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1、、基础词汇1 (变压器的)电压组合Voltage combination (of a transformer)2 额定电压 Rated voltage 3 额定电流 Rated current4 额定容量 Rated power5 额定电压比 Rated voltage ratio6 空载电流(激磁电流) No-load current(exciting current)7 空载损耗 No-load loss8 负载损耗 Load loss9 附加损耗 Additional losses10 杂散损耗 Stray losses11 阻抗电压 Impedance voltage12 电阻电压 R

2、esistance voltage13 电抗电压 Reactance voltage14 电压调整率 Voltage regulation 15 相位差 Phase displacement16 零序阻抗 Zero-sequence impedance频率:工频 Frequency ,power-frequency中频 Medium frequency17高频 High frequency18 震荡频率 Oscillating frequency19 谐振频率 Resonance frequency20 自振频率 Natural frequency of vibration21 频率响应 Fr

3、equency response22 绝缘强度 Dielectric strength ,insulation strength23 主绝缘 Main insulation24 纵绝缘 Longitudinal insulation 25 介电常数 Dielectric constant26 油-纸绝缘系统 Oil-paper insulation system27 绝缘击穿 Insulation breakdown 28 沿面放电(爬电) Creeping discharge29 放电 Discharge 30 局部放电 Partial discharge 31 破坏性放电 Disrupti

4、ve discharge32 局部放电起始电压 Partial discharge inception voltage33 局部放电终止电压 Partial discharge extinction voltage34 过电压 Overvoltage 35 短时过电压 Short time overvoltage36 暂态过电压 Transient overvoltage37 操作过电压 Switching overvoltage38 大气过电压 Atmospheric overvoltage39 额定耐受电压 Rated withstand voltage40 短时工频耐受电压 Short-

5、duration power-frequency withstand voltage41 额定雷电(操作) 冲 Rated lightning (switching)impulse withstand voltage变压器有关名词术语英译词汇表A GLOSSARY FOR ENGLISHTRANSLATION OF TRANSFORMER TERMINOLLGY击耐受电压42 屏蔽 Shielding 43 静电屏蔽 Electrostatic shielding 44 磁屏蔽 Magnetic shielding45 标准大气条件 Standard atmospheric condition

6、 46 视在电荷 Apparent charge47 全波雷电冲击 Full wave lightning impulse48 截波雷电冲击 Chopped wave lightning impulse49 冲击伏秒特性 Voltage time characteristics of impulse50 爬电距离 Creepage distance 51 体积电阻 Volume resistance52 截断时间 Time to chopping53 波前时间,视在波前时间Time to crest, virtual front time 54 半峰值时间 Time to half value

7、 of crest55 峰值 Peak value(crest value)56 有效值 Root-mean-square value57 标么值 Per unit value58 标称值 Nominal value59 导电率 Admittance60 电导 Conductance, conductivity 61 介质损耗率 Dielectric loss62 介损角的正切值 Loss tangent63 电晕放电 Corona discharge64 闪络 Flashover65 内(外)绝缘 External (internal )insulation66 绝缘电阻 Insulatio

8、n resistance 67 绝缘电阻吸收比 Absorption ratio of insulation resistance(R60/R15)68 避雷器 Surge arrestor 69 避雷器的残压 Residual (discharge )voltage of an arrestor70 绝 缘 材 料 耐 温 等 级 Temperature class of insulation (A,B,F, H)71 感应耐压试验 Induced overvoltage withstand test 72 (突发)短路试验Short circuit test73 互感器的负荷 Burden

9、 of an instrument transformer74 额定负荷(互感器)Rated burden (of an instrument transformer)75 标准级次 Accuracy class 76 电流(电压)误差Current (voltage)error 77 相角差(互感器) Phase displacement (instrument transformer)78 复合误差 Composite error79 暂态特性(误差) Transient characteristics(error)80 额定短时热电流 Rated short thermal curren

10、t81 额定连续热电流 Rated continuous thermal current82 额定动稳态电流 Rated dynamic current83 额定仪表保安电流Rated instrument security current 84 二次极限感应电势(保安因数)Secondary limiting e.m.f.(security factor)85 额定标准极限的一次电流 Rated accuracy limit primary current86 误差补偿 Error compensation 87 额定电压因数 Rated voltage factor 88 标准限值因数 A

