1、 0 75 m 4 m-、13 mm 6 mm 3 9%6 4%、。AIC hE。6 mm。TQ 053 5 A 1005-9954 2011 07-0018-04Re s e ar c h o n t r ay e f f ic ie n c y o f s ie v e t r ay ZHANG Qiu-x ian g JIANG Yu an-t ao XIONG D an-liu ZHAO Pe i C ol l e geofC he micalEngine e ring EastC hinaUniv e rsity ofScie nceand Te chnol ogy Shanghai
2、200237 C hina Ab s t r ac t Themass transfe rpe rformanceof sie v etrays w as studie d in thedistil l ation col umn w ith a diame te rof0 75 m and 4 m highcol umn trays by using cycl ohe xane-he ptanesyste m as w orking fl uid atatmosphe ric pre ssureand ful l re fl ux Fourkinds ofsie v etrays w ith
3、thehol ediame te rof13 mm and6 mm and theope ningare aof3 9%and 6 4%w e rese l e cte d Thee ffe cts of structure poreradius and outl e t w e ir he ight on tray e fficie ncy w e restudie d TheM urphre etraye fficie ncyforl iquid phasein fourfl oors ofthecol umn and theov e ral l col umn e fficie ncyw
4、 e recompare d Be side s theM urphre ee fficie ncyv al ue s w e reobtaine d byAIC hE me thods Themode lv al ue s ande xpe rime ntalv al ue s forM urphre etray e fficie ncy w e recompare d Thee xpe rime ntalre sul ts show thatappropriate l yincre asing theoutl e tw e irhe ightcan improv ethesie v etr
5、ay e fficie ncy in thefroth re gime Thetray e fficie ncy of6 mm hol ediame te ris highe r thew e irhe ighthas noinfl ue nceon themass transfe rpe rformancein thej e tre gime AIC hE me thod is moreapproache d to thee xpe rime ntalre sul t The sere sul ts can prov ideafoundation forindustrialde sign a
6、nd scal e-up Ke y w o r d s sie v etray poreradius outl e tw e irhe ight tray e fficie ncy 1830。20 50、。、。AIC hE 1-2。1。20 50 AIC hE。AIC hE。3-5 1 NGNG=0 776+4 567 10 3h W 0 238FS+105LP G/GDG 0 5 1 2 NLNL=4 127 108DL 0 5 0 213FS+0 15 t L 2 t L=Z CZ LLP。Z C=0 042+0 19 10 3h W 0 014FO+2 5LP 3 3 EOG EOL E
7、OG=1 e xp 1 1/NG+m q G/q LNL 4 4 EmV EmL P e=Z L2Det L 5 De=0 003 78+0 017U SA+3 86 LP+0 18 10 3h W 2。C oul son EmV/EOG EOG m q G/q L P e。EOG m q G/q L 1 EmV/EOG P e。P e SL=0 62 1 9P e+2 8 6 EmV=EOG1+SL EOG m q Gq()L 7 2 0 75 m 4。-。1。1 Fig 1 Sche maticfigureofdistil l ation col umn G C 112A。SE-30 25
8、 m 0 31 mm 0 33 m。150 9 1 60 1 x y。FID 0 4 M Pa 0 2 M Pa。3 3 1。3 89%、d o 13 mm 40 70 mm h W 2 2。2 E2 mL Fig 2 Effe ctofw e irhe ighton traye fficie ncy E2 mL 2 FO 14 17 m/s kg/m3 0 5 70 mm 40 mm 10%18 m/s kg/m3 0 5。、。3 2 1 5 25 mm。6 4%13 6 mm 2 3。2。3 E2 mL Fig 3 Effe ctofhol ediame te ron e fficie n
9、cy E2 mLofsie v etrays 3 6 4%6 mm 13 mm 2。6 4%2。4。4 E2 mV Fig 4 Effe ctofhol ediame te ron e fficie ncy E2 mVofsie v etrays3 3 5。5 Fig 5 Effe ctofsie v etrayin diffe re ntposition 0 2 2011 39 7 。4 5 1 2 4 20%50%。1 2。1 2 2。3 4 AIC hE 3 9%、13 mm 2 1。1 2 Tabl e1 C omparison be tw e e n cal cul ation v
10、al ueande xpe rime ntalv al ueofE2 mVforsie v e FOAIC hE 0 764 0 853 0 8420 838 0 846 0 7540 916 0 838 0 7890 985 0 831 0 8761 059 0 824 0 897 AIC hE。4 1。2 6 13 mm 6 mm。3 AIC hE。De m2/sDG m2/sDL m2/sEOG%FO FS h W mLP m3/s m m P e q G kmol/sq L kmol/sSL AIC hE U SA m/sZ L m G kg/m3 L kg/m3 G Pa s 1 M
11、 2 2005 2 AIC hE Bubbl e-tray de sign man ual M Ne w Y ork AIC hE Distil l ation Subcommitte eoftheRe se archC ommit-te e 1958 3 C HENG X Pre dictingand improv ingsie v etraypointe ffi-cie ncy D Edmonton Univ e rsityofAl be rta 1993 4 C HENG X AFAC ANA C HUANG K T Effe cts ofsur-facete nsion on tray
12、 pointe fficie ncie s J C an J C he mEng 1994 72 5 614-621 5 C HENG X C HUANG K T Pre diction ofpointe fficie ncyforsie v etray in distil l ation J Ind Eng C he m Re s 1993 32 4 701-708 6 M OLNAR K Eddydiffusion coe fficie ntin v al v etraydistil-l ation col umns J Pe riodica Pol yte chnica M e chanicalEngine e ring 1974 18 2 155-159 1 2