1、The Study on the Influencing Factors of BilingualTeaching Effects in UniversitiesA Case Study of South Central University forNationalitiesA ThesisSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Master of Artsin Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics(on Applied Linguistics)
2、byQuan HuixiaPostgraduate ProgramCollege of Foreign LanguagesSouth-Central University for NationalitiesSupervisor: Guo LinhuaAcademic Title: Associate Professor Signature_ApprovedMay, 2013中南民族大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个
3、人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权中南民族大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。本学位论文属于1、保密 ,在 _年解密后适用本授权书。2、不保密 。 (请在以上相应方框内打“”)作者签名:导师签名:日期:日期:年年月月日日中南民族大学硕士学位论文AcknowledgmentsI
4、would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the teachers of the College ofForeign languages in South-central University for Nationalities, who have helped meand instructed me through the unforgettable three years.I am particularly grateful to my supervisor, Professor Guo Linhua, who gave mepat
5、ient instructions during the whole process of my completing this thesis. It would beimpossible for me to fulfill this task without her meticulous and rigorous supervisionthroughout the writing process. And the constant guidance and instruction andinstruction that she has given me through the three y
6、ears.I would also grateful to other respectable professors who instructed me in theconstruction of this thesis. Their prudent research attitudes motivate me in the life.Many thanks should go to the all the teachers, students who participated in thequestionnaires and interviews.Finally, I would like
7、to express my thanks and love to my friends, who havesupported and encourage me in the past years of graduate studies. Their valuablesuggestions are so help to me.iThe Study on the Influencing Factors of Bilingual Teaching Effects in UniversitiesA Case Study of South Central University for Nationali
8、tiesAbstractEver since the issuing of the Fourth Document in 2001 from the Ministry ofEducation of China, many bilingual teaching courses have been opened tonon-English majors. Bilingual teaching practices have been implemented in manyuniversities and colleges in a thriving way recently. To meet the
9、 demands of theinternational standard of undergraduate teaching, South-Central University forNationalities (SCUN) sets up two or three bilingual teaching courses toward somedepartments. However, Some universities follow the bilingual teaching models offoreign countries blindly. They dont take their
10、real condition of their schools intoconsideration, so the effects of bilingual teaching in those universities are notsatisfactory. Is it necessary to carry out bilingual teaching in SCUN? We will knowthe foregoing situation from this study.Bilingual teaching effects contains the following elements:
11、language aims,academic aims, cognitive aims and other aims. In this study, the author focuses on thelanguage aim and academic aim. In other words, the author aims to discuss whetherthe bilingual students grasp the specialized courses well or not, and whether they havemade progress in English compete
12、nce. The following questions are worth discussing:(1) What are the effects of bilingual teaching in SCUN, including effects both inspecialized courses and English competence?(2)What are the factors which influence the bilingual teaching effects in SCUN?Based on the above analysis, this study investi
13、gated the students learning effectsfrom the two aspects: specialized courses and English competence. Compared withthe scores of final examination and CET-4 and CET-6 of bilingual group andnon-bilingual group, the author comes to the conclusion that the bilingual group arebetter than the non-bilingua
14、l group. Most of bilingual students said that bilingualteaching could assist them to expand their academic knowledge and enhance theirEnglish competence. As for the improvement of students English competence,bilingual teaching can improve their abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing,ii中南
15、民族大学硕士学位论文translation , especially enhance students listening and reading abilities. Bilingualteaching aims to up-grade their cognitive abilities especially strengthen theirself-confidence, stimulate their interests and promote their learning skills.The author also found out the main influencing fac
16、tors of bilingual teachingeffects. In various influencing factors, the English proficiency of teachers is the mostinfluential variables, the following are class hours,the English using of bilingualteachers and the competence of students. The author also found out that the factors ofteaching methods
17、and teaching models affect the bilingual teaching effects. Thoseabove-mentioned factors are relevant to the implementation of bilingual teaching inSCUN. Meanwhile, the author also discussed the existing problems in bilingualteaching process.In sum, based on the above analysis and discussion, the bil
18、ingual teaching canhelp the bilingual students expand their professional knowledge and improve theirEnglish competence. It is necessary for bilingual students from SCUN to havebilingual teaching courses. Only by strengthening the construction of teaching staff,optimizing teaching methods, choosing m
19、ore appropriate textbooks and adoptingsound bilingual teaching evaluation system can SCUN make great progress inbilingual teaching eventually.Key words: Bilingual teaching effects; evaluation; influencing factors; strategiesiiiThe Study on the Influencing Factors of Bilingual Teaching Effects in Uni
20、versitiesA Case Study of South Central University for Nationalities摘 要2001 年,国家教育部颁发 20014号文件,指出加大非英语专业开设双语课程的比率。双语教学实践在高等院校快速发展起来。为达到本科教学的国际标准,中南民族大学开设双语课程,学校对一些专业开设 2 门以上的双语课程。然而,一些学校盲目的采用国外的教学模式,他们没有考虑到自身情况以至于双语教学的效果不太理想。 是否有必要开展双语教学?从此研究我们将会得知以上情况。双语教学效果包含以下几方面:语言目标,学术目标,认知目标和其他目标。在此主要研究语言和学术目标。
23、;评价;影响因素;策略iv中南民族大学硕士学位论文ContentsAcknowledgments .iAbstract.ii摘 要.ivChapter One Introduction. 11.1 Background of the Study. 11.2 Purposes and Significance of the Study 21.3 Framework of the Study 3Chapter Two Literature Review . 42.1 Previous Studies on Bilingual Teaching . 42.1.1 Definitions. 42.1.