11、ccuracy limit factor 89 笛卡尔坐标(直角坐标)Cartesian coordinate90 极坐标 Polar coordinate91 横坐标 abscissa (X-axis)92 纵坐标 Ordinate(Y-axis)93 复数,实数部分/虚数部分Complex number(a+jb),real component imaginary component94 正(负)数 Positive(negative)number95 小数 Decimal 96 四舍五入 Round off97 分数,分子/分母 Fraction ,numerator/denominat

12、or98 假分数 Improper fraction99 钝(锐)角 Obtuse(acute)angle100 补角 Supplementary angle101 余角 Complement angle102 平行 Parallel103 垂直 Perpendicular104 乘方 Involution105 开方 Evolution,extraction of root106 n 的 5 次方 Involve n to the fifth power;5th power of n107 幂 Exponent,exponential 108 微分 Differential,differen

13、tiation109 积分 Integrate, integration110 成正比(反比) Proportional (inversely proportional) to.111 概率 Probability112 归纳法 Inductive method113 外推 Extrapolation (method)114 插入法 Interpolation (method)115 最大似然法 Maximum likelihood (method)116 图解法 Graphic method117 有限元法 Finite element method118 模拟法 Simulation me

14、thod119 方波响应 Step respone120 迭加电荷 Superimposed charge121 电位梯度 Potential gradient122 杂散电容 Stray capacitance123 超声定位 Ultrasonic location (orientation)124 无损探伤 Non-distrucitve flaw detection125 红外线扫描 Infrared scanning126 计算机辅助设计 Computer aided design127 计算机辅助设计及制造Computer aided design and manufactruing

15、 ( CADAM )128 计算机辅助试验 Computer aided tese(CAT)129 最大(最小) Maximun (minimum)130 近似于 Approximate (approx.)131 每分钟转数 Revolution per minute (rpm)132 速度 Speed , velocity133 加速度 Acceleration134 重力加速度(水平加速度)Gravitational acceleration135 地震(地震烈度) Seism, earthquake (earthquake intensity)136 数量(件数) Quantity (p

16、ieces)137 部门 Department (dept.)138 缩写 Abbreviation139 (以下简称为*) (Here-in-after referred as *)140 参见* See * , vide *常用单位(包括缩写) Unis commomly used (including abbriviations)141 米,分米,厘米,毫米Meter,decimeter , centimeter, millimeter142 公里 Kilometer143 英里,海里 Mile, knot144 码,寸 Yard, inch145 磅,磅/平方时 Pound(lb.)

17、pound per square inch (psi)146 尺 Foot147 英制热量单位 British thermal unit (BTU)148 马力 Horsepower149 压强 Intensity of pressure150 帕施卡,千帕,兆帕 Pascal (Pa), kpa, mpa151 托 Torr ( = 1mmhg)152 粘度,帕斯卡秒 Viscosity , Pascalsecond153 泊,厘泊 Poise , centipois, 1P = 1 dynesec/cm2154 焦耳 Joule155 千瓦时 Kilowatt-hour156 特斯拉 Te

18、sla(T)157 高斯 Gauss158 奥斯特 Oersted(0e)159 库仑,微库仑 Coulomb,pico-coulomb160 牛顿,达因 Newton,dyne161 摄氏度,开尔文 Celsius(centigrade),kelvin162 法拉,皮可法拉 Farad,pico-farad163 升,立方分米,立方厘米Liter,cubic decimeter,cubic centimeter164 加仑 Gallon 165 桶(石油) Barrel (petroleum) 1barrel=163.65liter166 标准国际单位制 Standard internati

19、onal unit167 厘米-克 -秒单位制 CGS unit168 磁通密度 Flux density169 电流密度 Current density170 安匝数 Number of ampere turns171 轴向(径向)漏磁通 Axial (radial )leakage flux172 热点(最热点) Hot(hotest) spot173 局部过热 Local overheat174 涡流损耗 Eddy current loss175 磁滞损耗 Hysteresis loss二、产品结构(产品类型及主要组件、零件)Construction of product(Types a

20、nd mian component parts)(1)典型产品图解 Graphic expressions of typical product1 变压器铁心 Transformer core(magnetic circuit)2 变压器线圈 Transformer winding3 线圈端部绝缘 End insulation of winding 4 上部夹件 Upper clamping5 下部夹件 Lower clamping6 分接引线 Tapping leads7 引线支架 Supporting frame for leads8 高压套管均压球 Equipotential shiel

