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1、经贸报刊选读 翻译Unit 11.With the world economy on a solid footing and oil prices easing from their 2006 peak, Chinas export and import trends will likely continue, and the trade surplus could leap from last years $ 177.5 billion to $250 billion in 2007.随着世界经济趋势平稳和油价自 2006 年的高峰回落,中国这种进出口的趋势将会继续,贸易顺差也可能在 200

2、7 年由上年的 1775 亿激增到 2500 亿。on a solid footing 基础牢固,站稳脚跟; leap 大幅快速增长2. In fact, Chinas annual export growth, measured in dollar terms, has moderated from a peak of 35-40 percent in 2003-2004 to less than 30 percent in 2005-2006, with volume growth down to 20-25 percent, although this is still roughly

3、double world trade growth. 尽管以美元计算德中国年出口增长率大约仍是世界贸易增长的两倍,事实上它已经从2003-2004 年高峰时的 35%40% 降到了 2005-2006 年的 30%以下,贸易额增长率也降到了 20%25%。3. Trade with key Middle Eastern partners, such as the United Arab Emirates, has soared, mostly at the expense of traditional European and Asian suppliers.同诸如阿联酋等中东主要贸易伙伴的贸

4、易大幅增加,但是大多以牺牲传统的亚欧供应商为代价。4. Another reason for the continued rise in Chinas exports is the extra capacity recently built in export industries, which is in part a result of the massive surge in investment since Chinas World Trade Organization entry in 2001.中国出口持续增长的另外一个重要原因是最近出口行业能力的提升,这部分得益于中国2001 年

5、加入世贸组织后的投资的大幅增长。5. Although destocking probably contributed to the sharp drop in import growth at the start of 2005, the most important explanation for the continued weakness in imports through 2005 and 2006 is import substitution in a broad range of products, including in machinery and equipment.尽管

6、 2005 年年初的储量缩减可能使进口增长大幅下跌,但 2005-2006 年间进口持续低迷最重要的原因是包括机械设备在内的很多产品有了进口替代品。destocking 减少库存,减少储量6. Despite high GDP and investment g growth over the last two years, imports have clearly lagged, most notably in the investment and intermediate goods categories.尽管两年来 GDP 和投资高速增长,但进口却明显滞后,特别是在投资和半成品领域。7.

7、With up to 50 percent of imports possibly linked to investment demand, the slower investment growth reported in late 2006 may have caused at least part of dip in import growth during the same period.由于高达 50%的进口可能跟投资需求相关, 2006 年末公布的投资增长减缓可能部分地导致了同期进口增长率的降低。8. If falling imports in the machinery and e

8、quipment sector is one of the most important factors behind weak import growth, then major machinery exports, such as Japan and Germany, should have experienced a corresponding slowing down in export growth.如果机械设备进口减少是中国进口增长疲软的最主要因素,那么日、德等主要机械出口国的出口增长率则应该是相应地降低了。9. This deficit would have deteriorat

9、ed sharply, if there have been less import substitution and if investment demand for imported equipment had remained steady.如果进口替代产品很少,同时对进口设备的投资需求保持稳定,中国的贸易逆差应会大幅增加。10. In sum, Chinas remarkable ability to rapidly raise sufficient capacity to competitively meet its demand and that of its trading pa

10、rtners has contributed to a ballooning trade surplus.总的来说,中国迅速提高生产能力满足自身和贸易伙伴需求的非凡能力使其贸易顺差得以飞速增长。11. Some investment has undoubtedly been wasteful and inefficient, but there has been enough efficient investment to enable output to grow rapidly, avoid capacity shortages and traditional overheating pr

11、oblems, such as inflation.一些投资无疑是没有价值和没有效率的,但仍有足够的有效投资会推动产量快速提高,以避免产能不足和诸如通货膨胀等传统的过热问题。12. If foreign governments want China to raise its imports significantly, they may have to consider Chinas demands for access to a broader range of high-tech imports, some of which are currently restricted for mil

12、itary and strategic reasons.如果外国政府想使中国进口大幅增长,他们必须考虑中国对更多高科技进口产品的需求,目前一些产品因军事和战略原因在向中国出口时受到限制。13. This option may not appeal to the public and politicians in the United States and European Union, who will not embrace the export of dual-use equipment and technology to China unless they can be certain

