1、跨文化交际教学大纲辅导老师:唐肖萍适用班级:09 春/秋英语(本科)单元简述第一单元 语言、文化与交际内容:介绍语言、文化和交际之间的关系,跨文化交流模式,交流中的各种意义等。教学目的:帮助学员认识到语言和文化是不可分的,对语言的充分理解需要文化意识。学习目标:通过各种练习了解决定交际质量的基本要素,认识交际双方在交际过程中的交互作用,把握交际场合的定义、程式和价值观等。第二单元 文化冲击内容:介绍不同文化背景的人接触时常常感到的种种“文化诧异”现象。教学目的:通过对各种“文化诧异”现象的分析培养学员的文化意识。学习目标:通过练习认识到英汉在好客、谦逊、隐私、礼貌等方面的文化差异,进一步体会不
2、同的文化价值观对交际行为的影响,初步学会如何适应一个新的文化环境。第三单元 姓名里的文化内容:姓名、称呼语和亲属语中的文化内涵。 教学目的:通过对姓名、称呼语和亲属语中的文化内涵的分析,使学员更加清楚地认识到英汉在这方面的文化差异。学习目标:通过各种练习学会正确使用姓名、称呼语和亲属语。第四单元 人际间的交互作用内容:介绍在处理日常生活琐事过程中人际间的交互作用。教学目的:培养学员对人们在处理日常生活琐事过程中不同行为模式的认识。学习目标:通过练习学会处理邀请、约会、付帐、馈赠、请求、恭维、招待等行为中的文化差异,了解其中的一些不成文规则,更清楚地意识到自己的行为是如何受本族文化影响的。第五单
3、元 角色和关系内容:介绍社会角色,如男和女、父母和孩子、朋友、社会身份等中的文化内涵。教学目的:帮助学员分析社会角色和关系在不同文化中的期望值。学习目标:意识到不同角色的不同期望值;意识到不同角色的不同责任;做到同其他文化背景的人交往时能够调整自己的期望值。第六单元 体态语交流内容:介绍体态语在跨文化交际中的重要作用。教学目的:使学员熟悉不同种类的体态语以及不同文化对体态语的不同解释。学习目标:通过练习能够描述体态语的不同意义;意识到成功的跨文化交际不仅需要知道如何用语言表达,而且要知道伴随恰当的体态语,在交流中有意识地注意脸部表情、目光接触、手势和身体位置、身体距离等。第七单元 换句话说内容
4、:介绍习语、谚语、俚语、委婉语、禁忌语等文化内涵。教学目的:使学员对常用习语、谚语、俚语、委婉语、禁忌语中的文化内涵及英汉差异有较清楚的认识。学习目标:通过练习能够理解常用习语、谚语、俚语、委婉语、禁忌语等。第八单元 从部落到“地球村”内容:介绍科学技术的发展对人类交流产生的巨大影响,跨文化交际已经使人类超越地界、国界和时空。教学目的:帮助学员回顾科学技术的发展对人类交流产生的巨大影响,认识到跨文化交际在当今社会中的重要作用。学习目标:通过练习使学员学会使用现代通讯常用术语,如无线通讯、卫星电视通讯、电话通讯、电子通讯等;了解在“地球村”生活的一些基本策略。跨文化交际考核说明跨文化交际是本科开
5、放教育英语专业的必修课程之一。本课程的目的是使学生熟悉英语国家文化,掌握跨文化交际的基本知识和技巧。课程的重点是培养学生运用英语进行跨文化交际的能力。考核方式包括形成性考核和课程终结性考试。课程终结性考试以考查读写技能为主,包括课程中介绍的跨文化交际的有关知识,另外包括口试。一、考核对象中央广播电视大学本科开放教育英语专业学生。二、考核方式本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结性考试。课程总成绩为百分制,形成性考核占课程总成绩的 20%,课程终结性考试占课程总成绩的 80%。1 形成性考核:满分 100 分,占课程总成绩的 20%。形成性考核是对学生学习过程和阶段性学习效果的综合评价,
6、包括学生参与各项教学活动和自主学习活动的情况以及阶段性的学习进展情况。本课程的形成性考核内容和方式严格按照形成性考核册的要求执行。2 课程终结性考试:包括口试和笔试两部分,满分分别为 100 分。口试占课程总成绩的15;笔试占课程总成绩的 65。口试和笔试都由中央电大统一命题,在同一时间全国统考。笔试的考试时间为 90 分钟。三、命题依据本课程终结性考试的命题依据是中央广播电视大学本科开放教育英语专业教学计划、课程教学大纲以及“高级英语自学系列教程”中的跨文化交际教材。四、评价目标本课程终结性考试重点考查学生运用英语进行跨文化交际的能力。学生应能够掌握适应不同场合和交际目的的口头和书面交际的技
7、能,能够介绍我国国情和文化,讨论有关交际的问题。能够在阅读时获得整体交际信息或把握主要内容及一些细节。五、命题原则根据教材所涵盖的有关话题及交际功能进行命题,涉及教材的内容不少于 50%。六、试题结构(1) 笔试部分:(2) 口试部分:学生两人一组,进行问答对话。总共出 3 套口试题签,每一个题签上有两个话题,话题与教材的内容相关。考试时, 首先学生两人一组进行抽签,然后按照 A, B 两个角色准备对话,准备时间为 10 分钟。接着开始口试,两个话题各进行 5 分钟,口试时间总共为 10 分钟。评分办法:为了能够比较客观地反映考生的口语表现,建议口试的评分人由 2-3 位教师组成。考生的口试成
8、绩可为评分人所给分数的平均值。七、考试要求本课程终结性考试笔试部分为闭卷考试,考生不得携带任何形式的参考资料和电子读物或工具。八、样题跨文化交际终结考试试卷(样题)Part 1. Questions 1- 5 are based on this part. (10 points) You are going to listen to a panel discussion between two people on animal behavior. Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D for each question. Write your an
9、swers on the Answer Sheet.1. Madam Chair states that chimpanzees altruism _.A. is similar to that of beesB. may contain an element of self-interestC. is part of a group feeding systemD. is not a mutual-aid system 2. Worker bees work hard looking for food for 2 or 3 weeks, _.A. and then die, leaving
10、no offspringB. and then feed their offspringC. but die before feeding their offspringD. and then produce their offspring3. Chimpanzees who dont do their share of grooming are _ by the group.A. criticizedB. acceptedC. exchanged D. rejected4. Male lions will cooperate in groups comprising _.A. brother
11、sB. brothers and sistersC. brothers and sisters and daughtersD. brothers and sisters and daughters and aunts5. Which of the following animals are being discussed in the conversation?A. bees, dogs, and lionsB. bees, chimpanzees, and fishC. bees, chimpanzees, and lions.D. chimpanzees , lions, and dogs
12、Part 2. Questions 6-15 are based on this part. (10 points)You are going to listen to part of a lecture. As you listen, fill in the blanks with words from the lecture to complete the sentences that summarize the main points of the lecture. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. Note: Each blank requ
