1、 毕业设计(论文) 外文资料翻译题 目: 广告英语中双关语的语用功能 院系名称:新闻与传播学院专业班级:广告 0902 班 学生姓名: 王子婵 学 号: 200948310226 指导教师: 郭颖 教师职称: 讲师 附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文; 2.外文原文。 1附件 1:外文资料翻译译文广告英语中双关语的语用功能摘 要: 广告英语的独特性在于其新颖、灵活的语言及其形式的多样化。除了在词汇和句法方面别具一格外,修辞手法也被广泛地运用来润色广告语言。双关,一种集幽默与智慧于一身的言简意赅的语言表达形式,深受广告商的喜爱,以提高广告语言的魅力。本文中,作者首先列举了四种广泛应用于广告英语中的双
4、在广告里双关非常受欢迎。本文着重分析了双关语的语用功能,以此来说明双关语如何实现广告效果。 2二、双关语在广告英语中的运用A、双关的定义在讨论过后,我们可以对同一问题从不同的角度进行解释。并且,毫无疑问,双关可以有这么多种定义方法。在这个文本里我将从牛津词典里得出一种明确的解释。一句幽默或听起来语音相似的词语的使用形成,一个词语或者多个同音不同义的词语的组合适用会产生幽默的效果,这样可以发挥两个或多个可能的应用效果;还可以解释为一种文字游戏产生的幽默效果。B、广告英语中双关语的类型作为一种修辞手段,双关语在广告英语中的发音特点主要体现在其独特的应用,单词和句子结构。本文作者认为双关语通常被用在
5、以下四个方面。1、谐音双关谐音双关语,主要基于同音词的使用,在所有的语言都是很受欢迎的。在现代英语中,有很多类似的形式的话,但绝对不同的意义共享相似的发音,这在一定程度上导致的幽默感。例如: More sun and air for your son and heir.我们这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,这对您的儿子您事业和财产的继承人 大有裨益 一个令人印象深刻的方式,这句话让客户意识到生活在一个干净的环境,保持良好的健康的重要意义。毫无疑问,这是一个成功的,智能的两组相似的声音和形式的用词,例如:“sun“ and “son“; “air “and “heir“,这样使得广告易于阅读和记住客
6、户。2、语义双关语义双关,借助语音或语义的联系,使语句在一定情况下相互影响。例如:Money doesnt grow on trees, but blossoms at our branches.钱不能长在树上,在我们“行”就能。 3这是一个在英国劳埃德银行的广告,其中的一句话“分支”有超过一个单一的意义。 “树”的前面部分可以理解为“分支” ,并进一步含义是“部门银行” 。这则广告的读者会认为,在劳埃德银行的存款方式享受他的钱的增量。很明显,语义双关贡献很多广告中添加幽默感。3、语义双关语广告英语中的语义双关语的应用比上面的更灵活,它重视的是句子的整体含义。此 外,它使广告很耐人寻味。例如:
7、Spoil yourself and not your figure. 尽情大吃,不增体重。这是专门为那些正在节食减肥者的冰激凌广告。有双关语不仅在品牌名称,但在好的口号。 “宠爱自己”的意思是“享受自己” ;而“糟蹋一图”让人变胖的意义。这则广告的成功在于对那些想要保持健康的幽默方式的正确使用语义双关语的心理活动的充分利用。4、地道的双关语地道的双关语在广告英语中的灵活应用是充满了困难,深深植根于当地文化的著名的成语和短语的使用。此外,地道的双关语在广告英语中的应用,在一定程度上,可以理解为艺术手段。例如: An Apple everybody keeps worries away.听起来和
8、一句名言很像“An apple a day keeps the doctor away“.它深深扎根在人们的脑海里, “苹果”不仅是一个品牌电脑,而且益于身体健康。从这个广告来看,很明显,企业要想告诉他们的客户,他们的产品是一个令人印象深刻的方式对人的健康没有危害。三、从语用角度分析广告英语中双关语的功能为了更好的理解广告和双关,我将解释双关语在语用方面如何实现广告的主要功能。为了给这个问题一个更具体的研究,我选择了十个广告双关语的不同形式的文本,包括一本书,一篇论文,一篇文章在中国和国外的一篇文章,以确保我的数据的变化。A、传达信息广告应包含有效,对商品或服务的真实信息,因此消费者需要时可以
9、自己去了解信4息。一般来说,运用了这一功能,广告也应该很容易理解。然而,按照双关的定义,他们有一个以上的意义,或者他们是发音相同涵义不同。对于语义双关来说,抓住他们的主要意思并不是容易的。比如:Less bread, No jam. London Underground 。“Bread” 意思是“money” 在英语俚语里, “jam” 指的是“traffic jam.” 意思是,在伦敦没有交通堵塞可以帮助人们减少费用消耗。如果人们不知道“bread” and “jam”的含义会混淆人们对广告的理解。根据保罗格莱斯的合作原则,双关语在广告中运用违反语言方式准则:避免晦涩的表达;避免歧义。 (戴
10、炜栋何兆熊,92,2002:)一旦违背这种交流就不是一种自然交流而是一种非常规交流。明显,这是广告主正在追求的一种效果,因为在社会生活中,人们通常会记住不同寻常的东西而不是很普通的东西。从这个角度来看,双关语使广告更有创意,以便吸引人们对这些信息产生更多的注意。 例如“bread” and “jam” 就很容易吸引人们的注意,特别是对于那些刚放学或刚从拥挤的大城市中下班的人们。B、创意需求当第一个功能奏效时就需要创意了,再加上一个双关就更有吸引力了。例如:Theres no present like the time. Zenith watch 在这则广告中,“present”有着时间和礼物双
11、重含义,意味着“真利时”是最好的礼物和最精准的时间双重含义(王志伟,2007) 。在人们获得信息后,他们会发现这款手表是吸引人的而且能作为最好的礼物送给朋友和爱人,刺激了他们的购买欲望。消费者就算理解十个广告也会明白广告里运用双关带来的创意。C、劝说功能广告将提供的人谁有兴趣在他们的消费有说服力的理由。这些原因会造成的双关的幽默效果的印象。例如:Spoil yourself and not your figure. Weigh-Watcher Ice-cream在这里, “宠爱自己”的意思是“享受自己的内心世界” (王艳喜2004) 。在这里,溺爱自己的手指意味着伤害自己的手指,例如增加体重,
12、而不是通过溺爱手指来保持苗条。这种品牌的雪糕不但美味而且有利于身体健康。它说服并刺激消费者的内心和唇舌。根据塞尔的言语行为的分类,这样有说服力的双关语的属于,这是“说话人试图让听话人做5某事” 。 (戴炜栋何兆熊,90,2002)因此,双关在劝说功能中发挥着很重要的作用。D、采取行动被说服之后,消费者就会购买商品或享受服务。双关会刺激人们为了满足欲望而采取行动。注意以下广告: What on earth is going on? Time will tell. Time magazine“Time”在这里不仅仅指的是时间而且指的是杂志时代周刊 。双关解决了这样一个问题,随着时间推移世界上发生了
13、什么, 时代周刊会温和的直接的告诉你。人们只有买了这个杂志才会知道时代周刊里是什么。E、商誉建立功能双关也促成了一个公司价值和内涵的实现。From Sharp minds come Sharp products. Sharp CompanyWhats afoot in the world of fashion? Mansfield Shoes在第一个例子中,夏普公司通过双关建立了夏普的印象。第二个例子中“be afoot” 指的是正在进行的和行动起来双重含义,向我们展示了曼斯菲尔德鞋的流行时尚。如果夏普产品和曼斯菲尔德鞋都是好的,双关建立的商誉会被加强并且获得更好的发展。综上所述,在广告英语中
14、,双关语是一种最常用的修辞手段。它可以使产品更具竞争力和盈利能力。在当今社会,更好地利用广告将帮助公司赢得更多的消费者。主要有四个双关语在广告英语中的应用,即,语音双关,语义双关,语义双关和成语双关语。双关语在广告中可以导致信息功能,创造需求的功能,有说服力的功能,让行动功能,和商誉建立功能。只有充分了解其应用程序,功能,和可译性的语用分析,才能使广告更加幽默,具有竞争力和盈利性。亨德森:如何实现的双关语的研究在实现广告的某些功能方面将是有益的广告效果。在实际翻译中,必须根据具体情况,然后使用其他有效的方法来表示文本的意义。这将有助于人们通过广告英语的分析研究中国广告。来源:尤金 A 奈达.语
