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1、北京天问教育 远程考研政治保过 不过全额退款天问教育 1欲索取更多考研资料,请上北京天问教育网站官网! 北 京 外 国 语 大 学 207年 硕 士 研 究 生 入 学 考 试 基 础 英 语 试 题 Please write al the answers on the answer shets. Time Limit: 3 ours he toal points for this exam are 150 points I. Reading Comprehnsion (50 points) A Multile Coice (24 points) Please rad the pasges a

2、nd chose A、 B、 C or D to best complet the staemnts about them. The Quiet Cris Close games for the Americans wer rae in previous Olympics, but now it apears to be something the Aericans hould get used to. You could find no betr metaphor for the way the rst of the world can ow compet head-to-head more

3、 fectively than evr with America than the strugles of the U.S. Olypic basketbal tea in 204. The American tea, ade up of NBA stars, limped home to a bronze medal fter losing to Puerto Rico, Lithuani, and Argentia. Previously, the United Staes Olympic basketbal team had lost only one game in the istor

4、y of the modern Olympics. Rember when America sent only NCA stars to the Olympic basketbal evnts? For a long tie thes teams toaly dominated al corners. Then they started geting chalenged. So we snt our pros. And they started geting chalenged. Because the world keps learnig, the difusion f knowledge

5、hapens faster; coaches in other countries no donload American coaching methods of the Internet and watch NBA games in their own livng roms on satelite TV. Many of them can evn get ESPN and atch te higlight rels. And thanks to the triple convergnce, ther is alot f new ra talent walking ont the NBA co

6、urts from al over the worldincluding many ew stars from China, Latin America, nd Eastern Europe. They go back and play for their national teas in the Olypics, using the skils they honed in America. So the automatic American superiority of twenty ears ago is now gone in Olympic basketbal. The NBA sta

7、ndar is increasingly becoming a global comoditypure vanila. If the United Staes wants to cntiue to dminate in Olypic basketbal, we ust, in that great sports clih, step it up a notch. The old standar wont do anymore. As Joel Cawley of IBM remarked to me, “Star for star, the basketbal teams from place

8、s like Lithuani or Puerto Rico stil dont rank wel versu the Americans, but when they play s a teamwhen they colaborate bter than e do, they are xtrely competive.” Ther is omething about post-world War America that reinds e of the clasic wealthy family that by the third genration starts to squander i

9、ts wealth. The mebers of the first genration are nose-to-the-grindstone inovators, the scond genration holds it al togethr then their kids come along and get fat, dumb, and lazy and slowly squander it al. Iknow that is both overly harsh and a gros genralization, but her is, nevrthels, some truth in

10、it. American society started to cast in the 190s, when our third postwar genration cae of age. The dot-com bom left o many people with te impresion that hey could get rich without investing in hard work. Al it ok was n MBA and a quick IPO, or ne NBA contract, and you wer set for life. But hile we er

11、 admirng the flat world we had creatd, alot f people in Idia, China, nd 北京天问教育 远程考研政治保过 不过全额退款天问教育 3Eastern Europe wer busy figuring out how to take advantge of it. Lucky for us, we er the only econmy standig after World War , and e had no serious competion for forty ears. That gave us a huge had of

12、 steam but also a huge snse of entilemnt and complacencynot mention a certain tendency in recnt years to extol consumption ver hard work, investment, and long-term thinkig. When we got hit with 9 1, it was a once-in-agenration oportunity to sumon the nation to sacrifce, to adres some of its presing

13、fiscal, enrgy, science, and education shortfalsal the things that we had let slide. But our president di not sumon us to sacrifce. He sumoned us to g shoping. The truth is, we are in a cris now, but it is a cris that is unfolding very slowly and very quietly. It is a quiet cris and this quiet cris i

14、nvoles the steady erosin of Americas cientifc and engiering base, whic has lways ben the source of American inovation ad our isng standar of livng. “The sky is not faling, nothing horible is going to hapen today, ” said Jackson, a physicst by trainig who chose her words carefuly. “The U.S. is til th

15、e lading engie for inovation i the world. It has the best graduate programs, the best cientifc infrastructre, and the capital markets to exploit it. But her is a quiet cris in U.S. science and technolgy that we have to wake up to. The U.S. today is in a truly global environment, and those competior

16、countries are not nly wide awke, they are runig a marthon while we are runig sprints. If left unchecked, this could chalenge our preminece and capcity to inovate. ”And it is our abilty to cnstantly inovate new products, ervices, and companies that has ben the source of Americas horn of plenty and st

