1、Building Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXXi Reviser Initials: AAABuilding Name Emergency Action PlanTable of ContentsBUILDING DESCRIPTION.1EMERGENCY CONTACTS/CALL TREE AND DUTIES .2Primary Emergency Coordinator.2Secondary Emergency Coordinator2Zone/Floor Monitors .2Building Emergen
2、cy Contact sirens are used only for warnings.2. HOW ARE THE OCCUPANTS OF THE BUILDING NOTIFIED OF A SEVERE WEATHER WARNING3. Once you have been notified of a thunderstorm warning, it is not necessary to take any additional steps other than to ensure that you are prepared if the conditions deteriorat
3、e.4. Upon notification of a Tornado Warning, take shelter in one of the areas outlined in Appendix B. If you are unable to seek shelter in one of the designated areas, move away from windows. Stay away from auditoriums, gymnasiums, areas having a wide, free span roof, or the upper levels of a buildi
4、ng. Take cover under heavy furniture. If you are outdoors and unable to access an indoor shelter, lie flat in the nearest depression, such as a ditch or ravine. If there is time, move away from the path of the Tornado at a right angle.5. If you come into contact with a student or visitor you should
5、direct them to take shelter in the building. If you come into contact with an occupant who is disabled or having difficulty taking shelter you should assist the individual in getting or taking shelter.6. After the danger has passed, you should report to the designated shelter/assembly point to allow
6、 the Emergency Coordinator to take a survey of all present to determine if anyone is potentially missing.Building Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX10 Reviser Initials: AAAHazardous Materials1. Evacuate the area to the extent appropriate.2. Warn fellow workers, supervisors, and the
7、Building Emergency Coordinator3. Call Environmental Health and Safety (882-7018). At night, on weekends, or holidays call MU Police (882-7201).4. Take action to contain the spill if it is possible to do so without jeopardizing personal safety or health.5. If it is warranted, evacuate according to th
8、e evacuation procedures outlined in this plan (Appendix A).6. If a medical emergency is created due to the hazardous material incident, then follow the procedures for Medical Emergencies and inform medical personnel that a hazardous materials incident has occurred, including the suspected type of ha
9、zardous material involved.7. DO NOT call state or national emergency response numbers without prior authorization.Building Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX11 Reviser Initials: AAARadiologicalFire Emergencies Involving Radiation:1. Follow the procedures for fire emergencies AND2. I
10、nform emergency personnel that a radiation hazard may exist AND3. Contact Environmental Health and Safety (882-7018). At night, on weekends, or holidays call MU Police (882-7201).Medical Emergencies Involving Radiation:1. Follow the procedures for medical emergencies AND2. Inform medical personnel t
11、hat a radiation hazard may exist AND3. Contact Environmental Health and Safety (882-7018). At night, on weekends, or holidays call MU Police (882-7201).Release of Radioactive Materials:1. Evacuate personnel from radiation contaminated area.2. Assemble all personnel in a nearby safe area until radiat
12、ion surveys and personnel decontamination are performed by the EHS Radiation Safety Office.3. Prevent spread of contamination from the site. 4. Use the nearest telephone for communication and avoid walking through buildings.5. Close off doors and windows and, if convenient, turn off air handling equ
13、ipment that might transfer radiation contamination throughout the building.6. Control access to radiation area and place warning signs indicating radiation and contamination hazards.7. Contact Environmental Health and Safety (882-7018). At night, on weekends, or holidays call MU Police (882-7201).8.
