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1、1生产运作管理课程大纲( 本科)课程名称:生产运作管理(Production and Operations Management)课程性质:必修/选修 编号: 学时:3 学时/周主编姓名:祁军 单位:岭南学院 职称:副教授授课对象:本科生 专业:物流管理 年级:01 级编写日期:2004 年 11 月修订 办公电话:84113863 E-Mail:一、 课程简介人类最早的管理活动就是对生产活动的管理,本世纪初的科学管理运动也始于生产管理。随着服务业的兴起,生产的概念得到延伸和扩展。过去,西方学者把与工厂联系在一起的有形产品的制造称作“Production”(生产),而把提供劳务的活动称作“Op

2、erations”(运营)。现在,他们有时将两者均称为“Operations”(运营)。西方学者将有形产品和劳务都称作“财富” ,把生产定义为创造财富的过程,从而把生产的概念扩大到非制造领域。生产运营是将生产要素(投入)转化为有形产品和无形服务(产出)的过程,是创造顾客所需价值的过程。运营管理所追逐的目标可以用一句话来概括:高效、低耗、灵活、清洁、准时地生产合格产品和(或)提供满意服务。高效是对时间而言,指能够迅速地满足用户的需要。在当前激烈的市场竞争条件下,谁的订货提前期短,谁就能争取用户。低耗是指生产同样数量和质量的产品,人力、物力和财力的消耗最少。低耗才能低成本,低成本才有低价格,低价格

3、才能争取用户。灵活是指能很快地适应市场的变化,生产不同的品种和开发新品种或提供不同的服务和开发新的服务。清洁指对环境没有污染。准时是在用户需要的时间,按用户需要的数量,提供所需的产品和服务。合格产品和(或)满意服务,是指质量。归结起来,对运营管理的要求包括 6方面:时间(Time,T) 、质量(Quality,Q) 、成本(Cost,C) 、服务(Service,S) 、柔性(Flexibility,F)和环境(Environment,E)。1、 特点(1)将制造业和服务业统一考虑 运营管理不仅包括机械制造行业的生产管理,而且扩充到整个加工装配式生产和流程式生产的管理;不仅讲述物质资料的生产管

4、理,而且介绍提供劳务的运营管理。运营管理是从事任何服务业工作的人都需要了解的,如交通运输业、通讯业、饮食业、保健业、商业、金融业、公用事业等。制造业的生产管理和服务业的运作管理有很多共同点,同时又有很多区别,将它们统一考虑更有利于读者掌握。(2)运营管理涉及最多的还是制造业,需要介绍制造业生产管理的最新发展 近年来,对制造业生产管理的研究取得了很大进展,新的管理思想和新的生产方式不断出现。如:2制造资源计划(Manufacturing Resource Planning, MRPll)、精细生产(Lean Production, LP)、最优生产技术(Optimized Production

5、Technology, OPT)、敏捷制造(Agile Manufacturing, AM)、计算机集成制造(Computer Integrated Manufacturing, CIM)、供应链管理(Supply Chain Management, SCM)、业务过程重构(Business Process Reengineering, BPR)等。这些新思想和新虽然起源于制造领域,但也可以应用到服务业。(3)将运营管理与营销管理相联系 将运营职能和其它职能分开考虑,片面追求运营系统的优化,不利于提高企业的竞争力。因为生产系统只有按市场的需求,在适当的时候出产适当数量的产品或提供所需的服务,才

6、能最大限度地降低成本,及时满足市场的需要。准时性将企业内部的生产和外部市场的需求结合在一起。对服务业来讲,更需要将运营与营销统一考虑,因为很多服务业的运作和营销是不可分的。2、 运营管理的历史发展一、科学管理二、管理科学三、准时生产四、业务过程重构五、供应链管理二、教材及参考书目教材:蔡斯 运营管理(第九版) 机械工业出版社 2003参考书目:1、JAY HEIZER BARRY RENDER,生产与作业管理教程,华夏出版社,第四版2、ROGER W SCHMENNER 刘丽文译 服务运作管理清华大学出版社20013、JAMES A. ERSKINE “PEODUCTIONS AND OPER

