2、度尼西亚拉布湾 2300MW 燃煤电站PLTU 2 Banten Labuan (2300MW)工 程Project施工图设计阶段Detail Design Stage批 准Approval校 核Check审 核Review设 计DesignDescription of anticorrosive coating for outside of buried welded pipe埋地钢管外防腐说明书日 期Date 2007.9比 例Scale图号DWG.NOF289S-S0401C-08 版本号REV: CContents1、Method of anticorrosive coating wo
3、rk防腐做法2、Requirement of anticorrosive coating structure防腐层结构要求3、Requirement of anticorrosive coating construction process防腐涂料施工工艺4、Inspecting standard of constructions quality for anticorrosive coating防腐涂料施工质量检验标准5、Supplement and repairs of anticorrosive coating防腐涂料的补口及补伤DESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIVE
4、COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书1The epoxy bituminous anticorrosive coating is used for buried steel pipe in this project. All the coating must conformity with coherent standard.本工程埋地钢管防腐涂料采用环氧煤沥青。所用涂料应符合相关标准。1、Method of anticorrosive coating work1、 防腐做法Coating layers consist of
5、two fiberglass fabrics and four anticorrosive coating layers. When brushing, first stage is brushing one layer priming coating on the surface of protection area, brush one layer finishing coating, after priming coating dry out, then entwine one layer fiberglass fabric that be impregnated by finishin
6、g coating. Fiberglass fabric must be tightened and its surface shall be flat without crease and salience. When entwining the fiberglass fabric, along the axial direction of pipe, the lap width shall be 2025cm. In addition lap length between two pieces fabrics shall be 100150mm.At above stage, it mus
7、t ensure that finishing coating filling in all mesh of fabric and doesnt droop from the fabric.After fiberglass fabric dry out, then entwine the secondary fiberglass fabric with the same way as the first fiberglass fabric layer.At last, it must brush two layers finishing coating on the final surface
8、. When these two layers coating brushing, the last layer coating must brush after the previous layer coating dry out. 本工程防腐为二布四油施工工艺,即先刷底漆一道后再刷一道面漆,表干后随即用浸满面漆的玻璃布缠绕,玻璃布要拉紧,表面平整无皱折和鼓包,压边宽度为 2025cm ,布头搭接长度为 100150mm,玻璃布缠绕完后对表面有缺漆或流挂的现象进行修正,必须做到网眼注满漆料,且无流挂现象,表干后,第二道缠玻璃布方法同上一致,最后再涂二道面漆。面漆涂刷必须待上道工序DESCRI
9、PTION OF ANTICORROSIVE COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书2实干后方可进行。Completing all above procedures, the final surface of steel pipe shall be flat, smooth and color shade uniform. In addition, the surface must have no air bell, pinhole and drooping. The whole coating thickness shall
10、be more than 600m.防腐好的钢管表面应平整光滑,色泽均匀一致,无起泡、无针孔和流挂等现象,防腐层总厚度应600m。The structure of anticorrosive coating details to see section 2.1.防腐层结构见 2.1。2、 Requirement of anticorrosive coating structure 2、 防腐层结构要求2.1 structure of anticorrosive coating2.1 防腐层结构Structure of anticorrosive coating please refer to
11、table 2-1.防腐层结构见表 2-1。DESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIVE COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书3Table 2-1 structure of anticorrosive coating防腐层结构Structure of anticorrosive coating防腐层漆膜厚度(mm)Thickness of coating(mm)一层底漆防腐漆1 layer priming coating一层面漆防腐漆1 layer finishing coating一层玻璃布1 layer fib
12、erglass fabric一层面漆防腐漆1 layer finishing coating一层玻璃布1 layer fiberglass fabric二层面漆防腐漆2 layers finishing coating总厚度 0.6DESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIVE COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书42.2 color of anticorrosive coating:2.2 防腐漆的漆色: Buried steel pipe: Black埋入地下的钢管: 黑色3、 Requirement of an
13、ticorrosive coating construction 3、 防腐涂料施工工艺3.1 Requirement of anticorrosive coating construction3.1 防腐涂料施工工艺3.1.1 surface pretreatment of protected steel pipe3.1.1 防腐件的预处理Sand blasting is adopted for the surface pretreatment of steel pipe. It must clean the oil, dust, welding slag, oxide skin and r
