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1、UniversalDesignGuidebookForResidentialDevelopmentInHongKong香港住宅通用設計指南 Universal Design GuidebookFor Residential Development In Hong Kong香 港 住 宅 通 用 設 計 指 南PUBLISHERHong Kong Housing Society 出版機構香港房屋協會LEAD CONSULTANTUNIVERSAL DESIGN GUIDEBOOK FORRESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN HONG KONG香港住宅通用設計指南國際書號 ISBN

2、 988-98546-1-9 2005 HONG KONG HOUSING SOCIETYAll rights reserved.Leigh even if people prefer not to think of themselves, orto present themselves in that way. In many societies withan aging population, that proportion will rise, as the numberof caregivers declines.Many countries have legislated on be

3、half of the agedand people with disabilities and have produced designguidelines, particularly related to accessibility design overa number of decades. The contributors to this Guidebookthink that Universal Design is the next step.We have looked closely at research and legislation aroundthe world bef

4、ore attempting to identify features mostrelevant to Hong Kong. That is a particular challengebecause this is one of the most demanding places in theworld for which to design. Nowhere else is space usedmore efficiently. We want to make Hong Kong buildingseven more efficient; by making them more acces

5、sible, saferand more convenient to use, particularly by people withspecialist needs but also by all of us. This document is astarting point for a process of exploration which stretchesahead.15泛人士的不同需求,以創造出一個方便用家使用的生活環境。為達到此目的,通用設計與暢達設計(Accessibility Design)有緊密的聯繫,然而二者卻有本質上的區別。暢達設計著重顧及傳統概念上身體活動受到限制的人



8、本書是此長遠探索過程的起步點。通用設計是一種設計途徑,它集合了能在最大程度上適合每一個人使用的產品及建築元素。Preiser, 20011.3通用設計原則於1997年,美國北卡羅來納州州立大學的通用設計中心有一群研究員制訂了以下七項通用設計原則:原則一:等效使用該設計為不同能力人士所應用和歡迎。原則二:方便靈活該設計切合不同能力人士的喜好和需要。原則三:簡單易用該設計簡單易用,不會因使用者的經驗、知識、語文能力或當下精神集中能力而有異。原則四:資訊簡明該設計有效地傳達所需要的資訊,不會因環境或用者感官能力而有異。原則五:容差納誤遇有意外或不應該有的行動,通用設計把危險和傷害減至最少。原則六:省

9、力易用可以有效地和舒適地使用該設計,省力而不倦。原則七:可用面積和空間提供大小合適的空間,供使用者前往可及範圍,操作有關設施,不會因其身型、姿勢或活動能力而異。Preiser, 2001這七個原則說起來簡單,但實踐起來複雜難行。本指南探索實際的方法,應用於香港的住宅發展。“Universal Design is an approach to design that incorporatesproducts as well as building features which, to the greatestextent possible, can be used by everyone.”Pr

10、eiser, 20011.3 PRINCIPLES OF UNIVERSAL DESIGNIn 1997, a group of researchers of the Centre for UniversalDesign, NC State University of United States, developed thefollowing seven principles of Universal Design:Principle One: Equitable UseThe design is useful and marketable to people with diverseabil

11、ities.Principle Two: Flexibility UseThe design accommodates a wide range of individualpreferences and abilities.Principle Three: Simple and Intuitive UseUse of the design is easy to understand, regardless of theusers experience, knowledge, language skills, or currentconcentration level.Principle Fou

12、r: Perceptible InformationThe design communicates necessary information effectivelyto the user, regardless of ambient conditions or the userssensory abilities.Principle Five: Tolerance for ErrorThe design minimizes hazards and the adverseconsequences of accidental or unintended actions.Principle Six

13、 Low Physical EffortThe design can be used efficiently and comfortably and witha minimum of fatigue.Principle Seven: Size and Space for Approach and UseAppropriate size and space is provided for approach,reach, manipulation, and use regardless of users body size,posture, or mobility.Preiser, 2001The

14、 seven principles are simple in words but complex toattain. This Guidebook explores practical ways to applythem to Hong Kong residential development.161.4 1.51Introduction 引言1.4 UNIVERSAL DESIGN PYRAMIDDifferent groups can have different needs. Universal Designaims for appropriate balance with consi