15、言与文化语境翻译M.。上海:上海外语教育出版社,2001 5826附件 2:外文原文The Pragmatic Function of Puns and ItsTranslation in Advertising EnglishAbstract: Advertising English is characterized by its originality, flexibility of language usage and the diversity of the forms. Apart from the distinguishing features at lexical and syn
16、tactic levels, rhetorical vehicles, as decorative devices of language, are frequently employed in advertising English. Pun, a concise way to express humor and wit, is particularly favored by advertisers to enhance the appeal of language. In this thesis, firstly, the author lists four kinds of puns f
17、requently used in advertising English, that is, homonymic puns, homographic puns, semantic puns and idiomatic puns. Then, the author illustrates how puns are applied to achieve advertising effects in realizing some certain functions from pragmatic perspectives. Lastly, the author analyses the transl
18、atability of puns in advertising English and tentatively proposes five strategies to the translation of puns in advertising English, i.e. preservation, creation, compensation, explication and omission. Each of the five strategies is not always applied on its own, and sometimes two or more strategies
19、 are jointly employed in advertisement translation in accordance with the principle of optimal relevance depending on the situation.Key words: Advertisement; Pun; Pragmatic Function; Translation7I. IntroductionWhat is advertising? Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually
20、paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or idea by identified sponsors through the various media. In modern age, people find themselves surrounded by various advertisements each day. Facing so many advertisements, how to make the advertisement impressive is the main purpos
21、e of the advertisers. In order to enhance the appeal of an advertisement, advertisers pay much attention not only to such expressive devices as plates, color and the layout of a printed page, but also to 、 Whether it is goods advertisement or public service advertisement, the creation of the adverti
22、sement is a comprehensive art. The skills needed in this art are more than other forms of writing. It shows the vivid and interesting characters by the principle of salesmanship. Advertisers become to be aware of that the using of precision and appropriate in advertising literary language will make
23、the influence of advertising language far beyond the advertisement itself. As a result, the figures of speech are frequently and widely used as an important characteristic of advertising English in creating advertisements, among which pun is loved deeply. The rhetorical of pun is a common skill in c
24、reating advertisement. Webster defined pun as “the use of word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect”. As a game of words, pun leaves
25、 a deep impression on readers by its readability, wit and humor. It can satisfy the requirement of advertisement characteristicsinformation function, demand creation function, persuasive function, get action function, and goodwill establishment function. So pun is very popular in advertisement. This
26、 article will focus on analyzing the pragmatic function of puns to illustrate how puns achieve advertising effects and the translatability of pun in advertising English.II. The Application of Puns in Advertising EnglishA. Definition of pun Looking at the same issue from different perspectives, we ma