14、 Decontamination of rooms and buildings shall only be done under EHS Radiation Safety Office supervision.Building Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX12 Reviser Initials: AAAEarthquake1. Earthquakes occur without warning. Some earthquakes are instantaneous tremors and others are signi
15、ficant sustained events followed by aftershocks.2. Stay indoors if already there.3. If indoors take cover. Suggested locations inside buildings that provide cover include: Standing in a doorway and bracing your hands and feet against each side Getting under sturdy furniture, such as work tables or d
16、esks Standing flat against an interior wall DO NOT SEEK COVER UNDER LABROTORY TABLES OR BENCHES, CHEMICALS COULD SPILL AND CAUSE HARM4. Stay near the center of the building and avoid glass windows and doors.5. If outdoors, stay in open areas, away from buildings and structures, and a safe distance f
17、rom utility wires.6. After tremors have stopped, gather valuables, if doing so will not jeopardize the personal health and safety of yourself and others, and quickly leave the building through the evacuation routes outlined in this Plan (Appendix A). DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.7. If you come into contact
18、with a student or visitor you should direct them to evacuate the building. If you come into contact with an occupant who is disabled or having difficulty evacuating you should assist the individual in evacuating the building if doing so will not endanger the personal health and safety of yourself an
19、d the individual needing assistance.8. Once out of the building, gather at ENTER PRIMARY ASSEMBLY POINT to be surveyed. In the event that the primary assembly area is not safe or available, you should gather at ENTER SECONDARY ASSEMBLY POINT. Zone Monitors and/or the Building Emergency Coordinator w
20、ill conduct a brief survey of all present to determine if anyone is potentially missing and possibly remains in the building. You should not leave the assembly area, either to re-enter the building, go to another part of campus or leave the campus, until advised to do so by the Building Emergency Co
21、ordinator.9. After tremors have stopped, stay away from damaged buildings and structures. Avoid going through or near buildings where there is a danger of falling debris.10. Be prepared for aftershocks. Although smaller than the main shock, aftershocks cause additional damage and may bring weakened
22、structures down. Aftershocks can occur in the first hours, days, weeks, or even months after the quake.Mechanical Equipment or Other Physical Facility Emergencies1. Call Campus Facilities (882-8211).2. Do not attempt to correct the mechanical emergency.3. If fire ensues, follow procedures outlined f
23、or a Fire Emergency.Building Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX13 Reviser Initials: AAAOral or Written Threat to People or Facilities, i.e., Bomb Threat1. Record time and date of call or receipt of message.2. If caller, keep on line as long as possible and attempt to determine the f
24、ollowing: Who or what are you attempting to harm? What is to happen? When is it to happen? Where is it to happen? How is it to happen? Listen closely for background noises Listen closely for voice type (male, female, voice quality, accents etc.) Why are you making the threat? Note if caller knows ar
25、ea by description of location. Note callers phone number if you have a display phone.3. When the caller hangs up on you call MU Police (882-7201) and report the above information.4. Notify your immediate supervisor and the Building Emergency Coordinator.5. A decision will be made by the Building Eme
26、rgency Coordinator and MU Police on whether a building evacuation is warranted. If it is warranted, evacuation should take place as outlined in this Plan (Appendix A).6. You should not touch any suspicious or unfamiliar objects. Do not conduct any type of search until police personnel arrive on scen
27、e.University Emergency Operations PlanThe University of Missouri, in accordance with state and federal guidelines, has developed an Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) which will be implemented in the event of a disaster. A disaster is defined for purposes of the EOP as any type of situation that endang
28、ers life and property to a degree that a concentrated effort of emergency services be coordinated on a large scale to contain the situation. Disasters are distinguished from emergencies by the greater level of response required.In the event that a disaster does occur, an Emergency Operations Center
29、(EOC) will be activated to coordinate the implementation of the EOP in responding to and recovering from the disaster. All activities and decisions relating to the disaster will be made from the EOC.The EOP provides for the dissemination of information about the disaster through the use of Public In
30、formation Officer (PIO). The PIO is charged with ensuring that the university community, public, and media are kept informed about the situation. The PIO and the EOC will ensure through whatever communication methods are available that buildings are informed about what additional and further steps,
31、if any, should be taken by the occupants. Until such information is received, the Building Name Emergency Action Plan should be followed.Building Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX14 Reviser Initials: AAAEMERGENCY PREVENTION TIPSThe following tips when followed will help reduce emer
32、gencies:1. Smoking: Careless smoking is a major cause of fire. To minimize this potential fire ignition source, a “NO SMOKING POLICY” is strongly encouraged.2. Trash Accumulation: The accumulation of trash generated in the course of the workday provides an environment conducive to the spread of fire
33、. In order to reduce this potential risk the following steps are to be considered.1. All combustible waste material should be kept at least six (6) feet from any heat source. Heat sources would include such things as water heaters, furnaces, etc. All trash containers for combustible materials should
34、 be dumped at the end of the shift. Special attention should be given to the location of paper recycling containers.3. Improper Storage of Combustible and Flammable Materials: Improper storage of materials can contribute to the ignition and spread of fire. To reduce this risk the following procedure
35、s are to be followed.1. All flammable liquids must be stored in approved containers. If flammable liquids are removed from their original container, they are to be stored in an approved safety can which is properly labeled and meeting the requirements of the MU Hazardous Waste Management Program.2.
