1、授 课 计 划Class Syllabus二一-二一一_学年第_一_学期(1st/2ndSemester,From9/2010(Month/Year)through1/2011(Month/Year) )部 门 (Department) 经管学院 教师姓名(Teachers Name) 授课名称( Course) 市场营销 授课班级 (Class) 09 国贸 12班 教务处(Teaching Affairs Office)二一 年 九 月 十五 日教学目的要求 (Course Description and Objectives)市场营销(英文)是为中新班学生开设的一门专业必修课程,旨在提高
2、学生以英语为工作语言的培养和提高学生应用市场营销原理解决现代企业营销问题的能力为其今后进一步深造和参与国际贸易工作提供必要的知识支撑。课程考核要求及方式 (Course Grading and Final Examination Format)本课程为考试课,采用闭卷的形式。学生的综合成绩由平时成绩和期末成绩两部分组成。其中: 平时成绩(由出勤 10%、作业 10%,自主学习 20%组成),占总成绩的40%。期末成绩占总成绩的 60%。所用教材、参考书 (Texts and Reference Books)教材: Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler. Marketing
3、: An Introduction(7 th Edition).北京:中国人民大学出版社,2006参考书:1 Philip Kotler.市场营销原理.北京:清华大学出版社,20062 David Jobber.市场营销学:原理与实践.北京:机械工业出版社,20063 Charles W.Lamb, Joseph F, Hair and Carl McDaniel. Marketing (6th Edition).北京: 北京大学出版社, 20074 赵国军,张希颖.市场营销.苏州:苏州大学出版社,2009.6.周 次(week)课时 (Periods)教学内容安排 (Syllabus Con
4、tent)理论/实践(theory /practice)1/2 Course Introduction and Chap1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships theory2/2 Chap 1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships theory /practice3/2 Chap 2 Marketing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships theory4/2 Chap 2 Market
5、ing Strategy: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships theory /practice5/2 Chap 3 The Marketing Environment theory /practice6/2 Chap 4 Managing Marketing Information theory7/2 Chap 4 Managing Marketing Information theory /practice8/2 Chap 5 Consumer Buyer Behavior theory9/2 Chap 5 Consumer Buyer B
6、ehavior theory /practice10/2 Chap 6 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning theory周 次(week) 课时 (Periods)教学内容安排 (Syllabus Content) 理论/实践(theory /practice)11/2 Chap 6 Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning theory /practice12/2 Chap 7 Product, Services, and Branding Strategy theory13/2 Chap 7 Produc
7、t, Services, and Branding Strategy theory /practice14/2 Chap 8 New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies theory /practice15/2 Chap 9 Pricing Considerations and Strategies theory /practice16/2 Chap 10 Marketing Channels & Supply Chain Management theory /practice17/2Chap 11 Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy theory /practice18/2 Revision教师签名( Teachers signature)三级课程组组长审核 (Deans signature)