27、y often come up with different definitions of the thing under discussion. And, not surprisingly, pun can be thus defined in many 8ways. In this paper, I will adapt a clear one form Oxford English Dictionary, in which pun is defined as “the humorous use of a word, or of words which are formed or soun
28、ded alike but have different meanings, in such a way as to play on two or more of the possible application; a play on words to produce a humorous effect.” B. Types of Puns in Advertising EnglishAs a rhetorical device, the application of puns in advertising English reflects its unique features mainly
29、 in pronunciation, words and sentence structures. The present author holds that puns are usually used in the following four ways. 1. Homonymic punsHomonymic puns, mainly based on the use of homophones, are quite popular in all languages. In modern English, there are a lot of words of similar forms b
30、ut absolutely different meanings sharing the similar pronunciation, which to some certain extent causes a sense of humor. Examples: More sun and air for your son and heir.我们这里有充足的阳光,清新的空气,这对您的儿子您事业和财产的继承人-大有裨益。 In an impressive way, this sentence makes customers be aware of the great significance of
31、 living in a clean environment and keeping a good health. Without any doubt, it is a success, for smart using of two groups of words with similar sounds and forms, i.e. “sun“ and “son“; “air “and “heir“, which makes the advertisement easy to read and remember for customers.2. Homographic punsHomogra
32、phic puns, which takes effects under the certain situation where multi-meaning words are used, correspondents to the application of homonymic puns.Examples:Money doesnt grow on trees, but blossoms at our branches.钱不能长在树上,在我们“行” 就能。 This is an advertisement of Lloyd Bank in Great Britain, in which th
33、e word “branch“ has more than one single meaning. “Trees“ in the front part can be understood as “branches“, and the further meaning of which is “branches of banks“. Readers of this advertisement are expected to believe that to deposit ones money in Lloyd Bank means to enjoy an increment of his mone
34、y. It is obvious that homographic puns contribute a lot in adding a sense of humor in advertising.93. Semantic punsThe application of semantic puns in advertising English is much more flexible than the above ones, in which attention is attached to the overall meaning of the sentence. Besides, it mak
35、es the advertisement meaningful and thought-provoking.Examples:Spoil yourself and not your figure. 尽情大吃,不增体重。This is an advertisement for “Weight-Watcher“ ice-cream which is produced specially for ones on diet. There are puns not only in the brand name but in the slogan of the good. “Spoil oneself“
36、means “enjoy oneself“; while “spoil ones figure“ has the meaning of making someone getting fatter. The success of this advertisement lies in the full use of the psychological activity of those who want to keep fit in a humorous way by proper use of the semantic puns. 4. Idiomatic punsThe flexible ap
37、plication of idiomatic puns in advertising English is full of difficulties for which are deeply rooted in the local culture by the use of famous idioms and phrases. Besides, the application of idiomatic pun in advertising English, to some extent, can be understood as a means of arts.Examples: An App
38、le everybody keeps worries away.When read, this slogan can be easily associated with a popular saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away“. It is deeply rooted in peoples mind that “Apple“ is not only the brand name of a computer, but what keeps people fit. Judging from this advertisement, it is