14、ust (including incompact rust) on the steel surface. The treated surface of steel pipe shall be looking white metallic color and must keep drying without water. The treated surface shall be meeting the standard of ISO Sa 2.5. 采用喷砂除锈,喷砂前整支钢管表面必须先做彻底检查,如有电焊溅珠、焊渣 附着于钢管面上,须先磨除,如有油脂、灰尘等异物附着于钢管表面上,应用溶剂等清洁
15、剂除去,喷砂除锈须彻底喷除氧化皮、铁锈及外部异物等,并须用压缩空气等将灰尘杂物清除,处理后钢铁表面呈近似白金属色泽,并保持干燥无水迹,处理后表面须达 ISO Sa 2.5 级标准 。 electric disk sander, electric steel wire brush and Sand blasting are adopted for steel surface pretreatment at condition as following: 如果发现下列情况,应于涂装前先以电动砂轮机、电动钢丝刷或喷砂处理:(1) Location that be affected by
16、 heat when welding.DESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIVE COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书5(1)焊接时之热影响处及其附近周围。(2) Welding slag adhere on the steel surface. (2)附着于钢管表面上的不良物如焊渣等。(3)location that rust. (3)生锈处及附近周围。 The treated surface shall be meet the standard of SIS St3 when using ele
17、ctric machine and ISO Sa 2.5 when using Sand blasting. 电动工具除锈须达 SIS St3 级,喷砂除锈须达 ISO Sa2.5 级标准。 dust shall be cleaned up by using compressed air and hairbrush. 使用压缩空气及毛刷等将灰尘等异物除去。 must brush the coating in the 8 hours after steel surface pretreatment to prevent from ru
18、sting again. 除锈后的钢材表面应在 8 小时内涂装底漆,以免发生二次生锈 。3.1.2 preparation of coating concoct3.1.2 涂料调制准备According to pre-estimating using quantum and requiring proportion, mix and adequately churn up monomers of coating, then consume all coating at the requiring time. 涂料应预计好用量,按比例混合,充分搅拌后,在规定时间内用完。3.1.3
19、brushing 3.1.3 喷涂It can use machine and artificial method to brush coating.可采用机械喷涂或人工涂刷。3.2 Notices for anticorrosive coating constructionDESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIVE COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书63.2 防腐涂料施工注意事项3.3.1 it must ensure that brushing uniformly and completely when b
20、rushing priming coating. Finishing coating brushing shall be after priming coating surface dry out.涂刷底漆时,要求均匀涂刷,不得漏刷、底漆表面干后即可涂刷面漆。3.3.2 requirement of fiberglass fabric entwining: fiberglass fabric entwining can perform simultaneously with finishing coating brushing. Fiberglass fabric must be tighte
21、ned and its surface shall be flat without crease and salience. Mesh of fabric must be filled with finishing coating. When entwining fabric covering another layer fabric, lap location of the nether layer shall be not overlapped by lap location of upper layer. At the tip of pipe, anticorrosive coating
22、 shall be shaped as step like with width of 100mm at pipe end. warp and woof of fabric net density shall be 12X12 pieces / cm2 or 12X10 pieces / cm2. Thickness of fabric shall be 0.1200.01mm. Alkalinity of fabric shall not exceed 12%. Fabric shall be sealed edge without thrum and wax. Fabric that be
23、 affected with damp shall be dried before used. 缠绕玻璃布的要求:缠玻璃布时可与面漆涂刷同时进行。玻璃布缠绕必须平整、拉紧,不得有皱褶、鼓泡,玻璃布全部网眼均为面漆灌满,各层玻璃布的搭接接头应错开,管两端的防腐层,应做成阶梯形接茬,阶梯宽度不宜小于100mm。玻璃布经纬密度可 1212 根/1cm 2 或 1012 根/1cm 2,厚度应为0.1200.01mm,含碱量不应超过 12,无捻、无蜡、平纹,两边封边,受潮的DESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIVE COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED
24、 PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书7玻璃布必须烘干后方可使用。Width requirement of fiberglass fabric for steel pipe with different diameter shall be according to following table 3-1. 各种管径选用的玻璃布宽度可参照表 3-1 选用。Table 3-1Pipe diameter管径(mm)6089 114159 219 273 377 426529 720Fiberglass fabric width布宽(mm)120 150 20250 300 400 500 6007003.