24、2 Studies of Bilingual Teaching Abroad 52.1.3 Studies of Bilingual Teaching at Home 72.2 Previous Studies on Bilingual Teaching Evaluation . 92.2.1 Definitions of Evaluation 92.2.2 Studies of Bilingual Teaching Evaluation Abroad 102.2.3 Studies of Bilingual Teaching Evaluation at Home 11Chapter Thre
25、e Theoretical Basis 133.1 The Goals of Bilingual Teaching 133.2 Bilingual Teaching Evaluation 143.2.1 Indexes of Evaluation . 143.2.2 Types of Bilingual Teaching Evaluation . 153.3 Krashens second language Acquisition Theory . 163.3.1 Input Hypothesis . 163.3.2 The Affective Filter Hypothesis 17Chap
26、ter Four Research Methodology 194.1 Research Questions . 194.2 Subjects . 194.2.1 Students . 19vThe Study on the Influencing Factors of Bilingual Teaching Effects in UniversitiesA Case Study of South Central University for Nationalities4.2.2 Teachers 204.3 Instruments 204.3.1 Questionnaires. 214.3.2
27、 Classroom Observation . 224.3.3 Interview . 224.4 Data Collection . 234.5 Reliability and validity 23Chapter Five Results 255.1 Evaluation of Bilingual Teaching Effects . 255.1.1 Evaluation of Teaching Effects in Students Specialized Courses 255.1.2 Evaluation of Teaching Effects in Students Englis
28、h competence 315.2 Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Bilingual Teaching Effects 345.2.1 Analysis of Bilingual Teachers . 355.2.2 Analysis of Bilingual Teaching Methods 395.2.3 Analysis of Teaching Models of Bilingual Teaching 405.2.4 Analysis of Class Hours of Bilingual Teaching 425.3 Summary .