39、obvious that the enterprise wants to tell their customers that their products are no harm to peoples health in an impressive way. III. The Analysis to the Functions of Puns in Advertising English from Pragmatic PerspectivesWith a better understand of puns and functions of advertisement, I will give
40、an analysis of how puns achieve major functions of advertisement in pragmatic ways. In order to give a more specific study of this question, I have chosen ten advertisements form different texts about puns, including a book, a dissertation, an article in China and an article in foreign country, to m
41、ake sure the variety of my data. 10A. Information FunctionAn advertisement should contain effective, true information about commodity or service, so consumers can learn if such things are needed for themselves. Generally, in realizing this function, an advertisement should be easy to understand. How
42、ever, as the definition of puns, they have more than one meaning or they are different words that sound the same. Its not easy to catch all their implicit meanings, especially the homographic puns. For example:Less bread, No jam. London Underground “Bread” means “money” in slang English and “jam” ca
43、n refer to “traffic jam.” So it means there is no traffic jam in London underground which could help travelers cost less money in traffic fee. If people do not realize the implicit meaning of “bread” and “jam”, the confusion of their rhetorical effects may get in the way of our understanding of the
44、advertising. According to Paul Grices Cooperative Principle, puns in advertisement violate the maxim of manner: avoid obscurity of expression; avoid ambiguity. (Dai Weidong, He Zhaoxiong, 2002: 92) Once this principle is violated, the communication is not a natural one anymore, but a special, unconv
45、entional one. Obviously, this is the effect that advertisers are seeking for. Since in the society, people will easily omit some ordinary things but remember unusual things. From this perspective, puns make advertisement more creative so as to catch more peoples attention to the information. Such as
46、 “bread” and “jam” are eye-catching, especially for tired people who go off work or school in this busy big city. Native English speakers will understand them after a few seconds of thought. Then, the advertising works. B. Demand Creation FunctionWhen the first function works, the demand creation fu
47、nction gets a chance. When people enter the context of puns, they will soon find their attractiveness. For example:Theres no present like the time. Zenith watch In this advertisement, “present” means both the present time and gift, “implying that the Zenith watch makes the best present and is the mo
48、st accurate in telling the present time.” (Wang Zhiwei, 2007) After people get this information, they will find this watch is attractive and is really a good gift for their friends and beloved people, which may raise their desire to buy one. All the puns in ten advertisements have obvious demand cre
49、ation functions once they are understood by consumers.11C. Persuasive FunctionAdvertisement will provide persuasive reasons of consuming for people who are interested in them. Such reasons will be impressed by the humorous effect created by puns. For instance:Spoil yourself and not your figure. Weigh-Watcher Ice-creamHere, “spoil yourself” means “enjoy oneself to ones hearts content.”(Wang Yanxi, 2004) At the same time, “spoil ones figure” means do harm to ones figure, such as gaining w