13、that it is in their military and strategic interests to do so.这种选择对欧盟及美国的公众和政客可能没有多少吸引力,除非确定向中国出售军民两用的设备和技术以符合他们的军事和战略利益,否则他们不会这样做。14. Although the encouragement of private capital outflows may merely swap one form of stabilizer for the balance of payments with another, it shifts the limelight away

14、from the politics of exchange rates and forex reserves and the problem of central bank management of those reserves.尽管鼓励私人资本流出仅仅是一种稳定贸易支付差额方式的转换,但它却把焦点从汇率和外汇储备政治化及央行处理外汇储备等问题上转移开来。15. and although China did not participate in the recent bidding wars in the steel industry, it could delve into similar

15、 areas in the future, especially in cases where involvement in, and acquisition of, foreign operations could contribute to the global reach and technical capacities of Chinese industry.尽管中国没有参与最近钢铁行业的竞标,但将来可能会涉足类似领域,特别是在这种对外国经营的参与和收购有助于提高中国工业的全球拓展和技术生产能力的情况下更是如此。1. Modern examples include diamond cu

16、tters in Antwerp, knife makers in Sheffield, sock makers in Yiwu, and the cinematic entertainers in Mumbai.当今的例子包括安特卫普的钻石切割、设菲尔德的刀具制造、义乌的袜子生产及孟买的电影制作等。2. They do this to enjoy the benefits of having a vibrant cluster sooner than the market might produce and form a belief, which might on occasion be

17、warranted, of establishing a vibrant cluster before some other nation does, this is, to gain a first-mover advantage.他们这样做是为了更早地享有一个有活力的聚集区域所带来的收益,而市场自发行为产生类似的结果会有些迟,同时这样做还基于一种理念,即赶在别国之前建立一个有活力的园区以抢占先机。3. However, has government done little more than cause firms that would form anyway to locate in a

18、 favored place instead of somewhere else in the country without substantial spillover benefits arising?但是,难道政府仅仅是让各种形式的公司建在有特惠待遇的区域而非其他地方,然而却又不能产生大量附加收益?4. Its most famous firm was the pioneering chip foundry, TSMC, which was a spin-out from an ITRC lab.它最著名的公司是芯片制造先驱 TSMC,该公司是利用 ITRC 实验室的资源技术成立的。sp

19、in-out 衍生公司5. Government can still be a problem; for example, the government of Karnataka state, whose capital is Bangalore, seems to be driving its software industry away through inadequate investment in infrastructure.政府仍然是个问题,譬如以班加罗尔为首都的卡纳塔克政府就似乎因为对基础设施的投资不足而使繁荣的软件工业逐渐萎缩。6. As is customary in Chi

20、na, the government has approached the cluster phenomenon from the top-down.对于聚集园区,政府通常从总体到细节上做出规划,这在中国已成为惯例。7. In both places good research was undertaken but neither has formed strong industry clusters due to national policies and customs favoring established firms over the newly created ones.这两个地方

21、的研究开展得不错,但是没有形成很强的产业带,原因是国家政策和海关更多地支持大企业而非成立新公司。8. The sparser the set of such links the less vibrant the cluster is likely to be.这些联系越松散,产业带就越有可能缺乏活力。9. If the American experience is relevant for Asia, having good research universities is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for forming world

22、-class clusters.如果美国的经验对亚洲有所借鉴,那么拥有优秀的研究型大学对形成世界一流的产业群来说则是一个非充分条件。10. Thus it is not surprising that the most developed Asian VC industry is in Chinas Taiwan with mainland and India coming along well, and Japan and Korea lagging.这就不足为怪为什么亚洲最发达的风险投资产业首先是在台湾,其次是在中国大陆和印度,最后才是日本和韩国。Unit 41. For him this

23、 is a triumphant visit to China, a victory lap of sorts, on which Ive been invited to tag along.这次中国之行,我全程陪同,对他来说,这次行程是成功的。2. The company even commissioned a McKinsey study for Chinese officials in 2001 that, among other things, recommended improving the protection of intellectual property.2001 年,公司

24、甚至还为中国官员委托安排一项麦肯锡研究,并建议加强知识产权保护。3. As a result, in 2003 the company offered China and 59 other countries the right to look at fundamental source code for its Windows operating system and to substitute certain portions with their own software-something Microsoft had never allowed in the past.因此,2003