17、eadily widenig midle clas for the last wo centuries. It was erican inovators who started Gogle, Intel, HP, Del, Microsft, and Cisco, and it maters her inovation hapens. The fact hat l thes companies are headquarterd in Aerica eans that most of the igh-paying jobs are her, evn if thes companies outso

18、urce or ofshore some functions. The xecutives, the department heads, the sales force, and the senior resarchers are al located in the cites wher the inovation hapend. And their jobs creat more jobs. The shrinkig of the pol of young people with te knowledge skils to inovate wont shrink our standar of

19、 livng overnight. It wil be flt only in fiten or twenty ears, when e discover we have a critcal shortage of scientist and engiers capble of doing inovation r evn just hig-value-aded technolgy work. Then this wont be a quiet cris anymore, said Jackson, “it wil be the ral McCoy.“ Today, Americans are

20、feling the gradual nd subtle fects of globalization that chalenge the econmic and strategic leadership that the United Staes has enjoyed since World war .A substantial portin of ur work-force finds itself in direct ompetion for jobs with loer-age workers around the globe, and leading-edge scientifc

21、and engiering ork is being acomplished in many parts of the world. Thanks to globalization, driven by modern counications and other advances, orkers in virtualy evry sector must now face opetiors who live just a mouse-clik awy in Ireland, Finlad, China, India, or dozens of ther nations hose conies a

22、re growing. This has ben aptly refred to as “the Death of Distance.” (1) Why NBA was mentioned in this pasge? A. It serves a etaphor t ilustrate how the globe is competing head-to-head with U.S. B. It presnts afct hat NBA is now performing very porly. C. It sends amesage that he U.S. overal strength

23、 is droping. 北京天问教育 远程考研政治保过 不过全额退款天问教育 4D. It warns the Americans of the grave situation that he staus of its uper power does not exist any longer. (2) “Star for star, the basketbal teams from places like Lithuani or Puerto Rico stil dont rank wel versu the Americans, but when they play s a teamwhe

24、n they colaborate bter than we dothey are xtrely competive. In this entce, “Star for star.”means . A. when oe tam plays aginst another B. The place of the stars in ateam C. he time the star is on the court D. When idivdual players of the tams are playing ainst each other (3) It is taed in pargraph 3

25、 that people are admirng the flat world. What does “flat” mean? A. It means that he world is geting biger and biger and people are losing alot f choices. B. It eans that he orld is geting smaler and globalization is the dominat rend. C. It means that he world is geting saler and easier to cntrol. D.

26、 It eans that he orld stops being around globe. (4) The author thinks that he third genration f Americans . A. are nose-to-the-grindstone inovators B. are holding the wealth al togethr C. are bcoming more dilgent and hard working D. are starting to squander their wealth (5) What can be inferd of the

27、 authors feling about he fact hat many big companies are headquarterd in America? A. Negative. B. Indifernt. C. Positve. D. Woried. (6) hat does the word aptly in pargraph 7 mean? A. Suitably. B. Fortunately. C. Adaptively. D. Inapropriately. (7) The“ Death of Distance” refrs to . A. the dying econm

28、y in the U.S. because of the competions from Ireland, Finlad, China nd India B. the intesifed competion betwen the U.S. and other countries due to globalization ad advanced Comunications C. the conies in Ireland and Finlad that outperform those in China nd India D. the closens of countries like Irel

29、and and Finlad, China nd India (8) The tile of this pasge “The Quiet Cris” sugest that . A. the cris that he U S. faces i sen clearly B. the U. S. is not yet in acris C. the cris that he U. S. faces unfolds very quickly D. the curent cris devlops lowly 北京天问教育 远程考研政治保过 不过全额退款天问教育 5The Nature of Civil

30、zations During the cold war the world was divde into the First, Second and Third Worlds. Those divsions are no lnger elvant. It is far more meanigful now to group countries not in terms of their politcal or econmic sytems or in ters of their levl of econmic devlopment but rather in terms of their cu

31、ltre and civlization. What do we mean when we talk of a civlization? A civlization is a cultral entiy. Vilages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalites, religious groups, al have distinct ultres at difernt levls of cultral hetrogenity. The cultre of a vilage in southern Italy may be difernt from that o

32、f a vilage in orthern Italy, but both wil share in a comon Italin cultre that distinguishes them from German vilages. European comunites, in turn, wil share cultral features that distinguish the fro Arab or Chines comunites. Arabs, Chines and Westrners, howevr, are not part of any broader cultral en