15、derations for thegroup of people who have the greatest need for care. The1.5目的與範疇本指南有關通用設計的目的和範疇,可作如下定義:1.5 OBJECTIVES AND SCOPEThe objectives and scope of Universal Design for thisGuidebook can be defined as follows:following pyramid describes the hierarchy of differentgroups needs:In the above pyr

16、amid, Group A, including Row 1 and 2, areable-bodied people. Current architecture design aims for afull consideration of this group. Group B including rows 3,4 and 5, are people who need caregivers or who havedisabilities. They need more design features than Group A.Group C, namely row 6, are people

17、 in wheelchairs ableto live independently. People in wheelchairs have higherrequirements of spatial design. Group D includes people inwheelchairs who need caregivers. In this Guidebook, moreefforts will be taken for the residents of Group B, C and D,whose special needs are not fully provided for by

18、currentarchitecture practice in Hong Kong.1.4通用設計金字塔不同組別人士有不同需要,通用設計的目的是在照顧最有特別需要的人士同時,提供適當的平衡,以滿足不同組別人士的需要。以下的金字塔顯示各組別需要的層次:以上金字塔的A組(即第1和第2行)是健全人士,現有的建築設計完全考慮到這組別的需要。B組(即第3、第4行和第5行)是需要別人照顧的人或殘障人士,這組別比A組需要更多的特殊設計元素。C組(即第6行)是可以獨立生活的輪椅人士,在空間設計上有較高的要求。D組是需要別人照顧的輪椅人士。香港現時的建築設計未全面顧及B組、C組和D組人士的特別需要,因此本指南會

19、著重討論。1787654321Universal design pyramid通用設計金字塔A B C DPreiser, 2001通用設計是一種嶄新的設計途徑,創造可供不同界別社群使用的環境,包括嬰兒、幼兒、孩童、年青人、一般人、長者、殘障人士、體弱者和孕婦;其設計安全、方便、具靈活性並可變更用途。此設計途徑必須先瞭解和體諒使用者在一生中不同階段的各種需要和能力的改變。本指南的目的是為住宅發展提供通用設計的指南,以切合最大部分住客的需要。當中必須了解到住客的能力會因年齡、殘障和疾病而改變;除了等效使用外,此指南也考慮到靈活性、簡易性、舒適、健康、安全、方便、暢達、實用、容易維修、耐用和可持續

20、性等因素。編寫本指南的目的如下: 為建築師和設計師引進設計策略和推薦 方案; 提出可持續住宅發展規劃的指引 協助發展商明白各種組別居民的需要, 吸引最大的市場,和更切合居民的建築 和管理需求; 為居民提供整修、使用和管理策略的建 議,幫助他們改善居住環境。 在相關的公眾地方和公眾設施推廣通用 設計的原則。Universal Design is an emerging approach to createenvironments which are usable by the whole spectrum ofcommunity, including infants, toddlers, chi

21、ldren, the young,the average, the elderly, disabled, weak, and pregnant, withsafety, convenience, flexibility and convertibility. It is a designapproach which requires understanding and empathy for therange of human needs and abilities throughout life.This Guidebook aims to provide Universal Design

22、guidelinesfor residential development intended to cater for thebroadest range of residents. It requires an understanding ofvarying abilities with age, disability and illness. In additionto equitable use, it considers flexibility, simplicity, comfort,health, safety, convenience, accessibility, practi

23、cality, easeof maintenance, durability and sustainability.This Guidebook has the following objectives: To introduce design strategies and good practice forarchitects and designers; To provide guidelines for sustainable residentialdevelopment planning; To help developers identify the needs of differe

24、ntgroups of residents in order to appeal to the broadestmarket and better meet the needs of residents in termsof both of building and management; To suggest renovation, utilisation and managementstrategies for residents to improve their livingenvironment; To promote Universal Design principles for r

25、elatedpublic areas and provisions.18Introduction 引言The Hong Kong Government has made provisions withregards to accessibility and development planning instatutory documents such as the Disability DiscriminationOrdinance, 1996, the Residential Care Homes (ElderlyPersons) Ordinance and Hong Kong Planni

26、ng Standardsand Guidelines (HKPSG). Subsequently, the Design Manual- Barrier Free Access 1997 was published by the BuildingsDepartment, as a design standard. To enhance this DesignManual, the Buildings Department has commissioned a1.5香港特區政府在殘疾歧視條例1996、安老院條例和香港規劃標準與準則等法定文件中,設定了關於暢達設計和發展規劃的法律條文。此後屋宇署在

