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1、Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been gi

2、ven support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, w

3、ater, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution,

4、 “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than

5、2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing t

6、imber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “

7、bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral

8、resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary Riv

9、er Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of

10、three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivost

11、ok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Orienta

12、l Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General Chi论 题 浅谈新课改下中学语文的阅读教学作者单位:六安市金安区东河口镇南官亭初中参评学科:中学语文作者姓名:严 俊联系方式:六安市金安区东河口镇南官亭初中邮 编:237181电 话:13285642793邮 箱:1273977646QQ.COMLeaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and lo

13、ve, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Offic

14、e, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, water, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands an

15、d waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the

16、 most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there sho

17、uld be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing timber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species pr

18、ecious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products p

19、roduction base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in

20、 the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary River Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons.

21、 Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a par

22、allel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivostok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim coun

23、tries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Oriental Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General

24、Chi浅谈新课改下中学语文的阅读教学【摘 要】应试教育受到升学考试压力的影响,学校老师在教学中,往往采用“满堂灌” 、 “填鸭式”等教学模式,使学生被动学习,不会学习,课业负担沉重,教学效率低下。这样,既影响了学生的身心健康,又妨碍学生的个性发展。因此,在新课程改革的不断深入的今天,要求我们语文教师能迅速的顺应历史潮流,不断提高自己的教学水平,使语文教学变得有思想性、科学性、趣味性和创造性。特别是从享受性阅读、感悟性阅读、理解性阅读、鉴赏性阅读和拓展性阅读等方面去培养学生的创造性思维创新能力等。 【关键词】中学语文;语文教学;阅读教学;新课改;培养能力 语文课程标准指出:“阅读是学生个性化行为

25、,不应以老师的分析代替学生的阅读实践,应让学生在主动积极的思维和情感的活动中,加深理解与体验,有所感悟与思考,受到情感熏陶,获得思想启迪,享受审美乐趣。 ”语文学习最基本的方法和最好的方法就是阅读。古人说:“书读百遍,其义自见” ,只有在不断的反复阅读中,我们才能真心领会语言文字所展示的思想内涵和所创造的文字魅力。一篇作品,依据其作品的自身的特点,我们可以选择多种方法让学生去读:朗读,感受作者遣词造句的精妙和语言文字的优美;默读,思考文章里所蕴含的耐人寻味的道理;诵读,吸吮语言文学所描绘的动人细节和字里行间流动的深情;品读,体悟文章里所蕴含的哲理和灵性;精读,顺藤摸瓜,于细微处深化文本,通过L

26、eaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been giv

27、en support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, wa

28、ter, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution,

29、“pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2

30、 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing ti

31、mber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “b

32、ee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral r

33、esources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary Rive

34、r Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of t

35、hree railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivosto

36、k and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Oriental

37、 Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General Chi文字本身去鉴赏、理解、体悟、发现和创见,让心灵在一个跳动的文字里自由地飞翔;熟读,积累优美的语言文字,将文章里积淀的修养、思想、观念内化为自身的素质。 1享受阅读,给学生的心灵带来诗意的韵味。 阅读是人生的一部分,是生存的需要,阅读理应成为阅读者的一种精神享受。享受阅读理应被视为语文教学的至高境界和至上追求。苏霍姆林斯说:“只有能够激发学生去进行自我教育的教育,才是真正的教育。 ” 人类的文化底蕴,人文内涵集中体现在

38、传世文学中。语文教材选择篇目,又都是从这些浩繁卷帙的传世书海中撷取的精华,文质兼美,他们对学生的精神领域无疑有着持久而深广的熏陶感染作用,这些文化中的精品、瑰宝只有通过阅读,才能转化为个人的素养,这是语文课程丰富的人文性特点所决定的。阅读这些篇目,不仅能扩大学生的生活视野,提升学生的人生境界,丰富自身的精神底蕴,促使学生形成正确的人生观,世界观和价值观,而且还可以让学生能够以一种自然的心境和自由的态度去与文本对话,进行思想的砥砺和碰撞,情感的体悟和对流,美感的激发与生成,从而引导学生进入一种真、善、美的境界。 细品我们的语文教学,那些灵动可人,意蕴丰富的文学作品确实使学生们通过阅读,舒展了心灵

39、的翅膀,让心性变得博雅;仰望着思想的星空,让目光变得深邃;搭建理想的阶梯,让岁月变得充实;品味别样的人生让生活变得多彩。读郭沫若的石榴 ,通过对石榴具体生动的描绘,感受到英勇无畏、蓬勃向上的精神。读冰心Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX mun

40、icipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municip

41、ality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, water, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial

42、pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more tha

43、n 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.

44、1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing timber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and res

45、erves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmo

46、n, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freigh

47、t transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary River Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Le

48、sozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinter

49、land, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivostok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Oriental Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General Chi的忆读书 ,领悟到读书可以激起人的各种感情,让人获得多种美的感受, “读书好,多读书,读好书” 。读宗璞的紫藤萝瀑布 ,由花儿自衰到盛,感悟到生的


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