25、年公司向中国和其他 59 个国家公开了 Windows 操作系统的源代码,允许他们用自己的软件替换某些部分,这在过去微软是从不允许的。4. Chen was a superstar, but when he was hired, articles in the Chinese press asked if he, too, would fall victim to the Microsoft “curse”.陈是个超级明星,但当他上任的时候,中国媒体有文章质疑他是否同样会沦为微软“诅咒”的牺牲品。5. There was synergy, which we formalized, betwee

26、n the need of the Chinese economy to have local software capability and our need for an ecosystem of companies around us using our technology.中国经济需要提高国产软件能力,而我们则需要一个使用微软技术和平台的企业生态系统,在这两者之间,我们形成了一种配合和默契。6. Lenovo, the market leader, has been shipping as few as 10% of its PCs that way, and even US PC

27、makers in China were selling many machines “naked”.过去市场的领导者联想集团,仅仅给 10%的个人电脑安装正版软件,甚至一些美国个人电脑商销售的也只是“裸机”,即没有安装正版软件。7. One of the things I wanted to ask him was how he squares the companys “alignment” in China with its leaders suppression of free speech on the Internet.我想问他的一个问题是在中国他将如何调整来应对中国领导层对网络自

28、由言论的压制。8. People have to sit there and make their own value judgments against what they deem to be the greater good all the time.人们要坐下来,针对他们认为的较大利益,始终做出自己的价值判断。9. But in the grand scheme of things, theyre what people think is required to keep stability.但在各种重要事情的安排中,这些就是人们所要求的保持稳定。10. I dont know any

29、 company in the IT industry where things have worked out as well as they have for Microsoft.在 IT 行业里,据我所知,没有公司能像微软那样顺利地开展业务。Unit 51. Declining growth, increasing competition, and not an easy fix in sight.增长减速,竞争加剧, ,面临一个不容易解脱的困境。2. The bright-hued stretch Ts carry Wal-Marts own George label and are

30、of quality and stylishness not commonly associated with Americas uber-discounter.这些颜色鲜艳的 T 恤衫印有沃尔玛自己的乔治标签,其质量和风格同美国的大型廉价超市联系不起来。hue 有某种色调 stretch 可伸缩的3. Wal-Mart failed to order enough of these China-made T-shirts last year, and so they and other George-brand basics will remain in short supply in mo

31、st of its 3,443 US stores until 2007s second half, depriving the retailer of tens of millions of dollars a week it sorely needs.由于去年没有订购足够的中国产的 T 恤,因此 2007 年下半年,在沃尔玛全美 3443 家的多数店里,T 恤及其他乔治牌日常用品将供应不足,这会导致零售商每周损失急需的几千万。4. For nearly five decades, Wal-Marts signature “everyday low prices” and their ena

32、bler-low costs-defined not only its business model but also the distinctive personality of this proud, insular company that emerged from the Ozarks backwoods to dominate retailing.近 50 年来,沃尔玛“天天低价”的标志和低成本推动所代表的不仅仅是其商业模式,同时还有这个骄傲并且与众不同的公司的鲜明个性,它源于偏僻的山野乡村,进而控制零售业。5. In 2006 its US division eked out a

33、1.9% gain in same-store sales-its worst performance ever-and this year has begun no better.2006 年其美国店面的同店销售额增长率仅为 1.9%,达到历史最低,而今年年初情况仍没有好转。eke out 勉强维持,辛苦经营6. We may be in the seven inning of a nine-inning game.我们可能已经处于游戏的结束阶段。7. One can argue that the deceleration of Wal-Marts organic growth is a f

34、unction of the aging of its outlets, given that same-store sales rates as stores mature.如果同店销售增长率锁着店面经营时间的延长而减缓,人们可能会认为沃尔玛内生增长率的下降是其销售网络老化的表现。8. Even many analysts with a buy on Wal-Mart want it to follow the lead of McDonalds Corp. (MCD) and cut way back on new-store building to concentrate instead

35、 on extracting more value from existing stores, which vary wildly in their performance.即使很多推荐买入沃尔玛的分析师也想让它学习麦当劳公司,减少新开店的数量,把重点放在如何从现有店面中获取更多的收益,这些店面的经营情况彼此差别大。9. The polite, self-deprecating Scott is no Robert L. Nardelli, whose ouster as Home Depot Inc.s (HD) chief had as much to do with his abrasi