7、ATIONS MANAGEMENT CASES”,CHINA MACHINE PRESS,19984、高德拉特.科克斯 著 目标 上海三联书店 19995、迈克尔 戴尔 戴尔战略上海远东出版社 19996、宋华 日本 7-11 中国人民大学出版社 20007、宋华 现代物流与供应链管理案例 经济管理出版社 20018、祁军 21 世纪商学院 MBA 中国实战案例 2002.教学目标学完本课程后,学生应该:Knowledge 在 知 识 方 面 understand key concepts and theories and the application of operations strat

8、egy: 3理 解 运营管理的核心概念、原理和应用 understand key concepts and theories and the application of product,service and process design 理 解 产品、服务和过程设计的核心概念、原理和应用 understand key concepts and theories and the application of operations planning and control 理 解 运作计划和控制的核心概念、原理和应用 understand key concepts and theories a

9、nd the application of operations improvement methods 理 解 运营改进策略的核心概念、原理和应用 understand how these concepts and theories relate to the successful management of organisations 理 解 这些概念与理论和成功企业的管理的关系Skills 在 技 能 方 面 Apply these concepts to simulated,case and real operations situations 在模拟、案例、真实运营环境中应用这些概念

10、 Analyse and evaluate simulated,case and real operations situations 对模拟、案例、真实运营环境分析和评估 Develop skilld in self management, small group and project management 发展在自我管理、小团体、项目管理方面的能力Attitudes and values 在 学 术 态 度 和 学 术 观 方 面APPRECIATE THE VALUE OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE WHOLE ORGANI

11、ZATION 欣赏组织中运营管理的价值APPRECIATE THE COMPLEXITY OF THE MANAGEMENT OF OPERATIONS欣赏运营管理的复杂性 VALUE THE ROLE OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE GROUP IN ACHIEVING SUCCESS IN OPERATIONS 个人与组织在运营管理中成为成功者的价值四、课程考核五、课程要求4六、进度安排七、 作业和课程论文要求:每次作业和课程论文都应装订在一起,并做一个封面。封面上应包括如下信息:课程名称作业名称姓名学号日期每次作业都应通过电子邮件给我发一份电子版,自己保留一份备份。1

12、 作业结合实际, 设计某单位的质量考核指标2、讨论问题1 设计一个供应流程2 如何防止回扣?3 农产品物流与电子物流课 时 课程内容 阅读材料 应交作业3 课程介绍生产运营管理概述 第一章、第二章3 游戏(从科学管理到现代管理 第四、五、六章3 项目管理 第三章 6 排队论 TN6 书面作业9 质量管理 第七章 案例 7-1 (286289 页)3 供应链战略 第八、九章6 准时化与精益生产系统 第十章、第十一章6 物料需求计划 第十二、十三、十四章6 作业排序 第 15 章3 运营咨询与流程再造 第 16 章3 同步制造与约束理论 第 17 章9 调查与小组报告 课程论文3 讲座3 总结与考

13、试5八、课程内容第一部分 运营战略与管理变革第 1 章 应用领域介绍服务与产品生产的区别准时化生产与全面质量管理制造战略模式服务质量与生产率全面质量管理与质量认证业务流程再造供应链管理电子商务第 2 章 运营战略与竞争力竞争重点权衡的观念订单赢得要素和订单资格要素:营销与运营的联系制造业运营战略框架建立制造战略服务业运营战略技术性注释 2 学习曲线对数分析学习曲线表学习率的估计学习过程应持续多久个人学习组织学习第 3 章 项目管理纯项目小组职能项目小组矩阵制项目小组单点时间估计的关键路线法三点时间估计的关键路线法滚动项目计划最小费用计划(时间费用权衡)过程跟踪第二部分 产品设计与工艺选择第 4

14、 章 工艺分析第 5 章 制造业的产品设计与工艺选择第 6 章 服务业的产品设计与工艺选择第 7 章 质量管理第三部分 供应链设计管理简介 电子商务与电子运营(E-Ops)第 8 章 供应链战略第 9 章 战略能力管理第 10 章 准时化与精益生产系统6第四部分 供应链的设计与控制管理简介 企业资源计划系统第 11 章 预测第 12 章 总生产计划第 13 章 库存控制第 14 章 物料需求计划第 15 章 作业排序第五部分 系统修正第 16 章 运营咨询与流程再造第 17 章 同步制造与约束理论补充材料A Core Course in Chinas International MBA Pro

