1、结婚厨房对联大全带横批 篇一:经典的结婚厨房对联 上联:门外移来皆玉步; 下联:厨中捧出尽金瓜。 上联:陋室摆筵酬厚意; 下联:嘉宾上座叙欢情。 上联:客有隆情来庆贺; 下联:厨无美味实怀惭。 上联:客溢篷门家有幸; 下联:席陈淡酒主怀惭。 上联:酒肴味淡惭无理; 下联:主客情浓幸有缘。 上联:节值仲冬迎淑女; 下联:时逢吉日款良朋。 上联:几杯淡酒难称宴; 下联:一意留宾莫说归。 上联:厨无美酒殊惭主; 下联:席乏佳肴强宴宾。 上联:厨内精心调五味; 下联:堂前聚首会三亲。 上联:厨内精心调五味; 下联:池中刻意作三人。 上联:厨内精心调五味; 下联:池中着意作三年。 上联:厨内精心调五味;
2、 下联:池中着意挑三人。 上联:自愧厨中无盛馔; 下联:不堪池上有兴时。 上联:自愧厨中无盛馔; 下联:不堪陌上有明时。 上联:自愧厨中无盛馔; 下联:却欣堂上有嘉宾。 上联:三杯淡酒酬来宾; 下联:一席粗肴宴懿亲。 上联:青梅酒熟凭君醉; 下联:红烛春浓任客谈。篇二:结婚对联集锦(带横批)y_ishare.php?uid=1227778444 1、 结婚对联横批集锦 燕尔新婚 百年嘉偶 珠联璧合 鸾凤和鸣 笙磬同谐 心心相印 龙腾凤翔 玉树琼枝 福缘鸳鸯 喜成连理 百年好合 五世其昌 情真意切 幸福美满 莺歌燕舞 花好月圆 永结同心 喜气生辉 2、 结婚对联集锦 郎才女貌 龙腾凤翔 兰绾同心
3、结 莲开并蒂花 立新风只生一个是男是女皆好 破旧习有利两家嫁女嫁男都行 新人办新事新风传梓里 春日耀春晖珍色满园庭 花烛下来宾满堂齐赞简朴办事 洞房中新人一对共商节约持家 相敬如宾莫道妇随夫唱 情深似海休言女卑男尊 今日新婚礼一杯香茶酬来宾 来年颁奖会两朵红花赞英雄 男尊女女尊男男女平等 夫敬妇妇敬夫夫妇相亲 自由恋爱两朵红花并蒂开绽 生育一代新人茁壮成长 缕结同心日丽屏间孔雀 莲开并蒂影摇池上鸳鸯 大地香飘蜂忙蝶戏相为伴 人间春到莺歌燕舞总成双 联戚攀亲何必门当户对 交结情侣只求道合志同 不愿似鸳鸯嬉戏浅水 有志象海燕搏击长风 景丽三春天台桃熟 祥开百世金谷花娇 海枯石烂同心永结 地阔天高比
4、翼齐飞 秋水银堂鸳鸯比翼 天风玉宇鸾凤和声 槐荫连枝百年启瑞 荷开并蒂五世征祥 春暖花朝彩鸾对箅 风和月丽红杏添妆 下玉镜台笑谈佳话 种蓝田玉喜缔良缘 红梅吐芳喜成边理 绿柳含笑永结同心 恋爱心已合 结婚情更浓 百年恩爱双心结千里姻缘一线牵 芝兰茂千载 琴瑟乐百年 皓月描来双影雁 寒霜映出并头梅 祥云绕屋宇 喜气盈门庭 红妆带绾同心结 碧树花开并蒂莲 香掩芙蓉帐 烛辉锦绣帏 一对璧人留小影 无双国士缔良缘 百年歌好合 五世卜其昌篇三:结婚厨房对联集锦大全 结婚厨房对联集锦大全 Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreat
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8、al scroll bearing an inscription) the immigrate outside the door all jade pace, a melon that use up gold is held in both hands in hutch. Inside hutch elaborate attune the five flavors, meet before hall meeting 3 close. The beautiful inside hutch tastes paragraph distinguished guest, the capacity aud
9、ience before hall gets together 100 friend. A horizontal scroll bearing an inscription recommends: Guest of the whole world or nation joins in he jubilation of festival of spend joyfully of popular feeling thoroughly delighted has grand affection to congratulate, hutch remorses without delicious fru
10、it ashamed. Hutch does not have delicate different feel ashamed advocate, banquet is short of cate Yi Yanbin. Wine is respected invite guest drunk, use up master affection hard without the fish. Load of fulfil of greens of the blueness inside hutch, before hall bead walk on see newlywed person. Hutc
11、h does not have feel ashamed of beautiful wine different advocate, jiang Yanbin of banquet lack cate. Couplet a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription: Bitter fleabane Bi is uipe brightness happy event of wayzgoose of heaven and earth of carouse of to ones hearts content receives expensive guest f
12、avour intendment cuts fulfil of Mao Yu netting to get the better of friend, pick with the wind need beautiful guest if really. Weak feel ashamed of flavour of wine meat and fish dishes is unjustifiable, advocate guest affection thick Xing Youyuan. Do not have in ashamed hutch oneself fill food, ther
13、e is a honored guest on glad hall however. Recommend a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription: Day of lot of guests feel at home is boiled into happy life boil 3 delicious, a thick soup of harmonic the five flavors. Go out fully inside hutch delicate, new personality came in the room. Wine of cere
14、al of gold of cup of small dish cup, poem of crock of jade of letter of peach blossom letter. Hand of hutch of assist of completely of the five flavors, 3 meal are full all thank newlywed person. Lubricious beauty is contended for before the hall that help a husband, breathe out aunt hutch will taste sweet acerbity. Recommend a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription: