1、Microsoft Office SharePoint Server Document ManagementMicrosoft CorporationPublished: December 2008Author: Office IT and Servers User Assistance (o12IT)AbstractMicrosoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes document management features that you can use to control the lifecycles of documents in you
2、r organization how they are created, reviewed, published, and consumed, and how they are ultimately disposed of or retained. This guide provides information architects, enterprise solution planners and designers, program managers, and information technology specialists with the information that they
3、 need to plan a document management solution based on Office SharePoint Server 2007.The content in this book is a copy of selected content in the Office SharePoint Server technical library (http:/ as of the publication date. For the most current content, see the technical library on the Web.iiThe in
4、formation contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft canno
5、t guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.This White Paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT.Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibi
6、lity of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the expr
7、ess written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of th
8、is document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no associati
9、on with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft, Access, Active Directory, Excel, Groove, InfoPath, Internet Explorer, OneNote, Outlook, PerformanceP
10、oint, PowerPoint, SharePoint, SQL Server, Visio, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their r
11、espective owners.iiiContentsIntroduction to the document management planning guide.1Related topics.2What is document management? 3The elements of a document management system .3The planning process .4Identify document management participants and stakeholders.6Worksheet 7Analyze document usage 8Works
12、heet 10Plan document libraries .11Plan document libraries11Plan the flow of content 15Promoting document libraries from Office client programs 16Plan content types (Office SharePoint Server) 18What are content types? 18Properties integration with the 2007 Office release19About column templates.20Abo
13、ut folder content types20Planning document content types 21Planning list content types23Planning document conversions 24After planning content types: next steps 24Worksheets 25Plan workflows for document management.26Worksheet 27Plan versioning, content approval, and check-outs .28Plan versioning.28
14、Plan content approval.29Plan check-in and check-out 31Worksheet 31Plan Information Rights Management .32Information Rights Management in Office SharePoint Server 2007.32Worksheet 33ivPlan information management policies34About information management policies and policy features .34About information
15、management policy reporting36About information management policy integration with the 2007 Office system applications 36Policy features available in Office SharePoint Server 2007 .37Plan information management policies 37Worksheet 38Plan enterprise content storage.39Typical large-scale content manag
16、ement scenarios 40Large-scale authoring environment 40Large-scale content archive40Extremely large-scale content archive 41Site collections: content storage benefits and limitations .41Benefits of storing content in the same site collection 41Limits on storing content in the same site collection.42S
17、ites: content storage benefits and limitations .42Benefits of storing content in the same site 42The Document Center site 43Limits on storing content in the same site.43Libraries: content storage benefits and limitations .43Benefits of storing content in the same library 44Limits on storing content
18、in the same library.44Using indexed columns to improve view performance44Folders: content storage benefits and considerations45Summary of recommendations 461Introduction to the document management planning guideMicrosoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes document management features that you ca
19、n use to control the life cycles of documents in your organization how they are created, reviewed, published, secured, and consumed, and how they are ultimately disposed of or retained. This guide provides information architects, enterprise solution planners and designers, program managers, and info
20、rmation technology specialists with the information that they need to plan a document management solution based on Office SharePoint Server 2007.This guide covers general document management planning considerations, focusing on the life cycles of active documents. For information about planning and
21、implementing a records management system based on Office SharePoint Server 2007, see the Office SharePoint Server 2007 Records Management Guide (http:/ following list describes each topic in this guide. “What is document management?“ introduces the elements of a document management system and provid
22、es general guidance on document management planning. “Identify document management participants and stakeholders“ provides guidelines on determining the stakeholders and participants in your document management solution. “Analyze document usage“ provides guidance on determining the types of document
23、s used in your enterprise and on analyzing the stages in the documents life cycles. “Plan document libraries“ describes using document libraries to organize documents in your enterprise. “Plan content types“ describes planning content types, which are the Office SharePoint Server 2007 mechanism for
24、defining and sharing the attributes of documents, list items, and folders. “Plan versioning, content approval, and check-outs“ provides guidance on planning content control in Office SharePoint Server 2007, such as by using versioning, check-in and check-out, and approval for publishing content. “Pl
25、an Information Rights Management“ describes how to plan Information Rights Management on documents stored in document libraries, so that you can control which actions users can take on documents when they open them from libraries in Office SharePoint Server 2007. “Plan information management policie
26、s“ describes planning and implementing enterprise policies that can help your organization comply with regulatory and legal obligations, in addition to best practices such as auditing documents and properly retaining them. “Plan enterprise content storage“ contains information to help solution plann
27、ers and designers properly plan and configure a large-scale enterprise content management solution based on Office SharePoint Server 2007 so that it performs well while providing the features needed by site users.2The content in this book is a copy of selected content in the Office SharePoint Server
