细分评估可作为其他活动模式的评分参考),3. Group ActivitiesComposition Writin
12、g and Revise The 3 compositions to write this term: The Importance of Extensive Reading in Learning English Publish or Perish? Transportation Has Changed Peoples Lives,Note: Prepare an exercise book and write them by hand.,Composition 1 Write a composition of no less than 150 words under the title o
13、f “The Importance of Extensive Reading in Learning English“. Your composition should be based on the information given below: 1. State how important extensive reading is in the learning of English. 2. Give reasons and examples to support your idea. Write in the 4th week (Sept. 19-24) and revise in t
14、he following 2 weeks (Sept. 26-Oct.14),Composition 2 Write a composition of no less than 150 words under the title of “Publish or Perish?“ Your composition should be based on the information given below: Many universities require each graduate student to have at least one paper published before gett
15、ing the masters degree. They say this is a good way to evaluate the graduate students. What do you think about this? Write in the 8th week (Oct. 17-22) and revise in the following 2 weeks (Oct. 24-Nov.4).,Composition 3 Write a composition of no less than 150 words under the title of “Transportation
16、Has Changed Peoples Lives“. Your composition should be based on the information given below: Choose one of the following types of transportation vehicles and explain why you think it has changed peoples lives1. automobiles 2. bicycles 3. airplanes. Give specific reasons and examples to support your
17、idea. Write in the 11th week (Nov. 7-12) and revise in the following 2 weeks (Nov. 14-25),3. Group Activities Composition Revise Circulate the compositions in the group. Everyone reads 4-5 compositions of his/her group members, marks them on the 0-10 point scale and writes a comment of about 50 word
18、s each. The last reader in the group needs to figure out the average points of the composition as well.,3. Group Activities Composition CollectionHand in your composition work on the 14th week (Nov. 28-Dec. 2) which will be evaluated and granted 0-10 points. 4. RewardsA. 5 points for the registratio
19、n of the National English Contest for College Students (NECCS) (Group Afor postgraduate students),4. RewardsB. 5 points for full attendance, 3 points for one absence, 1 point for two absence, -1 point for three absence, -2 points for four absence and so on. C. 10 points for participation of in-class
20、 activities including asking or answering questions.,5. The Final Exam GENERAL ENGLISH QUALIFYING TEST FOR NON-ENGLISH MAJOR GRADUATE STUDENTS,Paper One (90 minutes) Part I: Listening Comprehension (25 minutes, 20 points) Section A: Listen to 9 short conversations and do 9 multiple choices. Section
21、B: Listen to 2 mini-talks or passages and do 6 multiple choices. Section C: Listen to 1 passage and write down 5 answers to questions.,Part II Vocabulary (10 minutes, 10 points) Section A Section B Part III Cloze (10 minutes, 10 points, 1 point each) Part IV Reading Comprehension (45 minutes, 30 poi
22、nts, 1 point each),20 multiple choice items, 0.5 point each,Paper Two (60 minutes) Part V Translation (30 minutes, 20 points) Section AEnglish to Chinese translation Section BChinese to English translationPart VI Writing (30 minutes, 10 points)Write a composition of no less than 150 words under the
23、title given.,6. The Evaluation System 1. Score of GET: 60% of the final 2. Learning Process: 40% of the final 1) Group Performance:10, 9, 8 for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize winners,7 for every participant (7 in all)2) 10 points for 3 compositions and comments3) 10 points for in-class activities 4) 5 poin
24、ts for full attendance5) 5 points for registration of NECCS,7. The Additional RewardThe English Culture Festival for Postgraduate Students of Beijing Jiaotong University5 points to the total for all the participants of the 1st prize, 4 points to the 2nd prize winner, 3 points to the 3rd and 2 points for participation.,测试: 期末总评成绩=平时成绩x40%+学位课统占考成绩x60% (平时成绩期末全年级统一平衡)平时成绩100分=课堂表演10分7次+作文10分+课堂表现10分+考勤5分+ NECCS报名5分 总评奖励:英语文化节5分,Thanks!,Good Luck and Enjoy Yourselves in the Course!,