21、ding for HV bushing9 高压引线 High-voltage leads10 低压引线 Low-voltage leads11 线圈压紧螺栓 Winding compressing bolt12 器身定位装置 Positioning divice for active-part13 垫脚 Foot-pad14 小车支架及滚轮 Bogie frame and wheel15 油箱 Tank16 箱底 Tank bottom17 箱盖及箱沿 Tank cover and tank rim18 垫脚垫块 Suppoting block for foot-pad19 联管接头(法兰)

22、Tube connetor (connecting flange)20 油箱直立加强铁 Vertical stiffening channel of tank wall21 油样活门 Oil asmping valve22 放油活门 Oil draining valve23 管式散热器 Tubular radiator24 放油塞 Oil draining plug25 放气塞 Air exhausting plug26 风扇支架 Supporting frame for fan motors27 风扇及电机 Fan and motor28 风扇接线盒 Connecting box for f

23、an motors29 储油柜联管 Elbow joint for conservator30 气体继电器 Gas relay31 储油柜 Conservator32 油位指示计 Oil-level indicator33 有载开关用储油柜 Conservator for OLTC 34 有载开关用气体继电器Gas relay for OLTC35 联管 Tube connector 36 名牌 Rating plate37 温度计 Thermometer38 指示仪表柜 Cabinet panel for indicating instruments39 风扇控制柜 Cabinet pane

24、l for fan motor control40 压力释放阀 Pressure-relief valve 41 主排气导管(导气管) Main gas-conduit42 分支导气管 Branching gas-filter43 滤油接口(蝶阀) Tube connector for oil-filter(butterfly valve)44 温度计座 Thermometer socket45 储油柜支架 Supporting frame for conservator46 高压 0 相套管 HV bushing phase 0(neutral)47 高压套管 HV bushing 48 低

25、压套管 LV bushing19 有载分接开关 On-load tap-changer(OLTC)50 有载开关操动机构 Operating mechanism of OLTC51 垂直传动轴 Vertical driving shaft52 水平传动轴 Horizontal driving shaft53 伞齿轮盒 Bevel gear box54 防雨罩及联轴节 Drip-proof cap and coupling55 联轴节 Coupling56 高压套管储油柜 Conservator for HV bushing57 相间隔板 Interphase insulating barrie

26、r58 吊拌 Lifting lug59 安装轨道 Installation rail60 相序标志牌 Designation mark of phase sequence61 接地螺栓 Earthing bolt(2)各类产品名称及类型1 电力变压器 Power transformer2 有载调压电力变压器Power transformer with OLTC(off-circuit tap-changer)3 配电变压器 Distribution transformer 4 自耦变压器 Autotransformer5 联络变压器 Interconnecting transformer6

27、升压变压器(降压) Step-up(step-down) transformer7 发电机变压器 Generator transformer8 电站用变压器 Substation transformer9 变流变压器(换流变压器)Converter transformer10 分裂变压器 Transformer with split winding 11 厂用变压器 Power plant transformer 12 单相变压器 Single-phase transformer13 三相变压器 Three-phase transformer14 油浸式变压器 Oil-immersed tra

28、nsformer15 浸难燃油变压器Noninflammable medium impregnated transformer16 干式变压器 Dry type transformer17 塑料浇注变压器 Cast resin(resin molded)transformer18 H 级绝缘变压器 Transformer with H class insulation19 气体绝缘变压器 Gas insulated transformer20 单相变压器组成的三相组合Three-phase banks with separate single-phase transformers21 电炉变压

29、器 Furnace transformer22 整流变压器 Rectifier transformer23 列车牵引变压器 Traction(locomotive)transformer24 矿用变压器 Mining transformer25 防爆变压器 Flame-proof transformer26 隔离变压器 Isolation transformer27 试验变压器 Testing transformer28 灯丝变压器 Filament transformer29 电焊变压器 Welding transformer30 钎焊变压器 Brazing transformer31 船用

30、变压器 Marine transformer32 起动自耦变压器 Starting autotransformer33 串及式试验变压器 Cascade testing transformer34 三线圈变压器 Three-winding transformer35 增压变压器(串联变压器)Booster(series)transformer36 移动式变压器 Movable substation37 成套变电站 Complete substation38 全自动保护单相变压器Complete self-protected single-phase transformer(CSP)39 电流互

