1、请根据下列内容写一篇 100 词左右的海报。全球变暖问题越来越引起人们的关注,它所产生的严重后果也逐渐为人所知。为此,你校学生会特意 邀请了环保专家来校举办讲座,专门就全球变暖问题产生的原因、后果,以及中学生如何应对全球变暖问题等将进行论述,并在演讲结束后回答 同学们的提问。时间:星期五 8:00 am 11: 00 am.地点:大厅参考范文POSTERA Lecture on Global WarmingOrganized by the StudentsUnion of our school, a lecture on gl obal war ming will be given in th
2、e hall on Friday, from 8:00 am. to 11:00 am . An expert working for the environment will give a lecture on the causes a nd the harmful effects of glo bal warming. Besides, he will tell us what we can do with the probl em. At the end of the speech, we can ask him some question s about global warming.来源:All a re welcome!St udentsUnionThursday来源: 数理化网