13、ires only ONE word.People communicate with one another all the time. Culture is regarded at the _6_ of communication challenges and it influences how people _7_ problems and participate in groups and in _8_.One definition of culture given in the lecture is that “Culture refers to a group with which
14、we share common experiences that _9_ how we understand the world.“ In the complex world, culture is one of the factors that act upon people. Anthropologists Keven Avruch and Peter Black explained that “culture provides the lens through which we view the world; the _10_ by which we order it; the _11_
15、 by which the world makes sense.“Since people coming from different cultural groups need to work together, cultural values sometimes _12_ and misunderstanding arises.The speaker mentioned six patterns of cultural differences which include: different communication styles, attitudes toward conflict, a
16、pproaches to _13_ tasks, decision making styles, attitudes toward _14_, and approaches to knowing.When talking about communication style, the speaker introduced two aspects: verbal and non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication includes facial expressions, _15_, seating arrangements, persona
17、l distance, and sense of time. This is the end of the Listening Test.Section II Communicative Competence 30 points Questions16-30: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.16. Which of the following statements is TRUE of collectivism? _A. Collectivist culture
18、s are described as “I“ cultures.B. Members of collectivist cultures value open discussion of disagreement.C. Uniformity and conformity are stressed in collectivist cultures.D. Collectivists tend to draw attention to themselves and express unique opinions.17. Just now I suddenly realized that I was t
19、otally to blame. Ill just have to face the music. The underlined part here means _.A. to go to a concert and forget anything else by enjoying the musicB. to relax oneself by listening to the music aloneC. to accept responsibility for a mistakeD. to go to see the person who is in charge and ask what
20、has gone wrong18. Which of the following statements is NOT true? _A. Individualism can be traced to the philosophy of liberalism.B. The basic social unit in collectivist cultures is the autonomous self.C. Eastern collectivism is tied to Confucianism.D. Culture shock may occur at the individualist-co
21、llectivist divide, but the gap can be bridged.19. Bob is great! He always plays the game. The underlined part has the same meaning as _.A. takes something as a game without caring too muchB. plays various gamesC. helps others when playing gamesD. behaves in a fair and honorable way20. Which of the f
22、ollowing first names is shortened as “Bob“? _A. RobertB. WilliamC. AlexanderD. Peter21. Which of the following statements is TRUE of the roots of English names? _A. “Forester“ came from personal characteristics.B. “Young“ came from occupations.C. “OPatrick“ came from family relationships.D. “Butler“
23、 came from places.22. If you received an English invitation to a formal western banquet but could not attend it, what would be an appropriate action? _A. Ask a friend to attend the banquet for you.B. Ask a colleague to phone a refusal.C. Accept the invitation but then not attend.D. Write a reply inf
24、orming the host/hostess that you could not attend the banquet.23. Your American colleague has just had her hair dyed green. She is expecting your comment. What would you say appropriately? _A. “Your hair is as green as tree leaves.“B. “It looks good.“C. “Its too green. I dont like the color.“D. “It