31、感器 Current transformer(CT)40 电压互感器 Voltage transformer(VT)41 母线式电流互感器 Bus type current transformer42 瓷箱式电流互感器 Porcelain type current transformer43 套管式电流互感器 Bushing current transformer44 电容式电流互感器 Capacitor type current transformer45 倒立式电流互感器 Reverse type current transformer46 塑料浇注式互感器 Cast resin curr

32、ent transformer47 电容式电压互感器 Capacitor type voltage transformer48 接地电压互感器 Earthed voltage transformer19 组合式互感器 Combined instrument transformer50 移圈调压器 Moving-coil voltage regulator51 自耦调压器 Auto former regulator52 接触调压器 Variac53 感应调压器 Induction voltage regulator54 磁饱和调压器 Magnetic saturation voltage reg

33、ulator55 电抗器 Reactor56 串联电抗器 Series reactor57 并联电抗器 Shunt reactor58 铁心电抗器 Iron core reactor59 空心电抗器 Air core reactor60 水泥电抗器 Concrete (cement)reactor61 三相接地电抗器 Three-phase neutral reactor62 起动电抗器 Starting reactor63 平波电抗器 Smoothing reactor64 平衡电抗器 Interphase reactor65 消弧电抗器 (线圈) Arc-suppression react

34、or66 阻波器(线圈) Wave trap coil67 镇流器 Ballast68 饱和电抗器 Saturable reactor69 密闭式,包封式 Sealed(enclosed )type70 芯式 Core type 71 壳式 Shell type72 户外(户内)式,柱上式Outdoor (indoor,pole mounting )type73 移动式(列车式) Movable (trailer mounted)type74 自然冷却(吹风冷却) Natural cooling (air blast cooling)75 强油风冷(水冷) Forced oil forced

35、air cooling(water cooling)76 油导向冷却 Directed forced oil circulation cooling77 油导向吹风冷却 Directed forced oil circulation forced air cooling78 恒磁通调压 Constant flux voltage variation(C.F.V.V.)79 变磁通调压 Variable flux volatge variation(V.F.V.V.)80 混合调压 Combined voltage variation(Cb.V.V.)81 油浸自冷 Oil immersed n

36、atural cooling(ONAN)82 油浸风冷 Oil-immersed forced air cooling(ONAF)83 油浸强迫油循环风冷 Oil-immersed forced oil circulation forced air cooling(OFAF)84 油浸强油导向风冷 Oil-immersed forced-directed oil circulation forced air cooling(ODAF)(3)铁心 core1 铁心片 Core lamination2 一叠铁心 A lamination stack 3 铁心叠积图 Lamination drawi

37、ng (diagram)4 45 斜拉缝 45 mitred joint5 铁心油道(气道) Oil-duct(air ventilating duct)of core6 阶梯接缝 Stepped lap joint7 对接铁心 Butt joint core8 卷铁心 Wound core9 渐开线铁心 Evolute core10 空气隙 Air gap11 铁心拉板 Tensile plate of core limb12 铁心柱 Core limb(leg)13 轭(上轭,下轭) Yoke(upper yoke, lower yoke)14 旁轭 Side yoke15 环氧绑扎带 E

38、poxy bonded bandage16 轭拉带 Yoke tendile belt17 上轭顶梁(侧梁) Top jointing beam of upper yoke(side beam)18 上夹件(下夹件) Upper yoke clamping (lower yoke calmping)19 夹件腹板(肢板) Web(limb)of yoke calmping 20 夹件加强铁 Stiffenting plate of calmping 21 压线圈的压钉 Winding compressing bolt22 压钉螺母 Nut for compressing bolt23 弹簧压钉

39、(油缸压钉) Compressing bolt with spring (hydraulic damper)24 线圈支撑架(板) Winding supporter(plate)25 垫脚 Foot pad26 定位孔 Positioning hole27 带螺母的定位柱 Positioning stud28 拉螺杆 Tensile rod29 夹件夹紧螺杆 Yoke clamping bolt30 铁心接地片 Core earthing strip31 铁心地屏(旁轭地屏) Earthing screen of core (side yoke)32 窗口高度(中心距M。 )Window h

40、eight (centre line distance Mo)33 木垫块 Wood padding block 34 叠片系数 Lamination factor35 铁心的级 Stage of lamination stacks36 心柱外接圆 Circumscribed circle of core leg37 铁心端面 Core surface perpencicular to lamination38 木棒(木垫块) Wood bar (padding black )_39 定位板 Positioning plate(4)线圈 Windings1 单层(双层、多层)圆筒式线圈Sing