28、 technical library (http:/ as of the date of publication. For the most current content, see the technical library on the Web. Additional document management content is posted there as it becomes available.Related topics Office SharePoint Server 2007 Records Management Guide (http:/ is document manag
29、ement?In this article: The elements of a document management system The planning processDocument management controls the life cycle of documents in your organization how they are created, reviewed, published, and consumed, and how they are ultimately disposed of or retained. Although the term “manag
30、ement“ implies top-down control of information, an effective document management system should reflect the culture of the organization using it. The tools you use for document management should be flexible, allowing you to tightly control documents life cycles if that fits your enterprises culture a
31、nd goals, but also letting you implement a more loosely structured system if that better suits your enterprise.A well-designed document management system promotes finding and sharing information easily. It organizes content in a logical way, and makes it easy to standardize content creation and pres
32、entation across an enterprise. It promotes knowledge management and information mining. It helps your organization meet its legal responsibilities. It provides features at each stage of a documents life cycle, from template creation to document authoring, reviewing, publishing, auditing, and ultimat
33、ely destroying or archiving.The elements of a document management systemAn effective document management solution specifies: What types of documents and other content can be created within an organization. What templates to use for each type of document. What metadata to provide for each type of doc
34、ument. Where to store documents at each stage of a documents life cycle. How to control access to a document at each stage of its life cycle. How to move documents within the organization as team members contribute to the documents creation, review, approval, publication, and disposition. What polic
35、ies to apply to documents so that document-related actions are audited, documents are retained or disposed of properly, and content important to the organization is protected. How documents are converted as they transition from one stage to another during their life cycles. How documents are treated
36、 as corporate records, which must be retained according to legal requirements and corporate guidelines.4Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes features that implement all of these aspects of document management. To ensure that information workers can easily take advantage of these capabili
37、ties without having to depart from their day-to-day operations and familiar tools, applications in the Microsoft Office 2007 system such as Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word also include features that support each stage in a documents life cycle.The planning processThe document management plannin
38、g process consists of the following major steps:1. Identify document management roles Ensure that your plans incorporate the feedback of your organizations key stakeholders, that you have the right team in place to implement the solution, and that you know who will participate in document management
39、 processes. See Identify document management participants and stakeholders for more information about creating a document management planning team.2. Analyze document usage After you identify who works on documents, determine the types of documents they work on and how they will be used. For more in
40、formation, see Analyze document usage.3. Plan the organization of documents You can organize documents in libraries, team sites, and portal sites. Office SharePoint Server 2007 offers a range of document organizing and storing features, from specialized sites such as the Records Repository to free-f
41、orm document libraries for ad-hoc document creation and collaboration. Within a library, you can further organize content into folders and subfolders. For more information, see Plan document libraries.4. Plan how content moves between locations It may be necessary to move or copy a document from one
42、 site or library to another at different stages of its life cycle. For example, the publishing process may include moving a document from a staging site to a public Internet site. If content needs to be converted from one format to another as it moves from site to site, you will also want to plan co
43、ntent conversions. For more information, see “Plan the flow of content“ in the topic Plan document libraries.5. Plan content types Use content types to organize information about types of documents, such as metadata, document templates, policies, and workflow processes. This is an essential step to
44、help you organize your documents and enforce consistency across your organization. For more information, see Plan content types (Office SharePoint Server).6. Plan content control You can plan the appropriate degree of control for each content type and storage location. For example, for a document li
45、brary you can plan to require check-in and check-out and to protect documents from unauthorized distribution by using Information Rights Management. For more information, see Plan versioning, content approval, and check-outs.57. Plan workflows By planning workflows for your organization, you can con
46、trol and track how documents move from one team member to another as each participant collaborates in a documents life cycle. Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes workflows for common team tasks such as reviewing and approving documents. Office SharePoint Server 2007 also supports creating and ins
47、talling custom workflows. For more information, see Plan workflows for document management.8. Plan policies For each content type, plan information management policies to ensure that documents are properly audited, retained, labeled, and otherwise handled according to your organizations institutiona
48、l and legal requirements. Office SharePoint Server 2007 includes policies that implement auditing, document retention, labeling, and barcodes (to ensure that printed content can be correlated with corresponding versions in document libraries). For more information, see Plan information management po
49、licies.6Identify document management participants and stakeholdersThe first step in your document management planning is to determine the stakeholders and participants in your document management solution. You can use a survey to collect this information. For example, your survey might contain the following questions:1. Who in your organization creates documents?2. W