1、 2012 2012 currency1“fi fl fl ” currency12012 3 6 ? fi fi 6六 孟 拉 Interview- What is your full name?- Do you live in an apartment or ahouse?- What is your favorite room?- What is your favorite meal(breakfast, lunch or dinner)? Why?- How important is breakfast?-What is better, a small or a big meal? W
2、hy?Cue CardTalk about a famous person you are interested in. Please say:- Describe this person.- How did you come to know abouthim/her?- Why did he/she become famous?- What have youlearned from him/her?Discussion- What do you know about celebrities?- Do you thinkcelebrities are different in differen
3、t countries?- Were theydifferent in the past?- What does motivate people to becomewell-known?- Do you think technology can help peopleinterested in it, to become well known?2011 11 19日 个 fl 回忆 Interview- What is your full name?- Do you live in an apartment or ahouse?- How is a house different from a
4、n apartment?- Whats your favorite color?- Why is it your favorite?Cue CardTalk about a leader that you admire (eg. In politics, businessor sports). Please say:- Who this person is.- How you came to know abouthim/her?- Why this person has done?- whether you think he/sheis a successful leader and why?
5、Discussion- What qualities must a person have to become a goodleader?- How does the society make leaders?2010 8 哈萨克斯坦 fl 回忆 Interview- What is your full name?- What is your job?- Do you likeflowers?- What kind of flowers do you like?- On what occasionsdo people give flowers as a gift in your country
6、?Cue cardTalk about a public event you attended, you should say:-What was the public event and when was it?- With whom didyou go to the event?- Why was this public event so important?Discussion- Is the population of your country growing?- What are thetendencies of the population growth/spread in you
7、r country?-How is the population growth affecting the environment?- Whatkind of measures should the government take in this regard? 策略 3个 ” 里要提醒 家 三个 侧重各相同 fl要 别 待之fi第 Introduction and Interview耗时3-5 钟 官 simple, easy, familiar questions/topics 判 fl 于熟悉简单 能够讨论自如fi 6 水岭 如果 表 好 则 fl很难 6 数了 因为6 个重要标 于熟悉
8、 表 很好fi据 完全可得出 个 论 第 数 fl最为重要fi且 为固 基本 个信息(name, work/study, home/hometown)+爱好(movie, music, flower,book, pet, dance, walk) 甚至很可提前很材料背熟fi 智课 编提醒 家 应该把 80% 时间和精力放 第 fi第二 Personal Long Talk著名 卡片 fl 卡片 自行回 1-2 钟( 般要 够2 钟)fi卡片回 好坏可决 fl能 得7 左右 数 因为7 个重要标志之 能够talk at length.传统 fl花费 时间 其实 必要 因为如果第回 好 而第二 再
9、好 官觉得第二 背诵嫌疑fi而且 如果第 得 其 很材料和技巧可运用 第二 (其实任何 个第二 卡片 4个第 合 而 )fi第三 Two-way discussion最难 因为抽 晦涩 ” 官要借判 fl 具 水 (7 ) 判 fl能 于 熟悉 行 讨论 fi” 于 数 fl 本 具7 实力 表 fi智课 编提醒 家 于第三 two-way discussion fl如果 于 任何 可要 官 提 What do you think aboutit?Whats your opinion on thistopic? 而 官 般 出回应fi三 要 据 fl自 实力和标合 同时 要运用 技巧 因为 材料和 能 自 时 能 用出 用 官可fi 技巧很重要fi之 三 要 fl 行currency1 时 “ currency1 要fi自 技巧 可能 fl 可能出 fi