41、le layer ( doublelayer , multi-layer ) cylindrical winding2 大型层式线圈 Large size long layer winding 3 连续式线圈 Continuous winding4 半连续式线圈 Semi-continuous winding 5 纠结式线圈 Interleaved winding6 纠结连续式线圈 Interleaved continuous winding 7 部分纠结式线圈 Partial-interleaved winding8 插花纠结线圈 Sandwich-interleaved winding9

42、插入电容式线圈 Capacitor shield winding10 饼式线圈(双饼线圈) Disk winding ( twin-disk winding )11 交错式线圈 Sandwich winding12 螺旋(半螺旋)式线圈Helical(semi-helical)winding13 单列(双列、三列、四列)螺旋线圈Sinle-row ( double-row , three-row , four-row ) helical winding14 分裂线圈 Split winding15 箔式线圈 Foil winding16 分段式线圈 Sectional winding17 全绝

43、缘(分级绝缘)线圈Uniformly insulated (gradedly insulated) winding18 第三线圈 Tertiary winding19 高压(低压、中压) 线圈High voltage (low voltage,mid-voltage)winding20 辅助线圈 Auxiliary winding21 调压线圈 Regulating winding 22 星形(三角形、曲折形、T 形)联结Star(delta,zigzag,scott)connection23 开口三角联结 Open-delta connection24 线段(线层) Winding disk

44、(winding layer)25 层(段)绝缘 Layer insulation(insulation between disks)26 端绝缘 End insulation27 分接头(分接区) Tapping terminal(tapping zone)28 段间横垫块 Radial apacer between disks29 轴向撑条 Axial strip30 径向油道(段间) Radial oil-duct(between disks)31 段间过渡联线 Transfer connection between disks32 段间换位联线 Transposed connectio

45、n between disks33 线圈起始(终)端 Initial terminal (final terminal)of winding34 绝缘纸筒 Insulating cylinder35 匝间绝缘 Turn insulation36 绝缘角环 Insulating angled ring(collar ring)37 线匝间垫条 Insulating filling strips between turns38 分数匝(整数匝) Fractinal turn(integer turn)39 并绕导线 Parallel wound conductors40 复合导线 Composit

46、e conductor41 换位导线 Transposed conductor42 纸包线 Paper wrappe doncductor43 漆色线(圆线) Enamelld conductor (round wire)44 硬拉铜导线 Hard drawn copper conductor45 退火导线 Annealed conductor46 玻璃丝包线 Glass-fibre covered conductor47 纸槽 Paper channel 48 绑线(绳) Binding wire(rope)19 静电板(环) Electrostatic plate(ring)50 绝缘包扎

47、 Insulation wrapping51 线圈总高度 Overall height of winding 52 铜线高度 Copper height of winding53 线圈修整 Trimming of winding 54 线圈浸漆 Varnish impregnation of winding55 线圈的换位 Transposition of winding56 分组换位 Transposition by groups57 标准换位 Standard transposition58 线圈展开图 Planiform drawing of winding59 线圈的干燥与压缩 Dry

48、ing and compressing of winding60 绝缘的压缩收缩率 Shrinkage of insulation under compression61 无氧铜导线 Deoxygenized copper conductor62 铝合金导线 Aluminium-alloy conductor(5)油箱及其附件 Tank and its fittings1 钟罩式油箱 Bell type tank 2 上节(下节)油箱 Upper part (bottom part)of tank3 箱壁(带磁屏蔽) Tank wall (with magnetic shield)4 箱底 T

49、ank bottom 5 联管头 Tube connecting flange6 放油活门 Draining valve7 油样活门(塞) Oil sampling valve(plug)8 闸阀(蝶阀、球阀) Gate(butterfly,ball)valve9 压力释放阀 Pressure relief valve10 安全气道(防*筒) Explosion-proof pipe11 真空接头(滤油接头) Connecting flange for evacuation (for oil filter)12 水银温度计座 Pocket for mercury thermometer13 名牌底板 Base plate of rating plate14 手孔(人孔) Handhole(manhole)15 箱沿 Tank rim16 箱沿护框 Pad frame for tank rim gasket17 升高座 Ascending flanged base18 吊拌与千斤顶支座 Lifting lug with bearing plate for jacks19 定位休 Positionging pin20 盖板(临时) Cover plate(temporary)21 带隔膜(胶囊)储油柜Conservator


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