1、同异频切换的参数配置A1 事件:事件进入条件:Ms - Hys Thresh停止异频测量门限:Threshold th2a for RSRP(Threshold2a)A1 迟滞:Related hysteresis of threshold th2a for RSRP (hys threshold2a)服务小区的 RSRP- hys threshold2a Threshold2a,且保持时间超过a1TimeToTriggerDeactInterMeas 的设置时间,则停止异频测量。A2 事件:启动同频测量门限 threshold1 事件进入条件:Ms + Hys Ms + Ofs + Ocs
2、+ Off 事件离开条件:Mn + Ofn + Ocn + Hys 服务小区的 RSRP+ a3Offset ,由于 hysA3Offset 配置为 0,故 A3 事件的示意图如下图所示:异频 A3 事件异频 A3 偏置 A3 offset RSRP inter frequencya3OffsetRsrpInterFreq 异频 A3 报告时长:A3 report interval RSRP inter frequency异频 A3 触发时延:A3 time to trigger RSRP inter frequency异频 A3 迟滞:Related hysteresis offset a3
3、offset RSRP inter frequencyhysA3OffsetRsrpInterFreq 异频 A3 事件满足:邻小区的 RSRPhysA3OffsetRsrpInterFreq 服务小区的 RSRP+ a3OffsetRsrpInterFreqA5 事件:事件进入条件:Ms + Hys Threah2诺西无 Ofn/Ocn 参数同频 A5 事件:Thresh1:Threshold th3 for RSRP(threshold3 )Thresh2 :Threshold th3a for RSRPthreshold3a A5 报告时长 A5 report intervalA5 触发
4、时延 A5 time to triggerA5 迟滞 Related hysteresis th3 and th3a for RSRP同频 A5 事件满足:当服务小区的RSRP+hysThreshold3threshold3a由于现网中的迟滞配置为 0,故只要服务小区低于 threshold3,邻区高于threshold3a,并达到触发的时间,就会发生切换,其示意图如图所示:异频 A5 事件:Thresh1:Threshold th3 for RSRP inter frequency(threshold3InterFreq )Thresh2 :Threshold th3a for RSRP i
5、nter frequency(threshold3aInterFreq )A5 报告时长 A5 report interval inter frequencyA5 触发时延 A5 time to trigger inter frequencyA5 迟滞 Related hysteresis of thresholds th3 and th3a for RSRP (hysThreshold3InterFreq )异频 A5 事件满足:当前服务小区的 RSRP+hysThreshold3interFreq threshold3aInterFreq A4 事件:事件进入条件:Mn + Ofn + Ocn - Hys Thresh 通过 A5 事件来实现,将 A5 事件中的 Thresh1 配置一个很高的值,使 Ms + Hys Thresh2,即可实现 A4