27、1997年出版的設計手冊:暢通無阻的通道1997是無障礙設計的規範條文。為加強此設計手冊的內容,一個顧問研究小組受屋宇署委託,現正制訂此手冊的修訂版。第1章1.6綱要本指南共有七章,分列如下:引言第1章介紹通用設計的理論,闡明本指南的範疇和目的。1.6 FRAMEWORKThere are seven sections to this Guidebook, as follows:Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter One introduces the theory of Universal Design. Italso provides the scope and ob

28、jectives of this Guidebook.consultancy study and the revised Manual is currently underformulation. 在此基礎上,本指南將引進通用設計的推薦 第2章 規劃和空間設計指南 Chapter 2 Planning and Spatial Standards方案和設計指南,目的是吸引公眾關注住宅In addition, this Guidebook will introduce good practice andguidelines for Universal Design. It also aims to

29、 draw publicattention to the issues of universal design for residentialdevelopment, and hence help to improve the livingenvironment in Hong Kong.發展的通用設計問題,從而協助改善香港的居住環境。第3章第4章第5章第2章提出有關通用設計的城市規劃問題和討論不同組別居民對空間的要求,包括年青人、長者、殘障和體弱人士,並且舉例說明適用於香港的通用設計。無障礙設計第3章介紹無障礙設施的設計,涉及住宅使用空間的規劃和設計,及住宅內交通設施設計。家居安全第4章介紹

30、無障礙疏散設計,並闡述預防受傷和家居安全的策略,以滿足各組別居民的需求。環境因素第5章說明通用設計與優質生活的關係,包括促進健康元素、室內空Chapter Two introduces urban planning issues relatedto Universal Design and discusses the spatial needs ofparticular residents, including the young, elderly, disabled,and weak. It provides examples of Universal Design,applicable f

31、or use in Hong Kong.Chapter 3 Barrier-Free AccessChapter Three introduces barrier-free provisions. Itconsiders the planning and design of residential spacesand associated circulation areas.Chapter 4 Home SafetyChapter Four introduces standards for means of escape. Itdescribes injury prevention and h

32、ome safety strategies fordifferent groups of residents.Chapter 5 Environmental FactorsChapter Five relates Universal Design to quality of life. Itconsiders wellness in relation to in-door air quality, thermal,1.6191 第6章第7章氣質量、溫度和視聽環境。裝修詳細設計的推薦方案第6章介紹扶手、裝修物料和其他關於通用設計的建築詳細設計。整修和改建第7章把通用設計應用於現有樓宇,並為發展商

33、和居民提供整修和改建策略。visual and acoustic considerations.Chapter 6 Good Practice DetailingChapter Six provides architectural details for handrails,finishes and other factors related to Universal Design issues.Chapter 7 Renovation and ConversionChapter Seven applies Universal Design to existingbuildings, and

34、introduce renovation and conversionstrategies to developers and residents.202Chapter章 Planning and SpatialDesign Guidelines規劃和空間設計指南 222.12Planning and Spatial Design Guidelines 規劃和空間設計指南Universal Design in housing is an approach to sustainableresidential development planning. It focuses not only on

35、accessibility, but also on social inclusion issues such ashealth, education, entertainment, communication, care andsafety. To achieve this, it is important to understand theneeds of all residents. Therefore, the needs of differentindividual groups will be addressed in the first part of thisChapter.T

36、he second part focuses on flat layouts which can beapplied in Hong Kong, with considerations for diverseabilities.2.1 NEEDS OF DIFFERENT GROUPSDifferent social groups have different requirements ofresidential development planning. Provision of propercommunity facilities is an essential means to meet

37、the needs of different groups of residents. To identifyappropriate provision, research has been carried out byHong Kong SAR Government, and the Planning Departmenthas incorporated the findings in the Hong Kong PlanningStandards and Guidelines HKPSG. The HKPSGrecommends to provide community facilitie

38、s based uponthe growth or concentration of population in a given area.The guidelines are useful to assess land requirements forcommunity uses. As the number and age distribution ofresidents and hence demand for facilities will change, it isdesirable that assessment of community facilities shall beca