15、gramOperation ManagementCourse Outline7QI JunLingnan (University) CollegeZhongshan University8Course OutlineThis course will introduce concepts and techniques for design, planning, control, improvement of manufacturing and service operations. This course outline is developed based on the course enti

16、tled “Introduction to Operation Management” (15.760 ) offered by Professor Lawrence Wein at Sloan School of Management, MIT. Some changes are made to suit the Chinese context.This course consists of 24 classes, and each class has 2 sessions of 45 minutes. The required books for this course are: THE

17、GOAL: A PROCESS OF ONGOING IMPROVEMENT by E. Goldratt and J. Cox, and THE MEMORY JOGGER by Goal/QPC. All other readings are in your course packet.Richard B. Chase, Nicholas J. Aquilano, F. Robert. Jacobs, Production and Operations Management, Manufacturing and services, Ninth Edition, Mcgraw Hill, C

18、hina Machine Press. Readings from the Chase text will be designated with an C preceding the chapter (e.g., C6) or sections of chapter (e.g., C3.2-3.4) to be read. Class 1 Introduction Readings: COURSE INTRODUCTION. C1Case: Kristin Cookie companyQuestions: What do you know about Operation Management?

19、 Based on its huge population, does China need more efficiency in OM?Other question is typed in the case material.Class 2 Management of Service OperationsReadings: TYPES OF PROCESSES (HBS note). NOTE ON HOW TO APPROACH POM CASES (HBS note).C2Case: Students A-L read the BURGER KING CORPORATION case a

20、nd skim the MCDONALDS CORPORATION case; students M-Z read the MCDONALDS CORPORATION case and skim the BURGER KING CORPORATION case. Questions:9 For the case you read, analyze the peak hourly capacity vs. peak hourly demand for burger patties. Can they produce enough burgers? How does the management

21、of operations relate to the companys method of competing in the marketplace? Class 3 Product and Process Matching Workforce IncentivesReadings: LINK MANUFACTURING PROCESS Agility; Hedging ForecastsSECOND WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTReading: MANAGING SUPPLY CHAIN INVENTORY: PITFALLS AND OPPORTUNITIES by Lee an

22、d Billington (SMR article).C8CASE: SPORT OBERMEYER, LTD.Questions: Using the sample data given in Exhibit 10, make a recommendation for how many units of each style Wally should make during the initial phase of production. Assume that all of the ten styles in the sample problem are made in Hong Kong

23、, and that Wallys initial production commitment must be at least 10,000 units. What operational changes would you recommend to Wally to improve performance How should Wally think (both short-term & long-term) about sourcing in Hong Kong vs. China?Class 13 Integrated Manufacturing and Distribution Ne

24、tworks Case: ELLIS MANUFACTURING COMPANYQuestions: What problems does Ellis face? Why does it have these problems? What is the cost of a blender at Barnstable? Flower Springs? Georgetown? How should Ellis configure its network? Does the international aspect of its business change anything?Class 14 Q

25、uality ManagementStatistical Quality ControlReadings: A NOTE ON QUALITY: THE VIEWS OF DEMING, JURAN, AND CROSBY (HBS note). THE MEMORY JOGGER (to be distributed in class). Motorolas publication WHAT IS SIX SIGMA? 14Case: HANK KOLB, DIRECTOR QUALITY ASSURANCEC7Questions: Why does Motorola strive for

26、6 quality? What are the causes of the quality problems on the Greasex line? What should be the responsibilities of Hank Kolb and the quality department for the Greasex product? How can employees be motivated to assure and improve quality? Is motivation the main problem?Class 15 Quality Management Pr

27、ocess ControlCase: PROCESS CONTROL AT POLAROID (A).Questions: Assess the magnitude of the cost of the quality problem at the R2 plant. How effective were its past procedures for inspection? Its sampling methods? Using the data in the exhibits and the note on process control charts, construct the SPC

28、 charts. What conclusions should Rolfs draw? Is the quality of R2s output getting better or worse? How would you convince others of your conclusions? What recommendations would you make to Rolfs in order to address both near term and longer term issues?Class 15 Quality ManagementTotal Quality Manage

29、ment program ImplementationReading: HOW TO COLLECT DATA (Handbook of Quality Tools, Kazuo Ozeki,Tetsuichi Asaka)Case: FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT QUALITY IMPROVEMENT STORY EXERCISE(A) (HBS 9-689-041) Questions: What are the strengths and weaknesses of FP&Ls QIP? What factors are responsible for the succes