25、looks much better.“24. Your classmate from Britain would like to borrow your computer this weekend. Unfortunately, you need to use it at the same time. How would you refuse the request politely? _A. “Well, why dont you borrow one from someone else?“B. “Sorry, I cannot lend it to you.“C. “Yes, but yo
26、u need to give it back to me as soon as possible.“D. “Id love to, but Im afraid Ive got a lot of things to type up as well.“25. Trying to explain rock music to your grandfather is just like dui niu tan qin (对牛弹琴)-playing violin to a bull. The corresponding English expression is _.A. casting pearls b
27、efore swineB. casting diamonds to a dogC. throwing pearls to a pigD. throwing diamonds to a goat26. Which of the following statements is TRUE of non-verbal communication? _A. Non-verbal communication serves a variety of purposes.B. Non-verbal communication is less important than verbal communication
28、.C. Since non-verbal communication is hard to interpret, it is important to reduce it to the minimum in cross-cultural communication.D. Non-verbal communication is not effective without verbal communication. 27. The idiom “by the skin of ones teeth“ means _.A. very thinB. hard and flexibleC. only ju
29、stD. ones sense of right and wrong28. What does the ring gesture (you form an “O“ by holding the tip of your forefinger to the tip of your thumb) mean in Britain? _A. Something is expensive.B. Something is good.C. Something is worthless.D. I will kill you.29. Which of the following statements is NOT
30、 true? _A. Proxemics is the study governing how closely one person stands to another.B. All cultures draw lines between appropriate and inappropriate social distance for different relationships.C. Social distance has a wider range than public distance.D. The appropriateness of physical contact varie
31、s between cultures.30. If someone is said to be “economical with the truth“, he/she _A. has saved a lot of moneyB. does not tell the whole truthC. uses very few wordsD. has recently diedSection III Reading Comprehension 30 points Part 1. Questions 31- 35 are based on Passage 1. (10 points)Passage 1A
32、 handshake will be an acceptable greeting around the world. However, the strength, length, and duration of a handshake will vary by culture. Of course, Japanese will still bow to each other and it is advisable for foreign visitors to bow slightly when shaking hands. Mexicans who know each other will
33、 hug and East Europeans may kiss. In many European countries it is common to shake hands with everyone in the room before and after each business meeting.Business card exchanges are an important part of any international business meeting. Variations include where to keep your cards, which languages
34、the card should be in, and what to do with the business card once you have received it. One rule to follow: Always bring five times more cards than you think you will need. To explore the nuances of business card exchange, we will examine the exchange as carried out by an American in Japan.First, th
35、e cards should be in English on one side and Japanese on the other. The Japanese side should have a logo or other marker. It is important that the company and title be prominently positioned. The cards should be kept in a card holder in the vest or jacket. Never keep the cards in a wallet or a pocke
36、tbook. The presentation of the card is done at the beginning of the meeting. Cards are presented with the givers name (Japanese side) facing the recipient. The card can be delivered by one or preferably two hands accompanied by a slight bow. On receipt of a card, it should be studied carefully to de
37、termine the status of the person. Since meetings usually involve more than one person, each card received should be placed on the table, like an open deck of cards, in front of the recipient so that the executive can tell who he or she is speaking with. The recipient should avoid shuffling the cards