39、rried out before a residential development is planned, andrepeated regularly after the development is constructed.The following items should be included for developmentassessments. Current age distribution for existing neighbouringresidential developments; Predicted age distribution of residents for

40、 the proposedresidential development; Current modes of transportation and their impact onthe proposed residential development and itscommunity facilities; Predicted modes of transportation in the comingdecades; Existing neighbouring facilities available to newresidents of the proposed residential de

41、velopment; Flexibility of existing neighbouring facilities forfunctional conversion.It is recommended that community facilities shall befunctionally convertible, and more concerns shall be takenfor people with special needs. As abilities vary with age,a good understanding of the needs of different g

42、roups ofresidents is essential to generate planning solutions.23房屋的通用設計是達到可持續住宅發展規劃的一個途徑,不但注重暢達性,也關注健康、教育、文娛、通訊、護理及安全等社會問題。為達到此目標,在設計上必須明白不同組別居民的需求。因此,本章的第一部分首先論述不同組別居民的需要。第二部分側重於介紹可在香港推行又顧及不同人士能力的住宅單位平面設計。2.1不同組別的需要不同的社會組別居民對住宅發展規劃有不同的要求,我們必須提供合適的社區設施,以滿足不同組別居民的需要。為了提供合適的設施,香港特區政府已進行研究,並由規劃署根據研究結果制

43、訂香港規劃標準與準則,建議根據某一地區的人口增長和集中程度,提供社區設施。上述規劃標準有助評估作為社區用途的土地要求。由於居民的數目和年齡分佈會改變對設施的需求,有關方面應在進行住屋發展規劃前,對社區設施進行評估,並在發展完成後定期再進行評估。下列各項應包括在發展評估項目中: 現時鄰近住宅區的居民年齡分佈; 預計規劃的住宅區中,居民的年齡分佈; 現時的交通模式及其對規劃的住宅區和區 設施的影響; 預計未來數十年的交通模式; 可供規劃的住宅區的新居民享用的現有鄰 近設施; 現有鄰近設施進行功能改建的靈活性。建議社區設施可在功能上作出改建,並更應關注有特別需要的人士。由於居民的能力會隨著年紀的增長

44、而改變,詳細了解各個居民組別的需要,是制訂規劃方案的關鍵。2.1.1 ChildrenNursing and Care It is preferable that nursery schools andkindergartens are available in theneighbouring areas of residentialbuildings. It is preferable that healthcare facilities,such as childrens clinic are available inthe neighbouring areas of residentia

45、lbuildings. This offers convenience,promotes neighbourhood identity andencourages prompt attention to healthproblems.Education It is preferable that school facilities shallbe available near residentialdevelopments. This offers convenience,promotes neighbourhood identity andencourages safety for chil

46、dren. In areas of heavy traffic, it is preferablethat entrances of school facilities shall belocated away from main civic roads andthat waiting zones shall be providednearby for parents and caregivers.Entrances and waiting areas shall beclearly visible. It is preferable that cultural facilities, suc

47、has libraries and bookstores, shall beavailable near residential developments.2.1.1兒童看護和護理 幼兒園及幼稚園最好設於住宅的鄰近 範圍。 醫護設施,如兒童診所等,最好設於 住處的鄰近範圍,以方便居民,促進 鄰里活動,並鼓勵居民及時關注健康 問題。教育 學校最好設於住宅區附近,以方便居 民、促進鄰里活動,並有利於為兒童 提供安全環境。 於交通繁忙的範圍,學校入口最好遠 離主要交通道路,並須在入口附近為 父母及看護者設置等候區。入口及等 候區應該清晰易見。 文化設施,例如圖書館及書店等,最 好設於住宅區附近。2.

48、1Kindergarten in neighbouring areas of residential buildings住宅附近的幼稚園24Planning and Spatial Design Guidelines 規劃和空間設計指南Childrens Play Areas It is recommended that an outdoor play areas withaccessible and challenging play settings shall beprovided near residential developments. Whereresources are avai

49、lable and likely levels of use justify it,it is preferable to provide age-appropriateness optionswith opportunities for motor skill development,decision-making, learning, fantasy play, and socialdevelopment. It is preferable that play settings shall provide access tosunshine, shade and protection from adverse conditions.Good Practice It is preferable that an open space with planting shallbe provided adjacent to


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