1、 ( 加不准吸烟标志 ) 前台工作时间:07:00-24:00。 入住时除房费外,须另交押金 100 元。退房时请归还所借物品,并凭房卡退回押金。 退房时间为中午 12:00。12:00 后退房加收半天房费,16:00 后退房加收全天房费。 来访客人请于 23:00 前离开旅舍。房间内请勿会客。 客房只供登记客人使用。未经登记使用者将罚款 200 元。 旅舍不提供一次性洗漱用品。如有需要可在前台购买。 请妥善保管自己的贵重物品。前台设有可上锁的储物柜。 慎防盗窃,关好门窗。 Reception opening hours: 0700-2400. A bond of RMB100 is requ
2、ired. Upon the return of theitem(s) you borrowed and key (card), a refund will be made. Check-out time is before 1200 hrs. An extra 50% charge willbe imposed for checking out after noon. A full day rate is chargeable for checking out after 1600 hrs. Please meet your visitor(s) at lounge or common ro
3、om. No visitor is allowed after 2300 hrs. Non-disposable washing items can be purchased from Front Desk. Please take care of your belongings and valuables.Lockers are available at the reception. Please lock doors and windows all the time. (27cm 白底黑字一块,后加背板)冰箱逢星期一清理一次。无人认领物将于翌日移走。请勿取用其他客人物品。Fridge is
4、 cleared every Monday afternoon. Unclaimed items will be disposed the following day. Please dont consume or take away other guests storage.(40cm 白底黑字一块)请于前台付款。Please pay at reception. (50cm) 慎防盗窃,关好门窗!Security first! Lock doors and windows as appropriate.(15cm 黑底,英文白字,中文红字)=请于离开时关灯及空调。Turn off light
5、s & air conditioningbefore leaving.(9cm 方 白底,英文黑字,中文红字份)请小心保管自己的财物!Watch outYour Belongings!(25cm 方,黑底,英文白字,中文红字)此门于晚上 11 时关闭,外出请自备钥匙。Door is locked at 2300. Please ensure to have access key with you.(25cm 方,黑底,英文白字,中文红字 )此调味料乃客人留下。用者自负责任。Condiment and sauce are left by guest. Use at your own risk.(25cm, 白底黑字)房间内请勿会客。No Visitor(s) Please!(10cm, 白底黑字)