30、s of FP&Ls QIP? Consider both organizational issues and contextual factors. What are the characteristics of business in which an FP&L-style program is appropriate? Inappropriate?15Class 16 Quality ManagementKnowledge Creation and ManagementReading: MANAGING AND MEASURING TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE by Bohn

31、(SMR article)Case: SOLAGEN: PROCESS IMPROVEMENT IN THE MANUFACTURING OF GELATIN Questions: Should Kodak build a new gelatin manufacturing plant based on the new Solagen process? What issues do you think Mr. Bolten should be considering? What roles do learning and knowledge play in the gelatin manufa

32、cturing strategy? What are the key issues in implementing change to the gelatin manufacturing process?Class 17-18 Plant ToursReadings: MANUFACTURING PLANT TOUR QUESTION LIST by EppingerWe will hold class “on the road“ today, and will go on a plant tour. Details to follow. Class 19-20 Guest SpeekClas

33、s 21 Process Re-engineeringReading: REENGINEERING WORK: DONT AUTOMATE, OBLITERATE by Hammer (HBR article).Case: BANK OF AMERICA: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE (A) (Stanford case).C16Questions: Of the “Six Tools” in the Memory Jogger, which are potentially helpful in organizing you thoughts on the Bank of America

34、 case? In broad terms, what are the problems being encountered in Accounts Receivable, and what are the basic sources of those problems?16 What fundamental principles should be applied in redesigning the Accounts Receivable process? What are your specific recommendations?Class 22 TQM and Re-engineer

35、ingTHIRD WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTReading: REENGINEERING THE CORPORATION: A REVIEW ESSAY by Cole.Questions: In your opinion, what, if anything, is new and different about re-engineering as distinct from TQM and traditional quality management philosophies? What differences are there between China OM and USA

36、 OM?Class 23-24 Course Wrap-upTeam presentationFinal Exam17研究生选修课程大纲2004 学年下学期研究生教学计划理论、案例、实践三方面的结合1、 学生必须预先阅读本科教材生产与运作管理 ,蔡斯2、 学生能够对部分章节进行讲解3、 案例来源:游戏、教材案例、 生产与运作管理案例 (加拿大毅伟管理学院)4、 实践项目研究小组报告学生以 2-3 人为单位组成项目研究小组。针对实际中的运营管理问题提出解决问题的方案。目的在于提高学生运用所学理论解决制造业或服务业中运营管理问题的能力。项目研究小组报告分为书面报告和小组口头演说。项目研究小组报告的

37、评估书面报告 25 分小组口头演说 20 分(小组集体分 15 分,个人分 5 分)项目小组需自行对一个企业进行实际考察与研究,得到第一手资料。小组报告一般包括:目的、现状、问题、改进建议、实施计划,预期效果。小组报告一般不超过 2000 字。分析应有事实或数据为基础。小组口头演讲小组发言 15 分钟左右,10 分钟同学以管理者或董事会成员身份提问。课前各小组最好将发言提纲(要点)EMAIL 给同学。5、 课时安排课程介绍及教学安排 2 学时QUEUEPROJECT物流流程再造 3*4蛋糕案例质量管理生产计划JITBEER GAME5*418实习报告 10(含报告时间)或文献阅读及报告SCHE

38、DULE2 月 24 日 课程介绍和布局5S 等基本概念-23 月 3 日蛋糕案例(1)-蛋糕生产计划作业-23 月 10 日蛋糕案例(2)及项目管理(刘礼花)33 月 17 日 DELL MODELGUEST SPEECH-43 月 24 日泰勒科学管理(秦亮) 、砌砖游戏(1)-如何标准化,实践要求和安排-33 月 31 日教师出差4 月 7 日砌砖游戏(2) (3)4 月 14 日春晖园案例、学五饭堂煎鸡蛋排队问题4 月 21 日 排队论理论(黄艺伟等) 、布置作业、排队的管理(需求、KENDELL MARK、等待时间与服务数的均衡等)4 月 28 日质量管理(王莆等) 5 月 12 日晚上 流程再造5 月 19 日物流管理5 月 26 日调查物流流程再造 3*4质量管理生产计划JITBEER GAME5*4


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