38、, placing them in ones wallet, or writing on them in the presence of the giver. The business card is the symbolic embodiment of the organization; therefore it should be treated with the utmost respect.As a general rule, use peoples titles on international business assignments. Learn the appropriate
39、titles for each country. People with Ph.D.s should always be referred to as Doctor. In many countries, people will be referred to by their titles only. For example, “Chief Engineer, can you tell us how this operation works?“ The use of first names in business also varies by country and age. Be alert
40、 to these differences.Questions 31-35: Decide whether the following statements are true, false, or not mentioned according to the passage. Write T for “true“, F for “false“, and NM for “not mentioned“ on the Answer Sheet._31. Generally speaking, in Europe you should shake hands with everybody at the
41、 beginning and the end of a meeting._32. You should always take at least five more business cards than you expect to need on your business trips._33. In Japan, the persons status should be clearly given on the card._34. It is acceptable for an American to note something down on a Japanese business c
42、ard to remind him of the person who gave it to him._35. The Japanese business card is more than just a reminder of who the person is. It also represents the company he works for.Part 2. Questions 36-40 are based on Passage 2. (10 points)Passage 2In an effort to get over culture shock, there is value
43、 in knowing something about the nature of culture and its relationship to the individual. In addition to living in a physical environment, an individual lives in a cultural environment consisting of manmade physical objects, social institutions, ideas and beliefs.An individual is not born with cultu
44、re but only with the capacity to learn it and use it. There is nothing in a newborn child which dictates that it should eventually speak Portuguese, English, or French, nor that it should eat with a fork in its left hand rather than in the right, or use chopsticks. All these things the child has to
45、learn. Nor are the parents responsible for the culture which they transmit to their young. The culture of any people is the product of history and is built up over time largely through processes which are, as far as the individual is concerned, beyond his/her awareness. It is by means of culture tha
46、t the young learn to adapt themselves to the physical environment and to the people with whom they associate.As we know, children and adolescents often experience difficulties in this process of learning and adjustment. But once learned, culture becomes a way of life, the sure, familiar, largely aut
47、omatic way of getting what you want from your environment and as such it also becomes a value.People have a way of accepting their culture as both the best and the only way of doing things. This is perfectly normal and understandable. To this attitude we give the name ethnocentrism, a belief that no
48、t only the culture but the race and nation form the center of the world.Individuals identify themselves with their own group and its ways to the extent that any critical comment is taken as an affront to the individual as well as to the group. If you criticize my country, you are criticizing me. If
49、you criticize me, you are criticizing my country.Along with this attitude goes the tendency to attribute all individual peculiarities as national characteristics. For instance, if an American does something odd or antisocial in a foreign country which back home would be considered a purely individual act, it is no