36、Do not store flammable or combustible materials near a heat source. If in doubt of storage requirements, consult the label, the appropriate material safety data sheet or contact EHS.4. General Housekeeping: One of the simplest ways to prevent emergencies is to conduct a good general housekeeping of
37、your workspace, office, and building on a frequent basis. This includes but is not limited to:1. Ensuring that doorways, stairways, Fire Department connections, fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull boxes, and emergency exits are not blocked by boxes, furniture, etc.2. Keep corridors and stairways fre
38、e of clutter3. Computer and Electrical Cables are kept organized to prevent clutter4. Frayed electrical cords should be discardedBuilding Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX15 Reviser Initials: AAAPERSONS WHO NEED ASSISTANCE DURING AN EMERGENCY1. In the event of any emergency there a
39、re occupants of the building who will need assistance in evacuating the building, taking shelter, taking cover, etc.2. If you encounter someone who needs assistance during an emergency you should attempt to assist the individual, if it is possible to do so without jeopardizing the personal safety or
40、 health of yourself or the person needing assistance.3. If you know or have reason to know that you will need assistance during an emergency you should report that information to the Building Emergency Coordinator as soon as possible.4. More details about emergency evacuation for persons who need as
41、sistance can be found in Appendix C.5. The following people are occupants of the building who have expressed the need for assistance in the event of an emergency to the Building Emergency Coordinator.Known Persons Needing AssistanceName/ Department Room Number/ LocationDept. Phone Type of Assistance
42、 NeededBuilding Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX16 Reviser Initials: AAATRAINING: Before implementing the EAP, the Building Emergency Coordinator and Building Managers/Supervisors shall designate and train a sufficient number of persons to assist in the safe and orderly emergency
43、evacuation of employees. The EAP must be reviewed with all occupants at the following times: Initially when the plan is developed, whenever the employees responsibilities or designated action under the plan change, and whenever the plan is changed. At least annually employee meetings are to be held
44、to train employees of the contents of the EAP and revise the plan as appropriate. Drills will be conducted and full participation encouraged in March (Severe Weather/Tornado Drill) and October (Fire Drill) of each year. All training must be documented in writing and copies sent to Environmental Heal
45、th and Safety. Checklists from Environmental Health and Safety are distributed in March and October for use in the March and October drills. The form included in this plan can be used to document training exercises.Building Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX17 Reviser Initials: AAAE
46、HS PLAN REVIEW:1. A copy of the building specific Emergency Action Plan must be sent to the University Safety Professional (882-7018) at EHS after completion.2. The EAP will be reviewed during routine fire and safety inspection by EHS.3. The EAP will be maintained by the Building Emergency Coordinat
47、or and made available to all occupants of the building.Building Name Emergency Action Plan Date Revised: XX/XX/XXXX18 Reviser Initials: AAAENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND SAFETY INCIDENT REPORTDATE/TIME OF INCIDENT: DATE/TIME INCIDENT NOTIFICATION RECEIVED:HOW CONTACTED however, many are not. Persons with
48、hearing impairments may not hear audio emergency alarms and will need to be alerted of emergency situations. Emergency instructions can be given by writing a short explicit note to evacuate.Reasonable accommodations for persons with hearing impairments may be met by modifying the building fire alarm
49、 system, particularly for occupants who spend most of their day in one location.Visually ImpairedMost people with a visual impairment will be familiar with their immediate surroundings and frequently traveled routes. Since the emergency evacuation route is likely different from the commonly traveled route, persons who are visually impaired may need assistance in evacuating. The assistant should offer their elbow to the individual with a visual impairment and guide him or her through the evacuation route. During the evacuation the assistant should communicate as nec