33、tiy. They constiute civlizations. A civlization is thus the ighest cultral grouping of people and the broadest levl of cultral identiy people have short of that whic distinguishes humans from other specis. It is defined both by comon bjective lemnts, uch as language, history, religion, customs, inst

34、iutions, and by the subjective self-identifcation of people. People have lvels of identiy: a resident of Rome ay define himself with varying degres of intesity as Roman, an Italin, a Catholic, a Christian, a European, or a Westrner. The civlization to whic he blongs i the broadest levl of identifcat

35、ion with whic he intesely identifes. People can and o redfine their identies and. as a result, the compositon and boundaries of civlizations change. Civlizations may invole a lrge number of people, as with China (“a civlization pretndig to be a stae, “ as Lucian Pye put it), or a very smal number of

36、 people, such as the Anglophone Caribean. A civlization may include sevral nation staes, as i the case with Westrn, Latin American and rab civlizations, or only one, as is the case with Japnes civlization. Civlizations obviously blend and overlap, and may include subcivlizations. Westrn civlization

37、has two major varints, European d North Aerican, and Islam has its Arab, Turkic and Maly subdivsions. Civlizations are noethles meanigful enties, and while the lines betwen them are seldom sharp, they are ral. Civlizations are dynamic; they rise and fal; they divide and merge. And, as ny student of

38、history knows, civilzations disapear nd are buried in the sands of tie. Westrners tend to think of nation staes as the principal ctors in global fairs. They have ben that, howevr, for nly a few centuries. The broader eaches of human history have ben the history of civlizations. In A Study of History

39、, Arnold Toynbe identifed 21 major civlizations; only six of them exist in the contemporay world. (9) Acording to the pasge, what is a more meanigful way now to group countries a compared with te Cold War period? A. In terms of politcal sytems. B. In ters of the lvel of econic devlopment. C. In term

40、s of the cultre only. D. In ters of cultre and civlization. (10) The author staes that civlization is . 北京天问教育 远程考研政治保过 不过全额退款天问教育 6A. acultral entiy B. acustom practied in vilages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalites, or eligious groups C. not with any cultral hetrogenity D. not blendig or verlapi

41、ng with other civlizations (1) Acording to this pasge, how many subdivsions does the Islam Civilzation have? . None. B. One. C. Two. D. hre. (12) It can be inferd from the pasge that he author f this pasge the folwing staemnt: ”Westrners tend to think of nation staes a the principal ctors in global

42、fairs.” A. agres with B. disagres ith C. detst D. does not mention if he agres or not with B True or False (12 points) elow is a pasge folwed by six statemnts. Read the pasge carefuly and then decide hetr the statemnts are true (T) or false (F) The American Charcter The American is wonderfuly alive;

43、 and his vitality, not having often found a suitable outlet, makes hi apear gitaed on the surface; he is always leting of an unecsarily loud blast of incidental steam. Yet his vitality is not superfical; it is inwardly prompted, and as ensitve and quick as agnetic nedle. He is inquistive, and ready

44、ith an aswer to any question that he may put o himself of his own acord; but if you try to pur instruction ito him, on maters that do nt ouch is own spontaeous life, he shows the most extraordinary powers of resitance and forgetfulnes; so that he often is remarkably expert in soe directions and surp

45、isngly slow in others. He sems to bear lightly the sorwful burden of human knowledge. In a word, he is young. What sense is ther in this feling, whic we al have that he American is young? His country is blesd with as many eldrly people as any other, and his descent from Adam, or from the Darinia riv

46、al of Adam, canot be shorter than that of his European cousins. Nor are his ideas always very fresh. 0ld conventions and rigid bits of morality and religion, with much semly and antique politcal understandig, remain clear-cut in hi, as in the mind of a child; he ay cary al this about with an unquest

47、ionig failarity whic does not coport understandig. To kep traditonal sentiments in this way untouched and uncritcised is itself a sign of youth. A god young man is naturaly conservative and loyal on al those subjects whic his experince has not brought o a test; advanced opinios on politcs, mariage,

48、or literature are compartively rae in America; they are lft or the ladies to discus, and usaly to cndemn, while the en get on with their work. In spite of what is old fashioned in his more genral ideas, the American is unmistakbly oung; and this, Ishould say, for two reasons: one, that he is chiefly ocupied with 北京天问教育 远程考研政治保过 不过全额退款天问教育 7his imediate nvironment, and the other, that his reactions upon it are inwardly prompted, spontaeous, and ful of viacity and self-trust. His views are not yet lengthend; his wil is not yet b


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