36、ve personality as the chains business problems.礼貌、低调的斯科特不是罗伯特 L 纳德里,纳德里被家得宝公司接触首席执政官的职位,除了公司的商业问题以外,这还和他难以与人相处的个性有关。self-deprecating ,selfdeprikeiti adj. 自贬的;谦虚的(等于 self-deprecatory)ouster: 驱逐; abrasive breisiv 伤人感情的10. Over the past decade, dozens of lawsuits were brought by employees claiming to b

37、e overworked and underpaid, including the mother of all sex discrimination class actions.在过去的 10 年里,公司雇员以工作过度和报酬过低为由提起了几十起诉讼,包括性别歧视的集体诉讼。11. What began as an attempt by Wal-Mart Threat Research and Assessment Group to detect theft and pro-union sympathies among store workers grew into surveillance o

38、f certain outside critics, consultants, stockholders, and even Wal-Marts board.沃尔玛威胁研究和评价部门一开始用来监测盗窃及雇员中支持工会的措施,逐渐变成了某些外部批评者、顾问、股东甚至董事会的监督手段。12. According to a recent survey conducted by Wal-Mart itself , though, 14% of Americans living within range of one of its stores-which takes in 90% of the pop

39、ulation-are so skeptical of the company as to qualify as “conscientious objectors”.但是沃尔玛最近的一次调查显示,在其分店辐射范围的居民中 14% 的美国人对公司表示怀疑而成为“有良心的反对者” ,而沃尔玛零售店的辐射范围占到了美国总人口的90%。conscientious objectors 基于道德或宗教信仰原因不肯服兵役者13. Forced by the isolation of the Ozarks to do for itself what most retailers relied on other

40、s to do for them, Wal-Mart built a cutting-edge distribution system capable of moving goods from factory loading dock to store cash register faster and cheaper by far than any competitor.因为当初奥沙克与外界联系较少,沃尔玛必须自己做许多其他零售商可以让别人去做的事情,这促使沃尔玛建立了一套很有竞争力的分销体系,能够以比竞争对手更快、价格更低的方式把商品从工厂手中转换成现金。14. Youd see these

41、 big storage containers behind stores, but what was more amazing was that (local) managers were going outside Wal-Mart distribution network to subcontract their own warehouse space.你会看到店面巨大的仓储仓库,但令人诧异的是分店经理们却在沃尔玛销售网络之外转包他们自己的仓储空间。15. Unionized supermarkets even managed to chip away at Wal-Marts nonu

42、nion-labor cost advantage, signaling their resolve by taking a long strike in Southern California in 2003-2004.有工会组织的超市甚至成功地抵消了沃尔玛没有工会所带来的成本优势,2003-2004年间加州南部的长时间罢工表明了他们的决心。16. This was done by capping wages for most hourly positions, converting full-time jobs to part-tome jobs, and installing a sop

43、histicated scheduling system too adjust staffing levels to fluctuations in customer traffic.这是通过给大多数计时工作报酬设置上限,把全职工作改为兼职及采用一套完善的根据顾客流量不同而调整雇员数量的调度体系来实现的。17. Although Wal-Mart no doubt has sponsored its last glitzy runway show, Fleming insists that the company is sticking with its underlying strategy

44、 of “customer relevance”-that is, of moving beyond a monolithic focus on price to try to boost sales by targeting particular customers in new ways.毫无疑问,沃尔玛成地功组织了上一次炫目的时尚秀,但弗莱明还是认为公司应该坚持其“顾客相关性”的基本战略,也就是不仅仅靠价格,而是靠通过新的方式定位特殊顾客群来提高销量。monolithic ,mnuliik 整体的;巨大的18. While the look of its stores is primar

45、ily a function of how much Wal-Mart chooses to spend on them, the retailer is unlikely ever to come up with an ambience conducive to separating the affluent from their money without changing its whole approach to labor.尽管店面外观是沃尔玛装修投入的主要标志,但如果不改变其用工方式,零售商还是不能创造出一种氛围使富人轻易地把钱掏出来。conducive kndju:siv 有助于 ambience mbins 气氛 affluent flunt 富人19. The odds are that Scott, or his successor, will have to choose between continuing to disappoint Wall Street or milking the US operation for profits better reinvested overseas.斯科特或者他的继任者必须做出两难选择:要么继续让华尔街失望,要么从美国本土经营中获利,而将从美国本土经营中获取的利润用于海外再投资将是更好的选择。


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