29、 43Chapter Six Discussion 456.1 Problems Existing in Bilingual Teaching 456.1.1 Unscientific Curriculum 456.1.2 Inappropriate English Competence of Students 466.1.3 Improper Textbooks 486.1.4 Unbalanced Evaluation . 496.2 Suggestions for the Bilingual Teaching Effects 506.2.1 To Strengthen the Const
30、ruction of Teaching Staff 516.2.2 To Optimize Teaching Methods 526.2.3 To Choose more Appropriate Textbooks. 536.2.4 To Adopt Sound Bilingual Teaching Evaluation System 54vi中南民族大学硕士学位论文Chapter Seven Conclusion 567.1 Major Findings 567.2 Implications. 577.3 Limitations and Suggestions in Future Resea
31、rch 57References . 59Appendix I 高校双语教学的问卷调查 . 62Appendix II 高校双语教学问卷调查 64Appendix III 访谈问题 66攻读硕士期间的科研成果 . 67vii中南民族大学硕士学位论文Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the StudyWith the unavoidable trend of economic globalization and English globalization,there are more and more chances for China to c
32、ommunicate and cooperate withforeign countries. China faces a more competitive international environment. It needsto exchange material and non-material products with the world for the furtherdevelopment. Under this circumstance, there is an urgent demand for a large numberof compound talents who not
33、 only grasp the academic knowledge, but also have theEnglish competence. Therefore, the emergence of bilingual teaching meets the needsof the social development with the purpose of offering a better English learningenvironment, enhancing the academic development and English proficiency of thestudent
34、s.The Ministry of Education issued a document with the name of “Opinions aboutReinforcement of Teaching for Bachelor Degree Teaching in High Education andImprovements of Teaching Quality” in 2001, which demands the universities toarrange some bilingual courses in the syllabus. Bilingual teaching can
35、 be implementedto high-tech fields such as Information Technology, Finance and Economics. It aimsto improve both the quality and quantity of bilingual teaching courses. Besides, TheMinistry of Education comes up with the perception of “encourage the college toadopt bilingual teaching, employ the for
36、eign scholars and experts to undertake thebilingual teaching works in specialized courses, inspire the returned overseas Chinesetalents to teach the specialized courses in English, improve specialized Englishcapabilities of the college students” in 2001. Since then bilingual teaching programshave mu
37、shroomed in kinds of universities and colleges.The universities cultivate the high-level, high quality compound talents aimingto provide adequate intellectual and human resources for the country. TheSouth-Central University for Nationalities (SCUN) sets up bilingual teaching courses1The Study on the
38、 Influencing Factors of Bilingual Teaching Effects in UniversitiesA Case Study of South Central University for Nationalitiesfor bilingual students who attend two or three classes per week. SCUN hopes toexpand their specialist knowledge and improve their English competence , so it canfoster a number
39、of compound talents for the country.Bilingual education which is regarded as one of the effective teaching methodsused to enhance students two languages, even three or more languages. TheInternational Encyclopedia of Education (1985) defines bilingual education as aneducational method that two langu
40、ages are at least used during the process of teaching.Scholars all over the world define bilingual education in different ways. JackC.Richards (1992) claims that bilingual education is the use of a second or foreignlanguage in school for the teaching of content subjects. In the present study, biling
41、ualteaching mainly refers to the use of English as the only or major instruction languageto teach non-language subjects in colleges of China.In recent years the research on bilingual education is booming. There are manybilingual education theories such as the Bilingual Teaching Models, The Threshold
42、sTheory and so on. Many scholars focus on the bilingual teaching models, theimplementation situation of bilingual teaching as well as the language competence ofboth teachers and students in diverse universities. However, there are some limitationsand problems within these studies. Bilingual teaching
43、 is a controversial topic in China.Many scholars and teachers support the policy while others hold different opinions.Some people think that it wastes money and time, so they are against it. The study ofinfluencing factors of bilingual teaching effects in SCUN is still blank, therefore, theauthor ma
44、kes an attempt to study the influencing factors of bilingual teaching effects.1.2 Purposes and Significance of the StudyBy studying the case of bilingual teaching in SCUN, the author aims to find outthe influencing factors of bilingual teaching effects in SCUN. The results mightprovide implications
45、for teachers and policy makers in SCUN.From the theoretical perspective, this study will combine the bilingual teachingand evaluation theory, which is beneficial for people who are interested in bilingualteaching and course assessment. This might provide implication and guidance for2中南民族大学硕士学位论文futu
46、re researchers.From the practical perspective, the main purpose is to promote the developmentof bilingual teaching and enhance the quality of bilingual teaching in SCUN. Theinvestigation of the Economy and Management Department is mainly to find out theinfluencing factors of teaching effects in SCUN
47、. With both the positive effects andexisting problems to be found, suggestions will be given which will surely beconducive to the implementation of bilingual teaching in SCUN. This study willprovide some valuable information for practitioners.1.3 Framework of the StudyThe thesis contains seven chapt
48、ers. Chapter one is the introduction of study.Chapter two states Literature Review. Chapter three is the theoretical basis includingbilingual teaching evaluation, Klashens second language acquisition theory. Chapterfour is the research methodology, containing research questions, subjects, instrument
49、sand data collection. Chapter Five presents the results and analysis of the data. It willcover students attitudes toward the teaching methods, teacher models, teachers,textbooks and class hours. And Chapter six is the discussion and implication includingthe problems existing in bilingual teaching effects and suggestions to bilingualteaching. The last chapter is the conclusion.3The Study on the Influencing Factors of Bilingual Teaching Effects in UniversitiesA Case Study of South Central University for NationalitiesChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Previous S