25、3.3 it must prevent anticorrosive coating from being damaged at transportation, lifting and assemblage process. If coating damaged, it must supplement brushing at damaged location before construction.涂刷后的管道或钢构件,一定要注意避免运输、吊装过程中损坏防腐层,若有损伤应及时补涂,否则不准安装。3.3.4 it must clean the clay and water when brushin
26、g coating in the pipe trench for joint of two steel pipes and it must prevent coating from being damaged when backfilling.当在管沟内进行接口防腐涂刷时,必须清除防腐部位的泥土、水迹;回填土时应注意避免损伤外防腐层。3.3.5it must use ventilation device when brushing at the location where has bad ventilation condition.3.3.5 在通风条件不好的部位施工时,要采用人工通风设施。
27、DESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIVE COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书83.3.6 it forbids brushing in outdoors at rainy day and foggy day.不得在雨天、雾天进行露天施工。4、 Inspecting standard of constructions quality for anticorrosive coating4、防腐涂料施工质量检验标准4.1 appearance inspecting: it must inspect each bru
28、shed pipe one by one. The surface of coating shall be flat and bright. Mesh of fabric must be filled with finishing coating. It must clean the crease and salience (or air bell) and supplement fiberglass fabric and brushing finishing coating.外观检查:防腐管应逐根检查其表面平整呈光亮的漆膜。防腐层的玻璃布网眼应灌满面漆,空鼓和皱褶处应减掉并补玻璃布和补涂面漆
29、。4.2 thickness inspecting: it must inspect one piece brushed pipe per 20 pieces pipe by using pachymeter. Each pipe which to be inspected shall be arranged three locations at the end and middle of pipe, and each location arranged 4 points (upside, underside, right side and left side) for inspect; th
30、e minimum thickness of each point must meet the requirement of table 3-1 and 3-2.厚度检查:每 20 根抽查 1 根用测厚仪进行检测,在每根管两端和中间共测 3 个截面,每个截面测上、下、左、右 4 点,最薄点的厚度应符合表 3-1 及3-2 的要求。4.3 pinhole inspecting: it must inspect brushed pipe one by one using direct current electric spark failure detector at voltage 3000V.
31、 If not accrue electric spark means that the coating is acceptable. On the contrary it means finding pinhole and needing supplement brushing. 针孔检查:用直流电火花检漏仪逐根检查。应以 3000V 电压检测防腐涂层的完整性,以不打火花为合格,发现针孔应予补涂。4.4 binding power inspecting:粘结力检查:DESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIVE COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDE
32、D PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书9Binding power inspecting of coating: using keen knife cuts the coating layer steadily without rocking to obtain V-shaped incision with point angle is about 45 60.Then tear up the fiberglass fabric from the crossing point of incision until tear area is about 50cm2 and steel surface
33、isnt exposed mean coating is qualified. 涂层粘结力的检查方法:在涂层上切一夹角为 4560的切口,从切口尖端撕开玻璃布。撕开面积为 50cm2,以撕开处不露金属为合格。5、 Supplement and repairs of anticorrosive coating5、防腐涂料的补口及补伤5.1 anticorrosive coating for supplement and repairmen use the same coating and fiberglass fabric as the protected pipe. Supplement wo
34、rking must process after pipe welding at joint and pipe surface temperature cooling down until 50.补口、补伤处的涂层结构及所用材料应与管体涂层及玻纤布相同,补口工作应在对口焊接后,管表面温度冷却至 50以下进行。5.2 it must pretreat the surface before supplement and repairmen working.补口处和露铁的补伤处,必须进行预处理。5.3 before supplement working, it must clean up the c
35、oating surface to clear away sundries such as oil and dirt and so on, and then make coating surface hacking off. Lap length between supplemen coating and original coating shall be not less than 100mm, the coating refers to table 2-1.补口时应对管端阶梯形接茬处的涂层表面进行清理,去除油污、泥土等杂物,然后用砂纸将其打毛,施工方法按上述要求进行。补口涂层与管体涂层的搭
36、接长度不应小于 100mm,涂层做法见表 2-1。5.4 anticorrosive coating for repairmen shall be shaped as step like at pipe end and Lap length between supplemen coating and original coating shall be not less than 100mm. If the steel surface not be exposed at location where need repair, it must DESCRIPTION OF ANTICORROSIV
37、E COATING FOR OUTSIDE OF BURIED WELDED PIPE 埋地钢管外防腐说明书10make original coating surface hacking off and then supplemen brushing finishing coating; if steel surface exposed, it must pretreat the steel surface and then brush the priming coating and finishing coating according to table 2-1; if the breakage area is so big, it must brush coating according to the requirement of supplement coating.补伤处涂层和管体涂层的搭接应做成阶梯形接茬,其搭接长度不应小于100mm。若补伤处涂层未露铁,应先对其表面进行清理,并用砂纸打毛再补涂面漆,若补伤处已露铁,先进行表面预处理后,再按涂层的施工顺序及方法补涂底漆、面漆及缠绕玻璃布(见表 2-1)。当涂层破损面积较大时,应按补口方法处理。